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    Boris Nemtsov killed


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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Kyo Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:50 am

    richsu wrote:
    Kyo wrote:
    richsu wrote: is this the "filthty, and the shit western medias" ...?

    Btw, talking about filthy and shitty western medias, this what the most influential Swedish tabloid wrote today concerning Nemtsov's murder:

    Aftonbladet wrote:Boris Nemtsovs allies call it a political murder, linked to the politician's opposition to Putin and Ukraine conflict.
    The BBC writes that many believe that Boris Nemtsov was murdered for his political views.
    They blame President Putin for taking the country's nationalism in a dangerous way in which those who disagree with Putin's policy are regarded as traitors.
    And you think it wasnt a political murder?
    Thats the worst western media writes?  Come on.

    It all stinks as one more false flag op. either (or jointly) by CIA and SBU.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  kvs Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:13 am

    richsu wrote:
    Kyo wrote:
    richsu wrote: is this the "filthty, and the shit western medias" ...?

    Btw, talking about filthy and shitty western medias, this what the most influential Swedish tabloid wrote today concerning Nemtsov's murder:

    Aftonbladet wrote:Boris Nemtsovs allies call it a political murder, linked to the politician's opposition to Putin and Ukraine conflict.
    The BBC writes that many believe that Boris Nemtsov was murdered for his political views.
    They blame President Putin for taking the country's nationalism in a dangerous way in which those who disagree with Putin's policy are regarded as traitors.
    And you think it wasnt a political murder?
    Thats the worst western media writes?  Come on.

    The western media always insinuates that Putin is responsible even before any investigation starts. That makes the western media
    a pack of blood libel hyenas.

    The western media parades pundits and "analysts" who insinuate or outright lie that Russia is under a regime of terror ruled by
    despot. But for some reason this despot leaves all of his victims alone until they are just about to fade into obscurity. These
    victims manage to have long running careers bad mouthing Russia and Russians and spending their time hanging out that the
    US embassy. The western media would have everyone believe Russia is like Argentina and Chile during the 1970s. But the
    filthy, lying western media doesn't point out that under those real regimes of terror there were tens of thousands of murders
    by the state.

    I can count all of Putin's alleged victims on one hand: Politkovskaya, Litvinenko, Magnitsky, Berezovsky, and now Nemtsov. Oh,
    I forgot all of the "134" dead journalists, every single journalist who died in Russia between 1999 and 2010 (time of the report) from
    every cause. This includes Russian journalists killed by Chechen Whabbi jihadis, journalists who died in accidents and of
    course every case of local journalist who was killed by local mafias for exposing their activity. These are all supposedly
    Putin's direct fault.

    To anyone with a functional human brain the western media is a spew of intellectually insulting excrement. The US journalist,
    Gary Webb, who exposed the CIA money raising activity via sales of narcotics (in the USA itself, not in some "ignorable" country)
    died by "suicide" ( But that is never brought up as evidence that the US
    regime murdered him. Oh no. The key Whitewater fraud case witness, James McDougal, who died while in a US jail during the
    Clinton administration wasn't not a case of murder by Clinton to shut up a witness. But Magnitsky's death in custody was instant
    proof that "Putin shut him up" and the US Congress passed a law sanctioning Russia. The western media routinely refers to
    Magnitsky as a "human rights" lawyer. He was no such thing, he was a corrupt accountant.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  kvs Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:30 am

    Kyo wrote:
    richsu wrote:
    Kyo wrote:
    richsu wrote: is this the "filthty, and the shit western medias" ...?

    Btw, talking about filthy and shitty western medias, this what the most influential Swedish tabloid wrote today concerning Nemtsov's murder:

    Aftonbladet wrote:Boris Nemtsovs allies call it a political murder, linked to the politician's opposition to Putin and Ukraine conflict.
    The BBC writes that many believe that Boris Nemtsov was murdered for his political views.
    They blame President Putin for taking the country's nationalism in a dangerous way in which those who disagree with Putin's policy are regarded as traitors.
    And you think it wasnt a political murder?
    Thats the worst western media writes?  Come on.

    It all stinks as one more false flag op. either (or jointly) by CIA and SBU.

    The western media never gives time to relevant information about motive. It's always Putin who is offing discredited has-beens.
    Litivinenko is a prime example. He was an indirect asset for Putin and never a liability. He claimed until his death to have a suit
    case full of evidence that the FSB staged the 1999 apartment bombings as a pretext to invade Chechnya. He never once produced
    this evidence. And Russia had all the pretext it needed since the Wahabbi warlords who ran Chechnya between 1996 and 2000
    had invaded Russia before the apartment bombings. Almost 700 people mostly civilians died in Dagestan from this invasion. Yeah,
    Russia needed a pathetic false flag to "justify" taking this vermin out. In the minds of the frothing at the mouth Russia haters in the
    west. I recall the CBC doing a piece on this tin foil hat theory and yapping about the FSB flashing badges to apartment residents
    before the explosions when they encountered them in the basement of one of the buildings. Stop for a second and let that one
    sink in. The secret service would flash a badge. LOL. Not only is this an American thing, why would the FSB even have badges
    to flash during a secret operation? So the western media is engaging in tin foil hat conspiracy theory propagation when it comes
    to Russia.

