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    GarryB is new site Admin


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    GarryB is new site Admin Empty GarryB is new site Admin

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:56 am

    I have handed over the keys of RDF to GarryB and he is your new site Admin.  The simple fact is I have run out of time.  I don't want to leave you guys with no way to manage the forum when I am gone so Garry is the logical choice.  He is the life blood of this place so it is only right that he takes over.

    I am 40 years old.  In the last 5 months I have gone from being just as healthy as I ever was to being crippled by AS.  My spine has fused and cracked in several place and it can no longer support my body.  My chest wall has fused and scarred to the point I can hardly breath.  The worst part is trying to rest makes it worse.  All I want is to sleep.  The funny thing is I thought it was just a herniated disc when it started, now I know better.    I thought I would at least have some years but mine is among the most aggressive the docs have ever seen.  

    I called out to God for a miracle but that doesn't appear to be in the cards.  It's OK, I don't blame him.  It was the road he laid out for me.    I don't know if I will suffocate or off myself first.  I only know that it is not far off now so it is good to get my affairs in order.  A condition like this can really test what kind of man you are... I am not as strong as I thought I was.  Maybe making that final decision really is strength, I always thought it was cowardice.  I have stared death in the face before but I didn't have time to think about it.  Now that I do... I am weaker than I ever thought possible.

    Checking Out,


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    Post  dino00 Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:16 am

    Sorry to hear this news.
    Vladimir I really hope you get better.
    You have been a great administrator, this is the best place to discuss Russian defense in English language, and Garry would be a good administrator.

    быстрые улучшения

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:13 am

    Get better, and thanks for the forum! No

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    Post  kvs Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:32 am

    I am shocked to hear about your condition. I can only hope you get better, somehow.

    Make sure to investigate whether this is a bacterial problem. So-called mainstream medicine is full of ignorance and is compromised
    by Big Pharma. We had the case of ulcers being considered some chronic problem requiring endless medical treatment with pharmaceuticals
    when it was curable with antibiotics. Then we had chronic back pain, which was recently identified as originating from acne bacteria
    in 40% of the cases. The bacteria enter through the gums and setup shop around the spine causing inflammation. The inflammation
    results in growth of more blood vessels and allows the bacteria to migrate deeper towards the disks. Before this "discovery" the only
    remedy was taking pain suppressors or narcotics.

    Based on family experience, I am convinced that heart disease is partially driven by bacteria as well. Humans are never bacteria and
    virus free. There is merely a balance between the immune system suppression and their reproduction that we call the healthy state.

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    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:49 pm

    Sorry for that bro , hope you get better . Sometimes life is strange and not fair but still we have to struggle , you will get better Inshallah .

    Please let us be updated about your health ,we all are as a brothers here .

    Of course GarryB is the right choice ,he has always been the life blood of the forum .


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    Post  franco Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:44 pm

    Words alone cannot cover this, but a heartfelt "All the best to you"!

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    GarryB is new site Admin Empty Re: GarryB is new site Admin

    Post  Sujoy Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:04 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:I have handed over the keys of RDF to GarryB and he is your new site Admin.  The simple fact is I have run out of time.  I don't want to leave you guys with no way to manage the forum when I am gone so Garry is the logical choice.  He is the life blood of this place so it is only right that he takes over.

    I am 40 years old.  In the last 5 months I have gone from being just as healthy as I ever was to being crippled by AS.  My spine has fused and cracked in several place and it can no longer support my body.  My chest wall has fused and scarred to the point I can hardly breath.  The worst part is trying to rest makes it worse.  All I want is to sleep.  The funny thing is I thought it was just a herniated disc when it started, now I know better.    I thought I would at least have some years but mine is among the most aggressive the docs have ever seen.  

    I called out to God for a miracle but that doesn't appear to be in the cards.  It's OK, I don't blame him.  It was the road he laid out for me.    I don't know if I will suffocate or off myself first.  I only know that it is not far off now so it is good to get my affairs in order.  A condition like this can really test what kind of man you are... I am not as strong as I thought I was.  Maybe making that final decision really is strength, I always thought it was cowardice.  I have stared death in the face before but I didn't have time to think about it.  Now that I do... I am weaker than I ever thought possible.

    Checking Out,


    Hello Vlad,

    I was devastated to hear of the severity of your illness. You may have noticed that I haven’t commented on your forum for the last 5 years. That’s primarily because of a severe Lower Back pain that creeps up every now and then. Of course there were some financial issues too but the physical pain was the most unbearable one. I’m relatively better now. I’m hoping for a favourable medical prognosis for you. The thought of the pain and suffering you are experiencing upsets me very much.

    But no matter what happens, do NOT give up hope. We lose in our minds first. If I could recover, so can you. Thousands of patients do recover from those same physical ailments that you just described.

    If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

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    GarryB is new site Admin Empty Re: GarryB is new site Admin

    Post  Isos Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:21 pm

    Hope you get better very soon. Don't give up !!

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:40 pm

    I know talk is cheap but hang in there friend, you can get through this

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    GarryB is new site Admin Empty Re: GarryB is new site Admin

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:20 pm

    Thank you for all of the well wishes. I think I can say that if I can sleep I can get through this. If not I will go mad. That and the breathing problems. Not being able to take a full breath is what scares me from sleeping. I don't know if I will wake up. A CPAP won't work since it is my actual esophagus that is getting pushed by the inflamed spine underneath and crushed by the clavicle joint from the top. I would find one position I could know I would be able to breath but as my shoulders shift and carotid artery gets inflamed it is constantly changing. I must change positions 100 times a night. If I do get to sleep everything goes limp and weighs a ton just to wake up 40 minutes later and hope I can do it again 3 hours later. I wish there was light at the end of the tunnel but this is an autoimmune disease with no end. My spine turning into a piece of brittle bamboo doesn't help either.

