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2 posters

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area


    Posts : 1075
    Points : 1165
    Join date : 2017-12-31
    Age : 27
    Location : Aix-en-Provence

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

    Post  Aristide Sun May 05, 2019 11:10 am

    I would ike to show my city where i come from and live there with my family. Smile

    Its called Aix-en-Provence and located in southern France not far from the mediterranean sea.

    The city itself was founded by the romans in 123 before christ and was called Colonia Aquae Sextiae Salluviorum. The today name Aix comes from that.

    It was over the time residence city of french kings and university city.

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Aix-en-Provence-Espariat

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Cours_Mirabeau%2C_Aix-en-Provence

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area 416fb8be0124ee11b4833e43c4f009ee

    But not just our city is awesome, the nature around it its awesome as well:

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area V-page-excursion_SP-992x496

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Calanques6-1110-400

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Cotedazur3

    For me my city and region around it is one of most beautiful areas in the world.

    It has so much history, culture and nature.

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Sebwac

    But where is much light there is also some shadow. The entire region is one of the most expensive in all of France and Europe in general.

    Alot of millionaires live here and that pushs cost of living up alot. You can earn good money here but housing, food and all that is also quite expensive.

    My family has some land here which was not much worth like 70 years ago but now many would buy it for high price. We dont sell though, because my fatehr says the ebst neighbor you can have is
    a tree and a pond.

    We have partner cities in Germany, Israel, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Tunisia and the UK.

    Posts : 3894
    Points : 3868
    Join date : 2013-03-10
    Location : Ukrolovestan

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Re: Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

    Post  Regular Sun May 05, 2019 8:01 pm

    Looks like a nice holiday destination. Do you have crazy cyclists about like in most French provinces?


    Posts : 1075
    Points : 1165
    Join date : 2017-12-31
    Age : 27
    Location : Aix-en-Provence

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Re: Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

    Post  Aristide Sun May 05, 2019 9:12 pm

    Regular wrote:Looks like a nice holiday destination. Do you have crazy cyclists about like in most French provinces?

    Unfortunately yes. You must be careful. I do alot of cardio training and jogging at the marina and when you dont watch they drive into you.

    Posts : 3894
    Points : 3868
    Join date : 2013-03-10
    Location : Ukrolovestan

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Re: Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

    Post  Regular Mon May 06, 2019 2:41 am

    Aristide wrote:
    Regular wrote:Looks like a nice holiday destination. Do you have crazy cyclists about like in most French provinces?

    Unfortunately yes. You must be careful. I do alot of cardio training and jogging at the marina and when you dont watch they drive into you.

    I've developed hatred for french cyclists when I used to play rugby and we visited your country and had to travel about with a bus.. Smile Not that cyclists are better in other countries, but the quantity of cyclists is unprecedented.. I do love to cycle, but I would never LARP as Tour de France veteran.

    I'm simple man from the swamps and forests of Lithuania, I value privacy more than anything - Your father is right about best neighbors Smile For me - it's lake and sauna where I can enter and exit with my dick hanging about. Also, smoke so meat, and shoot my rifle at cormorants.

    My country doesn't have such rich history like yours and our climate is more mild with two miserable seasons. My country is definetly not suited for tourism - I would rather recommend Croatia or Slovakia. But I would dare to say that for me there's no better place for me than my home in Lithuania. I feel connected with the land and the culture even if that painfully conflicts with my hatred for the government.. I'm also half russian, I have very realistic picture of what is to live in Russia and it doesn't attract me that much..

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area LD8Ob4r

    Posts : 1075
    Points : 1165
    Join date : 2017-12-31
    Age : 27
    Location : Aix-en-Provence

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Re: Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

    Post  Aristide Mon May 06, 2019 4:54 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Regular wrote:Looks like a nice holiday destination. Do you have crazy cyclists about like in most French provinces?

    Unfortunately yes. You must be careful. I do alot of cardio training and jogging at the marina and when you dont watch they drive into you.

    I've developed hatred for french cyclists when I used to play rugby and we visited your country and had to travel about with a bus.. Smile Not that cyclists are better in other countries, but the quantity of cyclists is unprecedented.. I do love to cycle, but I would never LARP as Tour de France veteran.

    I'm simple man from the swamps and forests of Lithuania, I value privacy more than anything - Your father is right about best neighbors Smile For me - it's lake and sauna where I can enter and exit with my dick hanging about. Also, smoke so meat, and shoot my rifle at cormorants.

    My country doesn't have such rich history like yours and our climate is more mild with two miserable seasons. My country is definetly not suited for tourism - I would rather recommend Croatia or Slovakia. But I would dare to say that for me there's no better place for me than my home in Lithuania. I feel connected with the land and the culture even if that painfully conflicts with my hatred for the government.. I'm also half russian, I have very realistic picture of what is to live in Russia and it doesn't attract me that much..

    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area LD8Ob4r

    Dont talk your country down.

    Im sure Lithunia is beautiful. Im sure it has a far more rough climate but in summer it can be extreme here as well and people beg for some cool air.

    How far is baltic coast from your home?

    As for history, it can be burden.

    Our region was Roman Empire and a core region of the Empire but also before that was alot. The celts and also Greek settlements.

    There is so much old buildings and tombs and temples and when you want build something new you must do several experts let visit the place and when tehy find something you are pretty much fucked. Because the entire construction process is halted.

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    Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area Empty Re: Aix-en-Provence - my home town and area

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