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    Russian Economy General News: #13

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:35 pm

    ^Not really. Vast majority of East/Southeast Asians are hardworking people who assimilate very quickly into host societies. There should be zero issues with them.

    Of course Europeans and Americans should be accepted as well, especially those with conservative political beliefs.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:42 pm

    ALAMO wrote:Mrs. Navalna was in Berlin this weekend.
    At a peak, she gathered around 50 people ...
    Half of them were clearly organizers Laughing
    This comedy can be played only in the west.

    The other part was constituted of journous Smile

    BTW what happens now with "president" Tikhanovskaya? is,she still president of there will be new Belarusian elections in Vilnius/Warsaw?

    jh wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:If Russia's gove let small, controlled influx of people willing to work, contribute there's nothing wrong
    Only if these migrants are Europeans. If Russian government allows Africans and Asians to enter, Russia too will become a third wirld shithile very soon.
    Luckily Russians wont adopt such fucking racist approach, otherwise Russia disintegrates as a country.  Asians or Africans are no worse than other places. Why they should be? They are as smart as hard working or even more learning then so called whites or jews.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  ALAMO Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:13 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    BTW what happens now with "president" Tikhanovskaya? is,she still president of there will be new Belarusian elections in Vilnius/Warsaw?

    ... which reminded me of this young blondie ... no matter pronounces ...
    Broken as a tool as soon as the plane landed in Minsk Laughing
    Oh, how nice he/she was talking back then, with all the juicy details of financing, broadcasting, tasks given ...

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  jhelb Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:03 am

    Hole wrote:That´s how India became such a big economy
    When did it become huge? It's an extremely poor country like African countries.

    Russia - Population 150 million - GDP $2 Trillion

    India - Population 1.5 billion - GDP $3 Trillion

    Russians are 10x more productive than those lazy ass hindus. Most of them are working class useless fellows.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:56 am

    There is much more than that. The West will selectively "invest" and "aid" to create economic connections to blackmail and bribe a part of the public and the superstucture, together with intensive PRs like "be allied with USA will make you rich" blah blah blah. Or they pretend to be sympathized with marginalized or unfortunate people in the countries and direct all the hatred to the local governments, etc etc.

    For the rich and powerful west corruption is their bread and butter... they will talk about Russias internet army and troll empire, but only the west actually spends funds on such intangible things because only the west cares about what is said on Tiktok or X etc etc.

    Just another way to misdirect their own people and other people from the real problems... the 1% super rich who actually control things in most countries (not Russia and not China).

    The worst things is that at the moment, Western imperialist power is holding the wealth and core technology of the world (although most of these were made from others) and they used that to blackmail or to manipulate the public into being enslaved by them.

    The wealth of the west is mostly smoke and mirrors and while they buy up new technologies, the production and implementation of said technologies is no longer the exclusive domain of the west. Countries outside the west are improving and developing and starting to realise the good life that was previously only experienced in the west... or in the halls of power in the rest of the world.

    But the good thing is that as more and more people are being exposed to realities, forces are gathering to even the odds and give things back to the rightful place.

    The colonial west is revealing itself to be only interested in its own well being and therefore a dead end for cooperation and trade.

    Real alternatives made up of groups of countries that wont tell you what religion you should be or what form of government you should have or what language you must speak or what currency you must trade in is a real step forward for the world.

    The west can grow up and get in step or they can be left on the outside.

    BRICS is trying to do what the west was pretending to do while actually doing the opposite and doing everything in its power to keep everyone else down and in their place. You can see how they treat Russia and China and it has nothing to do with religion or history... Russia and China are growing too fast and present a threat to the west so they get labelled the bad guys and the west tries to turn the world against them to bring them back down to a size manageable by the west... where they can continue to earn money and gain resources from their economies.

    Instead the western sanctions have cut off that flow of money and resources from Russia and has damaged the west.

    But Russia is a polyethnic conglomerate, no matter if you like it or not.

