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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)


    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:04 am

    "Promising naval aviation helicopter, which is designed to shift the Ka-27, codenamed "the Lamprey". TASS I reported a source in the military-industrial complex. "This is a ship-based helicopter, which will be the next after the Ka-52K. The project was called "Lamprey"," — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the source, at the moment it's the stage of technical design: worked out the General layout of the helicopter, various assemblies and mechanisms. The source did not name the main tactical and technical characteristics of the new machine, saying only that it is "traditional Kamov's helicopters to the layout". The traditional scheme of helicopters of Kamov design Bureau the circuit with coaxial screws.

    In turn, another source in the industry said that the size of the helicopter the S. S. minnow and its takeoff weight will be less than that of the Ka-27 (he is 12 tons). Earlier, in August 2015, the head of naval aviation of the Russian Navy Igor Kozhin said that Russia has created a fundamentally new ship-based helicopter, which will be ready in 2018-2020. About creating the deck helicopter of the new generation in June 2015, also said "the" the General Director of Corporation "Helicopters of Russia" Alexander Mikheev. Deck-based helicopter Ka-27 entered service in 1981, he developed on the basis of helicopter Ka-25. At the moment he is the main ship by a helicopter of the Russian Navy. Produced in two versions — anti-submarine (Ka-P) and search and rescue (Ka-27PS). Also on its basis were created a transport and assault helicopter of the marine corps Ka-29 and radar picket helicopter Ka-31."


    River lamprey: (species after its named)

    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) 1920px-J%C3%B5esilmud2

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  George1 Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:46 pm

    Prospective helicopter for naval aviation, which is being developed to replace the multi-purpose Ka-27, received a code "Lamprey"

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty New naval helicopter "Lamprey"

    Post  mack8 Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:31 pm

    Another small article on bmpd, the "Minoga" (Ka-65?) will be equipped with two TV7-117VK engines of 3750 HP emergency and 3000 HP in flight. It does look like a much cleaned and refined Ka-27, and since first image of this concept appeared as far back as 2009, they must have been working on it for quite some time.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty new naval helicopter Lamprey

    Post  hoom Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:10 pm

    Is it reasonable to talk of the new Naval helicopter 'Lamprey' to replace Ka-27 here?
    Couldn't find an obvious thread covering that dunno
    I see has been moved to correct thread Cool

    Bastion-karpenko is quoting TASS that Kamov is working on it, eta about 10yrs, 'conventional' Kamov style coaxial-rotors.
    They have a couple of sketches but I think looks like 2 different weight classes?
    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) MINOGA_151209_02
    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) KA-92_160521_01
    First one looks fairly conventional, 2nd looks bigger, cleaner + has pusher props, I like.

    In my mind it would seem to make sense to base both Navy & Army choppers on at least the same basic rotor/powerplant setup.

    Last edited by hoom on Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  George1 Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:01 am

    In “Kamov” told about the new naval helicopter “Lamprey”

    In Kamov told about the new naval helicopter Lamprey.jpg" alt="Naval helicopter, developed in the framework of the ROC "Lamprey", will be ready in 10 years. This was stated in an interview with TASS General designer of firm "Kamov" Sergey Mikheev. On the establishment of prospective helicopter sea-based source in the defense Ministry announced in December 2015.

    Naval helicopter, developed in the framework of the ROC “Lamprey”, will be ready in 10 years. This was stated in an interview with TASS General designer of firm “Kamov” Sergey Mikheev.

    Mikheyev noted that the future machine will have the traditional Kamov design Bureau coaxial scheme. “There is no other option. I believe that the future of a coaxial circuit, due to characteristics of aerodynamics”, — he explained.

    Earlier, in December 2015, a source in the defense Ministry, revealing the cipher ROC “Lamprey”, noted that at that time it was a stage of the technical design were worked out the General layout of the helicopter, and various components and mechanisms.

    That the helicopter is in principle designed in the summer of 2015 was announced by the chief of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy Igor Kozhin, the General Director of Corporation “Helicopters of Russia” Alexander Mikheev. Kozhin, in particular, noted that the helicopter will be waiting by the 2018-2020 year.

