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    Politics of Canada


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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  Kiko Tue May 28, 2024 8:10 pm

    Why Justin Trudeau Has Ceased to Be the Voters' Darling in Canada, 05.28.2024.

    Things are not looking particularly good for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the moment, seeing how the Conservative Party is currently enjoying a double-digit lead in the polls over Trudeau’s Liberal Party less than a year and a half away from the next federal election.

    Aside from the general fatigue with the Liberal Party, as some media outlets describe it, the following events and factors also did not help Trudeau’s standing in the eyes of Canadian voters:

    - Canada’s relations with China, as well as with countries such as India and Saudi Arabia, soured after Trudeau’s election in 2015, as the Canadian government seems keen to follow the US’ lead when it comes to foreign policy;

    - In 2017, Trudeau became embroiled in a political scandal caused by revelations that he accepted gifts and private island vacations from Aga Khan, leader of the Shia Ismaili religion, whose foundation ended up receiving millions of dollars of Canadian federal funding in 2016;

    - A veritable political scandal erupted in 2019 amid allegations that Trudeau’s office pressured Canada’s minister of justice to intervene in an ongoing criminal case against SNC-Lavalin construction company;

    - Trudeau’s handling of the so-called Freedom Convoy – a protest by Canadian truckers against the anti-COVID measures and lockdowns imposed by Ottawa – which included mass arrests and freezing of the protesters’ bank accounts, also did not endear the prime minister to his constituents;

    - In September 2023, the Canadian government committed a faux pas of colossal proportions by toasting Ukrainian ex-Waffen SS member Yaroslav Hunka in Canada’s parliament, who was initially presented as a WWII veteran who “fought against Russia”;

    - Last month’s revelations, such as those coming from Fitch Ratings, suggest that Canada's budget deficit continues to grow, and it remains unclear whether Trudeau has a recipe to deal with this problem.

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    Post  kvs Wed May 29, 2024 12:46 am

    Sputnik is diluting Turdope's abuses.   Turdope forced an experimental vax centred on the highly allergenic spike protein and use of N1-methylpseudouridine instead of
    uridine in the mRNA distributed to cells to manufacture the spike.   This feature causes rybosome glitching (uridine does not cause such glitching) so that the cells
    produced a vast spectrum of spike-like proteins which ratchets up the auto-immune response risk.    Turdope has no qualifications as doctor and vaccine expert and
    has a grade A corrupt conflict of interest in his family's ownership of the Moderna and Pfizer stock.   BTW, just as with US politicians, it is routine for scumbags like
    Turdope to use insider information to cream stock.

    Turdope abused his power by imposing the Emergency Measures Act (formerly War Measures Act) to suppress legitimate, peaceful protests against the gross violation of
    human rights with the forced vaccination edicts of the Turdope regime.    

    Turdope has pushed through Orwellian social media legislation that controls what people can say and social media companies are required to act as government censors
    to impose Turdope's woke degenerate "values".    

    Turdope is a dictator who is pissing on Canadians.

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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:52 pm

    WEF chimp Turdope is trying to go after people's home equity. He yaps about house prices being all about speculation and flipping when it actually
    is about inflation. In Kanada all bank interest is taxed as if there is no inflation. So if the CPI is 6% and you get 4% in interest you are losing 2%
    but you still have to pay taxes as if you gained 4%. Now these maggots want to tax you on the price of your house as if it is all a massive capital
    gain and inflation is zero.


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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:44 am

    Kanada is such a toilet.   Clear abuse of power by entities (municipalities) that violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Municipal corporations cannot impose arbitrary fines (e.g. 43 million dollars per year). They cannot abuse penalty systems designed for
    traffic tickets to apply them to every context. Here we see how the province (which creates municipal corporations) is totally negligent
    in overseeing its creations. Kanada has only two real levels of government, federal and provincial. Municipalities have elections for positions
    and right to create by-laws, but they do not have absolute rights to do whatever they please. They must act within a narrow window
    as dictated by the province.

    It is Kafkaesque how different municipalities act to create contradictory by-laws. This clearly goes against jurisprudence and the constitution.
    Canadians are citizens of the same country and not of thousands of town sized entities. It is not legal for your rights to be defined differently
    based on where you live.

    You also see here a case of a Karen infestation. These vile bimbos do not have respect for the law and due process, they only have respect
    for their feelings. I hope these Karens and the whole municipality is destroyed by the courts.


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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  Kiko Sat Oct 19, 2024 9:29 am

    Trudeau will never talk about the real foreign meddling in Canadian politics, by Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English, for RT. 10.19.2024.

