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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

Mike E
Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  auslander Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:50 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:Without giving the precide coordinates of my location, I live in a small town not too far asay from manchester in the north of england, though I was born in the midlands.

    Ever since i was about 11 years old I wanted to learn russian and visit moscow, it took a while but i finally managed to get there in 2007, then the lamguage started to come easier after that. I had to learn polish first (ughh) and pnce i had got the hang of that, russian came very easily due to the similarities of grammar. Did a bit of travelling around ukraine and spent quite a bit of time in crimea, met a nice girl there. Finished with her long ago but i have some great memories of crimea, last visit was in 2012 but plan to come again, its one of my top two places in the world, i feel very much at home there.

    Auslander, oneday I hope to enjoy a glass of massandras finest with you on the peninsula.

    With any luck that day will be soon.

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    Post  andrewlya Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:07 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:
    andrewlya wrote:
    Rodinazombie wrote:Without giving the precide coordinates of my location, I live in a small town not too far asay from manchester in the north of england, though I was born in the midlands.

    Ever since i was about 11 years old I wanted to learn russian and visit moscow, it took a while but i finally managed to get there in 2007, then the lamguage started to come easier after that. I had to learn polish first (ughh) and pnce i had got the hang of that, russian came very easily due to the similarities of grammar. Did a bit of travelling around ukraine and spent quite a bit of time in crimea, met a nice girl there. Finished with her long ago but i have some great memories of crimea, last visit was in 2012 but plan to come again, its one of my top two places in the world, i feel very much at home there.

    Auslander, oneday I hope to enjoy a glass of massandras finest with you on the peninsula.
    So, you are fully British/English? That's cool!

    By the way, we are neighbours ha

    Indeed sir, i am an englander.
    Great stuff buddy

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    Post  andrewlya Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:09 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The thing is Anglo-Saxons have a tremendous dislike for Slavs, especially Russians. This is because they could NOT conquer us unlike the third world states in Africa & Asia which they colonized for years.

    I don't try to educate these Anglo Saxons. There is an old Russian saying

    I am Anglo Saxon... Do I hate Russians?  Give me your opinion...   Smile
    I don't think that is the case, all my mates like Russia, or at least that is the feeling I get. I think people read more alternative media now so opinion towards Russia is changing quite positively.

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    Post  andrewlya Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:40 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    jka wrote:
    andrewlya wrote:
    jka wrote:I am from Sweden but my parents are from Finland and other slakt from Finland.

    Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

    I am finnish but nobody of Gods cares about me or nobody of Gods don't exist but helps exist.

    Nobody care about me??

    Att säga att ingen Gud bryr sig om dig, och att ingen Gud existerar är inte sanningen.

    och asking-- är det någon som bryr sig om dig?

    Lukas 10:29 Men han villig att rättfärdiga sig, sade till Jesus, och vem är då min nästa?
    Jesus svarade och sade: En man gick ner från Jerusalem till Jeriko och råkade ut för tjuvar, som slet av honom kläderna och sårade honom, och gick och lämnade honom halvdöd.
    Och av en slump kom ned en präst på det sättet, och när han fick se honom, gick han förbi på andra sidan.
    Och likaså en levit, när han var på plats, kom och tittade på honom och gick förbi på andra sidan.
    Men en samarit, som färdades samma väg, kom också dit där han var; och när han fick se honom, ömkade han sig över honom,
    Och gick till honom, och binds upp hans sår, hällde olja och vin, och satte honom på sin åsna och förde honom till ett värdshus och skötte om honom.
    Och på morgondagen när han avgick, tog han fram två silverpenningar och gav dem åt värden och sade till honom: Ta hand om honom, och vad du mer kostar, när jag kommer igen, skall jag betala dig.
    Vilken av dessa tre synes du var granne till honom som föll bland tjuvarna?
    Och han sade, han som visade honom barmhärtighet. Då sade Jesus till honom: Gå och gör som han.
    I denna berättelse, vem tror du samariten, som visade barmhärtighet, representerar?
    Tror du att det är möjligt att vi i den här världen kan falla bland tjuvar (så att säga), som kan beröva oss av våra kläder (bildligt) och sår oss, och avgår lämnar oss halvdöd?
    & Att det är möjligt att den barmhärtige samariten som visade barmhärtighet, när de religiösa personer inte kan representera Jesus Kristus, och att det är möjligt att Jesus Kristus kan vara riktigt? och att han bryr sig om dig? ...