    In 2009, materials of Corporation “Helicopters of Russia”, dedicated to the development of the range of military helicopters, mentioned prospective ship’s helicopter Ka-65. At that time the machine was intended to develop on the basis of the Ka-62 by 2020.

    At the moment the main carrier-based Navy helicopter is Ka-27, taken into service in 1981. It is developed on the basis of helicopter Ka-25. Available in two basic versions — anti-submarine (Ka-27PL) and search and rescue (Ka-27PS). He also established a transport and assault helicopter of the marine corps, the Ka-29 helicopter of radar-tracking patrol of Ka-31.

    10 years development for a naval helicopter isnt too much??

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:57 am

    George1 wrote:
    In “Kamov” told about the new naval helicopter “Lamprey”

    In Kamov told about the new naval helicopter Lamprey.jpg" alt="Naval helicopter, developed in the framework of the ROC "Lamprey", will be ready in 10 years. This was stated in an interview with TASS General designer of firm "Kamov" Sergey Mikheev. On the establishment of prospective helicopter sea-based source in the defense Ministry announced in December 2015.

    Naval helicopter, developed in the framework of the ROC “Lamprey”, will be ready in 10 years. This was stated in an interview with TASS General designer of firm “Kamov” Sergey Mikheev.

    Mikheyev noted that the future machine will have the traditional Kamov design Bureau coaxial scheme. “There is no other option. I believe that the future of a coaxial circuit, due to characteristics of aerodynamics”, — he explained.

    Earlier, in December 2015, a source in the defense Ministry, revealing the cipher ROC “Lamprey”, noted that at that time it was a stage of the technical design were worked out the General layout of the helicopter, and various components and mechanisms.

    That the helicopter is in principle designed in the summer of 2015 was announced by the chief of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy Igor Kozhin, the General Director of Corporation “Helicopters of Russia” Alexander Mikheev. Kozhin, in particular, noted that the helicopter will be waiting by the 2018-2020 year.

    In 2009, materials of Corporation “Helicopters of Russia”, dedicated to the development of the range of military helicopters, mentioned prospective ship’s helicopter Ka-65. At that time the machine was intended to develop on the basis of the Ka-62 by 2020.

    At the moment the main carrier-based Navy helicopter is Ka-27, taken into service in 1981. It is developed on the basis of helicopter Ka-25. Available in two basic versions — anti-submarine (Ka-27PL) and search and rescue (Ka-27PS). He also established a transport and assault helicopter of the marine corps, the Ka-29 helicopter of radar-tracking patrol of Ka-31.

    10 years development for a naval helicopter isnt too much??

    Depends when will they get the ships down and operational? zero reason to shorten development if you won't have the ships anytime soon may has well go all out.

    Until they have a need to mass produce such choppers, huge development times aren't bad. Not like you will need the things anytime soon anyway.


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:30 pm

    10 years for an helicopter? That's what it took for the AH-1. The upgrade from AH-1 to AH-1Z came also in about 10 years. About 8 yeard for course these are attack helicopters but still.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:42 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:10 years for an helicopter? That's what it took for the AH-1. The upgrade from AH-1 to AH-1Z came also in about 10 years. About 8 yeard for course these are attack helicopters but still.

    They just need to upscale Ka-226 and they are golden.

    And 10 years is decent timeframe, agreed on that.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:24 pm

    "The work on the new helicopter, codenamed the Lamprey, is underway. The technical shape of the machine has been coordinated and its main tactical and technical, economic and operational parameters have been determined. The prototype of the helicopter is expected to be ready after 2020," Chechikov told RIA Novosti in an interview.

    Read more:

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty The Minoga advanced naval helicopter

    Post  Benya Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:05 pm

    Russia’s Minoga - Ka-27 Replacement - Can be Designed in Unmanned Configuration

    The Minoga advanced naval helicopter can be developed in unmanned configuration at customer`s request, the Designer General of JSC Kamov (a subsidiary of the Rostec`s Russian Helicopters holding) Sergey Mikheev told TASS.

    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Minoga_Ka-27_replacement_Kamov_Russian_Helicopters
    Artist impression of Minoga, the Ka-27 replacement

    "We are ready to develop an unmanned modification of the advanced naval helicopter at customer`s request," Mikheev said.

