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    Is Russia global warming denialist?


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    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Russia global warming denialist?

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:50 pm

    Mmmm, maggot cheese. Delish!

    I have to confess I do find this cheese to be revolting but it probably tastes good enough that people who actually ate it, liked it.

    Anyway, I think insect food, of the traditional variety (not WEF social engineering), is vastly better than vegan slop. You should
    look at the teeth of fruitarians. It has nothing to do with lack of brushing.

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    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Russia global warming denialist?

    Post  flamming_python Sun Sep 24, 2023 4:44 pm

    The maggots soften up the cheese for that unique texture Cool

    Hey. I'm game for it.

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    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Russia global warming denialist?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:43 pm

    My hot take on all of that is, that there was a long period of time where humans ate mostly meat and little to no vegetables or fruits.

    The reason for that is, that meat did not require to be cultivated for many generations just to yield more than 10 kernels of corn.

    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Teosinte_ancestor_of_corn

    This accounts for many and probably for most vegetables and fruits we know today. Many did not exist since they never occur in nature by themselves, but a product of combination of different vegetables and fruits.

    There is of course a good reason why the human species started to cultivate and cross-breed plants to maximize their food resources and overcome time consuming process of hunting, processing and some part storage of food.

    Of course this theory will neither be liked by the left nor their owners, but animal protein was the main reason why our ancestoral primate relatives started to develop bigger brains and increased their body size.
    The main contributor to generational health like height and strength, within the genetic possibilities of the individual is the protein rich and active life style. When we look under this criteria across the globe who has on average more of that tends to have a population taller and sturdier. Which by countries are usually Nordic, east Slavic and some Central African countries, which due to fairness do not have the same wealth and circumstances to be able to afford meat that often, but have good genetics for either height or sturdy frame.

    While on the other extreme of people with little access to animal protein tend to be smaller in size, which is a burden when it comes to survival.
    Indians, East Asians, South Americans and Lower-Central to South African countries.
    The real extreme would be Pygmy, however, they also have some disadvantageous genetics.

    Edit: the typos and word salad confusion/mix ups are mostly caused by my fucked up thought process thinking parallel in german and english and some times in russian. Sorry dunno

    Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:57 pm

    Biologically humans need zero vegetable foods.   They do not need any fruits or berries either.   All the vitamin C can be obtained from
    raw meat.   This was even demonstrated by some European over 100 years ago who went on an Inuit (Eskimo) all meat diet.   There is
    a pervasive misconception that humans need to eat some "balanced diet" (including fruits, vegetables and grains).  Modern over-cooked
    meat is nutrient reduced.   But most people do not have access to clean meat not contaminated by industrial transport and processing.

    A good source of vitamin C without the sugar damage of fruit (fructation is 10 times worse than glycation in terms of protein damage and
    oxidation of LDL, formation of AGEs, etc.) is real fermented sauerkraut.   The touted benefits of phyto-chemicals are just a hormesis effect.  
    Too much is a bad thing.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:04 am

    Most of the hunters I know also know a bit about the local plants because knowing what the animal you are hunting likes to eat and when makes it easier to find them.

    The point is that unlike what you might see on TV often when you go hunting you don't come back with any food at all for a variety of reasons and your chances of getting injured while hunting animals or in some countries getting hunted yourself means hunting isn't the best way to survive.

    Hunting groups cannot be big simply because if you have too many people in the group the prey is going to realise something is up and not be there.

    Equally if you are not finding a lot of food then the more hunters you have the less you get and when everyone is chasing down animals and burning up energy then they need more food.

    Having people hunting and people gathering berries and fruit and also edible leaves means less pressure on the group.

    Plant material might not be energy rich but it will keep you alive... we have an appendix which suggests we used to eat a lot of very low energy plants that needed a lot of digestion to deal with, but obviously that would require very long periods of eating to get enough food value.

    As the human brain developed the energy requirements increased and standing or sitting around eating grass probably wasn't cutting it in terms of energy.

    You can't build a civilisation on hunter gatherers... you need to be able to store food and produce food in excessive quantities and also distribute the food before it spoils and obviously also protect the food from bacteria and vermin of all sizes. One person couldn't build a modern house on their own, let alone fabricate all the devices they would want to use in this day and age but the reason someone can make phones or cars or microwave ovens is because there is a food surplus so everyone doesn't have to spend 8 hours a day hunting for enough food for themselves and their family.

    Specialisation of tasks means any food production is important... even if some don't like it and refuse to eat it... that is OK... that is their choice... it just means there is more of that food for everyone else... so that is actually a good thing.

    The problem starts when the people who don't eat certain foods start telling others what they can or cannot eat and then it becomes a problem.

    You guys say no to insects... and that is fine... you would probably turn your noses up at eating dogs or cats or horses too and that is fine, but when you get upset at some people eating such things you ignore that they might be shocked and offended at your eating habits too... if you want to tell them what they can and cannot eat are you prepared to listen to them when they tell you what they view as acceptable or unacceptable food?

    They probably think western food is terrible... all sugar and salt and fat...

    Food and religion and politics.

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    Post  kvs Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:45 pm

    The key is how humans evolved for millions of years. That is what is locked into our genetics and not 10,000 years of civilization. Civilization
    has not changed our genetics.

    So sustained periods without food (fasting) are as important as eating. This reflects the hunter/forager life we had for basically all of our existence
    as a species and the precursor species. 24+ hour fasts are necessary to clean up damage in our cells, a process known as autophagy. Most
    modern humans have way too little autophagy because they eat all the time. Any time you put anything in your mouth
    (aside from water, but even then the minerals in it are a trigger) you get an insulin response which shuts down autophagy.