    Anyone who thinks Russia is White European conservative is not paying attention.

    It is Eurasian conservative, but it is not all white and has no ambitions to be... otherwise the nazis would be fighting for Russia instead of against it.

    Like I said, Asia and Africa are both huge resevoirs of pro Russian people who may be willing to go to Russia. So is Latin America.

    There will be a fear of change of course, but over time change is normal and change can be good as long as it is based on what the people prefer and choose.

    The biggest problem in the west for most conservative people is the change for vulgarity... it is not 20 years ago that Tatu were banned in that Eurovision song contest from kissing on stage... a girl kissing a girl was seen as offensive... within 10 years of that a woman with a full moustache and beard won the damn thing...

    Childrens cartoons are more graphic than any sex education video I ever saw at any level of my education, with swearing and sexual acts that many adults are unfamiliar with. (South park etc ).

    It was rather different from the Looney tunes I grew up watching.

    CIA and western intel agencies are now controlled by Chinese intel.

    The CIA an western intel agencies aren't controlled by anyone... they are mafia groups that act on their own and hide behind the secrets act to never explain what they are doing and why to anyone.

    They are as likely working against the US government as they are for... it really depends on what the US government is doing.

    When the US acts in a so called war on drugs, the CIA uses drug money to fund its own operations so it will attack rival drug cartels to cement its own position and protect its sales and connections and profits. The drugs trade does not go down, the money just flows in different directions.

    Only if these migrants are Europeans. If Russian government allows Africans and Asians to enter, Russia too will become a third wirld shithile very soon.

    That is funny because most of the woke pussies in the west demanding you use their pronouns are generally white and looking to find a way to appear to be a victim, so they are alphabet people being oppressed by anyone who can't be bothered remembering this big fat man prefers to be called a woman... or cat or some such rubbish... but you better get it right or you will actually go to prison for hate speech.

    ^Not really. Vast majority of East/Southeast Asians are hardworking people who assimilate very quickly into host societies. There should be zero issues with them.

    You can usually tell what sort of migrant each person is... the people running to the sunny countries with nice beaches and good social welfare programmes are generally moochers. I would say the people prepared to move to siberia to work on the rail lines and build roads and airfields are the sort of people you want.

    Of course Europeans and Americans should be accepted as well, especially those with conservative political beliefs.

    The rats leaving a sinking ship should be seriously screened for their views and attitude. Importing 50 million westerners who would vote for Navalny if they could because they still think Putin is evil, but he just got lucky and was in charge of Russia at a time when the west was collapsing... Russia isn't rising you know, it is the west that is sinking that makes Russia look good for now.

    When did it become huge? It's an extremely poor country like African countries.

    Russia - Population 150 million - GDP $2 Trillion

    India - Population 1.5 billion - GDP $3 Trillion

    India has its problems, but they are nothing that can't be worked on and identified and fixed... part of their problems seem to be division... whether it is by religion or by caste that is holding them back, but when the attitude changes and the ethics arrive that are more positive for their future and their treatment of each other then they will have a huge future ahead of them.

    BTW was pleased to see an Indian woman in the Halo series but she has turned out to be a real bitch, which is regrettable.

    Russians are 10x more productive than those lazy ass hindus. Most of them are working class useless fellows.

    Made up statistics are not statistics. Human bias making up stats to prove a point or sway an opinion are empty and useless to discuss.

    Many Indians are not Hindu anyway, so you are wrong about whether they are lazy and wrong about the religion of many Indians.

    In Fiji the British were frustrated with the local Fijian population. You see the Fijian islander has a different attitude to work... work was something you did for someone else to help them out and in return you got money or they did something for you. That is important because there are many things one man cannot do alone and even more things that can be done faster and easier with more than one man doing the job.

    The Fijian attitude to working was not 9 to 5 monday to friday... they would work out that working monday and tuesday earned them enough money for food for the rest of the week so they didn't turn up on wednesday or thursday or friday.

