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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  eehnie Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:31 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    mnztr wrote:The linking of the Syrian air defence net to Russias sensor network the real gem here. No one will be able to approach Syria without the Syrians knowing it. And they will be able to reach out 400 km. If the US decides to bomb Syrian troops again, it will be much more dangerous.

    Indeed ,a very big thing.. Why this is so huge for Syria..? because if Russia share and link information of their radars with connect it with Syrian air defenses missiles... then the Syrians no longer will have a need to use their S-300s radars.. and can operate in passive mode totally hidden from Israel planes. It means that if Israel will find no use
    in bombing Syria radars.. if the Russians military base radars are the ones that locks on their planes.. So israel will have to attack Russia military base , and declare war on Russia ,in order to stop Syrian army missiles from always knowing the positions of their planes ,including the stealth ones.  and if that wasn't enough ,Rusia will jam and interfere in Israel navigation GPS but also jam israeli planes radars.. so if Russia can do that ,effectively Israel airforce will be blind and will see nothing ,hear nothing ,and only way to receive information from where they are
    , is with their own eyes.. observing the terrain.  is going to complicate a lot the navigation and guidance of Israel airforce ..if it is true Russia can jam their radars.

    Syria will not risk their S-300. The most likely scenario is Syria keeping their S-300 in Latakia even inside the Russian base if possible, and in Damascus for the previously delivered export variant units. Israel only can defeat them by saturation attacks or by sabotage attacks, and to keep them together with the Pantsir SA-22 and the 2S6 Tunguska SA-19 in safe places with protection of air and land forces, is the best measure against both.

    A significantly bigger presence of the S-300 in Latakia liberate instead other systems that have been serving there and that can be moved now to reinforce the air defense of other places like Aleppo, Deir-Ez-Zor, Daraa, and more. The Buk SA-11/17, Kub SA-6, S-200 SA-5, S-75 SA-2, S-125 SA-3 and S-125 SA-26 in the area of the coast can be moved now, and with them, the Osa SA-8 systems that can help to protect the most important of them.

    As result, the saturation of the Syrian air defense will increase in all the country.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  JohninMK Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:36 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Well it seems about two regiments worth of S-300's will be delivered which is like eight systems, that's a lot of support vehicles and other short to mid-range AA go9ng with them.
    That could be eight systems per regiment.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:39 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Well it seems about two regiments worth of S-300's will be delivered which is like eight systems, that's a lot of support vehicles and other short to mid-range AA go9ng with them.
    That could be eight systems per regiment.

    Eight systems per regiment? That doesn't line up with how the formations tend to work.

    Even if that is alot of SAM since Russia will have to provide the other SAMS to protect the S-300's.

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    Post  medo Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:06 am

    S-300 regiment have 12 launchers (2 batallions with 6 launchers) and brigade have 24 launchers (2 regiments). S-400 regiment have 16 launchers (2 batallions with 8 launchers).

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:16 am

    medo wrote:S-300 regiment have 12 launchers (2 batallions with 6 launchers) and brigade have 24 launchers (2 regiments). S-400 regiment have 16 launchers (2 batallions with 8 launchers).

    So basically , Syrian S-300s deployment will at best.. have the capability (at max long range 200km++) using their unit biggest long range missiles, in the best case to shot down 24 x israel planes at same time???

    This also leads to another question.. how many missiles the S-300s can fill in a Tube/launcher.. if they loaded smaller range missiles? and how many targets the S-300s can lock and track at same time

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    Post  medo Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:52 am

    Launcher is a truck or a trailer and it have 4 missiles ready to launch. S-300 regiment have 48 missiles ready to launch and brigade have 96 missiles ready to launch.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:09 am

    medo wrote:Launcher is a truck or a trailer and it have 4 missiles ready to launch. S-300 regiment have 48 missiles ready to launch and brigade have 96 missiles ready to launch.

