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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Vann7 Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:19 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1

    Even think this looks like a comedy or a show.. it can be dangerous.. Whenever Russian Generals travels to Europe for any conference/trap they invited, they could be arrested under any pretext
    that Ukraine demands deportation.  When the defense minister of Russia travels to transnistria ,the autonomous zone of Moldova , his plane was blocked from Using Poland airspace for some time..  My biggest concern is not a war of RUssia between Ukraine.. or not even a war between Americans and Russia.. they will not fight a war they cannot win.. and that will allow Russia to justify a major retaliation .  My biggest concern is that NATO goes beyond International laws as they normally do and kidnap the Defense Minister of RUssia or any of its generals when travel outside ,bypassing its diplomatic status.. that will certainly be doable by the terrorist states of America and its loyal colonies. but also the shot down of their plane or worse the shot down of
    Putin plane..  

    Im telling you this here so people later not surprised..IF The US government was capable of
    what they did in 9/11 in 2001 in wtc.. on their own people.. Killing 3,000 americans to justify endless invasions in middle east.. then they are capable of a n y  t h i n g.... .
    What anything means? from more MH17 false flags ,to more (9/11 WTC) or to full scale terrorism against Russia.. as Beslan school , or any "unthinkable thing" real madman could
    do if they have all the technology in the world ,money and disrespect for human life.

    as an example of this.. Evilness.. you only have to see what happens in Syria , the government police found a warehouse in Latakia years ago with hundreds of Barrel of very dangerous chemicals ,were found on a private property that they could not trace is owner. The chemicals were not produced by any company in Syria..and have no use for anything other than terrorism. After investigation they found what was the chemicals about.. they Obama sponsored armed opposition was planing to poison the major reserve of fresh water that was near the place of the finding in Syria to exterminate millions..They could not do the terror act because Syria government increased the security around all bodies in the nation of fresh water. The various
    chemical attack on civilians (blamed by the west on assad) are more examples of how evil they can be.

    it was Obama who directly told in 2014 in conference ,he was "worried" of a (Alqaeda terrorist) nuclear weapon exploding in New York..

    how could such thing ever happen without the bomb not being provided to AL-CiA-eda by them?

    So they will only get more desperate and more criminal in order to humiliate Russia ,the more they see they losing control of Ukraine . Shuting down a diplomatic plane of Russia  even though is more symbolical than anything it could be used as a Big warning to any European leader to remain loyal to American Imperial policies or else be killed.  So anything is possible.. News like this set the pretext for NATO to arrest Gen Gerasimov or even shut down his plane if travel to Europe or any air space their warships could target outside Russia. The same goes for Putin..  I was really worried for example Putin Visit to Australia in G20.. that any "mysterious" solo armed bandit could show and attack the President. All said.. we are living in a new Cold War.. but with the only difference that now nuclear weapons that Russia have are not enough deterrence for the warmongers in the west.. IF anyone have doubts ,look at the plan of sacrificing 40 million americans lives in change for destroying Russia.. that some Pentagon Neocons military advisors were suggesting.

    All said , i really think Russia should warn any Government official or close to it ,to visit any
    NATO or EU country . and the President of Russia should better have at least 10 twin presidential planes all the time and their staff using the same plane he use ,to make it difficult
    to know for the west the real plane Putin is using and to where he is flying.

    Honestly speaking.. i will be for me very strange , if an assassination attempt against
    the life of Putin or any of its general staff does not happens.. in any NATO or EU country. It will neither be surprising if NATO use its "short rapid response" forces near Russia.. in the baltics or Poland to attack the Presidential Plane... For example a secret Rail Gun mounted in a warship
    could be used as the perfect assassination weapon of political leaders, when traveling over European airspace.. without leaving any trace of any missile or from where the attack came..
    So a plane that flight over Serbia could be shot down by a warship in italy coast..without invading its airspace.  USA really is on a state of war with Russia , but is a proxy war..using mercenaries in Ukraine and Syria to attack interest ,with diplomatic bullshit games on the Russian Side pretending nothing is happening. Games that im not really sure is really a better alternative than a real full scale war.. Because it only encourage the west to continue increasing the hostilities against you..if you dont use force against them, to let them know their aggression  ,will no longer be tolerated.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:12 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  JohninMK Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:43 pm

    This is an interesting updated take on MH-17. Even tho' it is from Global Research it seems pretty straight to me once you allow for the 'pinch of salt' bits. It starts with the secrecy surrounding the pilot's body goes though the recent RT stuff and last months Australian sourced Seps transcripts (lots of links) and ends on what happens now.

