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    Russian Gaming Industry


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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:39 am

    Russian Gaming Industry About-3

    Russian Gaming Industry About-5

    And really kick ass..

    Done by Russian developer Allods team in moscow Moscow, Skylight business center are their headquarters , and the western localization version of it will have help from Obsidian Entertainment.

    The European gaming media are in shock by the announcement of this online game..
    It was not expected ,since Russia all they release is usually world war 2 primitive simulations games.
    They had an online game before called Aiko2 but was very low quality for western markets..
    you can look at it here..

    Until now it was World of Tanks or IL2 the best Russia could hope to get recognition in the gaming industry.  Smile
    But with Skyforge Russia gaming industry will be taken to a new level with potentially to take the big Korean ones
    like Aion or Tera and the American ones like WoW or Guildwars.  This is really good news. is not just entertainment
    what this new game represent.. this create many thousands of new jobs directly or indirectly and give a huge boost to the Russian economy ,if Russian Government move the right buttons it will do the same as Canada that support their game developing industry as if it was Nation Sports.

    another video of game..

    here are the Russian developers.

    This is the kind of stuff Russia needs ,to move their economy away of their dependence of selling Gas and Oil.
    Now whats next? This game becoming a world success will be too good to be true.. Because it will secure a sequel of the game with even bigger crew and budget and secure a place to Russia to the top in the gaming industry too at least in online games. I can't wait to see now the American online gaming websites having to explain is a Russian made game.. and no longer Russia is a gas station only . lol

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:59 pm

    Looks impressive.  Good graphics, and the like.  I am just tired of MMO's and what not.  I'll look more into this later.

    I am waiting for Russian FPS's and alike.  Seeing how Unity Engine takes advantage of OpenGL and OpenAL, while at the same time being real cheap ($1500 if you want a license.  Free for any game not making over $100,000 in profit), also, being easy to develop with.  Look here:

    Technically, these days, it is a lot easier to start up a gaming company, and much easier to have access to world market for sale through companies like steam.  Technically, any small to big time developer can go through steam or other such apps like steam, in order to gain world market without fear of sanctions.  If no western publisher will go for it, use steam.

    Also, the engine Xray, used for STALKER games, is now open source (free) since Ukrainian game company GSC has gone belly up.


    Appears that it will be different than common RPG where you get to progress yourself not through levels but through certain stats and that you are not locked to a specific class but you can move towards a class through placing these specific stat points.

    Free MMO, so I will give it a whirl when it is released.

    Hopefully there will be more game developers in Russia coming out.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:17 pm

    "primitive WW2 games"?what BS. Is men of war primitive? How about LockOn? WoT is BTW belarussian. Just because they're of a genra not as popular as console fantasy, big boobed character MMORPG, or retard arcade FPS doesn't make them worse. Russia has been a wargaming superpower for at least a decade already.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:35 pm

    I will hand that to you. Men at War is a fantastic series and I am gonna get the Vietnam version.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Hachimoto Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:36 pm

    Look like any new asian boring MMOPRG. huge graphic-work but shity gameplay and no backstory.

    Hope i'm wrong, but don't expect anything good from an F2P which looks like FF.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:06 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:"primitive WW2 games"?what BS. Is men of war primitive? How about LockOn? WoT is BTW belarussian. Just because they're of a genra not as popular as console fantasy, big boobed character MMORPG, or retard arcade FPS doesn't make them worse. Russia has been a wargaming superpower for at least a decade already.

    I understand what you say.. Laughing

    I just speak in the way the west see Russian games , as primitive and mediocre simulations at best..  But is all based
    of western stereotypes.  I for one have a legal copy of all men of war games... in steam.. Very Happy   I never knew it was Russian game until recently ,just that i was looking for good world war 2 games and that ones seemed lot of fun..and it was better than i thought.

    releasing an Online MMOs that looks good and catch everyone attention is a very decent way to be taken seriously in the gaming industry. Still there is a lot Russia needs to do to become officially a major industry of video game entertainment . but if Skyforge become a success it will definitively help to boost the Russian gaming industry to a western level, that you see hundreds of companies moving billions of $US dollars in sales.  Companies like Blizard alone (creators of Diablo and world of warcraft games) makes as much $US 4.5 billions a year.. thats a LOT of money.. Companies like Almaz-Antey for example.the ones that makes S-400s.. revenues were in $US 8 billions a year. So this is the way Russia could move away from their dependence of Energy business by creating a solid gaming industry. Gaming industry move much more the economy ,beyond what any game developer makes.. since
    electricity bills , the food , t-shirts , transportation , hardware sales ,promotional ,advertising etc.. even more if a movie is made based on the game.. and entire city from the nothing can be created in very small time -few years by any successful game developed by a gaming studio in any city.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  George1 Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:26 am

