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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?


    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Bar_left77%Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Bar_right [77%] 
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    Deep Throat
    Deep Throat

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  Deep Throat Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:43 pm


    Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, revealed the existence of PRISM, the National Security Agency’s (NSA) massive data-mining surveillance program which gave the agency backdoor access to emails, videos, chats, photos and search queries from nine worldwide tech giants.

    The whistleblower disappeared after checking out of a Hong Kong hotel, Reuters quoted witnesses as saying. A day earlier Snowden revealed his identity to The Guardian newspaper.

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:49 am

    Yes, if he wants to, but I would make it clear it was about not punishing whistle blowers who reveal fraud or worse within a power organisation... whether that is the US or the Vatican or anywhere else.

    If the US objects then I would say it is a stand they should be taking themselves with their own high moral standards... the USA is clearly breaking international law through the NSA and their reaction to information about this being released is to try to put the person who released that information in jail...

    Embarrassing for the US?

    Of course it is... but made far worse by their pathetic attempts to cover up their own guilt and demonise those revealing the truth... the latter becoming a dirty word in the US it seems... along with democracy and justice.

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:51 pm

    Yes, if he asks for asylum.

    But considering that he is (was?) in HK, wouldn't China be the more practical destination?

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  NickM Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:10 pm

    NO .

    This Snowden guy is a traitor . More often than not forces that destroy democracy exists within that democracy .

    Edward Snowden has committed a crime and now he must serve his time .
    Deep Throat
    Deep Throat

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  Deep Throat Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:45 pm

    Looks like Edward Snowden has arrived in Moscow .

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:41 am


    Edward Snowden has committed a crime and now he must serve his time .

    Going to bother with a trial or just put him straight in jail?  Razz

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Putin confirms Snowden still in transit area at Moscow airport

    Post  Austin Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:07 pm

    Putin confirms Snowden still in transit area at Moscow airport

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden was still in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, was free to leave and should do so as soon as possible.

    Putin told a news conference during a visit to Finland that he hoped the affair would not affect relations with Washington, which wants Russia to send him to the United States, but indicated Moscow would not hand him over: "Mr Snowden committed no crime in Russia, thus will not be handed over to the US", said Putin.

    "His visit was unexpected for Russia," the President claimed. "He is a free man, but the sooner he chooses his final destination, the better for him".  "Any accusations of Russia related to Snowden are complete non-sense. Personally, I would prefer not to deal with such issues [Assange and Snowden]", Putin concluded.

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Edward Snowden

    Post  Austin Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:05 pm

    Snowden Can Stay in Russia If He Wants – Putin

    MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that fugitive former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden can stay in Russia, if he wants to.

    “If he wants to go somewhere [another country] and is accepted, he can. If he wants to stay here, there is one condition: He must stop his work aimed at harming our US partners,” Putin said.

    The Russian leader said Russia had no plans to extradite Snowden to the United States. He denied that Snowden had ever had any ties with Russian intelligence services.

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    Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ? Empty Re: Should Russia grant political asylum to Edward Snowden ?

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