    So Syria  will have 1 brigade of S-300's with 96 long range missiles (200km++)
    ready to launch ? to engage if needed 96 combat planes attacking Syria from long distances?

    i ask because i saw somewhere that S-300s use different missiles , and the shorter range ones ,are way smaller
    and you can pack more in the same place of a long range missile. So was wondering if the 96missiles number
    is only for short range missiles.. and not long range.

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:24 am

    In more news.. according to HalRadio..

    Mossad head Yossi Cohen is flying Tuesday to the US with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the crisis in ties with Russia, in the aftermath of last week’s downing of a Russian plane by Syrian anti-aircraft fire during an Israeli airstrike.

    Army Radio said that Cohen was headed to Washington to meet with senior US officials about Russia’s decision to send S-300 advanced surface-to-air missiles to Syria, which both Jerusalem and Washington have warned would further destabilize the region and increase already high tensions.

    So if the head of the mossad is moving to US  with Netanyahu.. is only to escalate things .. and for looking
    for Support from Americans/US military.. to help Israel with protection against Russia .. since Israelis know they
    will  lose very badly.. if start a war against Russia on their own..

    What things Russia and Syria will have to be very carefull ?

    1) False Flags and more false flags..

    The scenario is perfect for Israel staging another False Flag ,Malasyan plane shutdown like scenario..
    Since Syria will have S-300s.. with missiles that can reach half of Israel.. They could Repeat the same
    thing they did against the Russian military spy plane.. but this time use a civilian airliner..
    So the scenario could go like this Israel airforce fire many missiles in salvo towards Syria ,at any place ,
    just to provoke Russia and Syria. into targeting their planes.  and then israel airforce Use a civilian airliner as a shield. It could have real passengers or people moved from morgues into an old civilian plane ,they wanted to
    decommision. then the plane will crash in Israel.. and the Jews will cry tears of crocodile for the victims and
    accuse either Assad or Russia for the incident.. and so they will claim things are now even.. and they could use
    this to justify bombing Syria like never before..all its economy or even nuking damascus..  

    2)Another false flag could be in Cyprus..or any part of Jordan airspace.. lure the Syrian army to fire a missile
    and then hide behind a civilian plane..

    finally.. firing missiles at Israel airforce over Israel airspace might not be that effective,because they can use
    their air defenses.. to block the attack. but at the same time ,if Israel do their firing from Long range distance
    their precision will be bad.. and will miss any intended target.. so in any case S-300s still will do its job ,by pushing enemy airforce farther ,forcing the enemy to Miss.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  medo Wed Sep 26, 2018 2:56 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    medo wrote:Launcher is a truck or a trailer and it have 4 missiles ready to launch. S-300 regiment have 48 missiles ready to launch and brigade have 96 missiles ready to launch.

    So Syria  will have 1 brigade of S-300's with 96 long range missiles (200km++)
    ready to launch ? to engage if needed 96 combat planes attacking Syria from long distances?

    i ask because i saw somewhere that S-300s use different missiles , and the shorter range ones ,are way smaller
    and you can pack more in the same place of a long range missile. So was wondering if the 96missiles number
    is only for short range missiles.. and not long range.

    Yes and no. S-300PMU2 could use different missiles, what means it could use missiles from older versions of S-300P. Yes, Almaz-Antey tested smaller and shorter range 9M96 missiles, which are part of naval Redut and S-350 Vityaz complex, but they are not in use with S-300 units. No need actually as PVO VKS will receive S-350 and Pantsir-SM in that class of range to protect and work in cluster with S-300/S-400. Specially Pantsir-SM is cheaper missile alternative to shorter range 9M96 missile.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:40 am

    Under the pretext of delivery S-300 to Syria. Russia will take control of the Syrian anti-aircraft defense system. Israel will be able to bomb Syria without any worries and Russia will not have to worry about losing any aircraft. Laughing

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  crod Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:58 am

    Arrow wrote:
    Under the pretext of delivery S-300 to Syria. Russia will take control of the Syrian anti-aircraft defense system. Israel will be able to bomb Syria without any worries and Russia will not have to worry about losing any aircraft. Laughing

    Yeap, that’s how I see it being played out too tbh. I doubt a single s-300 missile will be fired at israeli fighters if controlled by the Russians and where the Syrians are in charge of the systems, the Russians will not allow them to attack israeli fighters.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:26 am

    Wrong, they'll be shooting at Israelis if they try to bomb anything in Syria, Iran related or not, again. If they wanted deescalation, they would have blamed only the Syrian AD for the loss of the IL-20 & ordered them to stand down.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:28 am

    crod wrote:Yeap, that’s how I see it being played out too tbh. I doubt a single s-300 missile will be fired at israeli fighters if controlled by the Russians and where the Syrians are in charge of the systems, the Russians will not allow them to attack israeli fighters.

