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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News


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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:24 am

    Viktor wrote:
    Russia plans to sign the contract on western route gas supplies to China in the second quarter of 2015.

    and the important thing

    Unlike the Power of Siberia, the Altai pipeline has the same resource base as the gas supplies to Europe - Western Siberia

    Yep this is BIG...a tectonic shift actually

    MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Russia has for the first time described in detail what its likely response to the European Union’s new energy concept may look like, and it did so in very clear terms. After 2019 the flow of Russian gas to Europe through Ukraine will run dry. By that time Europe must have its own new pipeline infrastructure up and running: otherwise it will be unable to receive gas from the Turkish Stream pipeline.

    Miller said that Gazprom had already begun to lay the Power of Siberia pipeline from East Siberia to China. And another gas carrier, Altai, connecting West Siberia, which is a provider of gas for the European Union, with China would bring into being a common mega market with a single reserve base.

    Its emergence will reduce to nothing the value of debates over pricing in Europe, because the Asian market would become the determining factor. And the European idea of a common price does not mean that it will be the lowest price of all — it will be the highest cutoff price.

    Russia hints its gas export strategy may get harsher

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    Post  Viktor Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:41 pm

    Excellent  thumbsup

    Pakistan, Russia to Agree Gas Pipeline Deal by May - Pakistani Minister

    Abbasi said the 683-mile North South pipeline stretching from southern Pakistan's Karachi to Lahore in the country's northeast is a "substantial start" of Islamabad's cooperation with Moscow.

    "This is 100-percent a Russian project. It is being done on a build-own-operate-transfer basis," the minister told Sputnik, adding that Russia will also take part in tenders in the $7.6-billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline later this year.

    Russia became a co-founder of "Asian Bank AI"
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:58 pm

    Vann7 wrote:

    since the The Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (Tanap), is already under construction
    from Azerbaijan to Georgia to Turkey to greece until it reach italy.. This is basically a
    South Stream Replacement.

    Unless Europe is seeking to 100% replace Russian natural Gaz.. but this TANAP pipe line will
    be taking up to 40% of Russia energy to Europe. This will be a major blow to Russian economy.
    The Turkish pipeline will be so so.. US and NATO will pressure turkey to sooner either to cancel it or when both pipelines operating.. the Azerbaijan one and the Russian one.. to give priority
    to the Azerbaijan Pipeline and nearly dont use the Russian one , aside of a little bit of Gas here or there.

    The only positive thing however is that Russia is expanding now to China and and will be selling as much as Azerbaijan will be selling to 6-7 nations to China alone. But also the possibilities to expand to India and Japan and South Korea.. There is also Pakistan Interested..  So there is big business for Russia in Asia.. and with a lot of investment Russia could essentially replace Europe with Asia.

    Another positive thing is that Russia will have at least 5-7 more years of grace before Azerbajan
    start supplying a significant ammount of Gas to Europe. But it remains to be seen if Europe demand for natural Gas will not increase too . In the case of China ,their consumption of Energy will triple in a decade..  So there are possibilities for expansion but also for Russian energy business to decreate signficatively .. It depends if China will seek to backstab Russia or not
    as Europe wants to do... by diversifying to other competitors.

    Is really iconic how USA travel 11,000 km away of its territory and seeks to sabotage Russian
    legitimate energy business . Is like a really bad and envious competitor. Instead of them minding their noses in their own business to help its own people.. they spend most of their time to sabotage Russia economy. Russia do not go to Mexico or Canada and try to damage US business.  This is why sometimes i wish Russia just nuke the white house and get rid of that
    Evil Mafia for once.. Smile   Because what they did in Ukraine is more than Hostile ,is crossing a red line.. and if Stalin or any hardline was the president of Russia he will have invaded already Ukraine ,wipe the streets with the banderitas and then declared war against the nations helping them.. One those nukes start falling in US cities is when the dialogue and peace will start and respect ..and a better understanding will magically happen.. When they see no longer can attack Russia and get away with it.

    Let me corrects your facts :-

    1.) Azerbaijan TANAP pipeline isn't a competition to Turk Stream and never will be . You want to knowy why ??

