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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia


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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:04 pm

    PART 1

    While in the balkans most of you probably know who is prorussia(greece and serbia) who is anti(Shiptars and Romanians) bulgaria is rarely commented on and when it is most what is claimed is false. Here from my bulgarian perspective I will go deeper on how bulgarians view russia and what events molded that view. I will show my personal view,as a moderate nationalist and anticapitalist, and
    whether these following facts should reflect our relations with Russia

    First, since our country is currently best described as cleptocracy controlled by the oligarchs and mafia with no ideological identity other than to steal from the national budget when they get into power, relations with russia are rarely in the most important topic in political discussion between average bulgarians. Most of these discussions end with self loathing about how we're 100 years behind the rest of europe( most bulgarians believe EU and the US is heaven  with no corruption, with infinite riches, with everybody there being exteremely responsible and cultured, kind of like how Galicians viewed the EU when they started maidan) if bulgarians will learn to act with respect and stop having a middle eastern mentality(through bulgarian eyes the middle east is a place of barbarism , this view being constructed by our enslavement by the theocratic feudalistic backward Ottoman empire while west eurpoe started adopting liberal ideas like inalienable human rights and religious tolerance), whether we will stop getting duped by politicians(this has become a swear word here by now),etc.
    For our cleptocracy bulgarians blame universal corruption and all political parties, so this doesn't have much influence on our view towards Russia. Discussions about russia have only become more common recently with the south stream debacle and ukraine.
    Bulgarian policy towards Russia 1947725_333759970082215_1194208957543872894_n
    This picture expresses the prevailing opinion on one of the Bulgarians political problems
    translationThe problem with bulgaria is the (political)division
    Communists-Democrats(most people in bulgaria do that equation because they don't know true communist theory)

    Unfortunately for russia unlike serbia bulgaria is far less uniform in its positive view toward Russia, with Washington funded Neoliberal experts for hire and politicians acting as the savior intelligentsia infiltrating bulgarian politics since immediately after the bourgois counterrevolution in 1989. They have hijacked the bulgarian zeitgiest trying to sway public opinion with contsant propaganda articles with headlines such as: DISSIDENT SPEAKS OUT ABOUT EVIL RUSSIAN OCCUPATION, RUSSIAN LIES ABOUT BULGARIAN HISTORY, HOW *INSERT RUSSIAN OLIGARCH HERE* BOUGHT BULGARIA, etc.

    Protests for hire are a favorite tactic for this NED and Amnesty International funded pseudointelligentsia such as during teh early 90s when "students" forced out the elected socialists from power.

    Now about usual political stance of bulgarian russophiles and russophobes
    The bulgarian russophile
    Unlike most russophiles in the EU who tend to  be libertarian bulgarian ones(including me) mostly have a very left wing anticapitalist(but socially conservative) stance. This is mostly because russia is equated with the USSR. Unlike in the rest of europe where the EU is viewed as a bringer of "evil socialist jew mooslim welfare progressiveness" we bulgarians view it as a bringer of neoliberalism and a rebirth of faschism. EU funding of banderites and the subtle antirussian racist rhetoric of bulgarian right wingers rienforces this view.  Other than that the EU is not surpirisingly also viewed as bringing perversion and multiculturalism.

    Most bulgarian russophiles are unfortunately either elderly or adolescent  and although we are a major part of the population its not nearly as high as in serbia. The neoliberal logosphere isn't helping, as we're being alienated and portrayed as foreighn agents who care more about russia than bulgaria

    Here are our major talking points:
    Bulgaria and Russia are both culturally and religiously close unlike the US therefore we should become much closer with russia
    We shouldn't bite hand that feeds us(we rely on russian gas and russian tourists are a major part our income)
    The EU will always view us a troublemaker and never improve our standard of life
    The EU cares more about Turks and Gypsies on bulgarian soil than Bulgarians
    We're accomplices to crimes and imperialism and we're gving up our independence with american bases on our soil
    NATO has prevented us from our army getting good affordable equipment because itn doesn't let us buy russian, and NATO weapons are too expensive
    Neocon politician Richard Ran with his shock therapy  plan Ran-Ut destroyed the bulgarian economy

