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    Syrian Civil War: News


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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  TR1 Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:09 am

    Kysusha wrote:

    Little wonder you have a narrow and warped view of events around the world.

    Coming from the guy with the Stalin avatar, that's rich.

    Let me guess, the "Joos" changed history, Stalin was really a well-meaning guy.
    And a competent war leader.


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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Kysusha Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:22 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Kysusha wrote:
    TR1 wrote:Sure seems like it started as a rebellion against was after all the government crackdown of protests that led to the whole mess.

    What crap – you really need to stop watching CNN and PHOX News. All you seem to do is trumpet out the Merikan propaganda line that emanates directly for the best lair in the US Government – that sniper dogging Clinton.

    Little wonder you have a narrow and warped view of events around the world.

    Take that tinfoil hat off and smell the world.

    Assad worship is pathetic; how can one live in such denial that the Assad family is oppressive, bloodthirsty scumbags?

    Assad makes Kadyrov look like a benevolent do-gooder.

    WHile you are at it why don't you go through my posts-just because I am not a rabbid Jew-hater and conspiracy-loving anti-American (Like yourself), does not make a trumpet for US media's interpretation of what is happening.

    I don't usually like to comment on it, but the amount of crap we have on this forum towards the US is obnoxious and drives away potentially good posters.

    Good day.

    The archetypical Yankee rely – too full of Mom, apple pie and Old Glory to distinguish the subtleties between Jew and Joo. Blinded by the nations penchant of one-sided news coverage and Big Macs with Coke.

    There is little point in trying to debate an issue with you as your view is too shallow, too tainted by Merikan dogma, exemplified by you view of Assad and Stalin for starters. If we were to let you continue on your rant, you would also then include Gaddafi in that group along with Ahmadimejad, Milosevic, Ataturk and the countless other that the Merikan media condemn and their readers/listeners blindly accept while failing to realise that the worlds warmongers and war criminals have never been brought to justice – Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Clinton the Bush gang, Obummer, Tony Blair and the megalomaniacs of HATO. [I deliberately left out the Joo terrorists – too many to name, including the current incumbent].

    Forget your Hollywood movies, depicting great events, forget your local news and print media and for goodness sake, throw away your school history books. Do some in-depth reading on historical events – read widely and perhaps you will be able to make up your own mind about events rather than continue to be told what to think.

    For your edification, my Best Man at my wedding was also the best friend I have had [until his untimely death] – he was a Jew. I have no problem with a person who practices a particular religion – simply on the grounds of that religion. So trying to label me as anti-Jew just demonstrates that you either have not read my posts or are incapable of comprehending the message I post.

    Oh, I almost missed the obligatory “Anti American” chant too. I am anti anyone, any country that supports Zionism – that bunch of psychopaths. There are many very good people in Merika – yes I too have Merikan friends, good friends. Generally, home-town Merikans are extremely hospitable, considerate and very open people. The sad part is that many of them actually believe their government’s lies – ALL governments lie! Sadly, it is taking Merikans a long time to wake up to this – the 9/11 home goal is starting to change some views – fortunately.

    How conceited, how arrogant you are to suggest that only people who think like you are “good posters” and are driven away by my posts! If we all thought like you, we would have a hellova worse world than we currently have. You will never learn if you continue to listen to yourself.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:40 pm

    Kysusha wrote:

    The archetypical Yankee rely – too full of Mom, apple pie and Old Glory to distinguish the subtleties between Jew and Joo. Blinded by the nations penchant of one-sided news coverage and Big Macs with Coke.

    There is little point in trying to debate an issue with you as your view is too shallow, too tainted by Merikan dogma, exemplified by you view of Assad and Stalin for starters. If we were to let you continue on your rant, you would also then include Gaddafi in that group along with Ahmadimejad, Milosevic, Ataturk and the countless other that the Merikan media condemn and their readers/listeners blindly accept while failing to realise that the worlds warmongers and war criminals have never been brought to justice – Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Clinton the Bush gang, Obummer, Tony Blair and the megalomaniacs of HATO. [I deliberately left out the Joo terrorists – too many to name, including the current incumbent].