    Because TANAP pipeline is a drop in the bucket what the EU needs, 15 billion cubic meters a year, North Stream is 54 billion, and South Stream or Turk Stream is 53 billion.

    Now Russia is planning to supply its gas to Europe via Azerbaijan's TANAP ( If russia do so then TANAP capacity will reach to 30 billion cubic metres as russia alone will be supplying 15 billion cubic metres via TANAP . TANAP will be launched in 2018 . Turk Stream is expected to launch in 2019 because russia said Ukraine transit route will end by 2019 .

    The much-hyped Southern Gas Corridor is supposed to be the solution and the EU hopes to receive the first energy supplies from the Caspian region by 2020 but the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is apparently taking longer than expected. and the pipeline TAP will be launched in 2020.

    2.) Azerbaijan resources ( including caspian sea res ) is roughly = 10 % of Russia's resources ( excluding unidentified resources ) . Azerbaijan can never replace or fulfill 40% of Europe's gas demand through Russia . wishful thinking perhaps .

    3.) I heard rumors on Internet that israel is planning to reduce europe's dependancy on Russian gas via supllying it through Mediterranean . It's not possible and if anyone is interested i can tell you later how .

    4.) Qatar wants to run a pipeline to europe via Syria to Turkey in order to supply Europe with natural gas . Again it's not possible as syria is alongside with Russia . But still Qatar supply LNG to United Kingdom and other asian countries which faces competition with Russia . As they are only 2 major players in LNG market . Take Iran in picture also as Iran has secong highest gas reserves after russia and qatar is on 3rd position . But due to sanctions Iran never came in picture .

    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News - Page 13 12310

    5.) US (LNG) can't even fulfill Japan's energy need let alone Europe's demand . US buys LNG from Qatar. attack pwnd

    6.) Russia made a timely move by signing gas deals with china . China by next year will abandon all its coal power plants . Fcuk you Canada and Austrlaia move . China is focussed on improving its Climate and to deal with that russia's natural gas is more than helpful . It's a cleaner and green source of energy . As you said china's demand will increase in future and chinese will be more than happy as usa can't sabotage its energy supply via Malacca Straits like they did to Japan in ww2 . It'll help chinese to reduce their pollution . The only Reason why europe still has clean air to breathe because of such green soucres of energy only eg. russia's natural gas . They don't use coal .

    The moment both trans russia-china pipeline becomes operational China will overtake Europe in Russian gas imports

    7.) US sabotaging has worked actually . Guess where ?? dunno


    Lithuania Mandates Consumers Switch from Cheaper Russian Gas to Costly Norwegian LNG .This reminds me what happened to the last Solidarnosc government in Poland, a few years ago. They bought Norwegian gas, stating that it was more patriotic than to buy Russian gas (my these Russophobics are out of their mind!), even if it was very much more expensive. The public clamor was so huge that eventually Solidarnosc not only lost the elections, but disappeared from the political scene, reconverting again to tradeunionism. lol! Very Happy


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    Post  Vann7 Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:18 pm

    As i understand Tanap initially will supply 15bcm.. but over 10 years period wikipedia says
    it will increase to 30 , then to 40 and finally 60bcm.. thats like 40% of what Russia sells to Europe.. But regardless if that correct.. there is also Demand increase.. so If Europe demands grow by 50% in 10 years.. then the Tanap pipeline will not diminish in the end what Russia supply..

    Im concerned about CHina too.. they seem very opportunistic for every dollar they can make..
    regardless of ethics , like selling Reverse engineered Sukhoi planes to Russian allies for cheaper prices.. etc.. So Not really sure of CHina becoming a saviour of Russia..  WHy Russia also needs
    to sell oil to as many players as possible in Asia.. like India ,Pakistan ,Japan.. South Korea to
    play safe..  About Israel.. they had no chance to compete.. Europe will not accept their Gas stolen from palestinians and they have the problem of too Deep waters and too costly to create a pipeline to Europe.  Iranian gas fields in the other hand can do a major blow to Russia Gazprom
    and this is the real aim of US Gov with IRAN nuclear reactor deal.. this is their jackpot. They want to Blockade Gazprom business with Europe at any cost.. even if that means negotiating with IRAN and annoying Israel. They also want to open a new front in the oil war with IRANIAN oil flooding the market,  They want to blockade Russia economy so much ,that they sacrifice  american companies going bankrupt  and damaging Europe business too.

    interesting article.. Ron Paul suggest the strong dollar is not something to be optimistic..
    But a sign of a bubble that is inflating and that sooner or later will explode bringing down
    the entire American economy as it did in 2008.. but this time they will not be able
    to solve things as quickly.