    The prime minister sees interference from abroad everywhere, except right under his own nose – or rather, at his back.

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sees foreign interference everywhere, even where Canadian officials say it doesn’t exist. But he can’t for the life of him find the systemic foreign meddling that’s right under his nose, and of personal and political benefit.

    During seemingly endless Canadian parliamentary foreign interference inquiries that started in September 2023, Trudeau has just testified (in French) that Russia is everywhere, accusing Moscow of “amplifying” Canada’s problems, like when a bunch of honking Freedom Convoy truckers descended on Ottawa to demand equal treatment for all Canadians regardless of Covid jab status.

    Like it was Russia that blocked protesters’ bank accounts at the behest of Team Trudeau, in a move that went globally viral because it confirmed people’s worst fears about a dystopian slide into authoritarianism and social credit-style mass control. Go against the establishment and just try to even survive without access to your own money.

    Trudeau was specifically shown and asked about RT headlines criticizing his government’s actions around the Convoy, generally shrugging them off as propaganda and disinformation, even though it turns out that they were really just prescient. Because in January 2024, even the Canadian Federal Court ruled that Team Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act, which is normally reserved for incidents like war and terrorism, and the extraordinary measures taken under it, banking and otherwise, violated the constitutional rights of Canadians. So, is Canadian Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley a Kremlin agent, too?

    As for any evidence that the Freedom Convoy was foreign funded? Nonsense, said Canada’s intelligence services at a formal inquiry in 2022.

    Trudeau then suggested that RT sowed Covid jab “antivax” disinformation, which is really just another way of saying that the outlet didn’t participate in the kind of overt censorship and narrative control that prevented an open and democratic discussion and debate in the spirit of scientific inquiry related to a novel vaccine and virus, the impact and effects of which were constantly shifting along with government mandates and directives.

    I personally contributed a piece to RT during the Covid fiasco in August 2021 about how, as an un-jabbed Canadian citizen arriving in Canada from Paris with a French lab blood test certificate quantifying natural antibodies and immunity from Covid as a result of infection, border officials offered me the choice of either spending days locked in a federal facility for the un-jabbed returning to Canada, or else getting straight back on a plane to France.

    I chose the latter. And now it’s widely accepted that natural immunity ultimately is what has reduced Covid to an epiphenomenon around the world. Finally, the rest of the world, including Trudeau’s own health authorities, have caught up to getting on board with the kind of “disinformation” that RT was leading the way in platforming, all while Western governments were demanding censorship of debate across social media platforms. The Canadian military was also caught deploying military-grade information warfare during Covid, using techniques honed on the battlefield in Afghanistan, in support of the government’s narrative, as the Ottawa Citizen reported in September 2021.

    “Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness,” NBC News reported in 2023, citing research published in The Lancet. Oh no, looks like the prestigious Lancet medical journal and NBC News have both fallen to Russia now, too.

    Trudeau claimed at the foreign interference hearing that RT was financing “very well-known names” on the right, “like Jordan Peterson or Tucker Carlson, to amply messages that destabilize democracy.” Because literally everyone who disagrees with Western propaganda is a Russian agent now, apparently. Got any actual receipts for your claims against former Fox News host Carlson and globally renowned Canadian clinical psychologist Peterson, champ? Because I smell a potential lawsuit or two.

    Trudeau has been playing similarly fast and loose with the “evidence” of Indian “foreign interference” lately, too. He explicitly accused Indian diplomats, including the Indian high commissioner in Canada, of being involved in homicide and extortion of “Canadians” and violating Canadian sovereignty. More like Justin violated Canada’s sovereignty by importing every global conflict imaginable into Canada by turning it into a flophouse. And now that fights are breaking out between all these “Canadians,” it’s time to find a scapegoat.

    No actual names were given of the targeted “Canadians” or suspects during a police press conference this week, but Hardeep Singh Nijjar was gunned down near Vancouver last year. That particular “Canadian” had come into Canada fraudulently and eventually scored refugee status by whining about being persecuted in India, which literally considered him a terrorist looking to carve up India to create a state just for Kalastani Sikhs. Yet the Canadian government went, “Poor guy, come on in, bud! And please bring all your issues with you. Because diversity is our strength!”

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed that the targets are Kalistani “Canadians.” Sikh separatists are considered a terrorist group in India, although who’s to say that non-Khalistanis can’t get caught in the crossfire, as seems to be the case with the increasing amount of gangland-style gun play taking place.

