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As Sa'iqa
9 posters

    Cuban Revolution


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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  dino00 Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:41 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is not about democracy or not democracy... it is more about political and economic isolation or not political and economic isolation.

    If the US did not have trade embargoes both on Cuba and any foreign company that has dealings with Cuba it would be a much better place to live economically.

    Even with a depressed economy it has education and health care that most modern western countries would be jealous of.

    ...This... is not embargo but bloqueio...
    They not trade with them and not allow others do.
    Cuba try to buy bus and everytime they will signe the deal dey threat the company not to sell...and they not sell.

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:06 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing 
    1. Is the US the only place Cuba can export to!?!? No, there is Russia, there are various Asian, European and Latin American countries. The problem is that they simply have little to export. The whole notion that communism was great but evil imperialist embargoes ddestroyed it is bullshit squared. USSR alone had more than 200 mln people, Poland had more than 20 mln etc. the size of Warsaw Pact countries' market was comparable to the Western market.  

    2. If Cuban education was great, people from all around the world would compete to study in Cuba and Cuban scientists, doctors, engineers etc. would be making astonishing careers worldwide (as are students of e.g. MIT). If you want to know what's the reality - ask some scientists how many Cuban scientific journals they know Laughing. You'll find a lot of stuff from Israel, Switzerland or even Singapore but hardly anything from Cuba.

    You truelly do not understand how economies work do you?

    Cuba and North Korea are under an embargoo, meaning the US and its vassals who have no own real government which are just puppets of Pentagon, imposse embargoos on Cuba,North Korea,Iran and other countries.

    So this countries can not buy materials (resources) which they do not have on their own soil, like precious metals, oil for plastic procedurment. All this lack of resources means they can not establish facilities to produce goods which they can export, so they have to relly on what they actually have in their own small countries.

    We could cripple the UK within one single year back to such a primitive state if we empose embargoos from all major countries and exporteurs of valueable resources. UK has not own resources except of view oil sources on sea, but if we cut everything that is produced in another country and not on international waters than UK would cripple down to substandards of same level as North Korea.

    In case of iran, they have build facilities to be more autonomous than cuba and north korea, so embargoos only raise the costs of the goods but do not cut the supply off entirely. It is hard for normal people who do not earn a lot but the state is providing every iranian family with subsidy of the oil they export and subsidy for living and monthly subsidy for gas, free housing and education. But sure, it is the capitalism that ensures "living standards".

    Socialistic methods are implemented in western countries but you overlook them.

    The true polish spirit poking everyone they are related to, but selling themselfs off to people they have zero cultural nor historical roots.

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:04 am

    The whole notion that communism was great but evil imperialist embargoes ddestroyed it is bullshit squared.

    So the US embargo was to make Cuba a nicer place to live?

    1. Is the US the only place Cuba can export to!?!? No, there is Russia, there are various Asian, European and Latin American countries.

    The US embargo included any company that exported to Cuba. this means that any company that wanted to sell products in the US or work with US companies could not sell to Cuba.

    It is pretty obvious that say a small New Zealand company that wants to expand into the international market will not consider selling things in Cuba if that bars them from selling in the much larger market of the US and for most companies.... Soviet or otherwise that holds true too.

    The problem is that they simply have little to export.

    They export sugar and bananas and cigars.

    2. If Cuban education was great, people from all around the world would compete to study in Cuba and Cuban scientists, doctors, engineers etc. would be making astonishing careers worldwide (as are students of e.g. MIT). If you want to know what's the reality - ask some scientists how many Cuban scientific journals they know Laughing. You'll find a lot of stuff from Israel, Switzerland or even Singapore but hardly anything from Cuba.

    Why should Cuba be more successful than Fiji or Samoa?

    ..This... is not embargo but bloqueio...
    They not trade with them and not allow others do.
    Cuba try to buy bus and everytime they will signe the deal dey threat the company not to sell...and they not sell.

    Exactly... it is not an embargo... it is a blockade.

