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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China


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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:23 am

    Russian approval of the United States

    green = positive,
    = negative

    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Russia-usa-attitudes

    Russian approval of the EU

    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Russia-eu-attitudes

    Russian approval of China

    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Russia-china-attitudes

    TR1 and the Bolotnaya Square crowd definately have their work cut out Cool

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:58 pm

    OK, from what I can see, we have a few graphs showing Russian public opinion regarding a few issues.

    To discuss you can post on this thread, but if you use foul language directed at other members you will get a couple of days off this forum to think about things.

    For some members who have already replied to this thread I would suggest you don't bother... Werewolf... you are one.... and TR-1 you are another I am afraid.

    Assuming these statistics are accurate then they clearly show very high ratings for the US until very recently... discussion is encouraged... rule breakers will get time outs.


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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  Werewolf Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:58 pm

    This chart shows two things.

    1. Russian media has no hardcore propaganda that denounces americans as barbarian subhumans like Western controlled MSM does with russia, russians and Putin.

    2. They finally have realized that US is an enemy of russia, due the war against russians and the right out openely calling for genocide of russians not only from Ukrofascsits but also from such vile scum like Robert H. Scales. The US will continue to be the enemy of russia and russians as long they are an empire.

    You can see the peaks of negativity towards US in 2008 when it was clear that Georgias war was Proxy war/hang down by US and the peak at 2014 when US nazi coup de etat was performed and more and more information leaked about western snipers on maidan and the completley onesided garbage telling stories by western MSM that people somehow magically burned themselfs, shot themselfs in their heads after they have burned their heads.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:19 pm

    Also thankfully most russians never were sinophobes and the number is already falling down even further. That leaves the antlanticist bourgeois neliberals and oligarchs and also TR1 and Vlad a small minority.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:15 pm

    Not many it seems want to move from Russia either.....and this coming from the russophobic Moscow Times

    Overall, 83 percent of respondents surveyed by independent pollster Levada said they would "rather not" and "absolutely not" emigrate from Russia, while only 12 percent said they would want to leave the country forever.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  kvs Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:44 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:Not many it seems want to move from Russia either.....and this coming from the russophobic Moscow Times

    Overall, 83 percent of respondents surveyed by independent pollster Levada said they would "rather not" and "absolutely not" emigrate from Russia, while only 12 percent said they would want to leave the country forever.

    The 12% corresponds perfectly to the portion of the population that could be called liberasts. The base of the all the neo-liberal
    parties and leaders that NATO backs to the hilt and expects to rule Russia is no larger than 15%. This is "democracy" according
    to NATO and its propaganda chorus media.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  sepheronx Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:15 pm

    Well, for NATO/US, their hypocritical policies are far more evident recently as it does not help with both Ukraine and Yemen happening in same year(s) and that their policy in Yemen is a 180° turn from their policy on Ukraine and who 'they' deem 'legitimate government'. It is becoming evident enough that it seems the people in various countries not only see it clear as day too, but also disgusted by it.

    As well, in harder times, there are always opportunities and as well, many dont want to leave their homelands (no matter which country) because of cultural differences and almost starting anew. Only ones who really want to are usually either dirt poor people who want to escape, or angsty teenagers/adults who always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Of course there are also those who do it because of great opportunity, but they are not in large % base overall. Usually you will always find someone who wants to leave his/her own country. Many times I felt that way. But I have not left yet. But if the C-51 bill passes here, I think I'll be moving to India.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  Viktor Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:15 pm

    It is interesting that American ordinary people fell in love with Vladimir Putin Very Happy

    On the other note Obama received 5 TIMES less votes Very Happy (just cant do anything right)

    Vladimir Putin Is World's Most Influential Person Americans Say

    More than half of the votes — 57.38% — were cast within the United States

    I bet even TR1 secretly voted for the great Emperor Very Happy

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  Zhukov-Patton Tue May 05, 2015 7:35 pm

    Here is 101 guide on how to stay a freedom loving westerner.