    This drove the British mad so they imported an enormous number of Indians and they did the work. Their work ethic was very similar to the British work ethic and everything went well until it was time for the British to leave and they asked the Indians if they want to stay in the Fijian paradise or be shipped back to India and the vast majority of them stayed in Fiji of course.

    Now with the British gone the Indians did all of the government work and they started winning the elections despite being Indian, and of course the Fijians were really very unhappy about that. The vast majority of the Armed forces were Fijian and so Fiji has had more military coups than any other country in the Pacific region simply because the Fijian natives become unhappy with the Indians winning elections and telling them what to do in their own country.

    This is why I laugh at Brits complaining about all the damn foreigners in Britain taking over and imposing Sharia law and all that stuff, because that is what Britain has been doing around the planet all this time too. You don't think the Aboriginies in Australia or Maori in New Zealand want to live under the rule of a Queen that lives 12 thousand kilometres away who does not even speak their language...

    For Russia, you are in charge and you need to make sure you keep things the way you want, but you also need to be open to some changes and growth. If you force everyone to speak this or that language and not these languages then you are setting yourself up for problems.

    Watch western NGOs and government officials like hawks, but let ethnic groups keep their language and culture and help them join Russian culture too.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  ALAMO Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:37 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Made up statistics are not statistics. Human bias making up stats to prove a point or sway an opinion are empty and useless to discuss.

    Being a racist excludes any chance for civilized discussion because it is impossible to carry one with an idiot.
    And any racist is an idiot.

    There is no point in arguing a nominal GDP because it means perfectly nothing.
    Does not reflect the real state of the economy, wealth of a country, and well being of it's population.
    Even PPP norms are not perfect, but at least show some realistic picture.

    India's GDP is almost three times that of Russia.
    Still not very impressive in per capita norms, but they develop at a much faster rate.
    GDP growth of 8% is not unusual in India.
    At this rate, they will equal today's per capita Russian income in 20 years.
    And Russia is - objectively speaking - quite a wealthy country considering the costs of living.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  Arrow Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:43 am

    Russia's biggest problem is its demography. Russia will never match the economy of China, India or the USA. In the future, they may be overtaken by Indonesia, which already has about 300 million people. Of course, they will still remain a large economy, but 150 million people are a bit small to compete with the largest economies.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  ALAMO Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:00 am

    Which is why Russia is one of the most socially driven countries in the world as we speak.

    The scale of governmental support to families are at unprecedented level, and that applies not only to the maternity capital.
    It is more like a general mood. Maternity is being cherished as a part of a state policy.
    This applies to the whole of the educational system, healthcare, social policy, and job code.

    Just as an example, there is a subsidized mortgage for families with kids.
    The rate is 6% for a family with 2 kids and will be further reduced for 2+.
    That is significantly lower than in let's say Poland or Hungary, and on pair with the Czech Republic.
    If you combine the lower prices for immobilities - it all creates a full system that supports social comfort.
    Add traditional values to that, a revival of Orthodox and Muslim family codes, and a reconstructed pride of parenthood - and what you have at the end is a clear condition to increasing maternity.

    Just as an example.
    You can buy land suitable for house construction, in a nice rural neighborhood 60 min drive from half a million Kaliningrad, for $10k.
    A smaller, yet fully operational city is in 20min distance.
    It is some 10 ar parcel, with all infrastructure next by, having an address number and road access.
    Shops are 300m away, same for a bus station. And a local elementary school.
    Electricity, water and gas is there, only lacks sewer system - not a big deal.
    How does it sound from the perspective of my localization, where for this kind of a parcel you need to spend three times that?

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  Hole Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:25 am

    are a bit small to compete with the largest economies.
    The greatest junk of those GDP numbers is made up of consuming stuff.
    That doesn´t mean that these "big economies" are capable of producing
    something more complicated then a cardboard table.