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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:51 pm

    Never trust wikipedia its not reliable . RULE NO. 1 As i said Russia will also pass its gas from tanap to europe until turk stream gets built . 2018 is the year when tanap will become oprtnl .

    Chinese are busy in becoming an empire of their own but they must realize without russia usa will try to piss them .
    Tensions can be created in China in Uighyur musl region .

    Iran sanctions abolishment will definately flood market with oil glut . But US is also loosing the oil war not only their companies arw going bankrupt but opec nations are selling petridollar dominated assets because they are running short due to oversupply . Considering Iran will go in bed with US to fulfill its mission of blocking Gazprom monopoly in Europe is yet to be seen because iran is russia ally both with defence cooperation and Iran will be part of eurasian Union and Shanghai Cooperative Organization ( SCO ) . But good to see atleast yanks arent idiots while dealing iran n deal .


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    Post  George1 Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:47 pm

    Russian Oil Industry Must Adapt to Sanctions - Lukoil President

    Russia’s oil industry needs to adapt in order to mitigate the impact of Western sanctions, but there is hope the sanctions will be rolled back soon, Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov stated at Monday’s IHS CERAWeek gathering.

    HOUSTON (Sputnik) — The Lukoil President explained that the Western sanctions are two-fold and seek on the one hand they to restrict cooperation with Russia, and on the other to downgrade sovereign rating and prevent access to investment funding.

    "Of course, we are feeling the impact of sanctions, but we need some time for Russian oil industry to adapt," Alekperov said.

    Alekperov noted that the Russian oil industry has been in international business for 25 years, but must adjust to the fact that significant part of the equipment it uses is produced abroad.

    "Large part of the equipment that we use is produced outside Russia, it takes time to localize it," he said.

    "It [sovereign rating] has been downgraded and that means that access to investment is difficult," he said.

    Alekperov stressed that although Russia, although living through difficult time, will overcome the difficulties in particular because of efforts made by the oil and gas industry.

    "The [oil and gas] industry today provides perspectives for the other industries of Russia," he said.

    Moreover, Alekperov argued there is hope the Western sanctions will not sustain for too long.

    "We understand that the reason for the sanctions [the conflict in Eastern Ukraine] is being addressed," he explained. “The political dialogue about the future of Eastern Ukraine, hopefully, will resolve in new agreements, and hopefully we will be the reversal of the sanctions.”

    Lukoil is one of the world's biggest vertically integrated companies for production of crude oil and gas, and for their refining into petroleum products and petrochemicals, according to the company's website.

    Read more:

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    Post  Austin Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:41 pm

    what will happen on this charges ?

    EU charges Gazprom with abusing market position in Central & Eastern Europe

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:37 pm

    Austin wrote:what will happen on this charges ?

    EU charges Gazprom with abusing market position in Central & Eastern Europe

    Not much other than making EU pay the charges through increased prices or cut EU entirely. Once the Turkstream is up and the hub in greece, EU will have to supply the rest for themselves through greece. I think Gazprom ceo had a fit aboit this and threatened EU. Was posted by Victor.

    At this point, EU are shooting themselves in the foot. First Google now this. Both Google and Gazprom should leave EU and let them deal with the problems.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:49 am

    max steel wrote: lol!  read this : As Gazprom CEO Arrives In Athens, EU (Coincidentally) Files Anti-Trust Charges Against Russian Giant  .  Why would anyone want to do business in Europe when you'll just get bitch-slapped for political reasons?