    Bulgarian policy towards Russia 10419492_352352191556326_6006026287471327023_n
    This caricature is inspired by the recent event where german multiculti progressives protested that the bulgarian border should bge opened for everyone
    Bulgarians remove the gates!We from the eurogay union want to suck the dicks of the immigrants(referal to the syrians and gypsies who pass mostly through our borders)

    The bulgarian russophobe
    He/She is mostly a middle aged neoliberal western emigrant or former political dissident with dual citizenship on CIA payroll posing as a representative of the bulgarian intelligentsia, that has managed get a decent bourgois life in the west. In Bulgaria most of the time their professions are connected with IT, services and entertainment and don't contribute much to the bulgarian economy. Most of todays russophobe politicians in bulgaria are funded also by local oligarchs but are better at hiding it so its easier for them to blame leftist politicians for supposedly bieng funded by GAZPROM, Russian mafia(that's a favorite cliche for them, KGB or whatever scapegoat they cook up. Strangely they neither defend nor criticize about the multiculti progressiveness the EU propogates us with. In order to gather paid student protests they try to look hip, youthful and as the enlightened future among the useless old players.
    Hence the nickname for them: "The smart, The young and The handsome"

    Their major talking points:
    *Insert bulgarian national hero here* hated Russia
    Russia is giving us unfair gas prices
    South stream is a criminal affair cooked up by evil comunist oligarchs against bulgarian economic interests
    Russia is a backward oligarchic dictatorship with only its aging military to boast with
    Russians were always too subservient to understand real democracy
    More bulgarians are emigrating to the EU than russia, therefore we should be proEU
    Defamation of russophiles by portraying them as paid village idiots or communist brainwashed grannies
    Once you go russian you never go back(i.e. russia supposedly won't let us go our own political path if we ever ally with it)

    That was part 1. Got dizzy by writing all that stuff drunken In part 2 I will focus on historical bulgarian-russian relations and how this should influence our view towards russia

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:09 pm

    i think Bulgarians' view is negative, only Bulgarian Socialist party is favorable of Russia
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:17 pm

    Socialist party obviously is lying like all leftist parties around the world. This leaves probably zero allies. Same everywhere. Russia is not yet started paying them once again.
    When Yuan start floating in European politics you will see all of a sudden new friends everywhere. Same story all the time.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:58 am

    Bulgaria is a peculiar country. They are Turkic people who moved from the region near Tatarstan and adopted Slavic language
    and culture en route to their final destination in the Balkans. Historically they have not acted as allies of Orthodox Slavic nations
    such as Russia and Serbia. The latest farce with South Stream just confirms the pattern.

    Of course Russians do not hate Bulgarians, but the same cannot be said for Bulgarians not hating Russia. Anyway, as with Ukraine,
    all the anti-Russian butthurt coming out of basically nowhere is tiresome. Best to ignore and isolate these haters.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:56 pm

    kvs wrote:Bulgaria is a peculiar country.   They are Turkic people who moved from the region near Tatarstan and adopted Slavic language
    Wrong. Bulgarians had a country long before there was a tatarstan, Old Great Bulgaria ruled by Khan Kubrat and founded in 681 which was situated from the caucausus to the east, crimea to the south, and donbass to the north. In fact tatarsas well as the chuvashes are  descendants of volga bulgaria. But balkan bulgarians aren't turkic, otherwise I wouldn't have blue eyes. Todays bulgarians are a combination of bulgars, thracians and slavs. And actually slavs adopted our form of slavic language. Russian and serbian are essentially archaic forms of the language spoken in the bulgarian kingdom 8th century onwards. Old church slavonic is also essentially old bulgarian.

    kvs wrote:  Anyway, as with Ukraine,
    all the anti-Russian butthurt coming out of basically nowhere is tiresome
    .   Best to ignore and isolate these haters.
    Wrong, it comes from the neoliberal NGOs in bulgaria manipulating our people. Nevertheless, we are by no means in majority russophobic. around 25-30%(including me) are openly russophiles, 50% are apolitical, only 20% or so, mostly the rich and emmigrants hate russia.

    South stream affair caused us to be even more ashamed, hopeless, and angry towards our politicians.

    Last edited by KomissarBojanchev on Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:16 pm

    kvs wrote:   Historically they have not acted as allies of Orthodox Slavic nations
    such as Russia and Serbia.    

