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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers


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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Are there any Russian Computer makers?

    Post  Pervius Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:25 pm

    Are there any Russian computer makers? Can anyone show me a website where you could buy a Russian made computer?

    I had a Compaq computer, on the 13th month of having it (warranty ran out at 12 months) a little bubble popped up in the lower right hand corner "your windows is not Genuine".

    I was confused, the Windows on it was installed by Compaq. A few minutes later the computer shut down. I tried restarted it but got a screen "your windows is not genuine". I called Compaq, sorry warranty was expired, call Microsoft. I call Microsoft....they created this program called "Windows Genuine Authority". Apparently they can see all the computers on the internet and they saw my Windows XP key was being used by two computers, so they disabled both. Even though mine was the real one. They said somebody must have used a Key Generator and made up a Key that matched mine. They said to reinstall Windows. I couldn't, the software CD no longer comes with computers. I was screwed.

    I used Linux after that.

    Then I wanted to play PC games...and broke down and bought another Computer with guessed it....warranty ran out and it was turned off.

    Apparently Microsoft got into bed with Phoenix Bios in 2003. Now the Bios chip has it's own operating system hidden in they can turn off your computer if they want.

    So where can the world get a computer that somebody else can't switch off? Does Russia make computer hardware? Just something to run Linux on??

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:52 am

    I ran into the same problem.

    My solution was to get a copy of an old version of XP (ie before the Genuine Advantage software was added in the third block upgrade patch).

    I have my system set to update the operating system only when I confirm the download and installation and when it comes up and asks if I want to install the Genuine Advantage software I simply choose not to down load it and to ignore it in the future so it doesn't download it again.

    Hasn't been a problem since.

    BTW there is software that will simulate Direct X in Linux to allow you to play windows games... it wouldn't surprise me if the latest Linux versions have it included as standard.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:10 am

    Have a look inside the computer case.

    Very rarely I have found that new computers come with the OS CD or DVD taped inside the case.

    Another trick is that sometimes they come with a recovery disk, or hidden hard drive partition.

    Be aware that installing Linux will mean it will erase the hard drive and likely reformat it into a non-DOS partition.

    This means you will need to convert the drive back into a DOS partition using the right software to install a windows based OS again. (I have a bootable disk from an old PC magazine that does it.)

    Also be aware that some manufacturers of a dubious nature might not have sold you a real edition of Windows... hense the lack of a proper key to begin with.

    The best way to get Windows operating systems is to become a tertiary student (ie university or polytech) as Microsoft will throw software at you to get you familiar and happy with their product in the hope that you will go on to prefer it in a business setting in the future.

    There are lots of Linux options out there... the best solution in my opinion is to find one you like and get off the Microsoft wagon all together.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  nightcrawler Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:06 am

    this is what you need to run Win application in Linus including DirectX gamez...

    My solution was to get a copy of an old version of XP (ie before the Genuine Advantage software was added in the third block upgrade patch).

    I have my system set to update the operating system only when I confirm the download and installation and when it comes up and asks if I want to install the Genuine Advantage software I simply choose not to down load it and to ignore it in the future so it doesn't download it again.
    use this (applicable also on Service Pack 3)



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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:57 am

    There are no Russian PC makers.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:10 am

    That is what I was thinking of... thanks NC.

    Also regarding XP, the first two service packs are OK, the Genuine Advantage Software is part of service pack 3 so don't install that if you can help it.

    If you install service pack 1 or 2 and then connect to the internet to update it will try to download an enormous number of updates. Make sure you have the settings set to make it not download anything till you confirm what you want and then scroll through the recommended updates and find the ones that don't apply. (ie if you don't use the office suite or outlook or internet explorer then don't bother downloading those fixes and patches)

    When you deselect the items you don't want (make sure it includes the Genuine Advantage Software patch) there is a check box you can select to make it ignore these patches and fixes in the future... if you select that box then it wont keep trying to download the GAS.

    Obviously if this removal tool works however it would probably be much faster to download a newer version of the software and simply remove the problem patch.

    I have been thinking about converting to Linux, so if you play around with winehq tell us how you get on.

    I have a rather old relatively low spec machine so I suspect it might not go so well emulating a Windows OS for games in Linux... but I am happy to be proved wrong.

    BTW as Vladimir points out there are no Russian PC makers that I know of, most of the components I buy are made in China or South Korea or Malaysia etc.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:28 pm

    It is sad there are no Russian Computer makers.

    You can download program to use wifi as radar now to see where other computers are, and open wifi connections.

    The wifi cards can also be used to see if there is movement in a room....the dimensions of a many people are in a room....You can hack into someone's computer and "see" everything in their facility by using their own wifi card as radar. Helps even more if their computer has webcam or microphone to tap into for spying as well.