    Saying that no God cares about you, and that no God exists is not the truth.

    and asking-- is there anyone who cares for you?

    Luke 10:29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
    Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
    And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
    And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
    But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
    And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
    And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
    Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
    And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
    IN THIS STORY, WHO DO you think the Samaritan, who showed mercy, represents?
    Do you think that it's possible that  in this world we might  fall among thieves (so to speak), who might strip us  of our clothes (figuratively), and wound us, and depart leaving us half dead?
    & that it's possible that the Good Samaritan who showed mercy, when the religious persons didn't, might represent Jesus Christ, and that it's possible that Jesus Christ might be real?  and that He cares for you?...
    Amen to that.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:30 am

    I don't think that is the case, all my mates like Russia, or at least that is the feeling I get. I think people read more alternative media now so opinion towards Russia is changing quite positively.

    Actually I have seen that too... the same friends who in the 1980s looked at me sideways when I talked about soviet weapons with interest like I was some 5th columnist, now talk about the actions of the US around the world like they are mad with power and dangerous to everyone... and while some don't like Putin they tend to respect his apparent honesty... he means what he says and says what he means.

    I suspect a few would prefer to vote for him in our next election... our current idiot in chief wants to change our flag... $23 million just to decide to change something we have had for hundreds of years and if we go through with a change...then you have to change it... passports, drivers licences etc etc.

    What a pain in the ass.

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    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:17 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    I don't think that is the case, all my mates like Russia, or at least that is the feeling I get. I think people read more alternative media now so opinion towards Russia is changing quite positively.

    Actually I have seen that too... the same friends who in the 1980s looked at me sideways when I talked about soviet weapons with interest like I was some 5th columnist, now talk about the actions of the US around the world like they are mad with power and dangerous to everyone... and while some don't like Putin they tend to respect his apparent honesty... he means what he says and says what he means.

    I suspect a few would prefer to vote for him in our next election... our current idiot in chief wants to change our flag... $23 million just to decide to change something we have had for hundreds of years and if we go through with a change...then you have to change it... passports, drivers licences etc etc.

    What a pain in the ass.
    What is your thought on that. Everytime there is an anti Russia article in say Daily Mail, BBC or The Guarding. You go to the Best Rated comments and they are majority are pro Russia, pro even Putin. Do you believe that " Kremlin trolls" are really at work? Or people in the West are no actually buying anti Russia propaganda?

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    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:53 pm

    andrewlya wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    I don't think that is the case, all my mates like Russia, or at least that is the feeling I get. I think people read more alternative media now so opinion towards Russia is changing quite positively.

    Actually I have seen that too... the same friends who in the 1980s looked at me sideways when I talked about soviet weapons with interest like I was some 5th columnist, now talk about the actions of the US around the world like they are mad with power and dangerous to everyone... and while some don't like Putin they tend to respect his apparent honesty... he means what he says and says what he means.

    I suspect a few would prefer to vote for him in our next election... our current idiot in chief wants to change our flag... $23 million just to decide to change something we have had for hundreds of years and if we go through with a change...then you have to change it... passports, drivers licences etc etc.

    What a pain in the ass.
    What is your thought on that. Everytime there is an anti Russia article in say Daily Mail, BBC or The Guarding. You go to the Best Rated comments and they are majority are pro Russia, pro even Putin. Do you believe that " Kremlin trolls" are really at work? Or people in the West are no actually buying anti Russia propaganda?

