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2 posters

    Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way


    Posts : 3936
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    Join date : 2013-03-10
    Location : There must be full de-nazification

    Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way Empty Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way

    Post  Regular Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:46 am

    Today 24 years ago almost a 2 million people joined their hands to form an over 600 kilometre long human chain across the three Baltic countries, linking Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in their drive for independence. We protested against occupation under Ribentrop-Molotov pact that happened same day years ago.

    Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way Zda8
    Those coffins symbolised three countries.

    I only remember this as a child as my family was there holding hands and it was time when people where actually united and strong and can't imagine someone like this happening today. We had no internet back then and still people gathered together and believed in same thing.

    It's my definition of peaceful protest and I personally can't buy those peaceful Libyan/Syrian/Egyptian protesters crap.

    Posts : 9810
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    Join date : 2012-01-30

    Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way Empty Re: Biggest protest in Soviet Union - Baltic Way

    Post  flamming_python Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:26 pm

    Yep it was a very peaceful protest and the way such things should be done. Kudos to them.

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