    According to him, there is "no urgent need" to replace the Ka-27 helicopters by the advanced aircraft. "The Ka-27 proves equal to its tasks. However, the multifunctional performance and flexibility of the new naval helicopter are the features that the situation demands of such an aircraft," the specialist said.

    He pointed out that the age of the helicopters with niche specialization is passing away. "Our task is to create multipurpose helicopters, as the massiveness is the only way to create a helicopter that features low production and exploitation costs. Therefore, Minoga is an issue, on which we have strong views," the Designer General of Kamov concluded


    Great thumbsup

    It would fit ASW and SAR/CSAR* roles in a manned configuration. However, in an unmanned one, an UAV similar to Uncle Sam's RQ-8 Fire Scout would be better.

    * Search and Rescue/Combat Search and Rescue

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty New Russian Naval Helicopter Project Makes Progress

    Post  LMFS Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:30 pm

    Old but relevant news now that LHDs have been "confirmed" by MoD:

    New Russian Naval Helicopter Project Makes Progress

    by Vladimir Karnozov
    May 21, 2018, 6:01 AM
    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Web5-210
    The Minoga configuration could be similar to this model of the Ka-92 high-speed helicopter that was displayed in 2007.

    Russian Helicopters has provided an update on the next-generation naval helicopter project named Minoga. Company head Andrei Boginsky told journalists in Moscow that a mockup is being produced for inspection by the Russian Navy early next year. Russian Helicopters won an R&D contract from the Russian defense ministry in 2006 and has since conducted wind-tunnel testing. But Boginsky did not reveal many details of the proposed configuration.

    Boginsky spoke shortly after the chief of the Russian navy fleet air arm, Gen. Igor Kozhin, said that work on the project is progressing well. He said, “The helicopter has been shaped and its main technical, economic, and operational performance targets set.” The maiden flight is planned for 2020.

    The Minoga will be a fourth-generation of Russian naval deck helicopters, following the Kamov Ka-15, Ka-25, and Ka-27. They all featured coaxial main rotors, but although Kamov leads design work on the project, it is not yet clear whether the Minoga would keep this characteristic Kamov layout. Some sources suggest that the new helicopter design is based on the Ka-90/92 concept of the early 2000s, when Kamov competed with Mil to design a high-speed helicopter for the civilian market.

    Boginsky did say that some findings made during the high-speed helicopter research programs are being applied to new designs for the military. “The company decided in 2015 to halt the work on the commercial helicopter because our studies indicated the price of speed was going to be too expensive for commercial operators,” he said.

    The Minoga will be powered by a pair of Klimov TV7-117V turboshaft engines interchangeable with their predecessor VK-2500. This indicates that the new rotorcraft will be made larger when initially planned in 2015, when the NPO Saturn RD-600V was being considered. Weighing 380 kg (772 lb), the TV7-117V develops 3,500-3,750 hp in emergencies; 2,500-3,000 at maximum takeoff weight; and 1,650 hp during a typical cruise. However, the new naval helicopter must be compact enough for a pair of them to be stored in a standard ship hangar that is designed to house a single Ka-27. Kamov has previously studied a lightweight deck helicopter in the four-five metric-ton class. Later, the gross weight grew to some seven-eight metric tons, yet significantly under the figure for the long-serving Ka-27, which is 12 metric tons.

    The primary role for the Minoga will be antisubmarine warfare, but unlike its predecessors, it will also be required to carry out other tasks. Of note, the Kamov Ka-52K Katran is already in flight tests, but its missions are limited to electronic reconnaissance and strike.

    NPP Polet is reported to be heading the work on the Minoga’s mission equipment. Its parent organization Rostec says that the Russian navy is seeking “an intelligent command/control system." A life-long after-sales support commitment from the industry is another navy requirement.

    Boginsky also mentioned the flying laboratory based on the Mi-24 attack helicopter. It is testing new engineering solutions for main rotor blades. Boginsky said that some good results had been obtained, and he urged the defense ministry to provide extra funding for R&D work on shaping next-generation combat rotorcraft.