    Forget your Hollywood movies, depicting great events, forget your local news and print media and for goodness sake, throw away your school history books. Do some in-depth reading on historical events – read widely and perhaps you will be able to make up your own mind about events rather than continue to be told what to think.

    For your edification, my Best Man at my wedding was also the best friend I have had [until his untimely death] – he was a Jew. I have no problem with a person who practices a particular religion – simply on the grounds of that religion. So trying to label me as anti-Jew just demonstrates that you either have not read my posts or are incapable of comprehending the message I post.

    Oh, I almost missed the obligatory “Anti American” chant too. I am anti anyone, any country that supports Zionism – that bunch of psychopaths. There are many very good people in Merika – yes I too have Merikan friends, good friends. Generally, home-town Merikans are extremely hospitable, considerate and very open people. The sad part is that many of them actually believe their government’s lies – ALL governments lie! Sadly, it is taking Merikans a long time to wake up to this – the 9/11 home goal is starting to change some views – fortunately.

    How conceited, how arrogant you are to suggest that only people who think like you are “good posters” and are driven away by my posts! If we all thought like you, we would have a hellova worse world than we currently have. You will never learn if you continue to listen to yourself.

    i agree with that.
    There are to much people are so hardly indoctrinated that they will back up the lies they got told just to keep their shiny and glory world view of history and how great their countries are and they always fight the "evil countries" just to prevent that this "world view" could be wrong, it doesn't matter how much and accurate arguements and facts supported by evidence you bring on, the most are effected by the "Backfire" syndrome (phenomenon).

    "Backfire" a phenomenon where brainwashed people reject all facts and evidence that would falsify their view or believes, even with an "ultimate proof" they will reject it and believe more and more in their view and believes.
    This also occurs on very dogmatic religious believers.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Admin Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:06 pm

    I am not going to get involved in a philisophical debate over different brands of Islam or racial superiority, but Assad's forces are losing ground. The Eastern province of Dier-ez-Azor is controlled by rebels from the border to the capital, north of Aleppo and most of the Turkish border is controlled by rebels or Kurds. Rebels keep overunning regular Army positions and capture heavy weapons. They get stronger while the regime weakens. It is just a matter of time before he falls and we are backing the wrong horse.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:44 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:I am not going to get involved in a philisophical debate over different brands of Islam or racial superiority, but Assad's forces are losing ground. The Eastern province of Dier-ez-Azor is controlled by rebels from the border to the capital, north of Aleppo and most of the Turkish border is controlled by rebels or Kurds. Rebels keep overunning regular Army positions and capture heavy weapons. They get stronger while the regime weakens. It is just a matter of time before he falls and we are backing the wrong horse.

    What exactly you mean "we are backing the wrong horse"

    I back up the least worse scenario and thats the current goverment under Assad.
    When he falls, the next countries would be Lebanon,Jordan and the end goal is Iran.
    Iran is the only country that is not following what Washington wants and that for it will be always its target.

    And did you see how this "FSA terrorists" fighting, the majority of this guys are the usual A-team opponents wich are called the "high trained elite" and this idiots just shooting from the hip and spreading fire like US GI's did in Vietnam.

    If this idiots will bring down the Syrian Army, it will be also a proof that this idiots wasn't the source of this happening.

    Like in Lybia where NATO troops were reported and even photographed next to gaddafis dead body, like several source provided credible source that special forces were secretley involved in this fights.

    To me its very obviouse that this FSA can't just overrun the Syrian army by them own,they don't have the experience niether the capability on them own. And the supporters of FSA want just watch how they lose against Syrian Army.

    Like we already know, they use False Flag Attacks to blame Syrian Army for that.
    The Mortar strikes on Turkey soil, that was done by FSA wich is proofen with Spain 120mm AE mortars.
    They also false flagging an attack on Israel. Its so obvious only brainwashed idiots don't want to see this.