    150% serbian chauvinist and greek megaliidea propaganda. In every single russo-turkish war bulgarian volunteers flooded to fill the russian army. Entire bulgarian regiments were formed. Some of these volunteers like captain Georgi Mamarchev were highly distinguished war heroes in Russia. As for russia's other wars what could we do? We were under brutal enslavement by the turks and we suffered more under them than any other christian ethnicity in the balkans.
    Fun fact:Kievan  Knyaz Svetoslav unprovokingly invaded bulgaria in the 9th century. What an ally.
    As for serbia your claim is even more bogus. during the serbian uprising of 1819 bulgarian haiduk Velko Petrov gave crucial help the the serbian rebels. In the other serbian rebellions of the 19th century hundreds more bulgarian volunteers died fighting for them. When did serbs ever help a bulgarian rebellion against the ottoman yolk? Despite many promises they never fulfilled them. Meanwhile the times serbians attacked or betrayed bulgarians are too many to count.

    Serbian kings helped byzantine emperor Vasilius II conquer the bulgarian kingdom

    Serbian king Stepan Lazarevich helped turks defeat bulgarians and crusaders in the battle of Nicopolis in 1396.

    A serbian betrayed to the turks bulgarian national hero Vasil Levski

    Serbians promised to bulgarian national hero Lyuben Karavelov to help him form a bulgarian rebel unit after he helped them, but they never did

    Serbs, influenced by the western colonial empires,  attacked Bulgaria in 1885 after she disobeyed the injustice of the berlin congress by uniting itsself.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:14 pm

    Bulgaria Hopes to Reach Agreement on Construction of Gas Hub With Russia

    Bulgaria hopes to reach an agreement with Russia on a joint project on the construction of a natural gas hub on its soil, Bulgarian Ambassador to Russia Boyko Kotzev said Wednesday.

    SAMARA (Sputnik) — In June, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that Bulgaria had tabled a gas hub proposal.

    "Let us give an opportunity to our experts to do their job. I am an optimist and I am convinced that everything [a deal on the construction of the hub] will be [signed]" Kotzev told RIA Novosti.

    The ambassador added that the two countries would promote cooperation in various spheres and find a solution to the problems resulting from the cancellation of Russia's South Stream gas pipeline.

    In December 2014, Moscow announced the cancellation of South Stream that was to transport Russian gas to South Europe following a deadlock with Brussels over its anti-monopoly legislation. The pipeline was to run across the Black Sea and make landfall in Bulgaria, with Sofia as its gateway and main beneficiary.

    Read more:
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:26 pm

    kvs wrote:Bulgaria is a peculiar country.   They are Turkic people who moved from the region near Tatarstan and adopted Slavic language
    and culture en route to their final destination in the Balkans.   Historically they have not acted as allies of Orthodox Slavic nations
    such as Russia and Serbia.    The latest farce with South Stream just confirms the pattern.

    Of course Russians do not hate Bulgarians, but the same cannot be said for Bulgarians not hating Russia.  Anyway, as with Ukraine,
    all the anti-Russian butthurt coming out of basically nowhere is tiresome.   Best to ignore and isolate these haters.

    They are North Korean, not Turkic:

    They do not even like Turks.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:05 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    kvs wrote:Bulgaria is a peculiar country.   They are Turkic people who moved from the region near Tatarstan and adopted Slavic language
    and culture en route to their final destination in the Balkans.   Historically they have not acted as allies of Orthodox Slavic nations
    such as Russia and Serbia.    The latest farce with South Stream just confirms the pattern.

    Of course Russians do not hate Bulgarians, but the same cannot be said for Bulgarians not hating Russia.  Anyway, as with Ukraine,
    all the anti-Russian butthurt coming out of basically nowhere is tiresome.   Best to ignore and isolate these haters.

    They are North Korean, not Turkic:

    They do not even like Turks.