    Your definition of evil should be. Rebels against American interests=Evil, Communism, Fascism, There dictators=Evil, Russian economic union=Soviet clearly and EVIL!, any other brand of socialism=Evil, Islamic terrorists=Evil, Twisted Evil Russia Twisted Evil = THE KING OF ALL EVIL IF YOU KILLED A RUSSIAN YOU DID THE WORLD A FAVOR EVIL!

    Your definition of good should be. Rebels against Russian interests=Good, NATO=REALLY GOOD!, Our dictators=Good, Our Economic alliance=Good, AMERICA THE REPRESENTATION OF ALL GOOD IN THIS WORLD!!!


    This has been an instructional guide on how to be a westerner.

    I thought you would like a guide to American opinions of Russia.



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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  kvs Tue May 05, 2015 7:56 pm

    Zhukov-Patton wrote:Here is 101 guide on how to stay a freedom loving westerner.

    Your definition of evil should be. Rebels against American interests=Evil, Communism, Fascism, There dictators=Evil, Russian economic union=Soviet clearly and EVIL!, any other brand of socialism=Evil, Islamic terrorists=Evil,  Twisted Evil Russia Twisted Evil = THE KING OF ALL EVIL IF YOU KILLED A RUSSIAN YOU DID THE WORLD A FAVOR EVIL!

    Your definition of good should be. Rebels against Russian interests=Good, NATO=REALLY GOOD!, Our dictators=Good, Our Economic alliance=Good, AMERICA THE REPRESENTATION OF ALL GOOD IN THIS WORLD!!!


    This has been an instructional guide on how to be a westerner.

    I thought you would like a guide to American opinions of Russia.


    It's sad there is much of this sort of BS conditioning of Americans, Canadians and others. There is no symmetry in this regard when it comes
    to Russia. Russians do not have some cheesy caricature image of Americans or Canadians and even during the Cold War did not get
    indoctrinated in petty hate. All the negative aspects of the west were attributed to capitalism and not to the people. In the west I
    see a clear pattern of attributing Russia's "badness" to its people.

    Things were so promising in the early 1990s. The west had a lot of positive perceptions capital in Russia. After the NATO meddling in the
    breakup of Yugoslavia and especially the 1999 Kosovo campaign, things started to get sour. The brazen mischaracterization of the 1999
    Chechnya war (e.g. CNN was portraying Russian forces kicking Chechen Wahabbi warlords out of Dagestan as invaders, even though
    Dagestan is part of Russia) fed into the deterioration of the view of America and its allies. Things were still OK even after the 2008
    tie eater war. But from March 2014 the final straw has broken the camel's back. The ludicrous support for the Kiev regime and its
    slaughter of Donbas civilians while trying to foist all the blame on Russia has put NATO into the Russia hating lunatic category.

    This is a long term shift in public opinion in Russia. If western leaders and elites think they can spread some propaganda and undo the
    damage, they need to quickly stop using whatever synthetic narcotics they are consuming. If they don't care and actually plan to
    win a war against Russia, then they need brain transplants.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  GarryB Wed May 06, 2015 1:22 am

    the real problem is ignorance... if people just got to know each other better and focussed more on what makes us similar instead of what makes us different it would be a much better place.

    The sad thing is that many believe they can't respect themselves and their own actions unless the people they do bad things to they hate.

    The west is trying to get resources from Russia... it makes it easier to take such resources if they dont deserve them...

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  kvs Wed May 06, 2015 2:16 am

    GarryB wrote:the real problem is ignorance... if people just got to know each other better and focussed more on what makes us similar instead of what makes us different it would be a much better place.

    The sad thing is that many believe they can't respect themselves and their own actions unless the people they do bad things to they hate.

    The west is trying to get resources from Russia... it makes it easier to take such resources if they dont deserve them...

    I don't disagree, but there are many questions.