    People in the west are not buying the propaganda of the west and there are certainly no Putin trolls that are rating somewhere in online votings while those online papers are barely visited or used. This "Putin Troll" allegetation came immidiatley after former Mi5 and NSA agents have disclosed documents along with Snowden via wikileaks that they have their british GCHQ doctrine of using defamation, controlled creation of perception on online forums, articles (wiki) and reputation destruction etc, meaning british agents trolling the internet. A similiar design was shown for the so called Hasbara Jews, which is open knowledge since Israeli government openly seeks for young israeli students for propagating Israel on internet for the "jewish cause".

    So far there was not a single sign that russia has actually trolls, no documents of the Russian government, no seek of the russian government to pay individuals for propaganda purposes etc. It is absolutley not needed. Fact is the US does so much shit that is 100% lies and are exactly the opposite to what story the Washington is spewing that there is no need for such propaganda tactics, the only thing you need to do it point out the lies of the West and they destroy their own reputation. Lies and fake video footage of Syrian chemical Sarin gas attack against civilians, exposed as Turkish supplied chemicals to FSA (AL-CIAda,ISIS,Taliban) or whatever names they recieve after they run into a hold and then are changed to justify more bombing and expansions. They lied about the faked beheadings of journalists, without a single footage, not even on Liveleak which does not give a shit about violance video policies, it was exposed to be fake. Today they are trying to portray that Putin is responsible for the coup de etat in putin overthrows Yanukowich that was the least anti russian of former presidents and pays and installs Nazis to kill russians so he can occupy Ukraine... yes brilliant theory. No nuland cookies, no phone calls, no western politicians steering up shit on maidan all just Putins fault.

    Till this day they have not presented a single thingy that someone would call evidence of their claimed huge amount of evidence against russia. No evidence for MH-17, but we know it was. No evidence of russian trolls only german propaganda showing a building on footage and making claims about russian paid jobless going everyday in that building to spread Kremlin propaganda, no evidence of form of official or leaked documents, no insiders who actually work for the government absolutley nothing just show someone a building and propagate it to be "THE" building and make up claims. This has of course not worked this german propaganda like most western propaganda Mainstream bullshit who are controlled by the west almost every single plattform has closed their comment section online. With some even using this very same propaganda as justification to further push US lies "We closed our comment section because of the high amount of russian trolls".

    N24 once closed their comment section for around 1 hour with the reasoning they have given: "We do not accept Anti-american comments or Pro-russian comments". This little revealing mistake has been deleted after seeing it one hour later.

    Here in german video to exactly this N24 "Anti-american and Pro-Russian comments"

    Also constantly people that are revealing US lies and Mainstream lies are constantly struck with YT cencorship of "copy rights issue" to close channels that are not doing them any good. Freedom of speech in its purity. The holy west that has never had any oppositions, i ask why?

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    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:11 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    andrewlya wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    I don't think that is the case, all my mates like Russia, or at least that is the feeling I get. I think people read more alternative media now so opinion towards Russia is changing quite positively.

    Actually I have seen that too... the same friends who in the 1980s looked at me sideways when I talked about soviet weapons with interest like I was some 5th columnist, now talk about the actions of the US around the world like they are mad with power and dangerous to everyone... and while some don't like Putin they tend to respect his apparent honesty... he means what he says and says what he means.

    I suspect a few would prefer to vote for him in our next election... our current idiot in chief wants to change our flag... $23 million just to decide to change something we have had for hundreds of years and if we go through with a change...then you have to change it... passports, drivers licences etc etc.

    What a pain in the ass.
    What is your thought on that. Everytime there is an anti Russia article in say Daily Mail, BBC or The Guarding. You go to the Best Rated comments and they are majority are pro Russia, pro even Putin. Do you believe that " Kremlin trolls" are really at work? Or people in the West are no actually buying anti Russia propaganda?

    People in the west are not buying the propaganda of the west and there are certainly no Putin trolls that are rating somewhere in online votings while those online papers are barely visited or used. This "Putin Troll" allegetation came immidiatley after former Mi5 and NSA agents have disclosed documents along with Snowden via wikileaks that they have their british GCHQ doctrine of using defamation, controlled creation of perception on online forums, articles (wiki) and reputation destruction etc, meaning british agents trolling the internet. A similiar design was shown for the so called Hasbara Jews, which is open knowledge since Israeli government openly seeks for young israeli students for propagating Israel on internet for the "jewish cause".