    The EU forced Greece and Bulgaria to play the game according to the interests of the Western big companies . The failure of selling the Greek gas company (DEPA) to Russians, was not accidental, since in this case, Gasprom would have become the basic stakeholder of the Greek-Bulgarian pipeline IGB, in which the Greek company participates. And this means that the supply of Bulgaria and Romania with gas from Azerbaijan would be impossible. The 180 degree turn of European Commission is characteristic, since, while appeared at the start supporting fully the Nabucco pipeline, subsequently withdrew its support, since Nabucco was no longer competitive against Russian interests pipeline South Stream.

    According to Western "analysist", that is a "disaster" of Putin lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Post  zg18 Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:27 am

    higurashihougi wrote:According to Western "analysist", that is a "disaster" of Putin lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

    Too late , Gazprom is already diversifying business from Europe :

    Plus pipeline to China :


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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:37 am

    GP (VVP) understands that the region needs more Majdanoz so they let Erdogan deal with EU while having best buddy Turkmenistan (world's finest democracy) be responsible for up to 8% of EU NG supply. Soon Turkmenistan will win the Eurovision.

    Sad or hilarious? Well according to EU both.
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:37 pm

    Turkmenistan ? Never heard of such news . Azerbaijan is on the line for diversification ..

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:47 pm

    max steel wrote:Turkmenistan ? Never heard of such news . Azerbaijan is on the line for diversification ..

    Nabucco was supposed to be tailormade for Turkmen gas at about 240 Eur per Unit.

    here from 2012 wrote:Ashgabat adheres to the policy of selling its gas at the country’s borders, without becoming involved in transportation projects beyond its territory. Accordingly, the European Commission seeks to coordinate a trans-Caspian transportation solution, with Azerbaijan as a linchpin. The trans-Anatolia pipeline to Europe, recently initiated by Azerbaijan with Turkey, due on stream by 2016 and scalable up to 30 bcm per year, opens the way for Turkmenistani gas to Europe. The line is so designed to accommodate significant volumes of Turkmenistan’s gas. Without those volumes, the Southern Corridor to Europe would be stunted, and Azerbaijan would not significantly advance from the role of producer to that of a major transit country for energy supplies to Europe (a role that Azerbaijan would also bestow on Turkey in this case).

    Azeris were never considered reliable because of the two-pronged issue (Turkey and Russia).
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:03 pm

    Turkmenistan supplies natural gas to China also . Dont know how much resources they have . Azerbaijan resiurces are 10% of russia's acciunted resource .

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:12 pm

    max steel wrote:Turkmenistan supplies natural  gas  to China also . Dont know how much resources they have . Azerbaijan resiurces are 10% of russia's acciunted resource .

    That was the plan, put a foot to the Chinese doorstep in order to have Russia reconsider its position. However, simple math indicated that Russia having more volume simply would offer China a a better deal AND deal with the EU diversification issue.

    Needless to say, the current situation is once more a demonstration of the complete lack of strategical thinking from the EU. It is as current crop of politicians can't have a sane foreign policy that wouldn't be tied at all costs with the US views. Sad.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:47 pm

    US trying to counter gas deal to Greece.
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:17 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    US trying to counter gas deal to Greece.

    Lpl what counter deal they gonna offer ? Costly lng .

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:27 pm

    max steel wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:

    US trying to counter gas deal to Greece.

    Lpl what counter deal they gonna offer ? Costly lng .

    They're going to offer to spread Western reforms and democracy if Greece doesn't toe the line.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:28 pm

    max steel wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:

    US trying to counter gas deal to Greece.

    Lpl what counter deal they gonna offer ? Costly lng .

    Finish the South Stream Route 3 instead of GP. And own it with Greek Government through loans. The US can afford to force Turkey to divert planned hub through Greece, and Italy. This might be frown upon by Russia though. Otherwise there isn't much that can be done. Bar tying up Greece with the Israeli Leviathan Gas Field...

    The idea here is that Greece needs cash, it will always buy energy anyway. It can't afford empty promises, and Turkey is on the boat with Russia sofar. So I think Greece will go with the Ru-Tur route just to flip the bird to the EU.
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    Post  max steel Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:56 pm

    Leviathan cant fulfill the required need let alone future's . IT IS A WISHFUL PROJECT . I'VE AN ARTICLE ON IT WILL LET YOU KNOW .