    Nemtzov was well past his use by date. He peaked during the 1990s and faded away during the 2000s. Like Litvinenko, he was
    spreading all sorts of BS around that made him look like a clown. Before the Sochi Olympics he was claiming none of the venues
    would be completed because of rampant corruption. Of course he was adding up all of the billions spent on the massive upgrades
    to infrastructure (highways, railways, long mountain transport tunnels, airport facilities) as the direct expense of the venues.
    He had no particular insight or access to secret information. He was just pulling facts out of his a**. You don't kill people like
    Nemtsov. That only makes them into martyrs and "validates" their lies. They are their own worst enemies and leaving them
    to pout and screech only accelerates their decline into oblivion. Litvinenko was progressively detached from reality and accused
    Putin of staging the Danish Mohammed cartoon scandal several years ago Shocked

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:17 am

    Nemtsov at his best:

    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 B-_lwhlU0AAGlJ2

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:20 am

    Joe McCarthy would be proud:

    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 B--h5pFUoAAMqVy

    Colon Bowels has the proof:

    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 B-7qJJcWwAABsBy

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Regular Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:46 am

    I wonder what other people in opposition are thinking now. They must know there is something other than Gov behind his murder, atleast it should be known in their circle.
    So it only makes it harder for genuine opposition. Either You are politically murdered by Gov or You are murdered and turned into martyr for real.
    By the way Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Honcharenko was released today. He should've been trialed for his involvement in Odesa massacre.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  richsu Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:05 am

    Is this also "western media" ?
    Sounds way worse than what many western media writes.


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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  sepheronx Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:23 pm

    richsu wrote:Is this also "western media" ?
    Sounds way worse than what many western media writes.

    Moscow times and St.Petersburg Tribune(sp?) are owned by a Finnish company.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  richsu Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:54 pm

    How convenient.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  sepheronx Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:18 pm

    richsu wrote:How convenient.

    If you want western style media in Russia there is Pravda and izvestia used to be decent but became quite tabloidish over the previous couple years.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  richsu Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:40 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    richsu wrote:How convenient.

    If you want western style media in Russia there is Pravda and izvestia used to be decent but became quite tabloidish over the previous couple years.

    More interested in "eastern style" media, or what you call it.
    Media that isnt considered to be "filthty, and .. shit" by Russians.
    (Preferably in english though!)

    Just looking for the non-Westernisation view on what is happening in Russia today.
    All the media here just writes how bad Putin is and so on, thought I go here here look for the "real image".

    Last edited by richsu on Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  sepheronx Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:49 pm

    I dobt know what your deal is or your problem. If you want Russian news that is decent then check these sites out:

    Russia-insider is a western publication on Russian activity and is on the other side of the spectrum (and native english). They take their news from various other sources. Lifenews and are neither in english but yandex translate can work decently. Outside of that, it is up to you. If you simply joined this site to try to discredit Russian news, then go somewhere else. If you want an open discussion, then stay. No one is forcing you.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  richsu Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:53 pm

    sepheronx wrote:I dobt know what your deal is or your problem. If you want Russian news that is decent then check these sites out:

    Russia-insider is a western publication on Russian activity and is on the other side of the spectrum (and native english). They take their news from various other sources. Lifenews and are neither in english but yandex translate can work decently. Outside of that, it is up to you. If you simply joined this site to try to discredit Russian news, then go somewhere else. If you want an open discussion, then stay. No one is forcing you.


    You get me wrong, I dont want to discredit anyone. Just want to read stories from different sources.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  sepheronx Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:03 pm

    Bewarned of russia-insider. Depending on who is the article wrighter (or translator) depends on the quality of the article. They can be overtly sarcastic at points, or post some real bad articles. So it is a hit and miss. is more or less on the ball and simply a CBC of Russia. Good news and pretry unbiased as they even post articles of what westerners say about Russia even if the western article is wrong. reminds me a bit like anna news (anna news has best video coverages ever, of Syrian conflict and Ukraine), but both are Russian language with no english. Pravda is garbage, izvestia can be hit and miss and RT can be decent at times, depends on what, can be good in business news. Sputnik news is a newer brand and so far mostly just reposts what Itar Tass writes or comes up with their own opeds, but since they are still new, I dont expect any aeticles of their own anytime soon.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Kyo Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:59 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Bewarned of russia-insider. Depending on who is the article wrighter (or translator) depends on the quality of the article. They can be overtly sarcastic at points, or post some real bad articles. So it is a hit and miss. is more or less on the ball and simply a CBC of Russia. Good news and pretry unbiased as they even post articles of what westerners say about Russia even if the western article is wrong. reminds me a bit like anna news (anna news has best video coverages ever, of Syrian conflict and Ukraine), but both are Russian language with no english. Pravda is garbage, izvestia can be hit and miss and RT can be decent at times, depends on what, can be good in business news. Sputnik news is a newer brand and so far mostly just reposts what Itar Tass writes or comes up with their own opeds, but since they are still new, I dont expect any aeticles of their own anytime soon.

