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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3


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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:03 pm

    Murican liberast Russophobes acting like arrogant wankers... again...

    Media: Germany is considering the idea of ​​using a "shutdown mechanism" for Nord Stream 2

    The German authorities are considering the idea of ​​using the so-called shutdown mechanism for Nord Stream 2, which involves suspending the operation of the gas pipeline in the event of a reduction in fuel supplies through Ukraine. This was announced on Friday by WirtschaftsWoche magazine, citing sources.

    It explained that "the transportation [of gas via Nord Stream 2] may be interrupted by the German side" if Russia announces to Ukraine its intention to cut fuel supplies. Sources of the magazine in the Foreign Ministry of Germany noted that such a mechanism would make it possible to exclude the use of Nord Stream 2 as a means of pressure on Kiev. ”The magazine recalled that this was“ an important US requirement. ”

    On Tuesday, the Handelsblatt newspaper reported that Washington had signaled for the first time its readiness to start a dialogue on lifting the sanctions on Nord Stream 2, but in response, it first demands that a number of conditions be met. In particular, the United States wants the issue of the gas pipeline implementation to be linked to a mechanism that will prevent the gas pipeline from operating in the event of a reduction in transit supplies through Ukraine. That is, according to the US demand, gas supplies via Nord Stream 2 may be interrupted if Moscow tries to put pressure on Ukraine by cutting gas volumes, the newspaper said.


    How fucking arrogant can these Yank c*nts possibly be????

    What right does the US think it has to insist on having a "dialog" regarding an energy infrastructure project in the EU???  Does that mean that the Eurotrash should be inserting themselves into the controversy over the Keystone XL pipeline? Laughing  

    As for the US demand that Germany cut off its own gas supplies ( Shocked) if Russia and Banderastan don't come a transit agreement to Washingtons liking, well that just takes the fucking cake.  That obscene demand should elicit a howl of outrage from the German political class but we will hear naught but the crickets.  It shows clearly how the German gov has degenerated into nothing but a gutless spineless bunch of craven cowards and limp-wristed faggots. What a disgrace.  The average German Joe (Hermann) in the street must be utterly appalled at the servile behaviour of German "leaders" and their addiction to ritualistic self-debasement to the Empires BBC....

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:59 am

    Russia not delivering on NS2 would be grave mistake.

    It is like the JPOA agreement... the EU is claiming it is keeping up its end of the bargain but because of pressure from the US it really is not, so the deal is not as useful to Russia (Iran) as it was originally when everyone followed the plan.

    NSII used to be an efficient way of ensuring Russia could supply gas ordered and paid for by its customers in the EU without the risk of it getting stolen in the Ukraine.
    The US and certain countries in the EU are trying to make NSII some sort of guarantee of Russian economic support for the Ukraine via a subsidy for using pipes on Ukrainian land.

    It was never intended to be such... in fact the purpose was the problems the Ukraine caused in the first place... if the pipes through the Ukraine were reliable then there would be no need for NSII at all... but there clearly is.... but only for Germany and the EU, whose demand for gas is only getting bigger.

    Pulling out will not only impose the obligation of compensation onto Russias shoulders, it will also adversely impact the reputation they are trying to build as a fair partner in honest partnerships.

    None of them are standing up to the US and her EU bitches... if they don't want to fight for this pipeline to ensure energy security for the EU then why should Russia?

    Russia should be building gas pipelines through North Korea to reach South Korea and perhaps across the water to Japan... some extra money for NK would be better for that country that does not despise Russia, and they could adapt to using gas themselves.

    Russia sticking to her guns and delivering on her legal contractural obligations is having soft-power payoff as non-aligned nations see Russia facing off against Murican and Eurotrash corruption and (so far) they are winning.

    But if they complete the pipeline and the US just tells Germany they can't use it if there are any problems between Ukraine and Russia then we can pretend the NSII pipeline does not even exist and is not relevant.

    Sticking it to the feckless Murican deep state criminals is a worthy goal, and depriving Banderite Ukropistan of transit fees is iceing on the cake.

    But that is the point even with 10 NS pipelines... NSI to NSX, when Washington says turn off the gas at your end Germany will comply like the little bitch she is, and there will have been no point in building the NSII in the first place.

    Like I said it would be better to use the pipeline to deliver cheap gas to Kaliningrad without needing to pump it through any other states that will take transit fees for the delivery.

