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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel


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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  NickM Wed May 15, 2013 8:30 am

    Prime Minister David Cameron's Speech At Washington D.C

    The relationship between Britain and the United States is a partnership without parallel. Day in day out, across the world, our diplomats and intelligence agencies work together, our soldiers serve together, our businesses trade with each other. In Afghanistan, our armed forces are together defending the stability that will make us all safer.

    In the global economic race, our businesses are doing more than $17 billion of trade across the Atlantic every month. And in a changing world, our nations share a resolve to stand up for democracy, enterprise and freedom. We have discussed many issues today. Let me highlight three: Economic growth. The G8. And Syria.


    Our greatest challenge is to secure a sustainable economic recovery. Each of us has to find the right solutions at home.

    For all of us it means dealing with debt, restoring stability, getting the economy growing and together seizing new opportunities to grow our economies.

    President Obama and I have both championed a free trade deal between the EU and US. And there is a real chance now to get the process launched in time for the G8.

    So the next five weeks are crucial. To realise the huge benefits this deal could bring will take ambition and political will. That means everything on table, even the difficult issues, and no exceptions.

    It’s worth the effort. For Britain alone, an ambitious deal could be worth up to £10bn a year - boosting industries from car manufacturing to financial services.


    We discussed the G8 summit in detail. When we meet on the shores of Lough Erne in Northern Ireland five weeks from today, I want to agree ambitious action for economic growth. Open trade is at the heart of this. But we have a broader agenda too: to make sure everyone shares the benefits of greater openness, not just in our advanced economies, but in the developing world too. I’m an unashamedly pro-business politician. But as we open up our economies to get business growing, we need to make sure all companies pay their taxes properly and enable citizens to hold their Governments and businesses to account.

    Today we’ve agreed that to tackle the scourge of tax evasion, we need to know who really owns a company, who profits from it and where their taxes are paid. And we need a new mechanism to track where multinationals make their money and where they pay their taxes. so that we can stop those who are manipulating system unfairly.


    Finally, we discussed the brutal conflict in Syria. 80,000 dead. 5 million forced from their homes. Syria’s history is being written in the blood of its people. And it is happening on our watch.

    The world urgently needs to come together to bring the killing to an end. None of us have any interest in seeing more lives lost, chemical weapons used, or extremist violence spreading.

    So we welcome President Putin’s agreement to join an effort to achieve a political solution. The challenges remain formidable. But we have an urgent window of opportunity, before the worst fears are realised.

    There’s no more urgent international task than this. We need to get Syrians to the table to agree a transitional government that can win the consent of all Syrians.

    But there will be no political process unless the opposition is able to withstand the onslaught, and put pressure on Assad so he knows there is no military victory. So we will also increase our efforts to support and shape the moderate opposition.

    Britain is pushing for more flexibility in the EU arms embargo. And we will double non-lethal support to the Syrian opposition in the coming year. Armoured vehicles, body armour and power generators are about to be shipped, we are helping local councils govern the areas they liberate and supporting Lebanon and Jordan to deal with the influx of refugees.

    We will also do more for those in desperate humanitarian need. Care for trauma injuries. Helping torture victims recover. Getting Syrian families clean drinking water and food.

    There is now common ground between the US, UK, Russia and many others that whatever our differences we have the same aim, a stable, inclusive and peaceful Syria free from the scourge of extremists. There’s real political will behind this. We just need to get on and make it happen.

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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  GarryB Wed May 15, 2013 10:46 am

    In Afghanistan, our armed forces are together defending the stability that will make us all safer.

    US and UK forces in Afghanistan do nothing to make anyone safer... over the last 4 decades Afghanistan has had peace and war and whether it had peace or whether it had war made no difference to the US or the UK.

    For Russia the period of peace when the Taleban dominated most of the country was the best time as the Taleban cracked down on illegal drug production. Since US and UK forces went into Afghanistan the poppy production has skyrocketed to enormous levels, and presumably when the US and UK forces leave and the Taleban move in to take over again then drug production should plummet too.

    It is important to be clear that when he talks about "us all" being safer, he is referring to the populations of the US and the UK... even though he is wrong... he is merely trying to justify a very very expensive and largely pointless occupation.

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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  Regular Wed May 15, 2013 10:57 am

    GarryB wrote:
    In Afghanistan, our armed forces are together defending the stability that will make us all safer.

    US and UK forces in Afghanistan do nothing to make anyone safer... over the last 4 decades Afghanistan has had peace and war and whether it had peace or whether it had war made no difference to the US or the UK.

    For Russia the period of peace when the Taleban dominated most of the country was the best time as the Taleban cracked down on illegal drug production. Since US and UK forces went into Afghanistan the poppy production has skyrocketed to enormous levels, and presumably when the US and UK forces leave and the Taleban move in to take over again then drug production should plummet too.