    I would add and a western blog on Russian issues: And above all, beware of Google translator, it's CIA controlled. Better try Yandex translator, as @sepheronx suggested.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:48 am

    I have Sputnik News as my home page, and I enjoy RT, though it has been taken over by America and seems to be more focussed on discrediting US media than delivering news. I kinda get the distinct impression that most of the reporters on RT got fired from western news companies or at least rejected and they seem to want to spend most of their time rubbing their noses in it...

    For me it makes it mostly boring, but Technology Update on RT is excellent... they should have that on once a week. Here in New Zealand we had an Australian programme called "Beyond 2000" that was similar, and looked at new technologies and products.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:43 am

    I aggree, but you just need to watch comments under RT, more obvious impossible, you see right out how many paid trolls there are, liking each others comments with dozen accounts, since February they activley grew those paid agents on RT.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  TR1 Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:54 am

    richsu wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:I dobt know what your deal is or your problem. If you want Russian news that is decent then check these sites out:

    Russia-insider is a western publication on Russian activity and is on the other side of the spectrum (and native english). They take their news from various other sources. Lifenews and are neither in english but yandex translate can work decently. Outside of that, it is up to you. If you simply joined this site to try to discredit Russian news, then go somewhere else. If you want an open discussion, then stay. No one is forcing you.


    You get me wrong, I dont want to discredit anyone. Just want to read stories from different sources.

    The sources he posted to you just shill anything the Kremlin wants them to, btw.

    Lenta used to be halfway decent, then a Kremlin appointed editor stepped in. Wooooo!

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:43 am

    The sources he posted to you just shill anything the Kremlin wants them to, btw.

    Hahahaha... he said he wanted alternative views... so any western media source.... doesn't matter which one... they are all the same... and the Kremlin... that sounds like all the possible views to me... Rolling Eyes

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:09 am

    GarryB wrote:

    The sources he posted to you just shill anything the Kremlin wants them to, btw.

    Hahahaha... he said he wanted alternative views... so any western media source.... doesn't matter which one... they are all the same... and the Kremlin... that sounds like all the possible views to me... Rolling Eyes

    TR1 is just antirussian and every source is bad, no word about US tho, he thinks it is a conspiracy theory if you call western MSM controlled, which is proven and beyond deniability.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  TR1 Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:46 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    GarryB wrote:

    The sources he posted to you just shill anything the Kremlin wants them to, btw.

    Hahahaha... he said he wanted alternative views... so any western media source.... doesn't matter which one... they are all the same... and the Kremlin... that sounds like all the possible views to me... Rolling Eyes

    TR1 is just antirussian and every source is bad, no word about US tho, he thinks it is a conspiracy theory if you call western MSM controlled, which is proven and beyond deniability.

    I am anti-russian?


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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  NickM Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:15 am

    Nemtsov was gunned down while walking a bridge that spans the Moscow River right in front of the Kremlin. It is under constant camera and live surveillance. The message was clear:

    People will be killed in the name of the Kremlin,
    In plain view of the Kremlin,
    Against the backdrop of the Kremlin,
    Simply for daring to oppose the Kremlin.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:04 am

    NickM wrote:Nemtsov was gunned down while walking a bridge that spans the Moscow River right in front of the Kremlin. It is under constant camera and live surveillance. The message was clear:

    People will be killed in the name of the Kremlin,
    In plain view of the Kremlin,
    Against the backdrop of the Kremlin,
    Simply for daring to oppose the Kremlin.

    You will be the only surviver in a zombie apocalypse, no brains to find, zombies will die out hungry.

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:20 pm

    NickM wrote:Nemtsov was gunned down while walking a bridge that spans the Moscow River right in front of the Kremlin. It is under constant camera and live surveillance. The message was clear:

    People will be killed in the name of the Kremlin,
    In plain view of the Kremlin,
    Against the backdrop of the Kremlin,
    Simply for daring to oppose the Kremlin.
    Or simply it was a message to Kremlin.
    It discredits Kremlin, it shows that Russia is unsafe and etc.

    But then again Strelkov said he will be back fighting 5th column in Russia and there is probably version of his followers doing this.
    If that's the case I hope they are arrested and trialed. Russia has laws. If Russia wanted it could have kept Nemtsov under arrests 24/7, but he seemed to be harmless.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Boris Nemtsov killed  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boris Nemtsov killed

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:25 pm

    Strelkov would make an excellent successor of Putin. Wink

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