    I agree that Russia should not terminate the contract, but she should not do anything to help get the thing finished above what they have already agreed upon.

    If the EU and Germany can't be bothered to get it finished then why should Russia help finish it... it benefits the EU more than it benefits Russia... especially when they can earn a lot more sending gas to Asia.

    Nations like China watch the unfolding drama and are quietly cheering Russia on.

    I honestly think most countries from a distance are wondering why Russia bothers working with these ungrateful assholes... it is like a guy from a gas company laying pipes to you miles out in the countryside and they are complaining because the high viz vest you are wearing is orange and not yellow, while someone from across down is upset because the pipe you are laying does not go through his poor friends property so he is not getting paid for this gas getting to you... it is just totally unbelievable.

    NS2 is more than just a gas pipeline. It is a battle of wills and soft-power between a free soverign Russia and a declining corrupt oligarchic US hegemon. Russia simply must win. The forces of Evil need a publically-delivered bloody nose.

    If it completes the pipeline Russia can't win. If it completes it it is then tied in to long term supplying of cheap energy to an economic rival while also having to support a hostile neighbour that kills its own citizens that dare to want to speak Russian.

    Gas delivery to the EU already exists, the reason they need NSII is because one transit country is a thief and is broken. The EU broke it. The EU and the US essentially control the thief country in question.

    Let the EU and US deal with any problems of supply to the EU of piped gas... if they need a top up because the US can't supply enough and they can't stop the Ukraine from stealing and so that pipe gets closed then they can buy liquified gas and pay the extra.

    I am sure demand in Asia and the much higher price they pay will make a shift of focus in that direction much more profitable... Europe can freeze.

    Others might break their contracts, that's up to them, but its clear that Russia, before and no doubt after Putin, believes that its word is its bond. As it used to be in old fashioned face to face business.

    But it is not Russia that is breaking the contract, it is western countries dropping out of the deal to protect their American market access.

    Russia can just let the project stagnate.... after a couple of years the EU partners will drop out and it will collapse and Russia can complete the pipes to Kaliningrad.

    As long as those pipes in Ukraine don't fall apart then, apart perhaps from war in Donbas or other contract fail, that gas will flow until the end of the contract.

    They stole gas before and it was with the Russian friendly government that was overthrown by the current EU friendly group... it is rather likely they will do it again considering their economic position now is rather worse than it was then.

    Media: Germany is considering the idea of ​​using a "shutdown mechanism" for Nord Stream 2

    That is brilliant though, because it means nothing.

    If the Ukraine pull some shit like stealing gas intended for other users and Russia decides to reduce or stop gas flows through the Ukraine and Germany decides to stop the flow via NSII... who exactly will suffer?

    Germany of course.

    I wonder which Germany will listen to when push comes to shove.... Washington or the German companies who have to shut down production for periods during the day due to lack of electricity or energy.

    Russia can simply refuse to accept Germany putting any shutdown mechanism in the system and if they try to force it in then Russia can say Germany broke the deal.

    America will be happy, but Germany and the EU will be pissed off and cold next winter.

    Russia managed to be tougher on the New START treaty... Russian politicians were told not to approach US counterparts... they left it up to the Americans to bring up the subject and start talks and they were clear that no concessions or conditions would be acceptable... and it worked.

    Perhaps more of the same in this case...

    There are plenty of customers for their gas world wide... selling it would not be a problem... and they would get a bigger profit margin in most other places on the planet.

    Some suggest the EU is rich so Russia would make more money selling it to them, but those bastards are the tightest censored and negotiate the lowest prices so really they are the worst customers to deal with... poor countries pay more and don't screw you around like the EU does.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:05 am

    The US already slapped Germany upside the head with the phony VW diesel "scandal". The EPA is a collection of frauds like
    the FDA. They try to regulate diesel engines out of existence because NOx, but at the same time approve GDI gasoline engines
    which spew nanoparticles like there is no tomorrow. I would rather breathe in NOx over nanoparticles any day. NOx can be
    counteracted with vitamin C which is a free radical neutralizer. Nanoparticles have no treatment and do a lot of physical damage.
    They shred through cell walls thanks the to the Kelvin curvature effect, enter the blood stream where they damage arteries
    and organs and they do cross the blood-brain barrier. Cumulative exposure to nanoparticle aerosol leads to brain micro-infarctions.
    It is likely that Alzheimer's is associated with aerosol pollution just like heart disease.

