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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union


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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  nomadski Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:15 am

    I would like to ask the Russian people , especially those who still remember the old days of Soviet Union, about this question that still persists today in Iran, and  poisons the political debate. This question is that  : The Islamists  in Iran claim that the Tudeh party of Iran were spies for the Soviet Union and that their members were engaged  by the help from communists from Russia, in the forceful overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

    This was the reason that hundreds and thousands of these " spies" were  executed or exiled or driven from work. Please if possible include any historic evidence or personal memory. Also since Socialism and communist ideology is illegal in Iran now, does anyone see  an obstacle  in developing further relations between Iran or Iranian Socialists or communists and Russian counterparts?

    Posts : 18490
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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  George1 Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:14 am

    From what i have studied from various sources Tudeh party didnt angage in any armed effort to overthrow the islamic repupblic , they opposed it only politically. People's Mujahedin of Iran tried to overthrew the theocratic regime by armed insurrection

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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:46 am

    nomadski wrote:I would like to ask the Russian people , especially those who still remember the old days of Soviet Union, about this question that still persists today in Iran, and  poisons the political debate. This question is that  : The Islamists  in Iran claim that the Tudeh party of Iran were spies for the Soviet Union and that their members were engaged  by the help from communists from Russia, in the forceful overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

    This was the reason that hundreds and thousands of these " spies" were  executed or exiled or driven from work. Please if possible include any historic evidence or personal memory. Also since Socialism and communist ideology is illegal in Iran now, does anyone see  an obstacle  in developing further relations between Iran or Iranian Socialists or communists and Russian counterparts?

    It would not be surprising if the USSR supported communists.   The question is whether Iran needed to engage in mass murder to "save itself".
    This is exactly the same BS as when you listen to Brits or Americans yap about Russian spies.   "How dare they, what a menace".   As if
    the UK and the USA are not full bore spying on and subverting Russia.    Must be some sort of holy angel delusion.    I highly doubt the
    USSR had plans to colonize Iran.   So the "threat" was that the Tudeh Party was actual competition to the Islamists.   Thus this ultimately
    has little to do with the USSR and everything to do with Iran.  

    The routine claim that the USSR was spreading revolution is so much distortion.   It promoted an ideology and if that ideology helped
    western colonies break free of the west, then that is actually a good thing.   The west loves to congratulate itself for regime change
    meddling.   But has its panties all in a bunch when it does not have a monopoly in this area.   Iran was a western colony under the
    Shah.   The USSR never undermined Mosadegh.   By contrast, the Islamists were seen as a potential Brzezhinski project like they
    were in Afghanistan.   Afghanistan was doing well during the 1960s.   By the 1990s it was a toilet.    I know that Sunnis and Shi'ites
    are different but western meddling would extend through the whole universe if it could.

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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  nomadski Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:35 pm

    I have never seen convincing evidence that members of the Tudeh party, either individually or collectively engaged in any armed insurrection or spy activity for the Soviets. And during the revolution, I remember  during their meetings, that they fully supported the Islamic leadership and revolution. They organised meetings and marches in support of the Islamic Republic! Their reasoning  was that the religious leadership  and supporters were largely composed of small traders, who shared some revolutionary quality. Distinct from large property holders.

    The only point was that they had a socialist or working class agenda. Yet one morning , a TV  and radio broadcast suddenly declared them to be Soviet spies. And the organisation was disbanded and members arrested. At that time during 1982 to 1984, those who repented  Marxism and  informed on fellow members were left alone, but others were executed and exiled.

    Yet the revisionist reactionary religious right wing , writes history differently. Even if one or two members of this party had personal protection weapons or AK47. We are talking about the violent revolutionary times. It does not add up to an insurrection. Also if one or other members were indeed spies, then the right thing to do, was to put them on trial. Not ban the entire movement.

    I am sure that all sorts of agents and spies exist, in all places. Just because a Taxi driver in Tehran is a government informant ( about 30%),  with six children to feed and eager to get the goods on some innocent passenger, does not mean that all Tehrani taxi drivers are spies...

    It makes little difference, if one is Iranian and a socialist , and working class, who pulls the trigger. What section of bourgeoisie.  The Shah  comprador  bourgeoisie. Or the national  " Islamic" bourgeoisie. Or the Liberal MEK bourgeoisie. It does not matter. Since the Shah exiled. And Islamists exiled. And the MEK will exile, even worse than the present gang, if they ever came to power. The Shah never dared kill so many Socialists. Nothing compared to the present  " government". Islam has proved a perfect vehicle to fight socialist and progressive movements. From North Africa to South East Asia. It may be called Islamic awakening. But it sure is Social stupor. Religion can be the opium of masses. The unsuccessful revolution of 1979. RIP to all those revolutionary  Socialist Iranians of Tudeh party, killed unjustly and buried in unmarked mass graves.

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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:05 pm

    nomadski wrote:I would like to ask the Russian people , especially those who still remember the old days of Soviet Union, about this question that still persists today in Iran, and  poisons the political debate. This question is that  : The Islamists  in Iran claim that the Tudeh party of Iran were spies for the Soviet Union and that their members were engaged  by the help from communists from Russia, in the forceful overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

    This was the reason that hundreds and thousands of these " spies" were  executed or exiled or driven from work. Please if possible include any historic evidence or personal memory. Also since Socialism and communist ideology is illegal in Iran now, does anyone see  an obstacle  in developing further relations between Iran or Iranian Socialists or communists and Russian counterparts?

    Iran until the late 70s was an ally of the US. And under the Shah, enjoyed a high standard of living

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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:39 pm

    The CIA owned the Shah and he was a good guy in the view of the west as long as he sold rights to Iranian oil deposits to western companies.

    When he was overthrown the oil was nationalised so Iran became the worst evil on the planet... imagine if every country thought the mineral and energy wealth of their countries could not be bought up by rich foreigners so they could exploit it and become even more obscenely rich while the people who lived on the land remained poor?

    That might lead to a fairer division of wealth... people might end up being more comfortable and less interested in working slave hours on minimum wage to make the factory owner rich... where would it end... next they will be wanting more than a dollar a day in pay... and even a break for lunch...

    Posts : 18490
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    Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union Empty Re: Tudeh party of Iran during Soviet Union

    Post  George1 Wed Dec 29, 2021 8:36 pm

    CIA contributed to the fall of Shah because he insisted on increasing the oil prices and when western journalists told him that this had economic consequences to their countries he was replying that they were "lazy" and didnt work enough

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