    World's largest tank producer announces online game named after newest Russian tank

    The new game titled "Armored Warfare: Armata Project" is being jointly developed by the world's largest battle tank manufacturer and a major Russian Internet company

    YEKATERINBURG, August 20. /TASS/. Uralvagonzavod, the world’s largest battle tank manufacturer, announced on Thursday the launch of a new multiplayer online game named after Armata, Russia’s newest tank.

    The new game titled "Armored Warfare: Armata Project" is being jointly developed by Uralvagonzavod and Mail.Ru Group, a major Russian Internet company.

    "We closely cooperated with military experts, the Defence Ministry and Uralvagonzavod to make the game ultimately realistic," said Oleg Shpilchevsky, who heads Mail.Ru Group’s gaming department.

    He said the developers and the tank producer were also planning to launch a number of educational projects, including Tankopedia, a free encyclopedia containing over 3,700 entries on tank manufacturing.

    Some special features of Russia's new generation Armata combat platform disclosed

    Uralvagonzavod deputy director general Alexey Zharich said such projects helped the industry to attract young talents.

    Armata is a heavy unified platform created for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

    The new-generation tank boasts an unmanned turret, fully digitalized control and an isolated armored capsule accommodating the crew.

    Armata’s main weapon is a 125 mm gun. In principle, the vehicle can be armed with a 152 mm gun, too.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  max steel Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:27 am

    I was playing Battlefield 4. Nice game and beautiful graphics. But the game is nowhere to reality war scenatio.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Werewolf Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:44 pm

    max steel wrote:I was playing Battlefield 4. Nice game and beautiful graphics. But the game is nowhere to reality war scenatio.

    Battlefield 3 and 4 are good examples of how not to go with games among many in the recent past. They all jumped on the casual gamer Bandwagon of Call of Duty, lot of games that were loved and praised for their own way and own features where beaten down to CoD clones especially Battlefield 4 which has become more and more infantry quick shooting console gaming oriantated cloning alot from CoD while cutting down everything good about the series. Helicopters become useless, they implemented this bling bling retarded, skill your infantry weapons to such an extend that is not toleratable due so many kids they are aiming such genres now. Many features were lost, since BF42 you have no more ships to use, since BF2 there are no more artilleries which only existed due a mod for Gulf War, they completley ereased artillery since than, they have a very unskilled MRLS now on relative tiny maps with objective points that are absolutley linear aligned on the map almost as horrible as in Bad company. The entire game is now build around infantry and not like before build around objectives and vehicles you have, which was the reason this game was good as it was designed. There are many games that jumped on that CoD bandwagon along with the game industry shitting out every 6-12 months one game after another of a series to milk the franchise with worse and worse quality of the game like Assassin's Creed which to me died after 3rd.

    The game industry now is just an industry with more and more DLC's and Season Pass and the content is getting lesser and worse in quality. Konami has fired Hideo Kojima because he was trying to make the game Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain to the best possible game to his liking and not shitting it out in the time period managers wanted it to have, now i doubt they will ever even attempt to create a new MGS but will just transform older MGS titles to newer engines and try to shit one after another out, that is their only chance with that franchise, they do not have neither understanding of the story and geopolitical strategies which Hideo has used along with his scense of using them for messages to the gamer.

    Russia is the only country that has so far dominated to high fidelity war games simulators that no western country has ever achieved, which tend to be arcade games which call themselfs often simulations.
    max steel
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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  max steel Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:22 pm

    Well 2016 is the year of true FPS games. Fcuk all military hooblah rubbish FPS and welcome DOOM , UNREAL TOURNAMENT , SHADOW WARRIOR 2 and WOLFENSTEIN (2015).

    Are there any games showing US Empire of Chaos invasion and war games and we're supposed to fend them off ?

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:27 pm

    is there any site that i can download russian computer games?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:05 pm

    Simulator games are catered to a very specific audience. People who play them are often not casual gamers. They are enthusiasts. often with encyclopedic knowledge of their favorite subject. Learning curve of simulators is too difficult and the reward too low for a casual gamer to be interested in them.