    Getting back to Germany, its export dependent economy, no matter how advanced, gives Uncle Swine-shit the tools to blackmail
    it. So all those people ragging on Russia for having low-tech exports (aside from the high tech exports that it does, LOL) do
    not know what the are talking about. Uncle Swine-shit cannot shut down Russia's oil and natural gas exports since he would
    slice off his own testicles. But if Russia was exporting cars to NATzO, it would be a no-brainer to sanction them into oblivion.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Kiko Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:34 pm

    Russia's Vessel Fortuna Starts Laying Nord Stream 2 Pipes in Danish Waters, Company Says

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:08 pm

    Kiko wrote:Russia's Vessel Fortuna Starts Laying Nord Stream 2 Pipes in Danish Waters, Company Says

    AIS says they are safely tied up in harbour, Fortuna in Kaliningrad.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 07, 2021 5:03 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:Murican liberast Russophobes acting like arrogant wankers... again...

    Media: Germany is considering the idea of ​​using a "shutdown mechanism" for Nord Stream 2

    The German authorities are considering the idea of ​​using the so-called shutdown mechanism for Nord Stream 2, which involves suspending the operation of the gas pipeline in the event of a reduction in fuel supplies through Ukraine. This was announced on Friday by WirtschaftsWoche magazine, citing sources.

    It explained that "the transportation [of gas via Nord Stream 2] may be interrupted by the German side" if Russia announces to Ukraine its intention to cut fuel supplies. Sources of the magazine in the Foreign Ministry of Germany noted that such a mechanism would make it possible to exclude the use of Nord Stream 2 as a means of pressure on Kiev. ”The magazine recalled that this was“ an important US requirement. ”

    On Tuesday, the Handelsblatt newspaper reported that Washington had signaled for the first time its readiness to start a dialogue on lifting the sanctions on Nord Stream 2, but in response, it first demands that a number of conditions be met. In particular, the United States wants the issue of the gas pipeline implementation to be linked to a mechanism that will prevent the gas pipeline from operating in the event of a reduction in transit supplies through Ukraine. That is, according to the US demand, gas supplies via Nord Stream 2 may be interrupted if Moscow tries to put pressure on Ukraine by cutting gas volumes, the newspaper said.


    How fucking arrogant can these Yank c*nts possibly be????

    What right does the US think it has to insist on having a "dialog" regarding an energy infrastructure project in the EU???  Does that mean that the Eurotrash should be inserting themselves into the controversy over the Keystone XL pipeline? Laughing  

    As for the US demand that Germany cut off its own gas supplies ( Shocked) if Russia and Banderastan don't come a transit agreement to Washingtons liking, well that just takes the fucking cake.  That obscene demand should elicit a howl of outrage from the German political class but we will hear naught but the crickets.  It shows clearly how the German gov has degenerated into nothing but a gutless spineless bunch of craven cowards and limp-wristed faggots. What a disgrace.  The average German Joe (Hermann) in the street must be utterly appalled at the servile behaviour of German "leaders" and their addiction to ritualistic self-debasement to the Empires BBC....

    Much ado about nothing.

    If Germany wants to cut purchases of Russian gas in solidarity with the next dispute Russia has with the Ukraine over them not paying for gas, that's their business frankly. We can't force them to buy anything.

    The main thing is that after 2024, the contract for gas supplies through the Ukraine to Europe won't be renewed. At the maximum, Russia will use Ukrainian pipelines for delivery of gas to Moldova and Romania.

    And Germany knows this perfectly well. If they don't get the pipeline finished before then, then they'll have to rely on LNG supplies from Russia, which will be more expensive for them.
    The issue of some extra-contract gas dispute between Russia and the Ukraine before 2024 is small potatoes in comparison.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:56 am

    What I like about that post is that you don't sound like a lap dog keen to please Germany and the EU and everyone else.

    The... fuck it.... buy it or don't buy it attitude is new and refreshing... Russia can sell gas to all sorts of customers, the stability of selling gas to Europe was its best feature and that has been destroyed by the Ukraine and EU actions towards the Ukraine and Russia.

    Russia can hold its head high that it didn't stoop to western levels and tried to use gas supply as a weapon... pretty much like the west does with Mistrals and gas turbines and all sorts of other things.