    A point they make is that a Buk missile proximity fuse detonates above a target, is this correct?

    It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and why the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the conflict zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was shot down, but the pilot’s corpse has been hidden even from the people who have the most right to see it.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Vann7 Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:11 pm

    JohninMK wrote:This is an interesting updated take on MH-17. Even tho' it is from Global Research it seems pretty straight to me once you allow for the 'pinch of salt' bits. It starts with the secrecy surrounding the pilot's body goes though the recent RT stuff and last months Australian sourced Seps transcripts (lots of links) and ends on what happens now.

    A point they make is that a Buk missile proximity fuse detonates above a target, is this correct?

    It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and why the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the conflict zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was shot down, but the pilot’s corpse has been hidden even from the people who have the most right to see it.

    oh wow really interesting report.. if Rebels can show that recording video of their conversations..
    it will proof it was not an accident but intentionally shut down the plane.. and that direct 30mm gun fire killed the pilot.. and the presence of Sukhoi planes.. The rebels on radio say.. the Ukrainian airforce shot down the plane..and they shot down the Ukrainian airforce plane back.
    More interestingly reports of up to 5 parachutes? came from the Malasyan and/or sukhoi plane? Shocked

    I remember a report previously of a military transport plane of Ukraine that was shot down by the Ukraine army (and blamed on the rebels ,which will have done it if they could..) while heading to lugansk airport and the people inside the plane survived because they all parachute.

    So perhaps they were testing the MH-17 false flag incident with a military plane ? how people can jump after being hit by a small missile it on the civilian plane? Perhaps they jumped before the plane was hit ,so it was all a coordinated stunt to frame the rebels.This will add fuel to some reports that the bodies of some civilians were already heavily rotten withing hours it crash.

    So i will not be surprised if the whole thing was more staged than people believe..
    and the civilians already killed before they enter ukraine.. so they could not phone call back back about Ukraine airforce attacking them.. Netherlands will be my primary suspect of this theory is correct of facilitating this trap to happen.. but also too the Malasyan Government , Kiev and USA.. one little trick the west use.. is create a very complicated crime scene..whenever they want to create a false flag.. so it sounds more like a "conspiracy".

    Is interesting too ,that the report link posted above..

    Says Ukraine have the right to ban any report of the malasyan plane investigation..basically they have immunity from being accused by the investigators.. so the whole investigation is a fraud.and Russia only cards are the heavy video evidence of the crash site and witness Russia government have of military planes chasing the civilians plane.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Erk Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:08 am

    JohninMK wrote:This is an interesting updated take on MH-17. Even tho' it is from Global Research it seems pretty straight to me once you allow for the 'pinch of salt' bits. It starts with the secrecy surrounding the pilot's body goes though the recent RT stuff and last months Australian sourced Seps transcripts (lots of links) and ends on what happens now.

    A point they make is that a Buk missile proximity fuse detonates above a target, is this correct?

    It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and why the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the conflict zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was shot down, but the pilot’s corpse has been hidden even from the people who have the most right to see it.

    The pilot's corpse being hidden is a distracting statement, which Global Research often does. All the coffins that came back to Malaysia were not allowed to be opened, according to the RT video linked. This was instruction from their government. They were just to be buried. I haven't seen a reason for that ruling yet.

    See 5:50 on the video for the statement about the corpses.

    Last edited by Erk on Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:15 am; edited 2 times in total

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:11 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1
    Payback for the dyke Mi-24 pilot perhaps?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:22 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1
    Payback for the dyke Mi-24 pilot perhaps?

    Nah, just another case of chihuahua barking at pit bull that ukrops practiced to perfection. Very Happy

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:32 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1
    Payback for the dyke Mi-24 pilot perhaps?

    Nah, just another case of chihuahua barking at pit bull that ukrops practiced to perfection. Very Happy
    I'm not sure honestly. To me, it seems like the Ukrainians really want Savchenko back. I'm surprised the Ukrops are not trying General Gerasimov for handing their a$$e$ to them at Ilovaisk. If I remember correctly, the unofficial, more accurate death toll was hovering around 1500 troops. pirat

    Last edited by Ivan the Colorado on Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I cannot into grammar)

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:56 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1
    Payback for the dyke Mi-24 pilot perhaps?

