auslander Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:43 pm
Akula, thank you for your review, it is very kind of you to post it. I have other reviews for both books, sent to me privately, in addition to what is on Amazon. I will post some of them here over the next couple weeks.
Both books have had their 'end all be all' edits and those of you who got your copies of either or both, you have the latests and greatest. 'Incident' grew a little in the editing process. I published the first version back in spring of '16 and in a way it was not really ready. However, I was under some pressure to get it out so I went with what I had.
The little tome has grown a bit since the first version, first being about 50 pages. It is now 62 pages and the rough edges have been smoothed out a bit. Concerning the page count, in the ebook versions Amazon at first counted the books as written on an 8.5 x 11 inch, roughly 210 x 360. Actual print size depends very much on the size of the book. I experimented with an on line printer and found that Never The Last One, which I figured out to 720 pages on my typing size, in hard print paperback will be in excess of 830 pages. Since their max was 800 pages and there was no way I could edit the book down to that size, I thanked them for their assistance and moved on.
We have two important events coming up, both in the realm of 'you will participate'. Once those events are completed we will go to Simferopol just east of us and speak to a printer there. I want to have both books hard printed in paperback by late summer if possible. Printing a book, especially one as long as NTLO, is not a simple or easy task. Files taken to the printer must be edited almost word for word and when the proof copy is printed he, too, must be checked and edited as needed word for word and page for page. Once the proof copy is passed then it's a relatively simple task to do the actual printing. Of course part of this process is the cover front page, spine and rear page plus the inside of both. In other words it ain't easy but I'll do it.
At any rate it's going to be a busy summer and fall for us but I will keep this thread up to speed on the hard publishing drill.