The Su-57 is still in development- it's too early to even dream about it being navalized; I searched & found nothing hinting at it!
Navalizing the Su-57 will be a huge wa$te now as their CVN has a big ? mark over it.Combined with the dramatic collapse of the Russian economy in the wake of Western economic sanctions following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the inflexibility of UAC made the Su-57 impossible to realize. No matter how large or populated, a country with GDP comparable to that of Australia cannot afford to play at being a superpower, fight a protracted war in Syria and develop its own stealth fighter. [and having many other priorities in the shipbuilding, produce & operate Storm-size CVNs.]
The last hope for the project was the serious Indian interest in financing the conversion of the Su-57 into a stealth strike fighter in the class of the Su-30MKI. But the management structures Putin imposed undermined that collaboration.
Of course, the Kremlin’s core interest in the Su-57 is scoring big propaganda points by creating a supposed match for Lockheed’s F-22 Raptor. This is something the business-minded Indian air force is not keen to finance. [Besides the Storm CVN]. And that means the Su-57 is going nowhere fast.
I have my doubts about the Su-34 navalization as well- fully loaded, it's too heavy for anything but CATOBAR; but perhaps its planned smaller single seat variant has a chance in CAWs:
NK wasn't intimidated by 3 USN CBGs & 1 SSGN off her coast; the era of such "gunboat diplomacy" is over. OTH, most 3rd world countries usually have a few more powerful friends/allies, even if temporary- together they can deter CBGs. Brazilians r now developing SSN & said they don't need any CVs.
The Russian Arctic can be patrolled & defended better by the AF, land based NAF, SSNs, CGNs, armed icebreakers, S-300/400/500s, Naval Infantry, Border Guards/CG ice strengthened Offshore Patrol Boats & UDKs- operating STOBAR/CATOBAR TAKRs & CVNs beyond the Barents Sea isn't practical nor safe due to very low temperatures/visibility & flightdeck icing, to name a few. As noted on the Borey thread, all of their SSBNs don't need to go on patrol- most of the CONUS is in range from their Kola & Kamchatka bases. For added security, they could even build a base on the lake Baikal (the deepest in the world)- a few smaller subs armed with Sineva SLBMs &/ bottom BMs can reach USA from the Northern part of it. the winter and spring, the surface freezes for 4–5 months; from early January to May–June (latest in the north), the entire lake surface is covered in ice.
The adjacent & connected to it Bratsk reservoir has an area of 5,426-5,470km2 with max. depth of 150m.
Plenty of room to hide & no need for TAKRs/CVNs to protect them!
All the "bathtubs" around the RF can already become no-go zone for NATO during a crisis; soon the Zircones will make the 'Mediterranean NATO lake' a distant memory. The same with RF bases in Sudan for the Red Sea. They may also get access to bases in Angola, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Vietnam.
Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total