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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion


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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Austin Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:30 pm

    Pope Francis’ 10 tips for happiness: Be generous, spend Sundays with family, work for peace

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  RTN Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:08 pm

    A lot in common with the 7 Deadly Sins . I wonder why .

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Pope Francis : News & Discussion

    Post  Austin Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:34 pm

    Pope Francis Five Finger Prayer

    Using the fingers on your hand, start with the thumb and pray these intentions in this order:

    1.) The thumb is closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a "Sweet Obligation."

    2.) The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. Always keep them in your prayers.

    3.) The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority. They need God's guidance.

    4.) The fourth finger is the ring finger. Even though it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems. They need your prayers.

    5.) And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. When you ate done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective, and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Austin Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:40 pm


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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:14 pm

    I wonder if Pope Francis is the "Peter the Roman" of Malachi prophecies

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Austin Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:10 pm

    I recently began reading his work well just started yesterday and I find he always talks of Humility and his Concern for Poor.

    I remember he said the Shepard should Smell his his Sheep.

    I think he is the best Pope to happen after Pope John Paul 2 , I do respect the previous pope who stepped down.

    I just fear when Pope Francis says he just has 4-5 years , I just hope he is not predicting his own death , If he resigns of his own will then its fine.

    I Pray he is Blessed with Long Life and Reform the Catholic Church.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:53 am

    I am an athiest, but from what I have heard I like the new pope much more than any previous pope.

    It is nice to hear them talking about the poor again... he seems to be more in touch with the people than previous popes.

    I guess it is because he actually is more in touch with the people rather than up in some ivory tower isolated from the real people like some popes were/became.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  RTN Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:I am an athiest, but from what I have heard I like the new pope much more than any previous pope.

    It is nice to hear them talking about the poor again... he seems to be more in touch with the people than previous popes.

    I guess it is because he actually is more in touch with the people rather than up in some ivory tower isolated from the real people like some popes were/became.

    Garry, do you realize that all these religions were founded during the Medieval period and it is for a reason that the Medieval period is now referred to as the Dark Ages?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:43 pm


    Do you know that Christianity emerged in 1st century AD ant is the Antiquity?

    Do you know how progressive the Middle Ages were in terms of technology? There wwere more inventions made during the Middle Ages than during the entire Roman period.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:15 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:lol

    Do you know that Christianity emerged in 1st century AD ant is the Antiquity?

    Do you know how progressive the Middle Ages were in terms of technology? There wwere more inventions made during the Middle Ages than during the entire Roman period.

    Mainly Torture tools and actually nothing else that did not exist in antiquity times.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:29 am

    Pope Francis Foresees His Papacy as Short-lived

    In an interview with Mexican television, the pontiff says he has a feeling that his will be a brief pontificate of not more than five years, and that his one problem is not being able to go the pizzeria for a pizza.

    Pope Francis, Merkel Discuss Global Issues, Poverty Ahead of G7 Summit
    Pope Francis has given a wide-ranging interview with a Mexican television network, covering topics such as migration, the future of the papacy, and the length of his own tenure as pontiff.

    "I have the feeling that my Pontificate will be brief: four or five years; I don't know, even two or three," said the Pope, who is 78. "Maybe it's like the psychology of the gambler who convinces himself he will lose so he won’t be disappointed and if he wins, is happy. I do not know. But I feel that the Lord has placed me here for a short time, and nothing more."

    When asked by the journalist from Televisa News if he likes being Pope, Francis replied, "I don't mind!" before explaining that he misses the freedom he had as a cardinal in Buenos Aires. "The only thing I would like is to go out one day, without being recognized, and go to a pizzeria for a pizza."

    According to Francis, his predecessor Pope Benedict was courageous in opening "an institutional door" to the concept of the Popes emeritus, or retired Pope. "60 years ago there were no emeritus bishops," said Francis. "And now we have 1,400."

    "However, I do not really like the idea of an age limit. Because I believe that the Papacy is a kind of last instance. It is a special grace," said Francis, when asked if he could envisage Popes retiring at 80, as is the case with bishops.

    On migration, the Pope, who is the son of Italian immigrants to Argentina, said that "Today, migration is the result of a malaise in the etymological sense of the word, the result of a hunger," explaining that his personal history, and being from Latin America, make him feel more responsible for giving a voice to people who are forced to leave their countries the world over.

    "I rejoice that Europe is reviewing its migration policy. Italy has been very generous and I want to say that. The mayor of Lampedusa, who is a woman, has put herself on the line at the cost of transforming the island from a tourist destination to a place of asylum and welcome. Which means earning less money. This is heroic."