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    Post  Arrow Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:33 am

    he greatest junk of those GDP numbers is made up of consuming stuff. That doesn´t mean that these "big economies" are capable of producing something more complicated then a cardboard table. wrote:

    China has the most developed economy in the world, and India is also very developed. Very Happy

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  ALAMO Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:05 pm

    Hole wrote:
    The greatest junk of those GDP numbers is made up of consuming stuff.
    That doesn´t mean that these "big economies" are capable of producing
    something more complicated then a cardboard table.

    Dog groomers, Hollywood, financial services, "cloud content" and increasing debt that increases nominal GDP.
    And in the end, it turned out that you can't wipe your ass using the latest Apple tablet.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:34 pm

    China’s industrial production came in stronger than expected, rising 7% year on year in February and marking the fastest pace of growth in two years. Economists were expecting a slower growth of 5%. The rationale behind the latest oil gains on the back of the Chinese data is a simple one: accelerating output in Chinese factories means more demand for oil. Speaking of Chinese demand, the world’s biggest oil importer has ramped up purchases of crude from Russia and is set to hit record levels this month. As per Kpler and Bloomberg, large volumes of Sokol oil, which have been shunned by India due to concerns over US sanctions, have been imported by China. Beijing is set to import about 1.7 million barrels a day of Russian crude this month.

    oouch that must hurt -there is import of Russian oil, beyond reach of thieves, and not in $ lol1 lol1 lol1

    ALAMO wrote:Which is why Russia is one of the most socially driven countries in the world as we speak.

    The scale of governmental support to families are at unprecedented level, and that applies not only to the maternity capital.
    It is more like a general mood. Maternity is being cherished as a part of a state policy.
    This applies to the whole of the educational system, healthcare, social policy, and job code.
    Add traditional values to that, a revival of Orthodox and Muslim family codes, and a reconstructed pride of parenthood - and what you have at the end is a clear condition to increasing maternity.

    All of that is true. Yet if you imagine average Russia's family has 3-4 kids it is still way too little to have a significant population growth. Immigration it the only way to increase population numbers. Of course with all focused rules (integration, attracting skilled immigrants, immigration flow control like small% of population) .

    me thinks that with Belorussia + Novorussia Russia shall have ~ 160-165m still to 200m is one generation ahead.. but its worth it.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:36 pm

    ALAMO wrote:.
    And in the end, it turned out that you can't wipe your ass using the latest Apple tablet.

    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 41SgqAIW2IL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:41 am

    India's GDP is almost three times that of Russia.
    Still not very impressive in per capita norms, but they develop at a much faster rate.
    GDP growth of 8% is not unusual in India.
    At this rate, they will equal today's per capita Russian income in 20 years.
    And Russia is - objectively speaking - quite a wealthy country considering the costs of living.

    I describe it as the bacteria problem... a bacteria might split every half hour so every half hour it doubles in size, so the potential for growth is absolutely enormous... in fact if you give it long enough you will have more bacteria in terms of weight than the weight of planet earth, but that is the key.

    What is potential and what is reality... a bacteria can double every half hour as long as their is heat and food... when the bacteria get to the edge of the dish they are in there is no more food and the growth stops.

    India can grow rapidly... more rapidly than Russia because there is more room to grow and develop.

    A growth rate that allows the population a comfortable living in a safe environment that is sustainable is what they should be aiming for.

    The country with the biggest growth rate will have growing problems and sustainability problems.

    The western model seems to be for companies to suck all the value and worth out of their workers and deliver that excess wealth to the few who own the company... that is a broken model and when those few hang on to that money then that economy will suffer. It is made worse by big corporations of companies where the money made by the smaller companies feeds up into the big companies for no reason other than they own them... they are not contributing to the success of those small companies and often make changes that damage them commercially, yet they suck out the profits that are not reinvested in the companies making the profits in the first place.

