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    Conspiracy theories Thread


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty China's fine tuned it's HAARP technology

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:16 pm

    A Typhoon was just headed towards China the past few days with another one trailing right behind it.....

    The first one almost makes landfall when all of the sudden there were strange wiggly marks in the clouds south of the Typhoon...which you could trace back to a spot in mainland China...then the Typhoon did something really really start spinning backwards and coming apart. Then it reformed and just turned 90* going due North of China's coast.

    The Typhoon behind it?....also did something headed Northeast going back out to the big open Pacific.....which Typhoons have never done. There's not enough warm water/currents to feed it there...and it just fell apart.

    Reported in Alaska is a orange dust falling on people's houses, water buckets...and floating on the water in the harbor.

    Did China release that orange powder in the upper atmosphere to block the HAARP facility in Alaska from redirecting those Typhoons?

    If you've been watching the satellite imagery of the Pacific the last few days.....either a miracle occurred.....or China's proved it can defend itself from Weather Warfare.

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:24 pm

    Wohhh.....something very wrong. Where's the red line?

    Using that you can go back to where that Typhoon was going to hit China.....strange things shown on that graph after that......

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  Pervius Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:25 pm

    2 more Typhoons headed towards China again.

    Let's see if they can get a miracle to occur again:

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:33 pm

    Conspiracy stuff, this is a military forum.

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty USA created Ebola virus as biological weapon?

    Post  nemrod Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:18 pm

    Just to say U: I've already heard that Aids, and Lyme disease were a US creations as biological weapons. However I have no proofs neither to confirm, and to deny.
    Concerning Ebola, it is curious that no american was dead untill now, the virus did not enter into America too. Furthermore, immediatly after the begining of the crisis, it is strange that 3.000 US military personnels were built up. You will have to not forget that many african nations are more and more interrested by chinese, russian relations -weapons, telephon, roads, infrastructure, space, etc...- at the expense of US and western camp.
    The north american regim of Washington seems to not appreciate.

    USA created Ebola virus as biological weapon?

    The epidemic of the deadly Ebola virus that was born in the depths of the jungle, has been spreading around the world with an unprecedented speed lately. The number of victims, according to official figures, has already exceeded a thousand people. The number of infected individuals nears almost two thousand. The WHO declared the disease a threat of global significance. Are there ways to combat the fever?

    It turns out that there is a vaccine against Ebola. Pentagon scientists were developing it for 30 years, and all the rights for the drug belong to the government of the United States. Two infected US medics received injections of the vaccine and they started recovering from the disease immediately.

    Why has this been made public only now? Why is it the USA that holds all the rights for the use of the vaccine? There can be two most obvious answers found to these questions.

    As one can see, Ebola is a perfect biological weapon: it spreads quickly and gives nearly 100 percent mortality. Those having the life-saving vaccine can dictate any conditions to others.

    The second answer is a purely commercial interest. It is enough to arrange panic with the help of the media, as it was the case with several epidemics before, such as avian flu. Afterwards, it will be possible to sell the life-saving medicine at any price.

    However, Russian scientists doubt that the Americans created the medicine indeed. Russian scientists also conduct the research to study the nature of the virus to be able to create the vaccine against it. Soviet scientists, for example, Professor Alexander Butenko, was a member of the joint Soviet-Guinean expedition in 1982 and spent nearly a year in the rain forests of Guinea, when the then unknown virus was discovered.

    The current distribution of the infection is a continuation of a dangerous outbreak of the disease from 1982, said Professor Butenko. Russian scientists have the most extensive scientific base for the creation of the vaccine, Butenko says. The materials that Alexander Butenko collected a quarter of a century ago should help today's generation of Russian scientists in the development of the vaccine against the fever.

    Several Russian researchers are already in Guinea, including the head of the Laboratory for the Ecology of Viruses, Mikhail Shchelkanov. "Currently, the vaccine has passed five tests quite well. The tests of the vaccine go through the final stage, but no one knows when they are going to end," said Mikhail Shchelkanov.


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Mysterious western Bankers deaths that "committed" suspect suicide in 2014

    Post  nemrod Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:24 pm

    Isn't suspect ?

    Selbstmordwelle bei Bankern: 2014 schon 31 Tote

    Mit dem Suizid eines Deutsche Bank Topmanagers in New York scheidet in diesem Jahr der 31. Mitarbeiter aus der Finanzbranche aus dem Leben. In keiner anderen Branche gab es dieses Jahr so viele Selbstmorde wie in der Finanzindustrie. Wenn auch nicht immer das Motiv Selbstmord als gesichert gilt, so ist die Zahl der Todesfälle in diesem Bereich trotzdem beeindruckend.

    Liste der Todesfälle in der Finanzbranche 2014. Besonders stark vertreten: JP Morgan. Bei der Deutschen Bank nahmen sich dieses Jahr zwei Manager das Leben, erst letzte Woche beging der New Yorker Chefsyndikus Calogero Gambino Selbstmord. Gambino sei bereits am 20. Oktober von seiner Frau erhängt an einem Treppengeländer in New York gefunden worden. Der Mann soll mit den Rechtsstreits des Geldhauses infolge der mutmaßlichen Zins- und Währungsmanipulation befasst gewesen sein.