    Sorry buddy, but the Rubicon has been crossed. The Russian military has just lost a non-combatant ELINT monitor and 15 crew... they are not in any mood to fuck around and kow-tow to Ziostani sensitivities.

    The best thing they could do is bring down a few F-16s over Lebanon and the Mediterranean to show those jackals in Tel Aviv that the situation is changed and their naked aggression against Syria and its "guests" is considered to be... ungentlemanly... behaviour. Twisted Evil

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:29 am

    Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:38 am

    Stupid arrogant Ziostani MFers are gong to find what Erdogan discovered to his eternal chagrin. Stab the Ruskies in the back, and you find out why its unwise to piss off the Bear.

    Too many idiots don't understand how this game is played. Russia was never going to descend to Seppo-style crudities as a response to the Il-20 downing. They will react asymmetrically and hurt the Zio-orcs where it counts. Deploy Russian-manned S-300s and integrate to the SAAF AD systems (or maybe even demand Damascus give Russians the operational control) and make the Zio-orcs pay dearly for each act of agression.

    Keep in mind that it wasn't so long ago that the IAF was able to range over Syrian airspace with utter impunity, and now after the older S-200/S-125 systems are updated (and supplemented with Buk-2EW and Pantsir) the IAF is forced to conduct stand-off attacks given that penetration flights are deemed too risky. Add effective long range AD systems into the mix and we get another onto the cake...

    Interesting how Nuttyahoo and his entourage are running to Washington to make sure their bought-and-paid-for satraps tow the line against the Yinon Plans opponents. I'd suggest the Zio-orcs know they have fucked-up. Laughing

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:41 am

    Arrow wrote:Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

    yeah... sure.... because he doesn't toss a hissy hit and resort to rash actions that the US can leverage for their own use and feed the support for a Syrian intervention?

    pfftt.. get serious buddy. Like I said, the IAF used to be able to range across all of Syria with deep penetration, and now they only conduct stand-off missile strikes from their neighbours airspace. The noose is closing and the hysterical Zio-monkeys can go and pound sand...

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:13 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Interesting how Nuttyahoo and his entourage are running to Washington to make sure their bought-and-paid-for satraps tow the line against the Yinon Plans opponents. I'd suggest the Zio-orcs know they have fucked-up.  Laughing

    An alternative take is, just like the summons to Moscow last week, this is a summons to Washington to explain why they gave the Russians the opportunity to seriously increase the air defences of Syria putting at risk the 'get Iran' plan.

    Or not Smile

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    Post  crod Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:39 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Wrong, they'll be shooting at Israelis if they try to bomb anything in Syria, Iran related or not, again. If they wanted deescalation, they would have blamed only the Syrian AD for the loss of the IL-20 & ordered them to stand down.

    I truly hope that I am wrong and that you are right - time will tell and we and the world will know in a few short weeks I guess.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:43 am

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 4524405_original

    For the Emperor!

    As an old Warhammer 40K player (Space Marines), I'd love to have a SM Captain figure with a Vlad-face... Laughing

    I'd like an Imperial Scribe with a recognizable Rogozin mug as well, but maybe thats hoping for too much!

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:09 am

    Arrow wrote:Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

    If you really think that this SAM delivery was entirely Putin's decision you are in for a surprise...