    Big companies use multiple small companies that are successful but also companies making a loss so they can claim back tax payments, so instead of fixing those companies they let them continue to lose money so they can set their accountants on it to reduce their overall profits and reduce the tax they have to pay... most of the time paying very little tax at all.

    Russia's biggest problem is its demography. Russia will never match the economy of China, India or the USA.

    The worst thing in the world would be for Russia to try to copy the US because its economy is built on colonialism and corruption.

    Russia needs to make sure it creates a commercial environment where companies can grow but that wealth does not become centralised in the hands of a few people or a few families. Creating a culture where hoarding billions and billions of dollars in your bank account is seen as repulsive at a time when there are homeless and hungry people in your country struggling to survive.

    Russia needs to create a safe comfortable place where people want to bring up kids, where healthcare is free and available and education to a useful level is free and available, and if you want to go further or specialise your education that there are opportunities to do so, either paying for it yourself or where companies and organisations could sponsor you.

    Upgrading infrastructure and travel options within Russia and to create homes and buildings that are safe and warm and comfortable.

    New technology applied to upgrade older buildings and to replace obsolete and sick old buildings.

    In the future, they may be overtaken by Indonesia, which already has about 300 million people. Of course, they will still remain a large economy, but 150 million people are a bit small to compete with the largest economies.

    What do you mean by compete... Russias economy and future for 150 million people is currently looking rather brighter and better than the economy and immediate future of 600 million people currently in the EU... is their population helping them or is it a problem for them with all the extra immigrants and bullshit artists called politicians.

    oouch that must hurt -there is import of Russian oil, beyond reach of thieves, and not in

    5 years ago you could replace Germany with China in that headline, but Europe and the west have shunned cheap Russian energy.

    The good thing for Russia is that no matter the threats from the west there are always countries who need cheap energy and want cheap energy to help their industry grow and develop and no level of US sanctions will scare them.

    India and China didn't buy Russian oil and gas because they wanted to support Russia... that was a good byproduct of the situation. The main reason India and China bought Russian oil was because it was the cheapest. With subsidies removed... it is still the cheapest.

    And it shouldn't surprise anyone because that is the main reason Europe bought Russian gas and Soviet gas before that... it was the cheapest... by a wide margin.

    The difference now is that Russia is selling cheaper energy to India and to China and they are not getting lectured and abused by their customers like they were when selling to the west.

    All of that is true. Yet if you imagine average Russia's family has 3-4 kids it is still way too little to have a significant population growth. Immigration it the only way to increase population numbers. Of course with all focused rules (integration, attracting skilled immigrants, immigration flow control like small% of population) .

    Actually I would say the focus on a family friendly culture and environment that a lot of immigrants wont be needed... just get a small number in and they will fill the spaces doing what they do quite naturally.

    Many of them have rather more respect for the role of mother than we have in the west and if told they can move to Russia where the healthcare and education means you kids will have a much better future than where you are climbing through rubbish dumps looking for things to repair and sell or take to the recycling place for a few dollars a day and they will think they have won the lottery.

    There are plenty of women in the west who would rather be on a benefit pumping out kids as a job and don't care who the father is, but such women and such families are not what we are talking about here.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Mar 19, 2024 4:22 am

    Arrow wrote:Russia's biggest problem is its demography.  Russia will never match the economy of China, India or the USA.  In the future, they may be overtaken by Indonesia, which already has about 300 million people.  Of course, they will still remain a large economy, but 150 million people are a bit small to compete with the largest economies.

    That isn't how things work.

    Having a large economy based on basics of consumption without making anything isn't a strong economy.

    India lacks in nearly every sector.  I know this as I deal with India and investments.  India's weakness is a few major conglomerates and the ease of doing business is abysmal.  Its just that there are so many people that take $1 from each of them, you got $1.3B.

    That isn't an economy you want or anyone would want.  Shanty towns and lack of basic amenities is a real thing in India.

    When you look at it by just what's on paper, it sounds glorious.  Reality is different.