    The Pope chose to hold the interview with the Mexican broadcaster at the Casa Santa Marta, in the room where the Council of Nine cardinals, his advisers, hold their meetings and which is dominated by an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The Pope has lived in a suite at the Casa Santa Marta since his election two years ago, declining to move into his official residence at the grand Apostolic Palace.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:20 pm

    St. Malachy predicted Pope Francis will be last pope

    The prophecies of the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh, have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. So Francis could be the last.

    The prediction in full is "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

    The father of the current pope was Peter or Pietro and was from Italy even though the family moved to Argentina.

    In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the second last prophecy.

    His predictions are taken very seriously. As one report states: "In 1958, before the Conclave that would elect Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Spellman of New York hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River, to show that he was "pastor et nautor," the motto attributed to the next Pope in the prophecies."

    As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive."

    The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claim makes Malachy's prophecies correct. The next and final pope then should be "Peter Romanus."

    St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.

    Many of the prophecies are spot on. For example, the one about Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose). He was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figure a fleur-de-lis. Pope John Paul II is De labore Solis meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse.

    Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands.

    So will Benedict’s successor be the last pope? The Irish seer of the 12th century has said it will be so. Time will tell.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 11, 2015 11:45 am

    RTN, did you now that many of the components of what we call Christianity came from much earlier times and included pagan rituals. Things like the celebration of Christmas, comes from a mid winter tradition, a festival to make the winter start to go away and for spring to come... which is strange as a New Zealander as our Christmas is in the middle of summer, so Santas heavy coat and sleigh pulled by Reindeer are absurd... we often have a bar-b-que for Christmas dinner (lunch).

    Most of the other special dates and rituals are also ripped off from Pagan and even Heathen events... they were replaced by christian events so the conversion was easier... ie they didn't miss out on any piss ups, or days off work if they converted.

    the Bible iself is likely based on proverbs and fables that are much older than Christianity and were simply collected together as a sort of record of stories to tell.

    BTW that prediction of the end of the world sounds like a load of malachy to me anyway. (His name is synonymous with "rubbish"...)

    There are always predictions of the end of the world... there have already been at least 6 mass extinctions where something like 80% + of the species alive at the time were wiped out... of course that will happen again.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:09 pm

    The story of Jesus being gods child put into a virgin without sex. Jesus died from a traitor, sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the common folk and then raised three days after his death. Same stories are in much older religions we today even christians call made up religions.

    Jesus was copied from Horus which was copied from older religions all with basically the same story .

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:13 pm

    Pope Finally Describes Armenian WWI Killings as 'Genocide'

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:03 pm

    Pope Francis may visit Cuba in September

    The pontiff is considering the idea of stopping in Cuba on the occasion of his visit to the US scheduled for September 22-27, the Holy See press service says

    VATICAN, April 17. /TASS/. Pope Francis intends to visit Cuba in September, Federico Lombardi, the head of the Holy See press office, said on Friday.

    "The Holy Father has taken into consideration the idea of making a stop in Cuba on the occasion of his upcoming trip to the United States," Lombardi said.

    The pontiff's visit to the US is scheduled for September 22-27.

    Pope Francis may become the third pontiff to visit Cuba. John Paul II paid a historical papal visit to the island in 1998. His successor Benedict XVI visited Cuba in 2012.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Khepesh Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:08 pm

    Werewolf wrote:The story of Jesus being gods child put into a virgin without sex. Jesus died from a traitor, sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the common folk and then raised three days after his death. Same stories are in much older religions we today even christians call made up religions.

    Jesus was copied from Horus which was copied from older religions all with basically the same story .
    Now this is, IMO, correct, and I have studied and written about this extensively. I do not say the name is linked linguistically, but Horus has similarities with Slavic Hors, in Czech it is even written Horus. Both a sky god, a Sun god, a god also connected with the Moon, Horus has a nightime existance as Khonsu [debatable], the god of the Moon, and tho Hors rides a horse from the eastern horizon to the western horizon, Horus is the God of the Two Horizons and travels, like Ra, and they are the same god when named Ra-Horakhty, from east to west each day. There is also the etymology of Ra and Я, tho this is extremely contentious and I doubt there is any link as Ancient Egyptians probably pronounced it as "ray". Tho the 2010 DNA results that put at least one famous Ancient Egyptian with an origin that fits with the Kurgan hypothesis before the rise of Ancient Egypt raises many questions. I sense the bricks being thrown at me already for saying any of this..... Pope Francis: News & Discussion Fbd88bb96133

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  kvs Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:39 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:The story of Jesus being gods child put into a virgin without sex. Jesus died from a traitor, sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the common folk and then raised three days after his death. Same stories are in much older religions we today even christians call made up religions.