    It is important to be clear that when he talks about "us all" being safer, he is referring to the populations of the US and the UK... even though he is wrong... he is merely trying to justify a very very expensive and largely pointless occupation.
    You are dead right. And now it's getting damn hard to push this way of thinking to the people. Not when Green on blue happens.
    Funny thing that UK is always first to supply insurgents, but not long time ago they were busting their balls to crush insurgency in Northern Ireland.

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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  Sujoy Wed May 15, 2013 4:23 pm

    More of a Partnership Without Principles

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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  GarryB Thu May 16, 2013 3:12 am

    Funny thing that UK is always first to supply insurgents, but not long time ago they were busting their balls to crush insurgency in Northern Ireland.

    An insurgency that got a lot of support from Britains number one ally the US... especially from a region in the US called Boston... who has recently had a bit of experience with bombs... though nothing like London...

    Posts : 344
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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 16, 2013 8:43 am

    For about 150 years the British provided the muscle for the Rothschild/Jewish/Globalist capitalist cartel which operated out of London and had branches in Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Geneva, Baghdad, and other important cities across the globe.

    After the First World War Britain was essentially spent, depleted, used up, but the foundation had been laid to pass the torch to the United States. The torch was fully passed after the Second World War, and since then the USA has been keeping the world safe for international Jewish capitalists, speculators, and ruthless profiteers.

    Now the USA is spent, depleted, used up. The game is over.

    At least with the British Empire an Englishman could travel much of the world with a degree of safety because of the respect [or fear] that his nation's might commanded throughout the world. He could establish a farm in Kenya or open a business in Egypt...

    Americans are free to travel the world but they essentially have targets on their backs everywhere they go unless they pick a destination such as Canada, China, Japan, Russia, or another civilized nation where authorities actually control most of their territory. If Americans were to venture to Kenya they might be taken hostage by rebels or bandits.

    Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the Anglo-American Zionist Empire, from the perspective of the American citizen, is that horrible evils have been perpetrated against the peoples of the world and all the nations of the world, in the name of America. America's reputation has suffered incalculable and irreparable damage and because of this there are many who thirst for American blood. People we have never met hate us and want to kill us, not because of our supposed freedoms, not because of our alleged liberty, but because we have continued to elect governments that use aircraft to level villages and that prop up brutal dictators and military strong-men who massacre entire towns.

    America is presently a Republic in name only. Just as very few would have seriously called the USSR a Union of Republics, despite the word Republics in the title, none should afford America the luxury of being called a Republic.

    America was a Republic but it has degenerated into an Imperial Kleptocracy.

    Let us briefly examine some of the abuses that Thomas Jefferson listed as reasons for why the colonies had to declare their independence from Great Britain.

    IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

    The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,


    The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

    He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

    He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

    He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

    For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

    For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

    For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

    For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

    For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

    In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

    Jefferson was right; such actions mark a tyrant, a man unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Americans are not free and ultimately they have the government they deserve because they are braindead zombies who consider themselves the most righteous and most spectacularly free people in the world. They have the government they deserve because they continue to tolerate such monstrously wicked and authoritarian regimes.

    If the founding fathers were alive today they would be living in the hills, mountains, forests, and swamps actively organizing bands of rebels and partisans for a revolution.

    Posts : 344
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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Re: Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 16, 2013 9:09 am

    America as a nation deserves to suffer every consequence resulting from the actions undertaken over the last 100 years.

    We deserve to suffer a total financial collapse because we allowed the Federal Reserve to be established, we allowed fractional reserve fraudulent banking to be implemented without opposition, we allowed the New Deal of FDR, we allowed the Great Society of LBJ, we have allowed a society of reckless spending, a government of tax and spend.

    If you fire a gun into the air a natural consequence is that the bullet will come back down to the ground... It might hit you! If you touch a hot stove, knowing the burner is on, you will be burnt by the stove and quite frankly you deserve to be burnt by it because you touched it when you knew it was hot.

    The great tragedy in all of this is that millions of Americans who want a Constitutional Republic, millions of Americans who are against the madness, will suffer tremendously, not to mention the young and those who had nothing to do with the insanity, those who were not even born when LBJ was implementing his Great Society or when Nixon ended the Gold Standard. Millions will needlessly suffer, lives will be ruined, children will go hungry, starvation will be rampant, daily existence will become a laborious chore.

    That is the great tragedy, tens of millions of people, even the zombies who didn't know any better and just want to get ahead in life and be left alone, will be ruined and wiped out. The government deserves to crumble and fall, the nation/state deserves to suffer the consequences for violating the laws of economics. Just as if you toss yourself from the roof of a building, the laws of physics dictate you will plummet to the ground, there are economic laws and you may ignore them at your own peril. America has ignored basic economic laws by practicing Keynesian economics [which is a form of soft socialism- ALL Social Democrats ultimately believe in Keynesian economics] and a natural consequence of the implementation of such economic policy is that the nation's economic system will collapse.