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:32 am

    The arrogance of the zioNazis jews.. is what will get their State destroyed, this is why i think a total
    destruction of Israel is completely possible.. Russia shot down a dozen of planes of Israel planes and their pride
    will be so offended ,that are capable to launch a nuclear strike on Damascus or Russian base in retaliation.. this is when they will get wiped..completely.. and the world will not miss them.

    Im convinced of this.. there is no diference in the fanaticism of ISIS ,ALqaeda or Zionazis jews ,like the ones posting
    in this thread.. they are fanatical and their belief system is purely emotional and not based in reality... Surprising
    none yet have quote the bible.. how God will help israel.. to fight its enemies.. Laughing

    But reality is different.. Israel will be wiped if just a single nuclear strike hits telaviv.. just One of the 8,000
    Russia have.. So it will be irrelevant.. how many Nukes Israel have... if it can't handle a single nuclear strike
    all their military bases destroyed.. with a cheap soviet era missile.. the majority civilians and military wiped...

    Will Russia do this? it could happen.. If Russia government believe ,with complete conviction ,that ISrael will not stop at threatening Russia military or its allies in Syria...  But for now Russia military lost the patience with Israel ..
    and they will personally be operating likely S-300s from Syria to shut down their planes.. once they start losing
    many .. is when you will see Jews , with white foam in their mouths of rage..  lol1  Israel can be defeated ..
    and Russia already ruined Jews plans of over running Syria with their ISIS/Alqaeda buddies. So ISrael domination
    in the middle east is over.. Cool

    About ISrael bombing Syria again.. that could happen.. Nobody is claiming Russia will shield 100% Syria airspace..
    that will be STUPID... Because of the enormous cost $$$ of such operation which Russia can do.. The real goal of the Syrian war by the jews.and NATO. was to lure Russia into a vietnam like war , to force Russia spend a fortune
    and lose thousands of soldiers fighting ISIS.. but obviously that did not happen.. Russia sent a very limited force..
    to control the cost $$ of the operation ,while allowing Syria to push back the Terrorist rebels Israel and NATO were aiding.. So i predict Russia will not seek to completely seal Russia territory , and waste a fortune in missiles...
    but only will use wisely their S-300s exclusively to shut down israel combat jets.. one here another there .. little by little. .Notice how when Syria shot down the F-16.. the jews were making excuses why they failed.. lol.. and the Israelis ,stood quiet for 3 weeks after that.. changing the rules of combat.. Laughing

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  crod Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:30 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Arrow wrote:Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

    If you really think that this SAM delivery was entirely Putin's decision you are in for a surprise...

    As in senior military managers insisting on it too?

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:36 am

    crod wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Arrow wrote:Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

    If you really think that this SAM delivery was entirely Putin's decision you are in for a surprise...

    As in senior military managers insisting on it too?

    Decisions like these are not made by one person, there is whole state apparatus involved

    And yes in this case military had greatest input on decision

    Putin may be most prominent face but at the end of the day he is one part of the larger system and one that often (as in this case) simply acts as PR spokesman once decision is made

    You don't really expect lawyer to know details of strategic AA defense and it's geopolitical implications?
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:43 am

    No doubt, the military has his ear. Israel made a big mistake of getting on Russia's bad side, just like Turkey had.
    Timeline: ttps://

    The Zionist idea is now morally & militarily bankrupt.
    Can Israel destroy the S-300 in Syria?

    The writing may be on the wall, this time for the Israeli Jews.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:49 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : add links)

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  crod Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:55 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    crod wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Arrow wrote:Soon you will see how Israel will again attack Syria as Putin is weak. Laughing

    If you really think that this SAM delivery was entirely Putin's decision you are in for a surprise...

    As in senior military managers insisting on it too?

    Decisions like these are not made by one person, there is whole state apparatus involved

    And yes in this case military had greatest input on decision

    Putin may be most prominent face but at the end of the day he is one part of the larger system and one that often (as in this case) simply acts as PR spokesman once decision is made

    You don't really expect lawyer to know details of strategic AA defense and it's geopolitical implications?

    Tbh, I wasn’t aware of that. I assumed that his military advisors would describe the lay of the land and he’d make a call based on that. That’s the problem with assumptions I guess.

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