PapaDragon wrote:
Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:
Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia
SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................
Gerasimov is small fish, right?
Even think this looks like a comedy or a show.. it can be dangerous.. Whenever Russian Generals travels to Europe for any conference/trap they invited, they could be arrested under any pretext
that Ukraine demands deportation. When the defense minister of Russia travels to transnistria ,the autonomous zone of Moldova , his plane was blocked from Using Poland airspace for some time.. My biggest concern is not a war of RUssia between Ukraine.. or not even a war between Americans and Russia.. they will not fight a war they cannot win.. and that will allow Russia to justify a major retaliation . My biggest concern is that NATO goes beyond International laws as they normally do and kidnap the Defense Minister of RUssia or any of its generals when travel outside ,bypassing its diplomatic status.. that will certainly be doable by the terrorist states of America and its loyal colonies. but also the shot down of their plane or worse the shot down of
Putin plane..
Im telling you this here so people later not surprised..IF The US government was capable of
what they did in 9/11 in 2001 in wtc.. on their own people.. Killing 3,000 americans to justify endless invasions in middle east.. then they are capable of a n y t h i n g.... .
What anything means? from more MH17 false flags ,to more (9/11 WTC) or to full scale terrorism against Russia.. as Beslan school , or any "unthinkable thing" real madman could
do if they have all the technology in the world ,money and disrespect for human life.
as an example of this.. Evilness.. you only have to see what happens in Syria , the government police found a warehouse in Latakia years ago with hundreds of Barrel of very dangerous chemicals ,were found on a private property that they could not trace is owner. The chemicals were not produced by any company in Syria..and have no use for anything other than terrorism. After investigation they found what was the chemicals about.. they Obama sponsored armed opposition was planing to poison the major reserve of fresh water that was near the place of the finding in Syria to exterminate millions..They could not do the terror act because Syria government increased the security around all bodies in the nation of fresh water. The various
chemical attack on civilians (blamed by the west on assad) are more examples of how evil they can be.
it was Obama who directly told in 2014 in conference ,he was "worried" of a (Alqaeda terrorist) nuclear weapon exploding in New York..
how could such thing ever happen without the bomb not being provided to AL-CiA-eda by them?
So they will only get more desperate and more criminal in order to humiliate Russia ,the more they see they losing control of Ukraine . Shuting down a diplomatic plane of Russia even though is more symbolical than anything it could be used as a Big warning to any European leader to remain loyal to American Imperial policies or else be killed. So anything is possible.. News like this set the pretext for NATO to arrest Gen Gerasimov or even shut down his plane if travel to Europe or any air space their warships could target outside Russia. The same goes for Putin.. I was really worried for example Putin Visit to Australia in G20.. that any "mysterious" solo armed bandit could show and attack the President. All said.. we are living in a new Cold War.. but with the only difference that now nuclear weapons that Russia have are not enough deterrence for the warmongers in the west.. IF anyone have doubts ,look at the plan of sacrificing 40 million americans lives in change for destroying Russia.. that some Pentagon Neocons military advisors were suggesting.
All said , i really think Russia should warn any Government official or close to it ,to visit any
NATO or EU country . and the President of Russia should better have at least 10 twin presidential planes all the time and their staff using the same plane he use ,to make it difficult
to know for the west the real plane Putin is using and to where he is flying.
Honestly speaking.. i will be for me very strange , if an assassination attempt against
the life of Putin or any of its general staff does not happens.. in any NATO or EU country. It will neither be surprising if NATO use its "short rapid response" forces near Russia.. in the baltics or Poland to attack the Presidential Plane... For example a secret Rail Gun mounted in a warship
could be used as the perfect assassination weapon of political leaders, when traveling over European airspace.. without leaving any trace of any missile or from where the attack came..
So a plane that flight over Serbia could be shot down by a warship in italy coast..without invading its airspace. USA really is on a state of war with Russia , but is a proxy war..using mercenaries in Ukraine and Syria to attack interest ,with diplomatic bullshit games on the Russian Side pretending nothing is happening. Games that im not really sure is really a better alternative than a real full scale war.. Because it only encourage the west to continue increasing the hostilities against you..if you dont use force against them, to let them know their aggression ,will no longer be tolerated.
Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:12 pm; edited 3 times in total