    When you are the Syrian Goverment and you already have a civilian war in your country that has a very big impact on the stability and your Army aswell the overall demoralized society, you know you will not risk anything with an neighbour country.

    And this false flag attacks are creating everywhere they can't do that with simple made up "revolutions".

    Like the frauded warning of Obama, that they make a red line when Assad Regime will use "Chemical" weapons against its own people they will intervent.... thats so hilarious,the Nr.1 Genocider USA is telling another country by wich rules they have to play.
    And im pretty sure that Israel will bring their Chemical weapons into FSA hands to place again a False Flag against Syrian civilian people to have a justification, how bad Assads Regime is and that no other country can longer wait for UN resolution and Russian and Chinese veto.

    From war to war its getting more and more obvious wich tactics they will use, its not longer a game wich is played by the US police state, the society is waking up.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Admin Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:55 pm

    Do you see Assad putting down the rebellion? Over the past couple weeks the rebels have been kicking his arse.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:08 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Do you see Assad putting down the rebellion? Over the past couple weeks the rebels have been kicking his arse.

    Do you even see how much supplies they get through NATO?
    This retards are better equipped than german special forces.

    They get Steyr Aug, G36,M16,FN90,Stinger very modern communication systemes,navigation systemes like military GPS and you are wondering about this?
    And guess what they also get!? NATO surveivallance like our German navy ship that was deployed in the sea to support FSA with surveivallance and recon tasks.

    This FSA bastards get more back up than Syrian Army, and they also have better equipment.

    And i'm shocked that you support FSA.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Kysusha Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:53 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Do you see Assad putting down the rebellion? Over the past couple weeks the rebels have been kicking his arse.

    FUKUSI can prolong the conflict in Syria as long as they want and in doing so cause immeasurable suffering to the inhabitants. For FUKUSI, they only have to commit a handful of trained troops and provide satellite and advanced communications/surveillance and the latest hardware for their special Ops guys. The other hardware they provide is the AK’s, SLR’s and 1st generation kit that is supplied to the Wahhabi mercenaries and carpetbaggers. Unless the world supports Assad, then in the long-term he is doomed – like Smith was in Rhodesia. That’s just the stark military fact.

    However, this was never a conflict against a demigod, dictatorial ruler – Assad was a moderate and was holding Syria together; exactly because of that, he was a danger to the Joos. Remove Assad, destroy the fabric of Syria and then they have defeated a “supposed enemy” without having to commit troops to the war. They then also void the UN resolution which states that they are illegally holding Syrian soil – the Golan Heights. Joos were told to hand back the Golan Heights to Syria – did they?? Have they ever complied with a UN resolution – yet whinge and whine when others fail or are tardy in complying with UN resolutions.

    Read the article I posted about the Joo plan for the Middle East – this is following exactly in that scenario; like it is scripted. Imagine the control that the Joos have in order to commit HATO, FUKUS to commit to their plan for the Middle East.

    What other nations in the region need to look at – is where to next! If they had any brains, they would unite and attack Isreahell by destroying the Zionist infrastructure there. Isreahell is bankrupt without the millions of US dollars that flood into there every year as some sort of guilt money for the poor Joo. Attack that; cut that off and the Joos would sink.

    As for backing the wrong horse – not my style at all to switch horses. I support the morality of a position whether the world does or not. It may be a losing side, but I have the conscience of a baby in that my cause was honourable, my deeds just. I won’t swing with the populist movement or be swayed by the glitter of the “winning side’. And even if [and after] Syria falls, I will continue my campaign against the psychopathic Zionists. Like John the Baptist, a voice in the wilderness – “make straight the path of the Lord”.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:06 pm

    Kysusha wrote:

    What other nations in the region need to look at – is where to next! If they had any brains, they would unite and attack Isreahell by destroying the Zionist infrastructure there. Isreahell is bankrupt without the millions of US dollars that flood into there every year as some sort of guilt money for the poor Joo. Attack that; cut that off and the Joos would sink.