    There is even more money to be made around the world with customers who will pay three or four times more for gas supplies than what the EU was paying and they will still be happy at getting the gas so cheap.

    If Putin has a fault it is that it has taken this long to realise the west isn't interested in a peer relationship with Russia yet. In ten years time.... maybe, but right now they see Russia as the country they defeated in the last cold war and it has not given up all its valuables and resources to the winner.

    Of course if the west were not such short sighted dicks and accepted Russia as a partner that even when weak can talk to countries that wont talk to the west and get things going that would be a stalemate if the west tried to sort it out on their own.

    I think Russia would have slowly turned in to the US which would be bad for Russia, and something the US couldn't tolerate either.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Kiko Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:01 am

    February 13, 2021

    Advanced monitoring systems, minesweepers, and unmanned mini-submarines

    The hysteria surrounding the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline does not subside. While the Danish authorities name the final terms of construction, the US continues to put pressure on Europe, threatening heavy sanctions. Kiev adds fuel to the fire, which puts the frighteners on by citing the terrible economic consequences of stopping gas transit through Ukraine. Berlin has its own arguments. While the standoff is going on in the political plane, and no one can rule out a military option – for example, sabotage, we found out how Nord Stream 2 is protected.

    “I believe that, in fact, there is little that can threaten Nord Stream 2,” says military expert Aleksey Leonkov. “Firstly, it is technically extremely difficult to commit sabotage, and even at the bottom of the sea. There is a need for special deep-sea underwater vehicles. And not all states have them.”

    Therefore, even if a section of Nord Stream 2 is blown up, it will be clear that the sabotage is the work of state intelligence agencies. This can no longer be attributed to extremist terrorists. In addition, the statistics speak for themselves: So far, there has not been a single terrorist attack or deliberate bombing on underwater oil pipelines, gas pipelines or on the same communication cables in the Atlantic. The condition of such objects is constantly carefully monitored with the help of various technical means. As for the gas pipeline, this is a constant check of the pressure and the amount of gas flow in the pipe, at the exit from Russia and at the entrance to Europe.

    “So no one will walk along the Nord Stream 2 pipe with automatic weapons and it is also not necessary to entangle it with a ‘thorn’,” the expert believes.

    He was skeptical about the idea of using the situation around Nord Stream 2 as a pretext for increasing the military presence in the Baltic.

    “What for? We have enough strength there. More potential of the Baltic Fleet will increase, if necessary, without any flows,” says Leonkov. “These are things in different planes, and they do not affect each other in any way.”

    Nevertheless, the expert is convinced that the monitoring system should be fine-tuned to the smallest detail.

    “Russia is responsible as a supplier. The contract clearly states how much we pump and with what pressure. If something happens, the gas line is instantly blocked, a repair team is formed, the accident site is determined, and with the help of, for example, special underwater welding or robotic manipulators, the malfunction is eliminated.”

    At the same time, it is known that Russia also has special unmanned underwater vehicles that can be used as a monitoring tool. One of them is the “Galtel” robotic complex. A few years ago, this deep reconnaissance sapper had already been tested off the coast of Syria. It was busy searching for unexploded ordnance and guarding the waters off the port of Tartus. In parallel with this, “Galtel” helped to create the most detailed map of the depths.

    “Galtel” navigates under water using special sonar navigation systems. The fact is that neither the Russian GLONASS nor the overseas GPS reaches the depths, so reference beacons are used, which set the coordinates of the movement of the underwater vehicle. But the sight of “Galtel“ is much more important – it can make out even small camouflaged objects on the seabed – from a saboteur swimmer to a matchbox stuck in the silt.

    There is another underwater unmanned new thing – a product of the “Region” enterprise. In contrast to “Galtel”, it is still in the stage of development work. All that is known: the length of the device is on average two meters. The diameter is comparable to “Galtel”. Its advantage is that it can carry weapons. A special modular system allows to “hang” on it an underwater machine gun, mines for remote clearance. So it is able not only to monitor the situation, but also, on occasion, to protect the coastal infrastructure from underwater sabotage.

    In addition, if necessary, classic minesweepers can also cover the area of Nord Stream 2. Such as the Baltic-based Aleksandr Obukhov of the new project 12700 with the Aleksandrit-ISPUM system.