    Arcade games is where the money is.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Werewolf Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:21 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Simulator games are catered to a very specific audience. People who play them are often not casual gamers. They are enthusiasts. often with encyclopedic knowledge of their favorite subject. Learning curve of simulators is too difficult and the reward too low for a casual gamer to be interested in them.

    Arcade games is where the money is.

    You make games for the audience you know and not for the casual gamer, because casual gamers usually are not spending so much time on internet or following social network progress of video game companies and by that they usually can not verify casual gamers interest in specific genres, they usually do not do online votes to give them an insight of demographics that are interested in what kind of genres and games and most companies that are simulator developers are former Soviet Union and russian military simulator developers for the Military that is why they stick to what they do best and there is absolutley nobody that can beat russian developers in simulator games.
    max steel
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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  max steel Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:57 am

    Ah! who will update these threads if I disappear. lol1

    Russian Game probably not a fps but  legendary air battle of World War II.Battle of Moscow will include a large-scale map (270 x 290 km) and several famous aircraft that have been recreated from detailed drawings and blueprints (I-16 Type 24, Bf 109 E-7, MiG-3, Bf 109 F-2, IL-2 model 1941, Bf 110 E-2, Pe-2 Series 35, Ju 88 A-4, P-40 E-1, MC.202 Series VIII).

    Battle of Moscow and Beyond

    Developer 1C is hard at work preparing for the release of Battle of Moscow, the next addition in its IL*2 Sturmovik franchise. While BOM is due out sometime in the next couple months, 1C has its eyes set on more than just the immediate future: “Long term planning requires long discussion, so we’ll be able to give an answer to the question ‘what will come next after Battle of Moscow’ both to you and ourselves closer to its release.”
    Battle of Moscow is unquestionably a large undertaking, as it will include: eight new aircraft, two special premium edition aircraft, aircraft modifications, an exceptionally large map, as well as an accompanying campaign. Not to mention, all of this content will be available in both Battle of Stalingrad as well as in BOM. Currently, 1C is in the midst of beta testing three of BOM’s planes: Bf 109 F-2, IL-2 model 1941, and Pe-2 series 35. Provided no major snags creep up during the testing, there is a good chance we’ll see the next update later this week. Realistically speaking, I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see the update until next week, as it is a decent amount of content to try to push through testing in one week’s time.

    Russian Gaming Industry IL2-Sturmovik-Battle-of-Stalingrade-Battle-of-Moscow-1C-Company-Update-Combat-Sim-2

    Russian Gaming Industry IL2-Sturmovik-Battle-of-Stalingrade-Battle-of-Moscow-1C-Company-Update-Combat-Sim-1

    But even with BOM taking up the bulk of 1C’s time, the developer still has plenty left on its plate to occupy it through 2016 and beyond. In particular, 1C is paying special attention to the flight model, which is so crucial in any air combat sim. While IL*2‘s current system is anything but shabby, it’s not without a number of bugs which can, often times without warning, cause your gaming session to come to a halt. It’s always good when a developer shares their goals and plans with their players, and it’s especially comforting to see a developer share plans that extend beyond the next major cycle release. After all, many gamers, especially dedicated enthusiasts, are pretty understanding when a developer doesn’t always meet all of its goals in a timely manner; however, what most of us can’t abide is when a game creator, especially in such a niche genre as air combat simulation, goes completely dark and refuses to interact with its player base.
    To that end, 1C has been good enough to provide its fans with a fairly extensive list of tweaks and changes that they’re hoping to implement in the coming year:

    Complex tasks that require significant changes or research to find their cause:

    Find and eliminate the cause of invisible planes sometimes appearing in multiplayer (which is very hard thanks to the system complexity);

    Fix the issue that causes stopped engines to start and stop again for some time;

    Fix the issue with a plane turret controlled by another player not correctly disappearing after plane crash;

    Fix the issue with propeller dust wash effect not disappearing immediately after crash;

    Damage model improvements: make hits to wing roots damage longerons and cause wing fracture;

    Fix the issue of Pe-2 propeller sound remaining after engine (and wing) loss;

    Improve engine start procedures on all planes by setting engine control axes to positions convenient for taxiing and take off;

    Add a button to reset rudder axis to middle position (useful for players who use buttons to control it);

    Improve flight model control tools that will make development process of new aircraft FMs more efficient;

    Additional research of airplane sideslip angle influence on plane roll;

