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    Turkish Elections 2023


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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Backman Sun May 14, 2023 7:54 pm

    Barring some blatant last minute ballot theft by the US, Erdogan has won reelection. Probably better this way than risking some new US cuck regime

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  mnztr Sun May 14, 2023 8:00 pm

    Backman wrote:Barring some blatant last minute ballot theft by the US, Erdogan has won reelection. Probably better this way than risking some new US cuck regime

    I think the opposition screwed themselves by accusing Russia of manipulating the election. I think most Turks realize Russia is a much more dependable ally then the NATO collective.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  mnztr Sun May 14, 2023 8:00 pm

    Backman wrote:Barring some blatant last minute ballot theft by the US, Erdogan has won reelection. Probably better this way than risking some new US cuck regime

    I think the opposition screwed themselves by accusing Russia of manipulating the election. I think most Turks realize Russia is a much more dependable ally then the NATO collective.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  flamming_python Sun May 14, 2023 8:44 pm

    The opposition will contest Erdogan's victory, expect all sorts of nasty surprises.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Backman Sun May 14, 2023 11:56 pm

    flamming_python wrote:The opposition will contest Erdogan's victory, expect all sorts of nasty surprises.
    Erdogans lead is melting away now. Election theft is happening.

    The US regime doesn't care how blatant they steal elections is anymore

    Erdogan's gap in the elections in Turkey continues to melt: he has 49.76% of the vote, his rival Kılıçdaroglu has 44.49%, ballots from 95.4% of the ballot boxes have been processed

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  GarryB Mon May 15, 2023 1:28 am

    Just because the opposition guy is a US stooge who will sell Turkey out every chance he gets does not mean Erdogan is bad for Turkey.

    Lets face it... it is the west who hate Erdogan and generally that means he cares about his own country ahead of the US and the west, which is the same crime the leader of Hungary and Turkey and Russia and China and Iran and Cuba and Iraq and Libya and North Korea and all the other countries in the west painted as bad.

    Countries that are actually bad like Germany and Japan and Israel and Saudi Arabia and the Baltic States who have historic evil that never really left because they just changed masters from Hitler and the Emperor to the US, or just treat their own citizens badly and are not held accountable by international law because the people they treat badly are Russian or Palestinian and live within their own borders and have US support because it is only Russians getting hurt in the Baltics or Israel has more sway than the Palestinians, or with Saudi Arabia the promise of trillions of dollars of arms contracts with no complaints when the goods are over priced shit that does not work.

    I don't think most Turks love Russians, but I hope they are sensible enough to realise that in this situation the offers from Russia are genuine and the offers from the US are a debt trap and enslavement.... something Kiev could have saved itself a lot of blood and pain if it had realised too.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Backman Mon May 15, 2023 3:47 am

    So because Erdogan didn't stay above the 50.1% lead, there will be a second round in 2 weeks.

    Now we are seeing the exact same garbage in the media was we do in any other US election theft. Or election that they want to discredit. They do this bullshit during Russian elections too 

     In Türkiye, supporters of Kilicdaroglu release footage on social media citing corruption.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  GarryB Mon May 15, 2023 6:28 am

    Good that they lack imagination... perhaps a chance for Erdogans party to point out the US is trying to manipulate them and will get them involved in a war with Russia if they can manage it.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Backman Tue May 16, 2023 12:18 am

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  GarryB Tue May 16, 2023 12:24 pm

    The problem is shown by Zelensky... he ran on the promise of peaceful solutions to the problem of the Donbass et al, and better relations with Russia and once he got in he flipped to his real agenda... whether that was the plan all along and he just said what he said to get elected, or if he really meant it and got into power and was told to change course... well last year he was talking about talking and the Boris Johnson convinced him otherwise and now he is their delivery boy for cannon fodder.

    The opposition in Turkey could say what they think the public want to hear... have already read articles where the opposition guy is talking about good relations with Russia etc etc... but he will be getting funded by the US so we know that is not going to happen... at all...

    The irony is that Russian support in Syria already bypasses Turkish airspace so if Erdogan does not win and Turkey starts supporting ISIS then Russia can start going hard core on ISIS and the western forces helping the Kurds... they could start by hammering all the oilfields the US forces occupy... when they can't earn money they wont be staying... getting money for oil and denying that money to Assad is Americas game there...

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Backman Sat May 20, 2023 4:57 pm

    The US is on a major hybrid war offensive. They stole the elections in Thailand.

    I think they are set to steal the Turkish elections. It is close enough to steal and get away with it so that is what they will do. At this point short of Erdogan using his power to arrest the plotters, he will lose.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  flamming_python Sun May 28, 2023 10:19 pm

    Azeri TV channel shows the streets in Istanbul at the moment

    "Bye bye Kemal" Smile

    Mass celebrations over the city it looks like. Guess the Turkish public did not much appreciate having a puppet candidate running in their elections.

    There are celebrations in Baku as well over Erdogan's victory.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  Broski Mon May 29, 2023 1:51 am

    Never thought I'd see the day where I'm rooting for Erdogan to remain in power, but here we are. Geopolitics makes strange bedfellows.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 29, 2023 2:44 am

    Broski wrote:Never thought I'd see the day where I'm rooting for Erdogan to remain in power, but here we are. Geopolitics makes strange bedfellows.


    I'm personally not so sure that a neutral, stable Turkey headed by Erdogan with a fresh mandate, with all the Islamist and pan-Turk retards rooting for him throughout other countries - is necessarily better for Russia than a divided Turkey headed by a soon to be unpopular Western puppet; but I guess on balance the former option probably is better. And I don't like to be cynical and wish bad for a country either.
    With an Erdogan victory, it at least creates some problems for the West in the short-term, and some openings for Russia to increase integration or influence with Turkey, all of which can work to Russia's benefit.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  lancelot Mon May 29, 2023 2:57 am

    At least this way the nuclear power plants in Turkey will get built. If the Western stooge got into power they would likely just cancel them. He had already announced in the elections he wanted to "review" the nuclear power plants. After billions have been spent by Russia. In money which was provided by Russia in loans the Turks are only expected to start paying after the power plants become operational.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 29, 2023 3:17 am

    lancelot wrote:At least this way the nuclear power plants in Turkey will get built. If the Western stooge got into power they would likely just cancel them. He had already announced in the elections he wanted to "review" the nuclear power plants. After billions have been spent by Russia. In money which was provided by Russia in loans the Turks are only expected to start paying after the power plants become operational.

    That's true

    He could also have given the S-400 on a silver platter for inspection by NATO specialists.

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    Turkish Elections 2023 Empty Re: Turkish Elections 2023

    Post  GarryB Mon May 29, 2023 5:41 am

    But most of all to be fair I think Erdogan actually cares about Turkish interests over EU or HATO interests even though they are not in the EU, most EU countries demand everyone tow the EU line and impose sanctions.

    Turkey can develop and grow much better working with Russia and China and other countries around it than they can by trying to fight them... this is good for the people of Turkey... did the opposition guy really fool 45 plus percent of the population to vote for him or were they bought... or perhaps a lot of Kurds voted maybe.

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