    “For example, it can search for laid land mines on the pipeline. Its hydro-acoustic system can detect all types of mines, including anchor and bottom mines, even in difficult hydrological conditions. In addition, it is able to detect small-sized self-propelled robotic combat systems,” added the expert Aleksey Leonkov.

    Maksim Kislyakov

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  JohninMK Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:16 pm

    According to their AIS transponders both pipe layers are still cosy in harbour.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:27 pm

    Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be built despite US attempts to delay construction - Novak

    According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister, the project is "absolutely in line with the law and meets all the requirements of European legislation"

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:29 pm

    Kiko wrote:Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be built despite US attempts to delay construction - Novak

    According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister, the project is "absolutely in line with the law and meets all the requirements of European legislation"

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  franco Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:38 pm

    JohninMK wrote:According to their AIS transponders both pipe layers are still cosy in harbour.

    Hadn't Biden asked to Germans put things on hold and negotiate a deal with the USA? I read somewhere today that in these negotiations the US was asking the Germans to allow the US to have control of the NS2 turn-off tap just in case. Mind boggling if true.

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    Post  kvs Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:48 pm

    franco wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:According to their AIS transponders both pipe layers are still cosy in harbour.

    Hadn't Biden asked to Germans put things on hold and negotiate a deal with the USA? I read somewhere today that in these negotiations the US was asking the Germans to allow the US to have control of the NS2 turn-off tap just in case. Mind boggling if true.

    The US knows that once the NS2 is completed, the Gazprom's legal export obligations will be fully met allowing Banderastan
    transit to be terminated. What EU-tards do after that is not Russia's problem. Russia should ignore everything and finish
    the pipe even if no gas flows through it. Uncle Swine-shit has no legal basis to stop the completion of construction.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:34 pm

    kvs wrote:
    The US knows that once the NS2 is completed, the Gazprom's legal export obligations will be fully met allowing Banderastan
    transit to be terminated.  

    The Russians made a medium term contract re supply through Ukraine. I can't see the Russian side breaking it, that is not the way that they have handled their energy contracts in the past. They abide by the terms of the contract, but if anyone else breaks it, that's different.

    Besides it is useful them politically with some influence in Kiev and Brussels. Also, not forgetting Ankara, can't have the Turks thinking they had control over Russian gas into SE Europe.

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    Post  Hole Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:29 pm

    Right, but this was the last contract the Russians made with Banderistan.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:11 am

    2024 is not that far away, I am sure they will be happy to complete that contract, but the Ukraine really need to offer excellent terms for the next contract for there to be a next contract.

    Giving the US control of the taps in Germany is amusing... the Americans don't trust the Germans to do as they are instructed... that would be so amusing to see the Ukraine start stealing gas again because they are poor and Russia owes them any way so any EU judgement will find the Ukraine in the wrong but for some reason Russia must pay the price... Russia can then block the gas transit through the Ukraine... at which point the US will flip the tap on NSII and there would likely be nothing Germany can do about it... except what they will probably do which is allow NSI to increase to full capacity instead of 50%, but that likely wont be enough anyway.

    Ukraine will likely steal in winter, but if Europe has a cold winter and so does the US there will be an all round shortage of gas the US likely wont be able to fill with its LNG.

    On the other hand Russia will hopefully be constantly expanding its capacity to ship gas anywhere that needs it so the US and UK and EU might all end up buying slightly more expensive Russian LNG... I say slightly more expensive, but actually cheaper than any freedom gas alternative...

    Russia is not really going to lose in any event.

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    Post  kvs Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:21 am

    Russia should deploy nuclear power for LNG production. The current practice of burning 30% of natural gas to liquify the remaining 70%
    is dinosaur practice from a period when nobody cared about fossil fuel reserve constraints. It is also gratuitous CO2 pollution.

    Given the spot pricing dynamics we see thanks to weather conditions having LNG exports instead of pipeline exports is the best option.
    Russia loses a lot of money from its gas exports with contracts for piped gas. With LNG it can play the market by stopping offers when
    the prices are too low and increasing offers when the prices are high. This is actually a more rational market mechanism than the
    contracted price formulas. For example, the current link between natural gas prices and oil prices is just idiotic. Oil is not natural
    gas even both are hydrocarbons. They have different end uses that are not solely power generation. And on top of this the
    oil price is manipulated since you would never know that they supply is constrained.