    Jesus was copied from Horus which was copied from older religions all with basically the same story .
    Now this is, IMO, correct, and I have studied and written about this extensively. I do not say the name is linked linguistically, but Horus has similarities with Slavic Hors, in Czech it is even written Horus. Both a sky god, a Sun god, a god also connected with the Moon, Horus has a nightime existance as Khonsu [debatable], the god of the Moon, and tho Hors rides a horse from the eastern horizon to the western horizon, Horus is the God of the Two Horizons and travels, like Ra, and they are the same god when named Ra-Horakhty, from east to west each day. There is also the etymology of Ra and Я, tho this is extremely contentious and I doubt there is any link as Ancient Egyptians probably pronounced it as "ray". Tho the 2010 DNA results that put at least one famous Ancient Egyptian with an origin that fits with the Kurgan hypothesis before the rise of Ancient Egypt raises many questions. I sense the bricks being thrown at me already for saying any of this.....  Pope Francis: News & Discussion Fbd88bb96133


    Too much coincidence for me.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:50 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Khepesh wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:The story of Jesus being gods child put into a virgin without sex. Jesus died from a traitor, sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the common folk and then raised three days after his death. Same stories are in much older religions we today even christians call made up religions.

    Jesus was copied from Horus which was copied from older religions all with basically the same story .
    Now this is, IMO, correct, and I have studied and written about this extensively. I do not say the name is linked linguistically, but Horus has similarities with Slavic Hors, in Czech it is even written Horus. Both a sky god, a Sun god, a god also connected with the Moon, Horus has a nightime existance as Khonsu [debatable], the god of the Moon, and tho Hors rides a horse from the eastern horizon to the western horizon, Horus is the God of the Two Horizons and travels, like Ra, and they are the same god when named Ra-Horakhty, from east to west each day. There is also the etymology of Ra and Я, tho this is extremely contentious and I doubt there is any link as Ancient Egyptians probably pronounced it as "ray". Tho the 2010 DNA results that put at least one famous Ancient Egyptian with an origin that fits with the Kurgan hypothesis before the rise of Ancient Egypt raises many questions. I sense the bricks being thrown at me already for saying any of this.....  Pope Francis: News & Discussion Fbd88bb96133


    Too much coincidence for me.  

    No coincidence the russian/slavic language is based on "азбучная истина" a self evident language that bases itself around

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Khepesh Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:16 am

    kvs wrote:
    Khepesh wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:The story of Jesus being gods child put into a virgin without sex. Jesus died from a traitor, sacrificed himself to forgive the sins of the common folk and then raised three days after his death. Same stories are in much older religions we today even christians call made up religions.

    Jesus was copied from Horus which was copied from older religions all with basically the same story .
    Now this is, IMO, correct, and I have studied and written about this extensively. I do not say the name is linked linguistically, but Horus has similarities with Slavic Hors, in Czech it is even written Horus. Both a sky god, a Sun god, a god also connected with the Moon, Horus has a nightime existance as Khonsu [debatable], the god of the Moon, and tho Hors rides a horse from the eastern horizon to the western horizon, Horus is the God of the Two Horizons and travels, like Ra, and they are the same god when named Ra-Horakhty, from east to west each day. There is also the etymology of Ra and Я, tho this is extremely contentious and I doubt there is any link as Ancient Egyptians probably pronounced it as "ray". Tho the 2010 DNA results that put at least one famous Ancient Egyptian with an origin that fits with the Kurgan hypothesis before the rise of Ancient Egypt raises many questions. I sense the bricks being thrown at me already for saying any of this.....  Pope Francis: News & Discussion Fbd88bb96133


    Too much coincidence for me.  
    That is a good point and I am very aware of it, also the link between Ra being symbolized as a lion as well as the Sun and a man with an eagle head, with the Slavic god Radogosta whose symbol was a lion. It is about linking Ra specifically with Я by itself as "I" as apossed to the use of Я in the name of the Sun god Яр or Ярило, and we have raduga and not yaduga or yarduga. So, I do think there is a link between Ra and Яр and ра, but perhaps not Я as a word by itself. Unless we see ourselves as a god, or from a god, but it gets complicated and the discussion goes into the very beginnings of human thought about the nature of the universe.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:56 pm

    George1 wrote:St. Malachy predicted Pope Francis will be last pope

    The prophecies of the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh, have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. So Francis could be the last.

    The prediction in full is "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

    The father of the current pope was Peter or Pietro and was from Italy even though the family moved to Argentina.

    In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the second last prophecy.

    His predictions are taken very seriously. As one report states: "In 1958, before the Conclave that would elect Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Spellman of New York hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River, to show that he was "pastor et nautor," the motto attributed to the next Pope in the prophecies."

    As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive."

    The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claim makes Malachy's prophecies correct. The next and final pope then should be "Peter Romanus."