    When the Uk and US did this to Japan in the 1930s the result was the Pacific theatre of WWII.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  As Sa'iqa Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:57 pm

    GarryB wrote:So the US embargo was to make Cuba a nicer place to live?
    Nope. However, note that embargo is always a double edged sword. The US loses as much as Cuba does. And remember that the embargo on Cuba wasn;t issued for fun - it's a direct consequence of Cuban policies.
    GarryB wrote:They export sugar and bananas and cigars.
    Wow, indeed highly advanced goods. How does it compare to, say, Mexico or Brazil which slowly begin building high-tech industries?
    GarryB wrote:Why should Cuba be more successful than Fiji or Samoa?
    Because it's communist? And people bound by such strong ties of friendship in the pursuit of the common good should be more successful than greedy capitalists who work only for profit?

    Anyway, let's compare Cuba to other similar countries. For this purpose I've created a new index - number of scientific publications per 100,000 people:

    1996 - 4.66
    2012 - 13,45
    Growth - 288%

    1996 - 5.54
    2012 - 27.76
    Growth - 501%

    1996 - 1.52
    2012 - 12.27
    Growth - 807%

    1996 - 11.71
    2012 - 47.43
    Growth - 405%

    1996 - 6.69
    2012 - 18.86
    Growth - 281%


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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  dino00 Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:01 pm

    Blockade... thats the word sorry for the English...
    Cuba export social services teachers and medics in 70 countrys...
    If the country don´t have money to pay like´s free, Cuba have very hard economic problems, but still is a silidary country.

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  dino00 Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:04 pm

    GarryB wrote:They export sugar and bananas and cigars.
    Wow, indeed highly advanced goods. How does it compare to, say, Mexico or Brazil which slowly begin building high-tech industries?

    They export biotechnology and vacines is good enough for you.
    Are those countrys blocked?

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:36 pm

    However, note that embargo is always a double edged sword. The US loses as much as Cuba does.

    Any trade with the US was never going to be equal for Cuba... a tiny country with few other trading partners is always going to suffer more than a huge country that trades globally and controls the main economy of the world.

    And remember that the embargo on Cuba wasn;t issued for fun - it's a direct consequence of Cuban policies.

    It was punishment for choosing a political system that the US did not approve of.

    Ironically the US has better trade relations with China than either Cuba or Russia... ask yourself why... especially when two of these three countries are still communist...

    Wow, indeed highly advanced goods. How does it compare to, say, Mexico or Brazil which slowly begin building high-tech industries?

    hahahaha... lets compare Cuba with a population of about 12 million with 200 million Brazilians and 120 million Mexicans that are not under US embargo. Cuba is not building a high tech industry, but in 200 years it will be food that has value...

    Because it's communist? And people bound by such strong ties of friendship in the pursuit of the common good should be more successful than greedy capitalists who work only for profit?

    Stop being an idiot.  Rolling Eyes 

    Anyway, let's compare Cuba to other similar countries. For this purpose I've created a new index - number of scientific publications per 100,000 people:

    1996 - 4.66
    2012 - 13,45
    Growth - 288%

    1996 - 5.54
    2012 - 27.76
    Growth - 501%

    1996 - 1.52
    2012 - 12.27
    Growth - 807%

    1996 - 11.71
    2012 - 47.43
    Growth - 405%

    1996 - 6.69
    2012 - 18.86
    Growth - 281%

    Great.... now do a chart showing inner ear infections per head of population... that will be almost as important and relevant.

    How about a distribution chart showing the gap between rich and the poor with an area chart showing access to education and health care...

    Of course the irony is that if Cuba was not under US embargo most of anything of value there would already be in US business ownership and the rigged elections would put a US puppet into power who would privatise everything to foreign ownership and the people of Cuba would go back to being cabana boys on the private beaches or roulette wheel shivs for their US Mob boss owners in all the thousands of casinos that would be built there.

    Free education and health would also go... because that is communism... can't have healthy free thinking subjects...

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  George1 Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:29 am


    Granma - English

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    Cuban Revolution - Page 2 Empty Re: Cuban Revolution

    Post  George1 Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:58 pm

    Cuba Becomes First Country to Eliminate Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission

    Read more:

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