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    Russian TR trench periscope questions.


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    Russian TR trench periscope questions. Empty Russian TR trench periscope questions.

    Post  common762 Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:28 am

    Hello, came here via google search and it seemed like a good place to maybe get a question answered. Recently bought some Russian TR trench periscopes off ebay. One for me and one for Christmas. I noticed when I received them that they both seemed to have a yellow haze when viewing through them, one significantly worse than the other. I disassembled the eyepiece on the worse of the two and the mirror at the bottom and the eyepiece lens look crystal clear. Also the exit lens looks clear from the outside looking in the top. Anyone have any experience with these? Know of a possible fix? thank you for your replies.

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    Russian TR trench periscope questions. Empty Re: Russian TR trench periscope questions.

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:08 am

    That sounds rather odd... sometimes when clear plastic ages it can take on a yellow tinge to it... My car missed out on a warrant of fitness because the headlights were too yellow.

    If you go to a place that sells stuff for cars they often have cleaning materials to clean up plastic transparencies for lights of all types... normally it is a paste that you rub onto plastics and glass to remove the outer surface of the surface to improve the light transmission.

    After I bought some and used it (it worked well and I got the warrant for the car), I found out you can do the same thing with toothpaste... put a small amount on a cloth and rub into to surface of the glass for a few minutes and then wipe it clean afterwards with a clean dry cloth.

    I would do both sides of both the lenses if you can because if it has happened to one side of one lense then it likely happened to both sides of both lenses so looking through each lense it might be hard to see but cleaning all four surfaces might be needed to make a difference.

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    Russian TR trench periscope questions. Empty Re: Russian TR trench periscope questions.

    Post  common762 Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:46 pm

    Thanks Gary for the response. As far as i can tell the lenses are all glass(made long ago when quality mattered) i may try to clean them anyway. thanks

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    Russian TR trench periscope questions. Empty Re: Russian TR trench periscope questions.

    Post  ALAMO Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:14 pm

    No matter how stupid it may sound, but ... it is all from a practice welcome What a Face
    My product has a glass, and you would have been surprised how many claims about "glass bubbles" or "defective AR coating" are placed because someone ... has not removed the protective film.
    A protective film is made either by a plastic film glued to the surface - very thin and usually hard to spot, or a chemical layer made of ... some stuff I won't even call a name.
    The first one, you just tear off, the other, you are using a detergent to clean it off.
    Maybe the lens has it dunno  
    IDK this type of gear at all, and IDK if you would not have spotted it if disassembled, but ...
    As I have z zero experience with this kind of device, that makes me a perfect expert, right? Laughing

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