    Additional research of dynamic airflow compressibility and its influence on plane diving and control effectiveness (previously we based FM adjustments on manuals that stated 750 km/h velocity limits, while some test reports contain data of planes achieving significantly faster speeds in dive, when dynamic airflow compressibility is ought to be taken into account);

    Mouse control: make the control assist react to small direction changes less vigorously;

    Fix the issue of BF 109 E-7 – it shouldn’t ‘squat’ when you engage brakes;

    Fix the issue of several planes: wind can somewhat swing them on the rear wheel while parked;

    Improve wheels modeling, that will make large planes with low power engines, but big wheels to taxi easier;

    Improve autolevel flight assist for non-dive bombers (He-111, Ju-88, Pe-2 s. 87 and Pe-2 s. 35) so it will use rudder instead of ailerons for corrections;
    Add engine detonation affect caused by a variety of causes (wrong mixture, high mixture temperature, engine overboost, etc. );

    Add weapon misfires caused by overheating;

    Develop more sophisticated high-G effects system so it will affect plane crew depending on their weariness, oxygen amount, wounds, etc.;

    Make bailing out impossible during heavy rotations or other hard maneuvers;

    Make pilot head movement more realistic by adding a simple spine model;

    Add united controls for different adjustable stabilizers;

    Make twin engine coolers on Bf 109 F4, Bf 109 G2 and Ju 87 D3 more detailed (currently always left cooler emits vapor when any radiator is damaged);

    Add emergency cooldown systems to aircraft where applicable;

    Make fuel system simulation more complex (more detailed tanks system, allow player to control engine flow and control fuel amount manually, more detailed fuel leaks and self-sealing process, fire probablity based on remaining amount of fuel inert gas pressurization, external fuel tanks.

    Regular tasks:

    Check and correct fineness ratios of all planes with their flaps extended;

    Correct La-5 engine damage model (overheat damages it too fast now);

    Correct Fw 190, Ju 87 and He 111 engine damage models (engine rotates for a long time with propeller blades bent);

    Implement MC 202 flaps safety system that retracted them at high speeds to protect them from damage;

    Correct Bf 110 flaps system to make flaps extension incremental in all cases;

    Correct He 111 trimmer so it won’t stop moving before value reported in technochat reaches 100%;

    Correct (invert) He 111 trimmer;

    Add landing gear breakability to all planes where it is missing;

    Correct ‘jumpy’ behavior of Bf 109 F4, G2 and F2 to resemble E7 behavior and check other planes;

    Implement jamming and self-closing of sliding canopies from high speeds and pitching/diving;

    Correct Pe-2 issue where throttle control assist leads to oscillating throttle value at full setting;

    Set up different radio frequencies for own and enemy planes;

    Add tips to technochat;

    Invert certain values in technochat (for example, trimmers);

    Manual mode switches on planes with automatic governors should also turn off the corresponding in-game assist;

    Bf 109 flaps control wheel should also jam when the flaps jam;

    Planes with powered front armament will have their fire capability blocked after power loss;

    Add reserve guns reload systems where applicable;

    Implement smoke generators;

    Improve hand shake effect to correspond to engine RPM;

    Improve force feedback effects on FFB capable joysticks (taxiing over bumpy field, ground impact when landing without landing gear);
    Correct gun fire FFB effect (it shouldn’t be influenced by plane speed as it was reported to be the case on P-40);

    Make it possible to torn off all I-16 landing gear covers in dive;

    Make it possible to torn off upper Yak-1 landing gear covers in dive;

    Yak-1 upper landing gear covers should be torn off in an event of corresponding wing loss;

    Address Ju-87 oscillating engine RPM issue that happens during takeoff at maximum throttle;

    Animate radiator control buttons on Ju-87 and Pe-2;

    Turn off electric thermometers on parking for the planes with powered thermometers;

    Jam compasses at high roll values;

    Improve oxygen system modeling on German planes;

    Correct Fw-190 adjustable stabilizer indicator;

    Conduct additional research of LaGG-3 and La-5 takeoff ability with strong side wind;

    Correct Ju 87 engine thermal modeling;

    Correct ‘near stall’ audible cue on Bf 110 E-2 (currently these sounds can be heard even with minimal pitch corrections).