    They don't look anything like Koreans or orientals in general either. This blog post you found is just whack. Clearly
    Bulgarians are Caucasians. Caucasians never dominated the Orient. But there is something that does link them
    and that is the Altaic language group.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:07 pm

    Bulgaria shows what it thinks of Russia:

    And to think the Bulgarian regime is deluded enough to think it will get the South Stream gas pipeline project restarted.
    Keep dreaming you retarded backstabbers.
    max steel
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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  max steel Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:29 pm

    kvs wrote:Bulgaria shows what it thinks of Russia:

    And to think the Bulgarian regime is deluded enough to think it will get the South Stream gas pipeline project restarted.
    Keep dreaming you retarded backstabbers.

    I'm sure Bulgarian Joe Six Pack today hangs his head in shame. Russians are exulted in Bulgarian history & culture. Their national anthem states that Moscow is with us during peace & war.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:25 pm

    Being member of NATO, this was obvious. Doesn't iindicate anything else than the US will do what ever it wants to make things happen.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  Godric Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:03 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Being member of NATO, this was obvious. Doesn't iindicate anything else than the US will do what ever it wants to make things happen.

    Nato membership comes with a hefty cost.... you end up being owned by America

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  Karl Haushofer Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:24 pm

    max steel wrote:
    kvs wrote:Bulgaria shows what it thinks of Russia:

    And to think the Bulgarian regime is deluded enough to think it will get the South Stream gas pipeline project restarted.
    Keep dreaming you retarded backstabbers.

    I'm sure Bulgarian Joe Six Pack today hangs his head in shame. Russians are exulted in Bulgarian history & culture. Their national anthem states that Moscow is with us during peace & war.

    Those average Joes were the ones who elected the current pro-Western Bulgarian government to power.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:12 pm

    Russia to react to Bulgaria’s closure of airspace to Russian Syria-bound planes — lawmaker

    Russia has already found alternative routes for its planes

    MOSCOW, September 8 /TASS/. Russia has warned Bulgaria that it’s going to react adequately to a decision to close Bulgarian airspace to Russian planes flying relief cargoes to Syria, Nikolay Levichev, the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) vice-speaker and a member of the Duma Committee for Foreign Affairs, told TASS on Tuesday.

    "We will remember this unfriendly move and will find adequate answers," Levichev said. "The Bulgarian leadership which made that decision - whatever the reasons behind it could be - has joined the camp of adversaries of the existing system of international relations," the vice-speaker went on to say. "Closing access to its airspace to planes with relief cargoes for the war-torn Syria is an inhumane and clearly short-sighted act," the Russian politician stressed.

    Levichev said it was paradoxical that countries under sanctions turned out to be the only custodians of principles of humanism in a modern world. "Damascus opposes radicals from the IS (Islamic State); Moscow is sending aid to Damascus and Teheran is ready to open an air corridor to Russian planes. But the West is doing nothing but putting a spoke in the wheel. The Bulgarian government stood at attention upon receiving a command from Washington," the Russian lawmaker said.

    Russia has already found alternative routes for its planes but the Bulgarian people are unlikely to gain anything from their government’s policy of confrontation with Russia, Levichev said.

    "It was Russia that liberated Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke in the 19th century and contributed to the creation of the Bulgarian statehood. Apparently, the Bulgarian government has a short memory. But the Russian memory is good," Levichev concluded.

    Bulgaria has refused to give access to its airspace to Russian planes with a relief cargo for Syria onboard, Bulgarian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Betina Zhoteva told TASS on Tuesday.

    "We denied permission to Russian military transport planes to fly via Bulgarian airspace because we have enough information that makes us have serious doubts about the cargo onboard which may vary from what it has been declared," the spokeswoman said adding that the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry had made its decision absolutely independently.

    According to media reports, the United States has also asked Greece to close the Greek airspace to Russian cargo planes bound for Syria.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:18 pm,+Former+Energy+Minister+Says+%C2%A0

    Bulgaria is able to start building the cancelled South Stream gas pipeline project as early as tomorrow, the country’s former Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev said on Wednesday.

    Keep dreaming suckers. You will be piping gas from your collective anus.

    It should be underscored that Bulgaria blocked aid flights and not military flights. And don't give me any lame excuses that they
    can't tell the difference. Russia can ban all Bulgarian flights over its territory using the exact same logic.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:36 pm

    Bulgaria considers Russia exclusively important counterpart in tourism — minister

    "Our countries now continue an extremely honest dialogue, which favors expanding and deepening of relations in the tourism sector," Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism said

    SOFIA, February 12. /TASS/. Bulgaria considers Russia an exclusively important and strategic counterpart in tourism, Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said in an interview with TASS on Friday.

