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Walther von Oldenburg
8 posters

    What would you do with billions of money?


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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:51 pm

    The question is pretty simple.

    What would you do if you had billions, so much that virtually you had no limit and how exactly would you use it?

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  VladimirSahin Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:09 pm

    Werewolf wrote:The question is pretty simple.

    What would you do if you had billions, so much that virtually you had no limit and how exactly would you use it?

    So much things I would do, My reply would have too much words to even list it would pass the limit. Very Happy
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:23 pm

    I would use them to seize power in EU, turn it into a federation and then build at least 3 milion strong professional army with ability to mobilize further 10 million men in case of war.

    The rest would be spent on medical and space research.

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:23 pm

    Werewolf wrote:The question is pretty simple.

    What would you do if you had billions, so much that virtually you had no limit and how exactly would you use it?
    take only one percent of it for my personal use- use the rest to invest in society: funding scientific researches, sponsoring people's education, feeding the hungry, etc.

    the one percent i use to help/treat family and friends, pay debts etc. there would still be a lot remaining so ill buy a T-14 and a nice gaming rig(and update whenever i want) plus a lifetime supply of my favorite sodas and junk foods so i can have utmost fun on off days.

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:14 pm

    I would bail out Greece and other countries in debt to the IMF and then demand the make reforms to their economies that will actually benefit the people in those countries... not just the elite.

    I would also buy the two Mistrals from France and buy aircraft and vehicles from Russia and hire men to man it... recently retired military men, and sail around the place and go to places that need us...

    The sort of things we would do include visiting the poorer islands of the world and provide free healthcare for those who need it... and that would include the US and Canada.

    Note all the armament will be removed and it will be a totally civilian vessel, though for certain operations like anti pirate ops small arms and light aircraft weapons and armed UAVs could be used.

    Mostly it would be disaster relief and humanitarian aide.

    I would also produce movies to support different views that we don't see because currently we only see the wests view of things... I am sure Sir Peter would help me out there... Smile

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:44 pm

    If i had the money i would establish a private facility similiar to that already exists that gathers samples of seeds and DNA that are uneffected by human influence and store it, to have a backup of those species, plants and everything living in case everything is polluded by GMO crap. With own personal trained and with highest security standards, no lobbyists, no one with connections with lobbyist groups or western governments, no connection to liberal nonsense extremism of trying to change DNA to create something different or other nonsense.

    Build up two different media focused complexes that are reflecting and focusing on german and russian culture, history and countering the White Knight good guy america Hollywood crap to free people from US indotrination. This won't be just some simple project small in budget and possibilities but size of Hollywood just with more historical facts, culture, intellectual content to offer to people something to learn from or to think about and not some scripted reality tv shows that have the purpose of making people ignorant.

    Build up IT branches in Germany and Russia independend from each other, focusing of independence and selfsufficient without being to easily comprimized by foreign actions. Investing further money and effort all around Europe to cut off USA and its obsession to have all control over cyberspace and constantly listening to everyone all around the world. At some point completley isolate USA from rest of the world of the cyberspace.

    Opening Research facilities for Space and Rocket Technologies, focusing on procedures how to terraform small sized planets or moons to at least give a better insight of how actual terraforming could be done for human use.

    Establishing further BRICS and isolating US from interference and manipulation of markets via FED and IMF. Lifting bans in scientific researching fields. Many fields today are not allowed to be researched, since scientists have to study in fields what are financed, things that are little of interest of private companies,individuals or governments are not financed and therefore not possible to research a very easy way of keeping things away from science.

    Using money to buy off corrupt institutions like UNICEF that uses the charity money for their little private CEO's rather than using the big chunk of the recieved money to actually help people who need it.

    Hunting down with that money all religious "Missionaries" that are committing genocide by vaccining women with mercury and making them unfertile. Like one of the Mother Terresa' Fonds that sterilized tribal women in Papua New Gineua with mercury in vaccines and other religious missionary fanatics who commit genocide by taking Birth control over a population.

    Spend money on secret court that actually punishes War criminal soldiers like this pilots of CrazyHorse 18 Apache, pilots who murdered journalists and a helping father and shooting his kids. We have to face it ICC is undermined and USPAID not to push for trails against US and NATO soldiers.

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  mack8 Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:08 pm

    Cool thread, how many billions are we talking about when you say unlimited? Oligarch-like unlimited (a few tens/ hundred billions) or all the money in the world and more (like tens of thousands of billions of euros - i try not to use dollars anymore)? Makes a big difference for my plans. Very Happy

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:24 pm

    mack8 wrote:Cool thread, how many billions are we talking about when you say unlimited? Oligarch-like unlimited (a few tens/ hundred billions) or all the money in the world and more (like tens of thousands of billions of euros - i try not to use dollars anymore)? Makes a big difference for my plans. Very Happy

    Oligarch style, not the FED itself.

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Regular Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:39 pm

    Would probably do popular thing billionaires do - for example, depopulation. Cool

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    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  victor1985 Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:44 pm

    Firstly i would buy to me best things. The rest and only the rest of money i would take and put to people.

    What would you do with billions of money? Empty Re: What would you do with billions of money?

    Post  Guest Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:31 pm

    I would rebuild my burned home, actually i would rebuild whole village i was born in, i would buy few apartments/houses around the world so i can travel between them. Naturally houses would be at the places i like, at least 2-3 in Russia as its big, one in each major city + Crimea and few around the globe Very Happy. Rest of the money i would probably invest in research, develop, education, high tech... and yeah i would travel alot.

    And i would finally get to enjoy all the gadgets and electronics i love.

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