    Russian Gaming Industry IL2-Sturmovik-Battle-of-Stalingrade-Battle-of-Moscow-1C-Company-Update-Combat-Sim

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:34 am

    Another Russian game , done by Battle state games from St Petersburg gaming Studio

    Basically a Rainbow Six /ghost recon like Game. or call of duty modern warfare like.

    heavy weapon customization.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  George1 Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:12 pm Group enters cloud gaming market

    The service is available on the MY.GAMES Store platform, users will be able to run both the platform's products and games from the libraries of other digital stores in the cloud

    MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. Gaming division of Group (MY.GAMES brand) is launching a public beta test of a cloud gaming service allows to run high-quality games on low-end computers. In the future, the company plans to integrate the service into the VKontakte social network, according MY.GAMES website.

    The service is available on the MY.GAMES Store platform, users will be able to run both the platform's products and games from the libraries of other digital stores in the cloud, including Steam and Epic Games Store, provided that they have already been purchased by the player.

    The service will be available throughout Russia during the beta testing. "However, the most optimal experience will only be available to players within a radius of 1500-2000 km from the MY.GAMES Cloud server centers, located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 2021, the service will expand to cover more areas and platforms - during the beta, the service will only be available on Windows, but versions for Mac OS, Android, iOS, and SmartTV are also expected to launch in 2021. In the future, users will be able to play in the cloud via the social network, through their internet browser," the company said.

    "We see great potential in cloud gaming technology, especially in a country like Russia, where its well-developed internet infrastructure provides a high-quality gaming experience at an affordable price. We are happy to welcome international publishers partners, for whom the launch of such a service can provide the opportunity to reach a new audience. At MY.GAMES we have access to the latest cutting-edge technology, letting us provide up to 4K quality streaming with minimal latency," MY.GAMES CEO Vasily Maguryan said.

    According to NewZoo data, the global cloud gaming market could grow more than 8-fold by 2023 to $4.8 bln. Russia is a young player on the market, the first such solutions for players began to actively appear only in 2019.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:17 pm

    Cloud gaming sucks

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  kvs Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:12 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Cloud gaming sucks

    It is a scam. The corporate deciders want to go to a software rent model from a software ownership model. We have this
    with MS Office 365. A university I was associated with used to offer free software as a perk but has since moved to a "cloud" type
    format where you can run it on some remote machine but do not get to install it on your computer. F*ck that.

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:48 pm

    kvs wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Cloud gaming sucks

    It is a scam.   The corporate deciders want to go to a software rent model from a software ownership model.   We have this
    with MS Office 365.   A university I was associated with used to offer free software as a perk but has since moved to a "cloud" type
    format where you can run it on some remote machine but do not get to install it on your computer.   F*ck that.

    I ended up buying MS office (legit key too) off of ebay for $5 CAD. MS office 2019. Works great.

    This pay per month is bullshit. The games you get off of these cloud systems is bullshit. You dont even own the content. As seen with Google Stadia and their nonsense - you buy the game, you buy into premium ($30 or so a month) just to get some additional perks (dont even know what they are tbh) and then you waste your data on streaming it. So if your network is slow due to some nonsense or down, nope, cant play. Then if they decide to shut the stream down for that particular game? you are also out of luck.

    I already am having a hard time accepting PC games the way they are or the fact that even console games are always online BS. Only good thing is recently with the PS5 release (if one is lucky to obtain it), you can pop a disk in (if you got the disk variant) and play without needing to be online.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  thegopnik Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:18 am

    I wonder what kind of PC specs I need (CPU, RAM GPU,etc) to play this game.

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:27 am


    Minimum Requirements, Predicted
    OS: Win Xp 32
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 5550 512MB or NVIDIA GeForce GT 130
    System Memory: 2 GB RAM
    Storage: 13 GB Hard drive space
    DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics Card

    Recommended Requirements, Predicted
    OS: Win Xp 32
    Processor: Intel Core i5-680 3.6GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 620
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 4870 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
    System Memory: 4 GB RAM
    Storage: 13 GB Hard drive space


    Predicted specs normally aren't that far off from the actual specs so if your PC is at this level you outta be fine

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:09 pm

    BSG office
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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:59 pm

    Escape from Tarkov developer?

    Good looking game, damn shame it's multiplayer but I guess that's what kids like these days...


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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:04 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:Escape from Tarkov developer?
    Good looking game, damn shame it's multiplayer but I guess that's what kids like these days...
    Kids don't play in that)

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    Russian Gaming Industry Empty Re: Russian Gaming Industry

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:54 pm

    Latest trailer of the "Streets of Tarkov" location looks awesome

    And just gameplay

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