    Nah, just another case of chihuahua barking at pit bull that ukrops practiced to perfection. Very Happy
    I'm not sure honestly. To me, it seems like the Ukrainians really want Savchenko back. I'm surprised the Ukrops are not trying General Gerasimov for handing their a$$e$ to them at Ilovaisk. If I remember correctly, the unofficial, more accurate death toll was hovering around 1500 troops. pirat

    Honestly, I haven't even heard her name mentioned for months. Surprised she is still considered relevant.  scratch

    Ukrops can want her back all they want but she stays put until Moscow says otherwise.

    And I don't think that Gerasimov had time to waste on trivialities like Ilovaysk, stuff like that is waaay below his pay grade.  thumbsup  russia
    Not that it would stop Kiev from clowning around as usual...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:10 am

    What about those who, perhaps, were not caught? affraid

    ''Ukrainian Security Service Seizes Uranium-238 From Illegal Trafficking''

    At this rate some folks soon will not need a flashlight to take midnight piss. pwnd


    ''US Groups Urge Poroshenko to Fight Violence Against LGBTI in Ukraine"

    Should not be a problem with so many ''activists'' in Ukraine... lol1    

    And when did they add ''I'' in  LGBT? Getting hard to keep up. cry


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Erk Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:21 am

    PapaDragon wrote:What about those who, perhaps, were not caught? affraid

    ''Ukrainian Security Service Seizes Uranium-238 From Illegal Trafficking''

    At this rate some folks soon will not need a flashlight to take midnight piss. pwnd


    ''US Groups Urge Poroshenko to Fight Violence Against LGBTI in Ukraine"

    Should not be a problem with so many ''activists'' in Ukraine... lol1    

    And when did they add ''I'' in  LGBT? Getting hard to keep up. cry

    It's a worry that they were able to get hold of some U-238 in the first place!
    Security must be very slack. How much have the let though already onto the black market.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Guest Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:10 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Some mighty good sh*t is being smoked in Ukropistan at the moment it seems:

    Kiev court arrests senior Russian general in absentia

    SBU investigations chief earlier said Gen Gerasimov and another 10 military stayed on the territory of Ukraine illegally in August 2014 during combat operations in the areas of Ilovaysk.............................

    Gerasimov is small fish, right? lol1
    Payback for the dyke Mi-24 pilot perhaps?

    Nah, just another case of chihuahua barking at pit bull that ukrops practiced to perfection. Very Happy
    I'm not sure honestly. To me, it seems like the Ukrainians really want Savchenko back. I'm surprised the Ukrops are not trying General Gerasimov for handing their a$$e$ to them at Ilovaisk. If I remember correctly, the unofficial, more accurate death toll was hovering around 1500 troops. pirat

    Honestly, I haven't even heard her name mentioned for months. Surprised she is still considered relevant.  scratch

    Ukrops can want her back all they want but she stays put until Moscow says otherwise.

    And I don't think that Gerasimov had time to waste on trivialities like Ilovaysk, stuff like that is waaay below his pay grade.  thumbsup  russia
    Not that it would stop Kiev from clowning around as usual...
    Well there had to have been somebody deciding where the North Wind was blowing and a op that major would require someone high up directing it. If anything, a general was probably sent in with the wind. He probably just happened to be on paid vacation with a raise, you know, because of his exemplary service to the nation or something along those lines.

    I honestly needed to look up Savchenko's name. I do remember me watching some Ukrop Propaganda and saw them complain about evil Russia was for holding her because she killed journalists.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:17 am

    PapaDragon wrote:What about those who, perhaps, were not caught? affraid

    ''Ukrainian Security Service Seizes Uranium-238 From Illegal Trafficking''

    At this rate some folks soon will not need a flashlight to take midnight piss. pwnd

    U238 is the regular stable form of Uranium and does not strike me as something worth
    smuggling. It's not the unstable isotope U235 enriched stuff that can be used for
    dirty bombs and not Plutonium (239).

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Khepesh Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:54 am

    JohninMK wrote:This is an interesting updated take on MH-17. Even tho' it is from Global Research it seems pretty straight to me once you allow for the 'pinch of salt' bits. It starts with the secrecy surrounding the pilot's body goes though the recent RT stuff and last months Australian sourced Seps transcripts (lots of links) and ends on what happens now.

    A point they make is that a Buk missile proximity fuse detonates above a target, is this correct?

