Werewolf Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:43 pm
My hot take on all of that is, that there was a long period of time where humans
ate mostly meat and little to no vegetables or fruits.
The reason for that is, that meat did not require to be cultivated for many generations just to yield more than 10 kernels of corn.
This accounts for many and probably for most vegetables and fruits we know today. Many did not exist since they never occur in nature by themselves, but a product of combination of different vegetables and fruits.
There is of course a good reason why the human species started to cultivate and cross-breed plants to maximize their food resources and overcome time consuming process of hunting, processing and some part storage of food.
Of course this theory will neither be liked by the left nor their owners, but animal protein was the main reason why our ancestoral primate relatives started to develop bigger brains and increased their body size.
The main contributor to generational health like height and strength, within the genetic possibilities of the individual is the protein rich and active life style. When we look under this criteria across the globe who has on average more of that tends to have a population taller and sturdier. Which by countries are usually Nordic, east Slavic and some Central African countries, which due to fairness do not have the same wealth and circumstances to be able to afford meat that often, but have good genetics for either height or sturdy frame.
While on the other extreme of people with little access to animal protein tend to be smaller in size, which is a burden when it comes to survival.
Indians, East Asians, South Americans and Lower-Central to South African countries.
The real extreme would be Pygmy, however, they also have some disadvantageous genetics.
Edit: the typos and word salad confusion/mix ups are mostly caused by my fucked up thought process thinking parallel in german and english and some times in russian. Sorry
Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total