    US can only arm twist or threaten the greeks instead ofhelping them out . That's their counter plans .

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    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:40 am

    They'll probably try to throw some legal obstacles in the way via Brussels

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    Post  nobunaga Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:45 pm

    Even if Greece starts building TS pipeline(there is a big chance they are playing Russia to get more concesions from EU creditors) Macedonia and Serbia won't do anything to jeperdise they chances to get to EU and they won't buld it if EU doesn't approve.There is no doubt it is a great deal for thoose countries but EU doesn't care about their devolpment but how to squeeze Russia and puppets have to do what they masters tell them.Russia should focus on developing pipelines in asia to china,india and south korea and offc LNG is something well worth investing.EU doesn't deserve cheap russian gas,let them buy it from their american friends at high prices

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    Post  Viktor Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:53 pm

    nobunaga wrote:Even if Greece starts building TS pipeline(there is a big chance they are playing Russia to get more concesions from EU creditors) Macedonia and Serbia won't do anything to jeperdise they chances to get to EU and they won't buld it if EU doesn't approve.There is no doubt it is a great deal for thoose countries but EU doesn't care about their devolpment but how to squeeze Russia and puppets have to do what they masters tell them.Russia should focus on developing pipelines in asia to china,india and south korea and offc LNG is something well worth investing.EU doesn't deserve cheap russian gas,let them buy it from their american friends at high prices

    Russian win win situation. They can always wait by their valve in Turkey.

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    Post  macedonian Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:47 pm

    nobunaga wrote:Even if Greece starts building TS pipeline(there is a big chance they are playing Russia to get more concesions from EU creditors) Macedonia and Serbia won't do anything to jeperdise they chances to get to EU and they won't buld it if EU doesn't approve.There is no doubt it is a great deal for thoose countries but EU doesn't care about their devolpment but how to squeeze Russia and puppets have to do what they masters tell them.Russia should focus on developing pipelines in asia to china,india and south korea and offc LNG is something well worth investing.EU doesn't deserve cheap russian gas,let them buy it from their american friends at high prices

    Granted - our politicians are mere puppets to Brussels and Washington, but they've announced that we will be a part of the project. Numerous times.
    An MOU was signed between Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia AND Hungary.
    A Russian company already started building (digging) the pipeline in Macedonia right after signing said MOU. So that deal is pretty much sealed.

    So unless some serious arm-twisting from Washington changes the whole situation, this deal should go ahead.
    Same goes for Serbia, their politicians stated continuously that the deal is certain as far as Serbia is concerned.

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    Post  nobunaga Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:26 pm

    macedonian wrote:
    nobunaga wrote:Even if Greece starts building TS pipeline(there is a big chance they are playing Russia to get more concesions from EU creditors) Macedonia and Serbia won't do anything to jeperdise they chances to get to EU and they won't buld it if EU doesn't approve.There is no doubt it is a great deal for thoose countries but EU doesn't care about their devolpment but how to squeeze Russia and puppets have to do what they masters tell them.Russia should focus on developing pipelines in asia to china,india and south korea and offc LNG is something well worth investing.EU doesn't deserve cheap russian gas,let them buy it from their american friends at high prices

    Granted - our politicians are mere puppets to Brussels and Washington, but they've announced that we will be a part of the project. Numerous times.
    An MOU was signed between Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia AND Hungary.
    A Russian company already started building (digging) the pipeline in Macedonia right after signing said MOU. So that deal is pretty much sealed.

    So unless some serious arm-twisting from Washington changes the whole situation, this deal should go ahead.
    Same goes for Serbia, their politicians stated continuously that the deal is certain as far as Serbia is concerned.

    Pipeline qurently build in Macedonia is only for local macedonian gas grid not part of the TS,Serbia officials repeatedly stated that pipeline could be build only if it is in regulations with EU laws which means never.I think Serbia leaders welcomed refusal of Bulgaria because then they can blame it all on them and people wouldn't protest.I wish i was wrong but only time will tell

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