    It might be the decisive piece of evidence proving who and what and how and why the MH17 Malaysian airliner over the conflict zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014 was shot down, but the pilot’s corpse has been hidden even from the people who have the most right to see it.
    Few months back Rozhin made a long and detailed analysis of this based on photos from a Dutch journalist. One of the photos showed the pilot's body laying face down with about three or four holes in his back, The holes were what could be expected from 30mm cannon. I don't have that photo to hand right now but it is there now rather buried.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:26 am

    PapaDragon wrote:''US Groups Urge Poroshenko to Fight Violence Against LGBTI in Ukraine"

    Should not be a problem with so many ''activists'' in Ukraine... lol1    

    And when did they add ''I'' in  LGBT? Getting hard to keep up. cry

    Previously there was a couple of gay who tried to show-off their gayness and was beaten by the far-right individuals in Ukraina... wait, wait, I though far-right anti-gay thugs like Pravyy Sektor is supported by the Free West and is considered and Freedom Fighter against Evil Putin ? Laughing Laughing

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  gregoire Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:16 am

    kvs wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:What about those who, perhaps, were not caught? affraid

    ''Ukrainian Security Service Seizes Uranium-238 From Illegal Trafficking''

    At this rate some folks soon will not need a flashlight to take midnight piss. pwnd

    U238 is the regular stable form of Uranium and does not strike me as something worth
    smuggling.   It's not the unstable isotope U235 enriched stuff that can be used for
    dirty bombs and not Plutonium (239).

    It's just a message that they changed their mind on the dirty bomb false flag.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  whir Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:36 am

    PapaDragon wrote:And when did they add ''I'' in  LGBT? Getting hard to keep up.
    The I is for intersexual, a somewhat new term for the rare medical condition of true hermaphroditism that happens when an individual is born with both gonads.

    Many LGBT groups have adopted the I to avoid accusations of discrimination against those that suffer medical conditions like hermaphroditism.

    What reminds me of the story of tolerance and non discrimination of soviet sportswomen Tamara and Irina Press born to Jewish parents in Kharkov.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Ev2zo2

    UPI wrote:Putin honors Tamara Press' birthday
    May 10, 2012 at 1:36 PM

    MOSCOW, May 10 (UPI) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his best wishes to triple Olympic gold medal-winning athlete Tamara Press on her 75th birthday Thursday.

    "You earned the respect of opponents and the love of millions of fans," Putin said in a statement. "Success also accompanied you in the field of coaching. Your students repeatedly became winners of prestigious international competitions."

    Press and her sister Irina won five Olympic medals between them and set 26 world records in track and field events, RIA Novosti reported.

    The sisters disappeared from the athletic world in 1966, shortly after the International Association of Athletics Federations introduced mandatory gender testing for female competitors.

    Both Tamara and Irina Press faced accusations that they were either hermaphrodites, men dressed as women or were taking male hormones to make them stronger.

    Irina Press died in 2004. Continue reading.

    Tamara Press Breaks Her Own Shot Put World Record - Tokyo 1964 Olympics

    Last edited by whir on Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  whir Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:44 am

    Russia Insider wrote:Right Sector thugs attack Odessa Massacre mourners

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:00 am

    whir wrote:
    Russia Insider wrote:Right Sector thugs attack Odessa Massacre mourners

    I would like to ask why the mental hospitals in Ukraina are not working ? Right S3xtoy is rampaing everywhere but no doctor is sent to cure their mental illness.


    Temporal solution for Kyiv's thirst of energy

    A new batch of coal in the amount of 80,000 tonnes has been supplied to energy-starving Ukraine from South Africa, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Voschevsky said on Tuesday at a round table discussion on preparations for the 2015-2016 heating season.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Erk Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:19 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    whir wrote:
    Russia Insider wrote:
    Temporal solution for Kyiv's thirst of energy

    A new batch of coal in the amount of 80,000 tonnes has been supplied to energy-starving Ukraine from South Africa, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Voschevsky said on Tuesday at a round table discussion on preparations for the 2015-2016 heating season.

    Isn't that pathetic, they could have gotten coal from Donbass if they weren't so intent on killing the people there.
    Should be interesting to see how they pay for the coal.
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Flagship Victory Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:26 am

    5 Maidan soldiers KIA and 6 Maidan soldiers WIA by NAF counter fire after they shelled Donetsk yesterday.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  JohninMK Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:34 am

    Erk wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:
    whir wrote:
    Russia Insider wrote:
    Temporal solution for Kyiv's thirst of energy

    A new batch of coal in the amount of 80,000 tonnes has been supplied to energy-starving Ukraine from South Africa, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Voschevsky said on Tuesday at a round table discussion on preparations for the 2015-2016 heating season.