    Indonesia is much the same.

    If India developed like China, then they would be on par with China and be a real power. But currently, it isn't due to so many factors its hard to list them all. I can list a few though:
    - Politics: Most of the politicians in India are heavily corrupt and have the mentality of fiefdom. Punjab is yet another example: No Farmers No Food. Khalistani movement that is heavily funded by their own ilk outside of the country.
    - Lack of basic amenities for people: Only the city and its inner city has them. Everywhere else its a makeshift method. In my wifes village, its more developed mind you. But even still lack a lot of the basics.
    - No social system. Out of a job? Too bad. You are screwed.
    - Medical: Any medical service worth a damn is all in private sector you need to pay for out of pocket.
    - University? Much the same. If you do well, then you can get grants. Otherwise, its a tough competition due to population size.
    - Lack of completion of projects - too many are half finished or never get started. Lots of highways in Punjab I have seen where they just "end" to nowhere.
    - Railway Line is very old and dilapidated. Not ready for a lot of the high speed rails.
    - Lack of localized production of key components. Even Russia produces more semiconductors than India. Most of them are imported from the nation they consider an enemy - China.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:24 am

    Stats and numbers on paper really don't tell the full story.

    In the west the difference between happy and depressed could be cheap wifi and a good cellphone. They don't worry about going hungry and honestly a few could miss a meal or ten.

    Of course the amusing thing is the news media.... they can stir up shit and make you think the sky is falling, or it can tell you things are not great here but it is much worse in China or Russia or India etc etc.

    The point is they never offer solutions or actually show you reality because they are trying to control you and keep you working for the men that own the company so they remain wealthy.

    India has enormous potential and needs to focus on its own development without listening to the whispers in its ears from the west who want it to go to war with China to damage both threats to their domination of the planet.

    When you listen to US whispers or UK whispers about what China is or isn't doing, what you are giving up is the ability to decide things for yourself in the future, because if their bullshit works and you end up fighting China then you will seriously damage each other and then the west will try to sweep in and carve up what is left... it wont be a rescue and no US troops on the ground... just watch what happens to Ukraine to see.

    For as long as it takes becomes as long as we can, and then it will be... we supplied you with billions of dollars in weapons and ammo and cash... why was that not enough... and Europe didn't pull their weight... it was their fault.

    We can see why they ran away from Afghanistan because imagine if they were still in there...

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  franco Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:03 pm

    Russia's GDP growth at the end of the year was twice as high as that of developed countries and amounted to 3.6%. This was stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, speaking with a report on the work of the Cabinet of Ministers to deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

    “Despite the increasing pressure, Russia has successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. This ratio has become one of the consequences of sanctions, which inevitably hit their initiators,” Mishustin said.

    The Prime Minister emphasized that state treasury revenues last year exceeded 29 trillion rubles, which is 5% more than the same figure for 2022. Budget execution is close to 100%, he clarified.

    Today, the Russian economy is among the top five in terms of purchasing power parity, Mishustin recalled. According to him, there are all the prerequisites to enter the top 4. Against this background, unemployment remains at a record low level, the head of the cabinet emphasized - only 3%. The Prime Minister also said that last year the volume of investments increased by about 10%, which is a record for the last 12 years.

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    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #13

    Post  Arrow Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:13 pm

    Russia will soon be the world's fourth economy. And this is where it will stop. They will not be able to leapfrog India, China and the USA. There is a big demographic difference here. If they had as much population as the USSR, they would be able to defeat the US economy.

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    Post  Hole Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:30 pm

    In real terms the Russian economy will be bigger.
    Which will be easy to see for anybody after the next financial collapse in the US/west.

    Currently the Russian economy is bigger than those of China and India per capita.

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    Post  LMFS Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:17 pm

    Arrow wrote:Russia will soon be the world's fourth economy. And this is where it will stop. They will not be able to leapfrog India, China and the USA. There is a big demographic difference here. If they had as much population as the USSR, they would be able to defeat the US economy.