    Does not the west believe in market economics? It wants Russia's resources so why not buy them. The civilized way? Russia
    has been selling natural gas to the EU at a serious discount (compared to Norway for example) for a very long time. So the west
    has not basis to claim that it is not getting access to Russia's resources. The ridiculous production sharing agreements that
    were made under Yeltsin and their subsequent nullification are not evidence of Russian denying access to its resources either.
    Those PSA were the west's own concoction and the west should respect others enough to allow them to play according to the
    rules it sets for itself.

    I think ignorance is a bit too generous. The negative image is manufactured by the western media including Hollywood, which
    always produces cheesy anti-Russia rubbish at key moments such as now. One could say that ignorance is universal and then
    Russians would have similar views of westerners as westerners have of them. But that is certainly not the case. This confirms
    that negative stereotypes and hate are indoctrinated. Neither Americans, nor Russians have had enough history or even contact
    to develop any hate. They are not like France and Britain or the Hutu and Tutsi.

    In my view, the US has been afflicted with the disease of empire. It believes it can rule the world by hook and by crook.
    Indoctrinating its population to hate the main opposition (not vassals like the EU or Japan) is part of this disease. This
    conforms with what you said but is slightly more specific.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  sepheronx Wed May 06, 2015 2:19 am

    When you got people like this:

    I can see why average Russians would hate USA. I mean, their criminals flee to the USA, then trash talk their own country and then are hailed within the confines of the new country they live in. These people I think either do this so they can live in whatever they want style and all they have to do is lie, or they are delusional. Regardless, doesn't seem to be doing quite what the US was wanting.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed May 06, 2015 11:10 pm

    sepheronx wrote:When you got people like this:

    I can see why average Russians would hate USA.  I mean, their criminals flee to the USA, then trash talk their own country and then are hailed within the confines of the new country they live in.  These people I think either do this so they can live in whatever they want style and all they have to do is lie, or they are delusional.  Regardless, doesn't seem to be doing quite what the US was wanting.

    I really hope they try to ban RT, it'll make it's popularity expand (as there is probably already ways to work around whatever ban). It'll also lend justification to kick out the Pro-West NGO's out of Russia as an act of reciprocity.

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    Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China Empty Re: Russian populations oppinion of the US, EU and China

    Post  GarryB Thu May 07, 2015 4:08 am

    Does not the west believe in market economics? It wants Russia's resources so why not buy them. The civilized way? Russia
    has been selling natural gas to the EU at a serious discount (compared to Norway for example) for a very long time. So the west
    has not basis to claim that it is not getting access to Russia's resources.

    You own example clarifies this... just getting gas at a reasonable price was not enough. the fact that delivery was only effected by the Ukraine stealing gas, despite NATO bombing russian allies like Serbia and invading all sorts of countries openly the supply was never effected except by the Ukraine.

    Yet still Europe complained and took steps to get off its dependency on Russian gas... they didn't want to buy it... they wanted to own it so they could sell it to themselves.... they are colonial powers... their colonies are there to serve them... not get rich from their own resources.

    the west won the cold war and now russia should be a good little colony and supply lots of very cheap resources to the home country.

    Those PSA were the west's own concoction and the west should respect others enough to allow them to play according to the
    rules it sets for itself.

    You can't let the colonials know they have rights...

    I think ignorance is a bit too generous. The negative image is manufactured by the western media including Hollywood, which
    always produces cheesy anti-Russia rubbish at key moments such as now. One could say that ignorance is universal and then
    Russians would have similar views of westerners as westerners have of them. But that is certainly not the case. This confirms
    that negative stereotypes and hate are indoctrinated. Neither Americans, nor Russians have had enough history or even contact
    to develop any hate. They are not like France and Britain or the Hutu and Tutsi.

    the west hates quickly and easily... and I agree that the media and entertainment industry as well as the governments are guilty of promoting ignorance... but as you point out mainly on the western side because they are not getting the easy access to those Russian resources they were expecting...

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