    Isn't that pathetic, they could have gotten coal from Donbass if they weren't so intent on killing the people there.
    Should be interesting to see how they pay for the coal.
    Last year they paid up front. Then the deal imploded in a big row due to 'commissions'. Probably the wrong people got them. Not sure if it was all delivered.
    Cucumber Khan

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Cucumber Khan Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:39 am

    Erk wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:
    whir wrote:
    Russia Insider wrote:
    Temporal solution for Kyiv's thirst of energy

    A new batch of coal in the amount of 80,000 tonnes has been supplied to energy-starving Ukraine from South Africa, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Voschevsky said on Tuesday at a round table discussion on preparations for the 2015-2016 heating season.

    Isn't that pathetic, they could have gotten coal from Donbass if they weren't so intent on killing the people there.
    Should be interesting to see how they pay for the coal.

    Why not with this?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  Khepesh Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:47 am

    Seems like my memory failed on the photo of the MH17 pilot. He is in fact laying on his back and the wounds, which very much appear to be entry wounds, are in his chest.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 3da554e3066a

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #19 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #19

    Post  whir Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:14 pm

    I don't know why but this old news is making the rounds on Twitter again:

    RTL Nieuws via Google Translate wrote:Dit is tijdens de lezing over MH17 verteld
    This was told during the lecture about MH17
    22 april 2015 17:53

    During a lecture accessible for all interested parties, a member of the identification team of the victims of the disaster-MH17 details about the process disclosed. Read below for some things that Professor George Maat told during this course.

    The following statements can be shocking for those involved. They are based on sound recordings RTL Nieuws times made the lecture.

    About the identification process:

    Size described on the basis of photos, step by step how it went identification process work. He said, thereby, inter alia, the following:

    "These are freezer containers, which all end up in body bags and stored." This is a photograph of the containers was shown.
    "These are the soft tissue, here you can see some of the muscular system, the contents of the bag. There's obviously someone in the pocket. And here's some heavier shots where you can see the bones better." These pictures were shown of CT scans of body bags containing human remains.
    "I let express as much as possible intact bodies look for you, to, yes, not too much too heavy to make it." During the lecture were shown various pictures of mutilated bodies and body parts.
    "Here you see that there is very little of that person is found". Here is a picture was shown of the inside of a coffin which has been transferred to relatives, which were very few human remains can be seen on.
    "And on the bottom two you see that a hip joint, namely the head of the femur, and we actually just cut open to extract a swab through it, but what do you see? That gives the knife to also here that there a white line running through the head. "

    It showed a picture of a hip joint. Maat then asked the audience if they knew what that means white line. He gave himself the right answer. "It's a growth plate and epiphyseal and that means, I have nothing else of that person, but I already know that this is a child."

    About the circumstances of the attack:

    "And there is also, except for the identification work what our teams, there also is a team that deals with the criminal justice section to find out whether evidence can be gathered there to identify the culprits and prosecute them. And a portion of that evidence, yes, we do get our tables also off because the plane was shot down, not because a bullet is shot through as laymen often believe, but because there is a rocket shot to go out there nearby exploded. "
    "It is not about to become an airplane, it's only there, to be near anything so violently detonate the plane is out of order and therefore crashing down. And that actually means that everyone still inside the plane after the explosion. That you so well by that blasts you that there are all kinds of metal particles pass through the weak aluminum-hull and partly in the people end up, but it is not that the plane that falls apart , high in the air. "
    The Ministry of Security and Justice late RTL News that the explosion of a rocket is still part of the ongoing criminal investigation, and that it therefore can not respond to these statements.

    About the crash:

    "And that also means that the airplane, yes it is then, that plunges towards the bottom, but that is actually a kind of capsule where yes, we still have to assume that basically everyone is in it. And thus is actually right after fall of 10 kilometers, it is actually what is human residues, is found quite close to each other. Thus, it is not spread over many kilometers. "
    The Ministry of Security and Justice let RTL Nieuws know that this statement is not true. According to the Ministry lie the mortal remains of the victims spread over many kilometers. According to the Ministry's remark about the capsule speculation, and is still part of the ongoing criminal investigation.

    On the search mission:

    "Well, I hope it stops. But, there is a plan to take another look, there was also an originally the plan to the whole area, we are talking about as big as the city of Utrecht , excavation and sifting. Being naturally conceived by someone behind a desk, but I hear nothing more about it. Hey, but so, I think so, yes, people invent the craziest things, but I think there are so gradually being considered, about as hot as beautiful, an exit strategy. And it should, you know. It really should. It should stop, but yes. "

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