    BIOS chips were modified in 2003 and have their own operating system in the chips now, so hardware itself can be turned off and deny users the use of their own computer hardware. Before 2003 they could turn off people's software....but you could delete the harddrive and re-install software and be back in operation.

    Not now. Each BIOS chip also has a serial number to track you. Each drive to store data now has a serial number to track you. Each communication chip now has a MAC address to track you. None of those can be changed.

    Since Russia did not get itself into computer manufacture what we are seeing is only 1 group having the ability to design and create electronic devices that they use for their own purposes...civilians buy them not even knowing those devices main purpose is not for them.

    Since Russia failed to get into the computer hardware/software creation business.....only 1 part of the world has full control of all communications, data....human creativity.

    Everyone else around the world gets their work compromised/ stealthily stolen while they are working on it...because the very computer they type their research on.....isn't working for them.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:03 am

    Russia and the Soviet Union never really had a consumer focus... technology generally went into defence first and often only.

    Now however things might change, but I would not be so confident... the Russians do build super computers, but these are small run high performance machines that are not sold to the general public.

    Most computer components makers are not American made any more... it is just too expensive to make it there.

    It will have an American brand on the outside but look at the component labels and they will say China, Taiwan, etc etc.

    It is the lure of cheap labour.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  Pervius Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:31 pm

    Microsoft used the "WGA" program to turn off people's legal copy's of Windows XP....because they "saw other computers on the internet with the same CD Key".....Who knew they could see all computers on the internet.

    I think HP has been turning off peoples laptops via the BIOS Hardware not long after warranty to get people to buy new laptops.

    HP has flopped.

    Customers won't return if you turn off THEIR products....HP will never learn. Looks like they're buying the UK "Autonomy" company to go after more people for money, Corporations this time.

    It's pretty bad when you can buy perfectly good 17" laptop screens on Ebay for less than $20....from allll those HP laptops owners that had their motherboards disabled via the Bios....or maybe all those motherboards just happened to have a fault from 2007 until now causing them to die shortly after warranty. People have been complaining about that issue for 4 years. Unhappy people don't re-buy your stuff.

    The world has to be laughing at HP.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:39 am

    Microsoft used the "WGA" program to turn off people's legal copy's of Windows XP....because they "saw other computers on the internet with the same CD Key".....Who knew they could see all computers on the internet.

    They can't see all computers on the internet.

    It is very straight forward... if you have a Microsoft based operating system that is still supported by Microsoft you can set how often your computer checks for updates... you can make it every time you connect to the internet or as specific times of the day, or you can make it prompt you to update or you can do it fully manually and do it when you choose.

    It doesn't matter which way you do it to update your operating system it needs to check what you have installed with what is available. If you install the genuine advantage software and run it it will do a quick check to see if you have a valid CD key. If not then the next time you choose to update your operating system it will squeal to Microsoft that there is a problem so instead of downloading updates it downloads a kill switch to turn off your software. Now of course because that software is actually the operating system then your computer will suddenly not be able to find windows.

    If you have more than one operating system on your computer then it will likely default to the other OS, but most people just have the one OS so their operating system stops booting up.

    They haven't changed anything in BIOS... they have just disabled their OS on your computer so when your computer goes through its normal boot up sequence the bit after it does the hardware checks it is supposed to look for an OS and if your operating system is disabled it ignores it and looks for another one. When it doesn't find one it is stuck and tells you it can't find and operating system.

    If you get a USB memory stick and leave it plugged in when booting up you will get a similar message because on newer computers it will look on the USB key for an operating system but when it doesn't find one it doesn't know to look on the hard drive next and stops the start up process. (In which case you can turn the computer off and remove the USB Key from the USB port and turn the computer back on and it should boot up normally.)

    Of course it also means you can install a light operating system like one of the Linux versions designed for netbooks on a USB key and put your operating system and lots of software on it... there is lots of good stuff at that is all free and can all be put on a memory stick... the portable version of notepad is awesome BTW, but you can include open office etc on the stick and put all your email on it and it all stays on the stick... excellent for using in cyber cafes or at work to keep your privacy... though for important stuff backups are essential.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:15 am


    I've been working around the clock over the last 7 days, wasting my holidays on compiling a mega-list of Russian brands and producers.

    Little did I realize just how big an undertaking this was going to be. Literally, I'm still just scrapping the iceberg. I've been dedicating nearly all my time to researching Russian watch-makers for the past 3 days.. and I still haven't found all of them!
    Big kudos to TheArmenian for the shared common interest in Russian producers, and for helping me out with his own research and knowledge. Anyone else who wants to contribute is certainly welcome! thumbsup

    Research is of course neccessery, and far from every company freely publicizes information on where it produces or even if its production is in Russia or abroad.
    It's also hard to sometimes just figure out - which company belongs to which other, which ones are part of a corporations, whether to list a holding's companies separately or just list the holding.. and this being Russia with its opaque oligarchical-founded management structures; it's sometimes quite hard to determine even simple things, requiring reading assessment in order to come to the right conclusion.
    However since I'm interested in those Russian & Foreign brands/companies that actually produce in Russia, with their own production capabilities - I have no choice but to do my best to get to the bottom of things.
    That's the first list in fact - a list of all goods produced in Russia, with each category harboring the companies that actually produce that product in Russia with their own production capacities.