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Promising naval helicopter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:48 pm

    Model of the perspective sea helicopter "Minoga (Lamprey" "

    A photograph of a full-size mock-up of the promising sea helicopter “Minoga”, created by Kamov JSC (sometimes referred to as Ka-65), got into open sources. The picture was taken, presumably, in the hangar of JSC "Kamov" at the Flight Test and Development Base (LIiDB) of JSC "Helicopters of Russia" in Tomilino (Lyubertsy District, Moscow Region).

    The one on the right by the wall ( the first is AFAIK Ka-226)
    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) 6907030_original

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:59 pm

    Looks like they went with same layout as Ka-226 only stretched.

    Smart move because Ka-27 layout is crap.

    Here is another image but these never look like final products:
    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) 6907355_original


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:29 am

    What do you mean the Ka-27 layout is crap?


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:50 am

    GarryB wrote:What do you mean the Ka-27 layout is crap?

    Maybe that it is not a good looking helicopter

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:45 pm

    It is a very efficient design in terms of internal volume and capacity and vastly more capable than the US equivalent of the Sea Hawk... which is rather ordinary.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is a very efficient design in terms of internal volume and capacity and vastly more capable than the US equivalent of the Sea Hawk... which is rather ordinary.

    If it's so efficient then why is it being passed over in favor of different one on Ka-65?

    Or even Ka-226?


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:03 am

    Because it is almost 40 years old?

    They are working on new high speed helicopter designs... the model with the pusher propeller gives a hint at that... which is not to say the Ka-27 is obsolete, but that they can do better.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  hoom Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:18 am

    me wrote:Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) KA-92_160521_01
    This was Ka-92 not Minoga. (unless they're closely related programs)

    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) 6907355_original
    With 92 on it I guess this is a version of Ka-92 as well.
    If you compare the two I'd say they're both the same running gear/components with somewhat different airframes.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:20 am

    GarryB wrote:Because it is almost 40 years old?

    They are working on new high speed helicopter designs... the model with the pusher propeller gives a hint at that... which is not to say the Ka-27 is obsolete, but that they can do better.

    MiL is working on pusher propeller model, this one here is standard


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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  hoom Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:48 am
    The Russian Helicopters holding has completed a detail design of the advanced ship-based helicopter for the Russian Navy, codenamed ‘Minoga,’ CEO Andrey Boginsky has told TASS.

    "Our job has been accepted," he said. "Together with the Defense Ministry, we now continue drafting a statement of work for the next stage, for the stage of experimental design."

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  George1 Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:07 pm

    hoom wrote:
    The Russian Helicopters holding has completed a detail design of the advanced ship-based helicopter for the Russian Navy, codenamed ‘Minoga,’ CEO Andrey Boginsky has told TASS.

    "Our job has been accepted," he said. "Together with the Defense Ministry, we now continue drafting a statement of work for the next stage, for the stage of experimental design."

    there wwill be several versions

    The Russian Navy is to receive several modifications of the prospective seaborne Minoga helicopter, including airborne assault one, a defense industry source told TASS on the sidelines of the Army-2016 defense forum.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:05 am

    MiL is working on pusher propeller model, this one here is standard

    Kamov will have an enormous advantage over everyone because they have lots of experience with coaxial main rotors...

    there wwill be several versions

    Well that is to be expected as it is supposed to replace the Ka-27 family of aircraft which include the Ka-27 SAR and anti sub helo, the Ka-29 assault helicopter, and the Ka-31 AEW helicopter.

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Jul 04, 2019 1:35 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    Well that is to be expected as it is supposed to replace the Ka-27 family of aircraft which include the Ka-27 SAR and anti sub helo, the Ka-29 assault helicopter, and the Ka-31 AEW helicopter.

    after building AWACS for CVN would Russians need AEW helos anymore?

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    Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey) Empty Re: Promising Naval Helicopter "Minoga" (Lamprey)

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:40 pm

    The Russian Army uses them, and because they could operate from a range of ships I would think they would still use them, though not in enormous numbers.

    India seems to like them...

    Certainly operating above any ship giving that ship a radar view of the surrounding area down to sea level out to 250km is still actually useful... a helicopter carrier could benefit from such support if it is operating with a fixed wing carrier or the Kuznetsov, which wont be able to operate AWACS aircraft without a catapult system.

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