    They will much more sustainable, in terms of their resource basis, than any of those, and that is starting to play a more significant role which each passing day.

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    Post  lyle6 Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:52 am

    Arrow wrote:Russia will soon be the world's fourth economy. And this is where it will stop. They will not be able to leapfrog India, China and the USA. There is a big demographic difference here. If they had as much population as the USSR, they would be able to defeat the US economy.
    The golden billion of the richest, most developed economies can not beat Russia in the game that matters the most. Who gives a **** about the 'economy'? Bunch of numbers that mean jack fucking shit.

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    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:11 am

    Russia's economy will be bigger but its neighbors are Prostituting themselves to the West and are afraid of Western sanctions which is why they stopped their largest banks from working with Russia's MIR payment system.

    Russia needs to show some Real Firepower and make the Backstabbers realize that they will LOSE MORE from backstabbing Russia than from Western sanctions.

    One way to demonstrate its power is for Russia to start Killing top executives of Banks who refuse to work with Russia's MIR system, until someone who is willing to serve Russia's interests is in charge. This is a simple and straightforward solution. attack

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:36 pm

    Russia's economy will be bigger but its neighbors are Prostituting themselves to the West and are afraid of Western sanctions which is why they stopped their largest banks from working with Russia's MIR payment system.

    Russia would be better off simply building trade ties with these countries... selling cheap food to them and also buying their products and these countries will start to depend on Russia instead of depending on the west... encourage Russian groups within the country to point out how dangerous the west is and how fickle they can be when things get tough.

    I am sure when the Ukraine collapses and the west falls over itself to sign those security deals with Russia that were so funny and ridiculous before this conflict started the real west will be on show for all to see... their fake shock at nazi elements in the Ukraine that obviously committed all those war crimes they kept taking about etc etc...

    Equally the US leadership is more interested in China moving forward because they see them as their biggest threat.

    Ironically having Russia behind China supplying energy and food and no way for the west to cut that trade, China are actually in a pretty solid position.
    They could afford to hand over 100 billion dollars and licence produce 1,000 Su-57s... 100 million per aircraft is still cheaper than F-35s and much more potent.

    In fact they could make it 150 billion and get 1,000 Su-57s and 3,000 Su-75s over the next 20 years....

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    Post  Kiko Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:30 pm

    The ruble has become Russia's main foreign trade currency, 04.08.2024.

    Central Bank: the share of the ruble in payments for exports has increased to its maximum since August 2023.

    MOSCOW, April 8 – RIA Novosti. The share of the ruble in payments for Russian exports in February increased to the maximum since August 2023 - 41.6%, in imports - to a record 38.1%, according to data from the Bank of Russia.
    Thus, the ruble for the first time became the main currency in the country’s foreign trade payments.

    Before this, according to open data, it was not possible to occupy at least a third of imports. Also, the Russian currency again took up more than 40% of export payments for the first time since August 2023.

    This happened while the share of the Chinese currency decreased.

    "In February, against the backdrop of a decline in both exports and imports, the share of the yuan in export revenues decreased to 30.2% (in January - 40.7%), and in payments for imports - to 32.3% (in January - 38 .5%),” writes the regulator.

    In value terms, export earnings and import settlements in yuan amounted to $9.3 and $7.1 billion, respectively.
    As Deputy Finance Minister Ivan Chebeskov reported at the end of February, most BRICS countries were in favor of moving away from the dollar and switching to national currencies in trade.

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    Post  franco Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:32 pm

    The World Bank published a new ranking of GDP by PPP; Russia has closely approached Japan, while Indonesia has overtaken Germany.

    Countries that have introduced sanctions against Russia are falling, while others are growing, a trend that has continued for the second year in a row.

    Russia in fifth place last year overtaking Germany.

    This year due to move into 4th largest economy in world (ppp basis) overtaking Japan.

    - Ben Aris, BNE

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