    The second is reserved for Russian & Foreign brand names with none of their own production, or for the goods of those producers that aren't made by those producers directly but are contracted out to be produced elsewhere. However, the production in this case must still be in Russia.

    The third list is like the second, except only for Russian brands, and for goods that are produced outside Russia, rather than inside Russia. For the most part - and I'm not going to hide this - this is like a list of shame; given that +80% of the branded-goods listed here are just Russian brands contracting out some cheap, low-quality production in China and then flogging these cheapo goods in Russia.
    However there are exceptions. For example Yota, which produces its phones in China but with good quality control and unique features and designs. Or Interskol, who produces garden/lawn equipment in Spain's former Casals Herramientas factory, that Interskol acquired a few years back. Volmax is another one - having set up a manufacturing company in Switzerland, it now produces 2/3 of its watch brands there.

    After those 3 lists there is a list of the companies/brands that were referenced; along with their websites. And then also a listing of different brands and their ownership by company.

    I will be reformatting the list of companies/brands, perhaps to categorize them by industry and also using a color-code to indicate their size (sole-trader, SME, large companies, corporations, holdings/conglomerates). That will come later.

    I propose to use this thread to post news and info about Russian consumer products; at least for those that there aren't already running threads on.
    I'll also post some things here on occasion about my own findings, the hidden gems I've found so far out in the rough, and also the lemons you might want to avoid. I'll probably do my first post on Russian watches & clocks, stay tuned. For now though, although this list is very much still a work in progress and is only a fraction of the size it'll ultimately grow to - I'm taking a well deserved break. As interesting as this all is, this is all exhausting work, especially the research - and I don't want to spend the rest of my dwindling holiday holed-up in front of my computer writing up a catalog. Enjoy!  cheers

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:28 am

    Add in Polartv brand to electronics > TV's

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  Kyo Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:03 pm

    Found this site. Hope it's useful.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  George1 Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:24 pm

    Russian renowned film directors willing to create alternative to Western fast food chains

    Andrey Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov ask the government 971.8 million rubles ($18.13 million) for launching a pilot project of cafes branded "Let’s Eat at Home"

    MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Russian renowned film directors and brothers, Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrey Konchalovsky, are willing to create in Russia a chain of fast food restaurants, alternative to Western ones, and have asked the government to allocate one billion rubles ($18.65 million) for the purpose, the Kommersant daily wrote on Thursday citing the brothers' letter to the Russian government.

    "Andrey Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov ask the government to help in establishing a nationwide chain of public catering, alternative to the Western chains of fast food," the newspaper writes. "But to launch a pilot project of cafes branded ‘Let’s Eat at Home’ the partners need 971.8 million rubles ($18.13 million)."

    The Kommersant says that "today the topic will be on the table of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich."

    A nationwide chain of cafes branded "Let’s Eat at home" is supposed to be set up, the daily says, and Konchalovsky’s wife Yulia Vysotskaya, actress and TV hostess, who is the brand owner, is expected to become the face for new chain.

    "The project aims to substitute imported foods and to create an alternative to Western chains of fast food restaurants," the film directors say promising to gain profit in a span of 4.8 years.

    "Let’s Eat at Home" eateries are planned to combine small shops and cafes, with regional foodstuffs making up 30-40% of the menu.

    Also, the eateries are expected to provide dishes to social facilities, in particular to children’s homes.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Map of largest brands per region in Russia (pardon my French jocolor )

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:28 pm

    Map of largest brands per region in Russia (pardon my French jocolor )

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  sepheronx Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:34 pm

    Looks like Zenit cameras are making a comeback.

    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Zenit cameras are making a comeback

    Post  Guest Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:41 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    Looks like Zenit cameras are making a comeback.

    Nice, my Zenit TTL is getting a grandson.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:49 am

    I have posted on General News topics but I find out that, this is the more appropriate place pwnd pwnd

    The Russian chocolate maker Pobeda (Victory) has opened a branch in the Latvian town of Ventspils.

    The factory has the capacity to produce 10,000 tons of chocolate, and expects to export more than 700 tons to the EU, USA, South America and the Middle East, according to owner Andrey Muraviev.

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:35 pm

    can anyone mention any russian android mobile phone types?

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    Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers Empty Re: Russian Consumer Goods: Brands & Producers

    Post  Godric Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:56 pm

    George1 wrote:can anyone mention any russian android mobile phone types?

    Yotaphones is one

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