    After global warming destroys global civilization (through agricultural collapse) the few remaining humans will go back to their roots.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 26, 2023 12:44 am

    If things really get bad the rules and laws wont apply and it will be more like a Mad Max film than a Blade Runner or Star Trek.

    People who are prepared to kill anyone and everyone that gets in their way will survive the longest, but with everyone else doing the same how long can that continue?

    Life will be brutal and short and whoever owns the guns is in charge but when their back is turned anyone else can pick up one of those guns and all of a sudden they are in charge. And how long can you go without sleep?

    Poison in your food. All sorts of ways of getting rid of someone you don't like.

    You might be killing people because they are hunting where you are hunting and there isn't enough natural food there for you and for them.

    Of course for a lot of people there will be plenty of deaths over people trying to get guns and ammunition, and some people know how to load their own ammo but they still need the components.

    A lot of people will revert to crossbows and bows and arrows because you can make that ammo yourself from suitable branches of trees.

    The people who will survive best are brutal and well armed and not afraid to kill anything or anyone because they are a threat or because they are edible.

    The old and the weak are doomed... because any of the strong try to save them will have to work twice as hard to keep them alive and safe... making them weaker.

    Of course for many... no wifi, no junk food, no eating out as such, and lots of other people around you trying to take what you have.... including your life... a lot of people would think after the live they have had up until now that this future is not worth living.

    Shooting zombies might get boring but I could imaging shooting normal human beings who are just hungry and want to eat might get to you after a while.

    People would use children to get food, they would use anything to exploit the weak and stupid....

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    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Russia global warming denialist?

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 26, 2023 12:52 am

    The key is how humans evolved for millions of years. That is what is locked into our genetics and not 10,000 years of civilization. Civilization
    has not changed our genetics.

    We have evolved over billions of years but would not be recognisably human until the last few hundred thousand years... we probably started in the ocean so we have adapted over the millennia... the point is that we probably wont evolve fast enough so it is likely we will have to start making some modifications of our own.

    A bit of bio engineering would be interesting... a set of lungs that can work in air and in water and filter out any contamination or pollution for us. A stomach that is efficient at extracting the minerals and other essentials from our food and dumps the bad stuff so we don't end up with too much sugar or salt or fat or whatever in our system in the first place. Perhaps some sort of body monitoring system that examines what is happening and what is needed so those things can be requested specifically.

    And find the aging gene and turn it off. At a genetic level we have a fixed lifespan and as we get older our replication of cells becomes less effective so we age... turning that off so we remain young and healthy would be useful.

    Getting old and dying was useful when we were bacteria or when we were less evolved, but now we are getting to the point where we can upgrade and improve ourselves there is no need to get old and die... just stay young and fit and eventually die.

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    Is Russia global warming denialist? - Page 7 Empty Re: Is Russia global warming denialist?

    Post  Firebird Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:06 am

    Russia isn't "global warming denialist".
    The WEF/Washington gang are "climate stability denialist".

    Why? Because all those rats are losing control over resource regions - Russia, Lat Am, Africa, M East etc etc. AND the green scam is a way to usher in global levies and taxes under the label "carbon credits". Basically something to augment/replace dollar hegemony and Roman style "tribute" to Washington.

    In England we are expected to reach exceptionally cold temperatures very soon.
    "Global warming" eh!

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    Post  TMA1 Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:28 pm

    Dont seem like denialists to me! Taking full advantage of the climate change in order to discover new valuable deposits of oil and minerals and using the changing climate for more opportune trade routes!

    By denialist do they mean not part of the forced austerity and other malthusian plots of the elites over here? Well good!

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:16 am

    Over long periods of time the Earths temperature has never been constant and consistent... it has gone up and down in relatively regular patterns based on various different things that effect it like the phases of the sun and the chemical makeup of the atmosphere and indeed volcanic activities, bush fires, etc etc.

    The scam the west is trying to pull is that they have realised they wont control the fossil fuel sources forever and they ones on their turf are running out so how do we stop fossil fuels as a money making scheme and shift it to something we think we are good at and we can dominate and exploit.

    We made it to the moon all by ourselves with no help from anyone else so we are good at technology so lets make freak fringe energy sources a world focus and sideline the sources of energy we are losing control of.

    So they think wind and solar are the future and of course fuel cell technology and all electric stuff.

    Energy is always going to be important and ironically I think investment in electric motors and wind and solar power and new battery techology is actually a rather good thing but even then they want American batteries and American solar panels and they don't want Chinese technology that is cheaper and often at least as good if not better than the domestic stuff while being cheaper... because income is more important than your own population getting access to cheap energy...

    When you peel away the shiny exterior the west is just a front for greedy companies and corporations who want to sell products and services with little or no competition... because competition reduces your margins for profit. Even with a monopoly they will still pay the majority of their workers minimum wage because that is their business model. Executives wouldn't be able to go on 4 or 5 holidays a year if they paid the workforce that made the product or provided the service a decent wage. Executives couldn't be driven around in a company car and wine and dine politicians to change laws so they can earn even more while paying less tax and dodging red tape that foreign companies have to work through to sell their product or service.

    In England we are expected to reach exceptionally cold temperatures very soon.
    "Global warming" eh!

    If the gulf stream bringing war water to Europe stops the whole of Europe might become Canada and Russia.... a new gulf stream might form in the northern pacific which makes Russia and Alaska and China much warmer places... but then it might also disrupt the huge churning sewers of shit and plastic in enormous masses in those regions of water which might start washing up on the beaches in volumes you will not be able to cope with...

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