    These “Canadians” have been routinely rallied by an American Khalistani group to hold referendums in favor of an independent Khalistani state from Canada. We’re talking about the same kind of separatism that Trudeau explicitly denounces when practiced by francophone separatists in Quebec. His father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, even declared martial law amid separatist violence, kidnapping and murder in Quebec back in 1970.

    So just imagine if New Delhi had given Quebec separatists refuge and allowed them to hold referendums from India on carving up Canada like Team Trudeau is doing now with Khalistanis while blaming Indian officials for the fact that they’re being picked off rather than blaming himself and his predecessors for the fact that they’re even in Canada in the first place.

    Canadian police claim to have cases of Indian diplomats hiring criminals to shoot these Khalistani “Canadians,” but can’t actually cite any actual names or specifics.

    Much more glaring, however, is Trudeau sitting there at a foreign interference inquiry while the guy literally propping up his minority government, left-wing New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh, is a vocal pro-Khalistani advocate himself, who just announced that he wants to put forward “severe sanctions” on Indian diplomats, adding that Narendra Modi’s government “has to be held to account.” Big mystery where the foreign interference is when Trudeau’s political career is done the moment this guy pulls his support.

    Meanwhile, a Sikh separatist activist from a group in the US helping to organize the Kalistani independence referendums in Canada, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, has told Canadian state media about his access to Trudeau’s office, saying that he told them who to go after in Canada on India’s side. And now he’s tweeting that his US-based group, Sikhs for Justice, is offering a “budget” – which is a nice way of saying “bounty” – of $500,000 to track down the expelled Indian high commissioner. He also said they want Canada to investigate a Canadian MP, Chandra Arya, who was born in India, and whom he calls Modi’s mouthpeace, probably because he’s routinely condemning Khalistani extremism. The guys with whom Trudeau is overtly siding against the Indian government are literally offering bounties, yet Trudeau needs a whole endless dog-and-pony show to find the foreign interference in Canada.

    Canadian politicians pandering to ethnic blocs for votes and their own political self-interest isn’t the kind of foreign meddling they’re looking for, I guess. Kind of like what they all do with the influential Ukrainian expat lobby in Canada – the point of greenlighting their suggestion that a World War II-era Nazi, Yaroslav Hunka, be celebrated in the Canadian parliament during Zelensky’s visit.

    Team Trudeau had to backtrack upon realizing that smoking Russians back in the day put this guy on the same side as Hitler. But the policies pandering to the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada for votes and damaging Russia-Canada relations remain. And now it looks like Team Trudeau’s pandering to Indian separatists for personal and political gain is tanking Canada’s relations with India, too.

    But by all means, Justin, please show us, with your whopping 30% popularity, exactly where on the map Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, India, Russia, Freedom Convoy truckers, antivaxxers, and RT touched Canada.

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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:02 am

    Kanada remains a joke. The court finds that Turdope illegally abused the Emergencies Act to oppress Canadian citizens but somehow he remains in power.
    If I robbed a bank I would go to jail and face prosecution. But Turdope who pulled a much worse crime can pretend like nothing happened. The Prime Minister
    is clearly above the law. There is not even any automatic impeachment let alone prosecution for abuse of power. This is what NATzO "democracies" are
    in reality. Two bit dictatorial toilets where the sheeple have smoke blown up their asses about how free they are and how much "due process" there is in their
    "legally governed paragons of human society".

    No wonder some Karens can engage in barbarian power abuse in Kanadian municipalities. They will be sending out the police to shoot homeowners for "violating"
    illegal rent by-laws next. Kanada was only ever good because of the behaviour of the population. The system did not make it good. Now that we have woke
    lunacy infesting every crack, the system is exposed as an empty husk.


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    Politics of Canada - Page 4 Empty Re: Politics of Canada

    Post  kvs Yesterday at 8:22 am

    Bend over some more, Canadians.   You must love that bureaucrat parasite cock up your asses.  

    The fish rots from the head.   The minions follow the lead of the regime in power.    Rampant abuse of process and power are not "inconveniences" and should not be tolerated.
    But they are being tolerated and so they are being ratcheted up.

    Note how you are not allowed in "freedom cuntry Kanada" to sell a used car for a price you want.   You must sell it for the price they "evaluate" it to be.   The parasites need to
    tax the same money over and over.    All the money involved in any such sale will have already been taxed via income taxes and the car sale was already taxed at its highest,
    new price.  The parasites should not be collecting taxes from used car sales in the first place.  

    In case you think I am unreasonable about taxation, you are delusional.   The regime can collect all the taxes it can but is always short because it squanders the money on corrupt
    transactions and through gross incompetence.   There is no accountability, responsibility and most importantly any external constraint.   The parasites need an external constraint.

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