    What do I want most in the world? Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep

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    Post  George1 Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:05 pm

    we all believe you will be better soon Vlad!

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    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:29 pm

    Hang in there mate. I pray you get better.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:14 am

    I have sleep Apnoea and find having a huge pile of pillows so I am practically sitting up helps me get more than 20 minutes sleep at a time.

    There are a range of odd shaped pillows you can get to support different sleeping positions that might be worth looking at.

    I am a restless sleeper anyway so usually twice a night I have to rebuild the pillow "chair".

    Thank you for entrusting this site with me, I will treat it with respect... an oasis away from western censorship and propaganda, but also a place for an english speaking person to try to really learn about Russia rather than just western stereotypes.

    When I was young I thought suicide was a cowards way out, but that is a very simplistic and shallow way of thinking. With mental illness the solution is almost never suicide, of that I am sure, but until you have walked a mile in a mans shoes you really can't tell him what is OK and what is not. I have never been in a real life or death situation but I think if I was faced with the choice of continuing to life or ending it there are probably a lot of situations where ending it myself would be a serious consideration... yet there are people out there that will try to continue no matter what... as an athiest I guess that should include me, but there is quality as well as quantity.

    The human body is a fantastic thing but certain situations can turn it in to a prison, sadly as you get older weddings and birthdays get outnumbered by funerals, and it never gets easier. You might not get the chance to get old and gray, but to be honest you slowly degrade... you eyesight fails, your hearing goes, you lose hair, you start forgetting things and dropping things and falling over a lot... things you did a few years ago become to hard to do... and you start losing friends and family which hurts the most...

    Feel so helpless... best wishes and my thoughts are with you.

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    GarryB is new site Admin Empty Re: GarryB is new site Admin

    Post  Isos Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:35 am

    I also had difficulties breathing because of my mattress. It used to make "hole" because it couldn't sustain my weight, foam mattress. My body was not kept strait and that work directly on my chest.

    I bought a month ago a new one with springs which stronger and I feel much better.

    I understand your situation is much worse and not comparable but maybe that can help you. You could also try to sleep directly on the ground also.

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    Post  nero Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:51 am

    Are you talking about Ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev’s disease)? Russian medical scientists have started research into a treatment for it in 2018, maybe you can try to get in on the trials? I believe it was RNRMU that is doing the trials right now.

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    Post  George1 Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:23 am

    Garry also , i am standing by your orders! yes sir

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    Post  Sujoy Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:11 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:I don't know if I will wake up

    You see Vlad, the most significant thing that I want you to focus upon relative to pain, is that when you are feeling it and focusing upon it,it cannot go away.

    So what you do is you Surrender to the's sort of like relaxing into the pain rather than pushing against it, rather than trying to figure it out or understand it or stop it.
    Just sort of relax and go with it. In other words, just sort of accept it. Don't tense against it. Just accept it.

    In my case, I've a poor lower back plus hyperacidity. The latter causes bloating. Which in turn puts even more pressure on my lower back. So what do I do? I surrender to this pain. Fighting it doesn't help. It'll only make it worse.

    Take one day at a time. Don't seek long term, permanent relief. If you like me has never been married, don't have kids, then try to move to your parents, relatives place. Do not try to live alone.

    GarryB wrote:Thank you for entrusting this site with me, I will treat it with respect... an oasis away from western censorship and propaganda, but also a place for an english speaking person to try to really learn about Russia rather than just western stereotypes.

    Congratulation GarryB

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    Post  George1 Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:19 am

    Sujoy we had lost you also for years!

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    Post  Sujoy Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:52 am

    George1 wrote:Sujoy we had lost you also for years!
    Yes George. Bad health kept me away for the last 5 years. I'm very sorry that I couldn't inform forum members on time. It's nice to be back.


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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:11 am

    Hi Vladimir,

    Really sorry to read that.

    I cannot even imagine how you are feeling.

    Hopefully new medical treatments will be available in the near future.


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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:34 pm

    I had a colleague who damaged her spine requiring major surgery and bolting together of several segments in the lower portion. She was
    in chronic pain. What helped her mitigate the pain was physio-therapy and non-narcotics such as anti-epilespy medicine. The latter
    sounds non-conventional but it did help to take off the edge from the pain. This advice clearly cannot be followed now but hopefully
    you get your condition under control.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:08 pm

    Vlad I don't know you very well and I can't imagine a health condition such as this, but you're a fighter. You must fight this. For your friends, family. Until you truly know that the condition is terminal and there is 0 possibility of any improvement.

    If you need a fundraiser to raise money for some kind of operation, experimental treatment, special bed or something; let's organize this here and chip in as by our means.

    My friend is younger than you, 30 now, but she was diagnosed with cancer in her mid-20s and had to undergo years of treatments and tests. It was malignant and kept coming back. It was some stage 3 or something, pretty bad. She was sure she wouldn't get through it, and was so out of energy and fed-up with it after years, that she was sure she wouldn't survive and was ready to just give in. Me and her friend kept raising money for her, encouraging her, and arguing away her fatalistic state of mind.

    And guess what. She's better now. I don't think it has completely gone away, but after the last radio-iodine therapy whatever medication she's on seems to be working - she hasn't relapsed for a while now with any sort of new tumour. She's back to work, travelling locally, and enjoying life.

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    Post  Singular_Transform Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:37 pm

    Get strong painkillers. Try to sleep.
    Every day is a gift.

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    Post  ahmedfire Thu May 07, 2020 6:23 pm

    Did anyone checked Vlad ? i hope he is getting better .

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    Post  zepia Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:49 pm

    I've been absent from RDF for a while and was shock when I found this thread.

    Vladimir, I hope you're getting better by now. Best wishes.

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