    31 Tote in der Finanzindustrie 2014:

       1) David Bird, 55, long-time reporter for the Wall Street Journal working at the Dow Jones news room
       2) Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG
       3) William Broeksmit, 58, former senior manager for Deutsche Bank
       4) Ryan Henry Crane, age 37, JP Morgan
       5) Li Junjie, 33, Hong Kong JP Morgan
       6) Gabriel Magee, 39, age JP Morgan employee
       7) Mike Dueker, 50, who had worked for Russell Investments Richard Talley, 57, was the founder and CEO of American Title (real estate titles)
       Cool James Stuart Jr. 70, Former National Bank of Commerce CEO was found dead in Scottsdale, Ariz
       9) Jason Alan Salais, 34 year old IT Specialist at JPMorgan since 2008
       10) Autumn Radtke, 28, CEO of First Meta, a Singapore-based virtual currency trading platform
       11) Eddie Reilly, 47, investment banker, Vertical Group, New York
       12) Kenneth Ballando, 28, investment banker, Levy Capital, New york
       13) Joseph A. Giampapa, 55, corporate bankruptcy lawyer, JP Morgan Chase
       14) Jan Peter Schmittmann, 57, voormalig topbestuurder ANB/AMRO, Laren, Nederland
       15) Juergen Frick, 48, Ex-CEO Bank Frick & Co AG, Liechtenstein
       16) Benoît Philippens, 37, directeur BNP Parisbas Fortis Bank, Ans, België.
       17) Lydia…, 52, bankier Bred-Banque-Populaire, Parijs
       18) Andrew Jarzyk, 27, bankier, PNC Bank, New York
       19) Carlos Six, 61, Hoofd Belastingdienst en lid CREDAF, België
       20) Jan Winkelhuijzen, 75, Commissaris en Fiscalist (voormalig Deloitte), Nederland.
       21) Richard Rockefeller, 66, achterkleinzoon elitebankier John D. Rockefeller, Amerika
       22) Mahafarid Amir Khosravi (Amir Mansour Aria), 45, bankeigenaar, zakenman en derivatenhandelaar, Iran
       23) Lewis Katz, 76, zakenman, advocaat en insider in de bancaire wereld, Amerika
       24) Julian Knott, Directeur Global Operations Center JP Morgan, 45, Amerika
       25) Richard Gravino, IT Specialist JP Morgan, 49, Amerika
       26) Thomas James Schenkman, Managing Director Global Infrastructure JP Morgan, 42, Amerika
       27) Nicholas Valtz, 39, Managing Director Goldman Sachs, New York, Amerika
       28) Therese Brouwer, 50, Managing Director ING, Nederland
       29) Tod Robert Edward, 51, Vice President M & T Bank, Amerika
       30) Thierry Leyne, 48, investeringsbankier en eigenaar Anatevka S.A., Israël
       31) Calogero Gambino, Deutsche Bank Chef-Syndikus New York


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  Werewolf Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:29 pm


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  George1 Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:58 pm

    The Bermuda Triangle

    Conspiracy theories Thread 1017401748

    The area between Bermuda and the Bahamas is notorious for its complex navigation conditions.

    In the mid-20th century, it became known as the Devil's Triangle after a series of ships and aircraft disappeared, which at the time defied natural explanation. The flywheel of mystery, set in motion by the media,turned the Bermuda Triangle into a place surrounded by myths and hypotheses, none of which have earned scientific merit.

    Read more:

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  kvs Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:48 pm

    A rather poor poster. It's obviously not a myth that a bizarre set of losses occurred there. The best theory I have heard
    so far is that it was due to clathrate collapse due to seabed slides. A group of aircraft flying into a large eruption of CH4
    would all crash since their engines would at first go into piston blowing overdrive and then choke because of loss of enough
    oxygen once they are fully engulfed by the plume.

    A ship crossing over a large CH4 eruption from the seabed would literally drop like a rock due to loss of buoyancy.
    In other words catastrophic sinking over an extremely short time.

    Note how there was a cluster of incidents and then they stopped. This renders all the theories about magnetic anomalies
    and storm systems a load of bunk. Large releases of CH4 from seabed slides (look at the bathymetry below the Triangle)
    would occur very sporadically and likely only every few centuries. However, with the observed level of global warming we
    could see more such events and maybe in other parts of the world.

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:38 am

    New virus spreading in central america, it reminds sth similar 4-5 years ago

    Mexican Health Authority Confirms 37 Zika Cases

    Read more:

    Honduras Declares State of Emergency Over Spread of Zika Virus

    Read more:

    Guatemala Reports 105 Cases of Zika Virus Infection

    Read more:


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Zika virus not related to microcephaly ?

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:12 am

    According to Brazilian and Argentinian scientists, the cause of microcephaly seems to be NOT Zika virus, but Pyriproxyfen, a pesticide produced by Sumitomo Chemical, a strategic partner of Monsanto.
    par far

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Bilderberg

    Post  par far Wed May 29, 2019 4:34 pm

    What is everyone opinions about the Bilderberg?

    According to reports, they will be talking about Russia.

    par far

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  par far Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:14 pm


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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  George1 Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:17 am

    Last edited by George1 on Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Conspiracy theories Thread Empty Re: Conspiracy theories Thread

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:54 am

    Aliens are not enough to scare up a world government. They are just part of mass formation psychosis management. So we had them trotted out
    in the 1950s and in the last few years. They feed into the general insecurity of the sheeple and help the sheeple-herds. Aliens are also part of the
    cacophony of diversionary noise that keeps the sheeple distracted. They are not allowed to keep their eyes on the prize and focus on the real problems.
    Have them deal with migrant crime, tranny shooters, woke degeneracy, etc. It really does look like most sheeple have very limited brain capacity and
    cannot handle such an information "overload". I suppose the propensity of the sheeple to follow the mass media and not think for themselves is not
    sufficient for the rotten elites. They need to fortify this.

    A real alien threat would involve sporadic attacks on Earth from space like in all those cheesy sci-fi movies. But the deciders do not have the resources
    and ability to stage such hoaxes. So they use other psychology management techniques to get some of the same result.

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