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    Post  franco Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:29 pm

    "‘Shut Off Mechanism’

    Last week, Spiegel reported that former SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel, other officials and experts on transatlantic relations would be involved in talks with the US on Nord Stream 2, with Berlin and Washington to discuss a “strategic package” of measures to satisfy Washington’s concerns, including the construction of LNG terminals in Germany, plus a ‘shut off mechanism’ which would automatically cut off gas flowing through Nord Stream 2 in the event of Russian ‘violations of international law or human rights’.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:50 pm

    franco wrote:

    "‘Shut Off Mechanism’

    Last week, Spiegel reported that former SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel, other officials and experts on transatlantic relations would be involved in talks with the US on Nord Stream 2, with Berlin and Washington to discuss a “strategic package” of measures to satisfy Washington’s concerns, including the construction of LNG terminals in Germany, plus a ‘shut off mechanism’ which would automatically cut off gas flowing through Nord Stream 2 in the event of Russian ‘violations of international law or human rights’.

    So Germany gets its gas supply cut off in case Russia violates international law or human rights! Laughing

    I say Russia should go ahead and invoke this "shut off mechanism" every once in a while, particularly right in the middle of winters. lol!

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:02 pm

    JohninMK wrote:According to their AIS transponders both pipe layers are still cosy in harbour.

    OK major error by me.

    I have been tracking the wrong Fortuna. The pipelaying barge Fortuna is currently in the middle of the Baltic, moving into position following a week in harbour due to rough seas. No confusion over the AC, she is still in harbour in Wismar, Germany.

    Sorry about that.

    On Monday, maritime tracking resource MarineTraffic showed that the Russian-flagged Fortuna pipelayer resumed work in Danish waters after a week-long pause due to stormy weather in the Baltic Sea. The Fortuna laid 2.6 km of pipeline in German waters in December, with about 148 km of the pipeline – 120 in Danish waters, and the rest in German waters, remaining to be built.

    Nord Stream 2 is expected to be finished by late 2021 at the very latest. When complete, the infrastructure will be able to pump up to an additional 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year to Europe along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, thus doubling the capacity of the existing Nord Stream network that was completed in 2012.

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    Post  kvs Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:14 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:
    franco wrote:

    "‘Shut Off Mechanism’

    Last week, Spiegel reported that former SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel, other officials and experts on transatlantic relations would be involved in talks with the US on Nord Stream 2, with Berlin and Washington to discuss a “strategic package” of measures to satisfy Washington’s concerns, including the construction of LNG terminals in Germany, plus a ‘shut off mechanism’ which would automatically cut off gas flowing through Nord Stream 2 in the event of Russian ‘violations of international law or human rights’.

    So Germany gets its gas supply cut off in case Russia violates international law or human rights! Laughing

    I say Russia should go ahead and invoke this "shut off mechanism" every once in a while, particularly right in the middle of winters. lol!

    It is time Russia started cutting off supplies for all the gross human rights abuses in Spain, France and the rest of NATzO.

    NATzO violated international law when it destroyed Libya. It has been trying to pull the same in Syria where we had plans
    for an "international coalition of the billing" to "save the children" back in 2013.

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    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:24 pm

    I agree.

    Every time that France subdues its protestors in violence or Catalina protesters are arrested or what not, Russia should be the first one to come out and condemn the governments actions, abid by international law and human rights. And then state that they will now temporarily shut off the valve to the gas till protestors are released. All the while build new LNG plants and so that when the valve is shut off, the EU nations are forced to buy Russian LNG at higher prices. LOL

    Russia holds the upper hand here yet the Euro's really are pushing one heck of a bluff.

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    Post  Hole Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:37 pm

    Russia should invent a funny sounding name for gas and charge an extra fee every time EU/NATO bombs someone, supports "freedom fighters" and refuses to pull back troops from some poor country.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:13 am

    Less than a month after a senior politician in Paris asked Germany to put a stop to the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline, St Petersburg-based energy giant
    @GazpromEN has revealed that France has bought almost 50% more Russian gas so far this year.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:52 am

    Essentially they are acknowledging that they fucked up in Ukraine and this is their way of trying to make Europe fund the Ukraine in continuing transit fees for gas from Russia...

    Amusing that Poland has increased gas imports by over 60%....

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