    St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.

    Many of the prophecies are spot on. For example, the one about Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose). He was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figure a fleur-de-lis. Pope John Paul II is De labore Solis meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse.

    Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands.

    So will Benedict’s successor be the last pope? The Irish seer of the 12th century has said it will be so. Time will tell.

    Interesting! I'd never heard or read this, thanks!

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  George1 Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:17 am

    Pope Apologizes for Church Abuses Committed Against Indigenous Peoples

    Pope Francis has officially apologized for "offenses" committed by the Catholic Church against indigenous peoples during the conquest of the Americas.

    In the presence of Bolivian President Evo Morales on Thursday, the Pope "humbly" begged forgiveness, adding that "grave sins were committed against the native peoples of America in the name of God."

    While St. John Paul II had previously issued an apology for for the Church's actions against the aborigines of Oceania, Pope Francis went further by seeking that forgiveness.

    "I humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the church itself, but also for crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of America."

    Pope Francis is the world's first Latin American pope, and continues his tour of South America. He will visit Paraguay before his return to Rome on July 12.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  victor1985 Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:14 pm

    Meantime a lot of people give moneybto church only for saying simple propositions like "peace". Only mits and stories in this stupid book called the bible. Better use our own brain

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    Post  George1 Thu Sep 17, 2015 2:17 am

    Pope Francis, Fidel Castro Likely to Meet During Cuba Visit

    Pope Francis: News & Discussion 1026883793

    Pope Francis will likely meet former Cuban President Fidel Castro during his forthcoming trip to Havana, the Vatican said on Tuesday.

    With an upcoming nine-day tour of Cuba and the United States, a spokesman for the Vatican said the 78-year-old pontiff will probably meet Fidel Castro, though the exact time of the meeting has not yet been included in the pope’s program.

    "A meeting with Fidel Castro is probable, even if it is not yet scheduled for a specific time in the program," Father Federico Lombardi said. He added that the former Cuban president’s hope to meet the pontiff was "expressed by his brother, President Raul Castro, to the pope when he came to the Vatican in the spring."

    Pope Francis is set to travel to from Rome to Havana on Saturday, from where he will begin his nine day tour of Cuba and the United States. On Sunday, he will meet with Raul Castro, who took over his brother’s position as Cuban president in 2008.

    Father Lombardi said the Pope will likely meet the former Cuban leader after his meeting with Raul Castro on Sunday.

    "I think this shows that the Vatican wants to engage with Cuba rather than confront it," John Allen, a papal biographer, told the Telegraph. "Fidel is a symbol of the revolution. If the Cubans had asked for a meeting and the Vatican had said 'no,' that would have been a snub."

    The meeting would not be the first of its kind, as Fidel Castro had previously met with Pope Benedict XVI, Francis’ predecessor, in 2012, and with Pope John Paul II in 1998.

    Pope Francis has also been credited with playing a key role in the warming of relations between Cuba and the United States. The two countries ended fifty years of antagonistic cold war enmities in July, when they re-established diplomatic relations and the US reopened its embassy in Havana. This came after Pope Francis wrote letters to US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro, urging a détente, and hosted secret talks at the Vatican.

    Following his trip to Cuba, the pontiff will travel to the United States and say a prayer in English at Ground Zero in New York for the victims of those who died in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He is also scheduled to deliver an address to Congress, making him the first Pope to do so, and will meet with President Obama at the White House.

    This will be Pope Francis’ first trip to Cuba and the US, and his tenth overseas trip since he succeeded Benedict XVI in February 2012.

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    Pope Francis: News & Discussion Empty Re: Pope Francis: News & Discussion

    Post  Austin Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:49 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    George1 wrote:St. Malachy predicted Pope Francis will be last pope

    The prophecies of the Irish saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh, have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries. He has stated there will be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. So Francis could be the last.

    The prediction in full is "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

    The father of the current pope was Peter or Pietro and was from Italy even though the family moved to Argentina.

    In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the second last prophecy.

    His predictions are taken very seriously. As one report states: "In 1958, before the Conclave that would elect Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Spellman of New York hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River, to show that he was "pastor et nautor," the motto attributed to the next Pope in the prophecies."

    As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive."

    The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claim makes Malachy's prophecies correct. The next and final pope then should be "Peter Romanus."

    St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.

    Many of the prophecies are spot on. For example, the one about Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose). He was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figure a fleur-de-lis. Pope John Paul II is De labore Solis meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse.

    Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands.

    So will Benedict’s successor be the last pope? The Irish seer of the 12th century has said it will be so. Time will tell.

    Interesting! I'd never heard or read this, thanks!

    Very Interesting and Nice to hear.

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