    I'm wondering why this also not happened yet. But i guess its the old tactic "divide and rule". They "divide" the people and the ethnical/religious groups that they won't trust each other and will do the job on them own, to weakening the countries society and stability.
    Such process are often controlled from outside. Like the Americans do with African countries, they support one group with all they need and the balance between forces is overthrown, than the stronger will abuse his position and treat all his "enemies" like he wants. When this is not happening by them own they will place "advisers" or spread misinformations to lead the enemy groups to towards each other to start an aggression.

    The US (in vast majority) does it to keep this resourceful countries under its control through instability, to sell them weapons like in the movie "Lord of War" or like the CIA always does support one group to overthrow an unwilling little government and to achieve the symphaty of its new leadingship and to get the resources cheap and without big noise.

    There was also an documentary about how US get the African soil through credits.
    They foolish the poor Africans for credits they can't never paybackin their entire lifes. Unknowlingly that they can't pay it back they take the credits and few years the US is asking for the money they owe them.They can't pay them back and the US is forcing them to sell their resourceful soil to their companies as a "fine".

    Thats the major reason why the resourcefull African countries still have no real infrastructure and industry.

    But i'm to off-topic now...

    The best way the Israelis could get out of this deep shit they have caused themselfs, to give the country to the Palestinians back, with small parts over a decades,treating its neighbours like friends not foes,stopping its warmongering and the Joos bad habit of screaming for help while killing others, and over decades the anger will calm down and maybe they won't be treated like they treated the arabs since start of its colonizing. I don't see any other chance to get out of this misery without getting persecuted for their war crimes by the whole ME.

    Kysusha wrote:
    As for backing the wrong horse – not my style at all to switch horses. I support the morality of a position whether the world does or not. It may be a losing side, but I have the conscience of a baby in that my cause was honourable, my deeds just. I won’t swing with the populist movement or be swayed by the glitter of the “winning side’. And even if [and after] Syria falls, I will continue my campaign against the psychopathic Zionists. Like John the Baptist, a voice in the wilderness – “make straight the path of the Lord”.
    Couldn't say it better, even in my language.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Kysusha Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:39 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Do you see Assad putting down the rebellion? Over the past couple weeks the rebels have been kicking his arse.

    In 1941 the Whermarch was kicking the Red Army all the way back to Moscow. Did you see Stalin changing horses?? The deciding strategic battle of World War II was played out in November 1941 on the outskirts of Moscow! 6 million combatants faced each other and the Red Army won! From then on, the Whermarch were in retreat.

    My point?? I wouldn’t write-off Assad just yet on the basis of the FSA [Foreign Syrian Army] kicking arse last week.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:38 pm

    Hey didnt the syrian army push the wahhabis out of Aleppo some time ago. If this is true this is one serious success for Assad and the syrians and bad for the saudi mercenary scum

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Kysusha Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:38 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Hey didnt the syrian army push the wahhabis out of Aleppo some time ago. If this is true this is one serious success for Assad and the syrians and bad for the saudi mercenary scum

    The question is, “was Aleppo a strategic battle or a tactical victory?”

    My gut tells me it was a tactical success, but not a strategic movement – not the deciding factor in the struggle against the Foreign Syrian Army.

    Assad can phuck them all by fracturing his country along loyalty lines; withdraw his forces, concentrate them in the region of his populist support and arm the Kurds in the North East.

    Let the Kurds [support them] to attack Turkey the HTAO puppet, and bomb the crap out of what else that moves in the “uncontrolled areas. Let the rest of Syrian fall into unrest and the Foreign Syrian Army – just like Libya, it will take decades to come under sensible government. In that time, he can easily re-establish his strength, secure his base, project unrest into the region and re-take the area at a later time.

