Russia Defence Forum

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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

3 posters

    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016


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    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  auslander Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:07 pm

    Без комментариев. Вечная память
    No comment. Eternal memory.

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    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:35 am

    RIP. Sad

    I apologise for the western (political and media) reaction to this tragedy... just a reminder the west is no friend of Russia.

    As someone in the west I can only say I am trying to change this every day... many people I speak to are shocked I don't think Putin is some demon who attacks the west at every chance just because it is their nature...

    Sorry for Off topic.

    Posts : 1637
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    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  auslander Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:57 pm

    I know full well The West is no friend of Russia or for that matter us personally. To make such comments as they made, both official and not official, to such a terrible tragedy that occurred on Christmas Day shows how base they are.

    There is no need to apologize for the actions of others, my friend, they are what they are and nothing we can do will ever change them.

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    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:46 am

    All I can say is that not everyone in the west has their heads up their ass, and recognise this tragedy for what it was... a tragic waste of talented lives cut too short in a cruel way.

    I will continue to try to make others in the west see sense and take off the cold war glasses, sadly the rich and powerful control the governments and media and see Russia as a serious rival so they wont let it go easily.

    I like to set myself challenges... Smile

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    Location : Greece

    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  George1 Thu May 24, 2018 7:12 am

    RED ARMY ORCHESTRA IN GREECE-ATHENS 2012. They sing one of most famous songs of known artist Mikis Thodorakis in Greek language ! ! !


    Posts : 18539
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    Location : Greece

    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:32 pm

    12th October marks 90 years since the first performance of the Alexandrov Ensemble – the official @mod_russia military choir. Founded in 1928, today it continues to inspire those on military duty as well as millions of classical music fans around the globe

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    Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016 Empty Re: Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 25.12.2016

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