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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

2 posters

    This forum needs a "Report Post" option


    Posts : 1814
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    Join date : 2019-03-27
    Age : 38

    This forum needs a "Report Post" option Empty This forum needs a "Report Post" option

    Post  owais.usmani Thu May 04, 2023 9:17 am

    To Mods:

    This forum is lacking a "Report Post" option, something which is available on nearly all the other forums out there. Currently the only way to report a post is to PM a Mod with the the URL of the post itself. Its a bit cumbersome, hence I doubt many members use this and as such many posts which clearly violate the forum rules go unchecked.

    Kindly have a look into this if it can be incorporated here. Thanks.

    PapaDragon likes this post


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    This forum needs a "Report Post" option Empty Re: This forum needs a "Report Post" option

    Post  GarryB Fri May 05, 2023 1:26 am

    A button that just sent links would not be much use, normally when there is a problem there is normally a need to discuss the issue with both parties to find some sort of resolution.

    The main issue with reporting is that it normally does not happen till one party or both parties have already very much stepped over several lines so by that stage a complaint can often lead to both parties getting a time out or at least a talking to, which leads the reporting party to feel they didn't get what they wanted, though often what they really wanted was revenge.

    I will have a look through the options and see if there is a reporting function but if there is one I suspect it was disabled for a good reason.

    Werewolf likes this post

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