    So far there was not a single sign that russia has actually trolls, no documents of the Russian government, no seek of the russian government to pay individuals for propaganda purposes etc. It is absolutley not needed. Fact is the US does so much shit that is 100% lies and are exactly the opposite to what story the Washington is spewing that there is no need for such propaganda tactics, the only thing you need to do it point out the lies of the West and they destroy their own reputation. Lies and fake video footage of Syrian chemical Sarin gas attack against civilians, exposed as Turkish supplied chemicals to FSA (AL-CIAda,ISIS,Taliban) or whatever names they recieve after they run into a hold and then are changed to justify more bombing and expansions. They lied about the faked beheadings of journalists, without a single footage, not even on Liveleak which does not give a shit about violance video policies, it was exposed to be fake. Today they are trying to portray that Putin is responsible for the coup de etat in putin overthrows Yanukowich that was the least anti russian of former presidents and pays and installs Nazis to kill russians so he can occupy Ukraine... yes brilliant theory. No nuland cookies, no phone calls, no western politicians steering up shit on maidan all just Putins fault.

    Till this day they have not presented a single thingy that someone would call evidence of their claimed huge amount of evidence against russia. No evidence for MH-17, but we know it was. No evidence of russian trolls only german propaganda showing a building on footage and making claims about russian paid jobless going everyday in that building to spread Kremlin propaganda, no evidence of form of official or leaked documents, no insiders who actually work for the government absolutley nothing just show someone a building and propagate it to be "THE" building and make up claims. This has of course not worked this german propaganda like most western propaganda Mainstream bullshit who are controlled by the west almost every single plattform has closed their comment section online. With some even using this very same propaganda as justification to further push US lies "We closed our comment section because of the high amount of russian trolls".

    N24 once closed their comment section for around 1 hour with the reasoning they have given: "We do not accept Anti-american comments or Pro-russian comments". This little revealing mistake has been deleted after seeing it one hour later.

    Here in german video to exactly this N24 "Anti-american and Pro-Russian comments"

    Also constantly people that are revealing US lies and Mainstream lies are constantly struck with YT cencorship of "copy rights issue" to close channels that are not doing them any good. Freedom of speech in its purity. The holy west that has never had any oppositions, i ask why?
    It is a really sad stat of affairs when in democratic countries one is entitled to a freedom of long as pro war Western, anti Russian...if it is pro Russian you are a paid Kremlin troll. Funny right.

    If you read any anti Russian article in Britain, always go to the best rated comments they are almost always pro Russian, I am glad that people are not buying this anymore.

    Watch this,incredible.

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    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:55 pm

    andrewlya wrote:
    It is a really sad stat of affairs when in democratic countries one is entitled to a freedom of long as pro war Western, anti Russian...if it is pro Russian you are a paid Kremlin troll. Funny right.

    If you read any anti Russian article in Britain, always go to the best rated comments they are almost always pro Russian, I am glad that people are not buying this anymore.

    Watch this,incredible.

    Here several people have been over the past been called Kremlin bots, iirc even GarryB was insulted as a Putin Bot but so far i haven't seen a paycheck from Moscow, i will sue germany for compensation for hard work and 200 hours a month but no paychecks, meaning they "know" Putin pays, but they refuse me the money on my account meaning they seize unlawfully my hard earned money. Sue them untill they turn black!

    Btw i was called by one of the users here a Washington troll... Rolling Eyes

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    Post  jhelb Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:40 pm

    GarryB wrote:I am Anglo Saxon... Do I hate Russians?  Give me your opinion...   Smile

    You are an exception Garry, not the rule. May your tribe increase.

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    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:05 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:I am Anglo Saxon... Do I hate Russians?  Give me your opinion...   Smile

    You are an exception Garry, not the rule. May your tribe increase.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:46 am

    The problem with broad comments is that they are rarely useful.