    By doing this, he torpedoes the Joo attempt at breaking down a strong Army on her borders; possibly, he actually strengthens his position and can do so by calling on “allies” such as Russia and Iran to help him.

    Rally your forces Assad, concentrate your fire-power, dig-in with your support and you defeat the Foreign Syrian Army, whose main weapon is exploiting divisional unrest.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:54 am

    For those who support FSA (Free Self-justice Army) should know what they do and always try to blame the assad regime. Planting bombs in a mosque in aleppo and blaming assads regime for this. Al Jazeera, wich is now pro-western media reported that a MiG-29 has destroyed the mosque. FSA killing civilians, in this video its Belli family, thrown out of window and screaming "That happens to all government supporters" also laughing

    Mercenaries wich are send from diffrent countries (Pro-West countries like Turkey,Israel,Qatar,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia and diffrent others) and sent into Lybia,Egypt and now Syria.Lebanon,Jordan and Iran will follow.

    FSA supplied by the West

    FSA killing civilian

    And a mass execution of civilians

    FSA using NATO 120mm HE mortars and bombing Turkey to blame Assad Regime and we know what happened after that, Erdogan attacked Syrian bases and commited international crimes.

    Active support for FSA through France

    FSA member after looting and killing in a christian church (report from christian sister in Syria)

    I could do that the long day, there are to many sources and evidence of who is the evil in this "Revolution".

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Admin Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:30 am

    What they get from NATO is a pat on the shoulder. CIA is keeping manpads out of Syria, rebels are getting Iglas from captured air defence stations. I have seen Rebels getting both decent and crappy small arms from abroad, but that has to do with their Arab connections.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:48 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:What they get from NATO is a pat on the shoulder. CIA is keeping manpads out of Syria, rebels are getting Iglas from captured air defence stations. I have seen Rebels getting both decent and crappy small arms from abroad, but that has to do with their Arab connections.

    Like the NATO keept MANPADS out of Lybia? It doesn't matter what they use american or russian or any other MANPADS. The point is US did this before and will keep doing it.Like they did in Vietnam or Lybia for example. They bought chinese produced AK's and RPGs aswell as copycats of russian Strela and Igla and leaded it into terrorists hands what media calls "rebells".

    Only that they don't use Stingers doesn't mean that US isn't involved in it.

    Sure this terrorists can have MANPADS from the captured military storages, but the MANPADS were seen in their hands just a few weeks after this so called Revolution appeared and at that time they hadn't captured any military complex or facilities.

    Its the same nonsense like the Iraq fraud about their WMD's and now about Iran. And the same case about Lybian "Revolution" against a soo bad leader and the same people who trusted in this lies in the past are still believing this lies today.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Sunehvm Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:05 am

    Syria, Damascus, Libya are one territory. Then the saudis. Then the rest. I think that the information about the proposal about the syrian project isnt up to full standards. There seems to be an ego coming from the NATO voters, the british intelligence. There are some troops that would love to go in but maybe the option could involve seeing things through and maybe not getting involved. The british intelligence probably is at an island. There will be impacts on the eastern society namely the issues involving the further money-lending capabilities of the chinese at the UN. They might not be able to fully understand the policies involved with the industry and seems like the case might be that the syrian "rebels" could in fact prove to be nothing more than as was the case, simple "cases". The case seems to be with the united party which seems to agree about the fourth degree of collection of the states. They will not be able to provide with the proper established grounds that were agreed about the conflict. They should be coming later with providing simple mechanisms in which the syrian parties could be allowed to maintain an "absolutive country". The basis in which the UN is determining its favourability at this time seems to be for the collective destruction of the states due to the falling prices in mainland europe, as well as the other adgenda which involves determining older reviews of the asian and democratic policies of the british that have been making its way past the civilians due to the martial law.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Russians in Syria are ‘legitimate targets’ - key opposition group member

    Post  Palestinian Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:52 am

    Russians are legitimate targets for military attacks in Syria, a member of the Syria’s National Opposition Coalition said. The Coalition is recognized by the US and a number of its allies as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
    ­"Russia, like Iran, supports the Assad regime with weapons and ammunition, as well as in the political arena, so the citizens of these countries are legitimate targets for militants in Syria," Haitham al-Maleh, a member of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces told RT.

