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    How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends


    Posts : 4
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    Join date : 2015-09-25

    How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends Empty How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends

    Post  Arash_IMV Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:14 pm

    Dear friends,

    I published a new vlog on Iran's relationship with North Korea, and the origins of their friendship in light of historical ties and American hegemonic threats.

    Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


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    How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends Empty Re: How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 01, 2019 2:09 am

    Information about Iran and North Korea is easy to come by... it is accurate and impartial information that is ignored or hidden by western media...

    I would add that a criteria to be the baddest of the bad in American eyes is to have politicians that respect your own country enough to not sell it out to the highest bidder.
    There are plenty of countries like that, but to be considered evil by the Americans you need to be both incorruptible, but also have something they want... oil... like Iran or Syria or Venezuela, or a strategic location like Syria and Iran and North Korea, or Lithium like Bolivia.

    The US could easily turn on Turkey if Turkey didn't control the Bosphorus and be so close to Russia... not white enough the get entry into the EU but good enough to be cannon fodder in NATO...

    American tactics attempt to isolate and impoverish... but there are more third world countries than there are first world countries and improved trade between third world countries is their best chance to lift themselves out of poverty with trade and cooperation and forge their own path that does not follow the path the west has taken.

    Very good video with information I was not aware of... thank you for posting.

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    How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends Empty Re: How Iran and North Korea became Best Friends

    Post  George1 Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:27 am

    During 80s iran-iraq war North Korea sold Iran weapons and missile technology. Iran's first Scud missiles came from North Korea

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