    "Our countries now continue an extremely honest dialogue, which favors expanding and deepening of relations in the tourism sector," the minister said. "Results of our cooperation are evident already. Russia for me is an exclusively important, strategic counterpart in the sphere of tourism."

    The minister said in late February Moscow will host a roundtable on development of tourism between Bulgaria and Russia, where the key topic would be restoration of the tourism flow during summer of the current year.

    "We shall try to do everything possible to return Russian tourists to Bulgaria, to our Black Sea resorts," she said. "We could also offer different variants of cultural, historical, religious and other kinds of tourism."

    "Bulgaria has undertaken all steps to offer to the Russians the best possible conditions for holidays," she said adding the issue of security being among the most important aspects. "Intelligence services of our countries are working closely to provide maximum security and comfort during the holidays."

    The tourism minister said all the children under the age of 16, who will be interested in taking part in festivals in Bulgaria, will be granted free visas.

    "Practically all children will be able to use this right; and they have only to notify about their intentions as they file in the documents," she said adding the list of all the events is available at the Bulgarian embassy and at Bulgarian consular offices.

    The minister said the work on easier visa formalities for the Russians still continues, and the country will be able to report results at the forum in Moscow.


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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:31 am

    Article for upcoming presidential elections in Bulgaria

    General Radev, the former commander of the Bulgarian Air Force who was recently retired after the decision of the Bulgarian Parliament to allow foreign aircraft to carry out protection of the country's airspace, is endorsed by the Bulgarian Socialist Party.

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:19 pm

    Pro-russian candidate Rumen Rudev heads first round of presidential elections

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:28 pm

    Rumen Radev wins by a wide margin

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  mack8 Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:37 pm

    Looks like "pro-Putin" Radev (MiG-29 pilot btw) won the election in Bulgaria. With the apparent "pro-Putin" result in Moldova as well what next for Eastern Europe? Looks like Romania is surrounded by these evil Putin cronies, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, even Hungary, and maybe Pukraine soon. But not to worry the US master will jump in to help resist the "Putin aggression" no matter what... oh wait.Razz

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:45 pm

    Borisov resigned as the ruling Citizens for European Development party candidate Tsetska Tsacheva lost the presidential election.


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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Tue May 22, 2018 3:33 pm

    SOCHI, May 22. /TASS/. Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev said on Tuesday he believes his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin will help resume dialogue between the two countries after a years’ long break.

    "The goal of my visit is to resume top-level dialogue between our countries after a years’ long break. This dialogue is of major importance in all areas of mutual interest," Radev said at the beginning of talks with Putin.


    SOCHI, May 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Bulgarian counterpart Rumen Radev have discussed ways to boost economic cooperation.

    "I will not go into details and would only point out that last year saw growth in trade, which we cannot but welcome," Putin said, opening a private meeting with Radev. "However, our capabilities are even stronger," he added.


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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed May 23, 2018 3:08 am

    kvs wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    kvs wrote:Bulgaria is a peculiar country.   They are Turkic people who moved from the region near Tatarstan and adopted Slavic language
    and culture en route to their final destination in the Balkans.   Historically they have not acted as allies of Orthodox Slavic nations
    such as Russia and Serbia.    The latest farce with South Stream just confirms the pattern.

    Of course Russians do not hate Bulgarians, but the same cannot be said for Bulgarians not hating Russia.  Anyway, as with Ukraine,
    all the anti-Russian butthurt coming out of basically nowhere is tiresome.   Best to ignore and isolate these haters.

    They are North Korean, not Turkic:

    They do not even like Turks.

    They don't look anything like Koreans or orientals in general either.   This blog post you found is just whack.   Clearly
    Bulgarians are Caucasians.   Caucasians never dominated the Orient.    But there is something that does link them
    and that is the Altaic language group.  

    Because they are a bunch of Mestizos.

    Bulgars are not completely the same as modern Bulgarians.


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    Bulgarian policy towards Russia Empty Re: Bulgarian policy towards Russia

    Post  George1 Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:48 pm

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