    He claimed that the Geneva Convention allows attacks on civilians cooperating with enemy armed forces. However, he called on militants not to kidnap citizens of countries that “do not support the Assad regime.”

    Three people were kidnapped in the coastal city of Latakia on Monday: An Italian engineer and two Russian citizens, all employees of the Syrian-owned Hmisho steel plant. The Russian Foreign Ministry has identified the two kidnapped Russian nationals as V. V. Gorelov and Abdessattar Hassoun – the latter has dual Syrian-Russian citizenship.

    The kidnappers demanded a ransom payment as a condition of the workers’ release, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Russian diplomats are reportedly taking measures to clarify the circumstances of the abduction, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

    “We are now actively engaged and all the necessary steps are being taken in Syria, and in other countries that may have an impact on the situation,” Lavrov said on Tuesday.

    Earlier, a group of gunmen who kidnapped Ukrainian journalist Ankhar Kochneva near the city of Homs in early October said they would target all Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians in Syrian territory. The kidnappers threatened to kill Kochneva if a $50 million ransom was not paid.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Palestinian Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:57 am

    It is worth remembering that zionist jews and israel support the rebels covertly. These same rebels israel support want to kill Russians. israel is anti-assad and Russia is pro Assad.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  chenzhao Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:09 am

    I believe Russia is neutral in Syrian confilct. They attacking foreign civillian just because they believe their foreign goverment supporting one side in a civil war. That's terrible.

    They should learn that according to the Geneva Convention,Even Russian government has declared war on Syrian rebels, and Russian unarmed CIVILLIAN should still be PROTECTED.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:05 am

    Pretty clearly Russia needs to make it clear that it is currently neutral in this conflict and that Russia believes that solutions can only be found with discussion and compromise, but if the rebels start targeting Russian civilians then Russian military forces will start taking military action directly against rebel forces.

    Perhaps this could be a place for Russia to start testing UCAVs with Assads permission of course.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Werewolf Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:20 pm

    That situation would be very interesting when they realy attack russians inside Syria with again a false flag claim that Russian government is supporting any side.

    If the NATO,USrael willing to actively do anything when russia makes it point clear or whatever they may try to safe their people than the shit will be very fatal for NATO countries, i mean from inside.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Zivo Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:00 am

    Some great HD footage from ANNA covering fighting in Darayaa, watch in fullscreen. I believe these are all from the 4th Armored Division. It must be really cramped in those tanks when you account for the crewmen's massive balls. Laughing

    I love seeing BMP-2s and T-72s doing work.

    8 minutes into the last video they show some of the damage the tanks have taken. ERA keeping them alive after multiple hits.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  MIG31 Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:10 pm

    Great vids Zivo..

    Here is I think the same armored company, one of tanks being hit and destroyed by terrorists bastards possibly using RPG 29..

    RIP tankers


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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  gaurav Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:18 am

    Zivo wrote:Some great HD footage from ANNA covering fighting in Darayaa,
    Really great videos .Very rare.. real time war pictures from the side of Syrian army.

    MIG31 wrote:Here is I think the same armored company, one of tanks being hit and destroyed by terrorists bastards possibly using RPG 29..

    One of the tank crew members names was 'Leonid'.. probably a Russian name..Amazing that syrian armour tank crews having russian names..!
    To the tank crews ..

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

    Post  Zivo Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:34 pm

    Really great videos .Very rare.. real time war pictures from the side of Syrian army.

    They're just too busy fighting to make propaganda videos.

    It's always sad to see people loosing their life while defending their country from the less-than-human jihadis.

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    Syrian Civil War: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News

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