    An example is average... an almost useless word.

    What is the average New Zealander?

    Are they male or female?

    Once you say one or the other almost half are now not average, so there is no average gender.

    Anyway... rant over... no hard feelings.... russia

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    Location : Previously: Belarus Currently: A Small Island No One Cares About

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    Post  jhelb Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:32 pm

    GarryB wrote:The problem with broad comments is that they are rarely useful.

    An example is average... an almost useless word.

    What is the average New Zealander?

    Are they male or female?

    Once you say one or the other almost half are now not average, so there is no average gender.

    Anyway... rant over... no hard feelings....  russia

    I want you to know Garry that I have no hard feeling against Anglo Saxons either. I simply shared what I have experienced myself.

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    Post  andrewlya Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:19 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:The problem with broad comments is that they are rarely useful.

    An example is average... an almost useless word.

    What is the average New Zealander?

    Are they male or female?

    Once you say one or the other almost half are now not average, so there is no average gender.

    Anyway... rant over... no hard feelings....  russia

    I want you to know Garry that I have no hard feeling against Anglo Saxons either.  I simply shared what I have experienced myself.
    I've had mostly friendly experience with Anglo-Saxons, so it is all good.

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    Post  victor1985 Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:27 pm

    ooooo...i just like to stay on a looot of western ...sites

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    Post  Firebird Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:28 pm

    andrewlya wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    andrewlya wrote:Hi guys, I've been wanting to join a pro Russian forum for a while now only so I could get away from the Western anti Russian propaganda and hopefully to speak to some like minded people.I also would like to know where the members of this forum come from and why you are on here or why are you
    pro Russian? Would be great to know whether you have Russian blood or just like the culture or what ever. About myself, I was born in Russia but live in England and even though I love England and the British people I don't find the main media very Russian unfriendly. What i noticed though, say if you read an anti Russian article say in Daily Mail and then read the best rated comments they tend to be pro Russian almost all the time, the same with BBC there are many pro Russian comments, however those pro Russians commentators are quickly labeled as "Russian trolls", so basically if one says anything good about Russia or being anti NATO he's labeled a Russian troll.Most of my mates are pro Russian so I do believe there are many in Britain who are the same. Amount of time i've read " I wish we had Putin running the country instead of Cameron.." I've lost count. So, please introduce yourself, tell me where you are from and why you are pro Russia or like Russia, thanks guys.

    I'm a British born, British citizen. I am of Russian descent on my fathers side. Grandparents from Kiev and Western Imperial Russia. My maternal grandparents also visited the USSR regularly.

    I utterly despise the British Establishment with its feudalistic class nonsense. I'm also sickened at how Britain is the perennial gimpboy for the troublemaking+ warmongering Americans.

    Ultimately I support Russia's policies because she is doing the right thing, and is a chance for stability against tyranny.

    After arrival in England, my grandfather  chopped the -ovich off my surname ("Anglicising" it) and we wouldn't talk about our Russian heritage (Russophobia was terrible). Since Cold War 1 ended, I started thinking about my heritage much more, and felt a big sense of pride in it. Perhaps I will live in Russia. I also have Russian born/resident friends where I can share different things, which is also great to have.

    As my Russian friends say to me, "your soul is Russian". It gives me a nice feeling Haha!

    That is brilliant, thanks for sharing that! I take you have been to Russia?
    You can get cheap flights on Easy Jet either from London or Manchester to Moscow for like 80 quid return!

    Thankyou : )
    Yes Moscow is absolutely amazing, one of my favourite cities in the whole world, or perhaps THE favourite. I love the history, the architecture, the buzz. The fact its international but also definitively Russian. Oh.. and the girls hehe! I think it would be a terrific place to live, esp for ex pats. But Sochi and St Pete have massive attractions too.

    One benefit of the economic slowdown is that you can stay in some beautiful Moscow hotels for a much lower price than before.

    I must explore Russia much more. Siberia, the Arctic and Baikal etc is next on my list.

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    Post  bmtppk Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:33 am


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