    The Soviet Union had its collapse, quite dramatic at that, now comes America's turn. America may have an economic collapse that is largely peaceful with the world witnessing the withdrawal of American military forces from almost every nation in the world and the disbanding of 90-95% of America's armed forces, or America might collapse into racial/ethnic civil war/revolution with Mexicans asserting themselves in the Southwest, a massive blood-bath of Black vs White in the Southeast, and a reactionary White backlash against all other races in the Midwest, Northwest, and Northeast.

    America doesn't have the clear-cut ethnic boundaries/divides that the Soviet Union had. We don't have distinct ethnic groups their own unique NATIONAL+ETHNIC identity who have been living in some particular spot for 800-1500+ years who have been itching to break away but who were kept in line by armed forces which no longer factor into the equation. America has tremendous racial and ethnic tensions, but Mississippi and Louisiana being 35% Black and having Blacks spread throughout the state in all major cities isn't nearly the same as say Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, with their distinct national/cultural/ethnic identities, with the masses in those regions having general ideas as to the specific territories that their people should have.

    The Soviet Union dissolved and collapsed in a dramatic but mostly peaceful fashion. Each group was basically in its own Republic and the Republics went their own way. If America fractures along racial/ethnic lines, no such divisions will be possible, because every racial group is present in the USA, hundreds of ethnic groups are present, and they are not confined to one or two geographic areas, they are spread out and distributed [albeit unevenly] across the nation.

    If race/ethnicity is central to America's collapse, it will be a Yugoslavia/Balkans style conflict which could easily last for 5-20 years and claim tens of millions of lives.

    That's the tragedy of it all, we as human beings don't deserve to suffer in misery because of things that were set in motion 100 years ago before any of us were born, and things that were advanced 80 years ago before most of us were born, and things that were rapidly advanced 50 years ago before many of us were born and before most of us were of age to vote. However, actions have consequences and inaction has consequences. Our nation has had 100 years to oppose the madness and get things back on the right track and nothing has been done to avert the collision course with ruin that we have been set on. We are going to suffer because we've done nothing to avert the inevitable suffering that is coming.

    On an individual/family basis many have taken steps to mitigate the suffering that they will have to endure, many have hedged against inflation with gold and/or silver, many have stockpiled food/water, many have become proficient in unarmed self-defense as a daily protection against criminal attack in an increasingly dangerous America, and many have acquired firearms and the knowledge/skills to properly utilize them.

    I consider myself very much prepared, better prepared than 99.5% of the rest of society. I anticipate a collapse and I believe it is unavoidable. Even if it winds up being "minor" and mirrors Argentina in the late 1990s or Russia in the early-mid 1990s as opposed to the Yugoslav Wars. Even still, it will be a horrible time, having to wear concealable body armor to go to the store, having to travel in small groups, having to keep somebody at home ALL of the time to deter burglary/home-invasion, having to risk car-jacking/kidnapping in previously quiet small towns and moderately sized cities.

    My grandmother was born in 1928 and grew up during the Great Depression. She was ALWAYS horrified of the stock market and never put any of her money into the stock market. My grandfather used to have ambitious ideas for investing in the stock market and while she listened to him on almost everything and almost never argued with him about anything, she wouldn't tolerate him buying more than a handful of shares or putting more than a few dollars into stocks. She was convinced that stocks were unreliable and that the stock market was a scam that would ultimately result in small investors being wiped out by the elite insiders. Of course I hope my grandmother has long life and happiness and gets to enjoy her retirement, but she isn't going to live forever. I hope that when America finally does collapse into ruin that she isn't around to see it and have to live through it, since she's already lived through the First Great Depression.

    I'll be happy if the next ten years are relatively calm and my grandmother gets to live them in peace. I'd also like the next ten years to enhance my preparations, add a BRDM-2 or a BTR to my preparations, add some night vision, and some other choice items. There's always something more to be done.

    Arguably we're in the middle of the Second Great Depression but things have been largely calm, we don't have jobless armies marching against the state capitals and we don't have tens of millions living in shanty-towns. We do have several million living in tent cities across the Midwest, Southwest, and Southeast, but it isn't quite to the scale of the First Great Depression.

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    Britain and United States: A Partnership Without Parallel Empty Conservatives

    Post  Leutenant_LT_Smash Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:50 pm

    I think we should not allow green cards from the UK anywhere. They are not a good idea in any way, i dont think they should be allowed to vote. The UK is always thinking of the USA. Their green card is better, maybe they should have to be more european? Apart from the UK. Britian is a little low on funds right now. Doing a lot of treason trying to sell coffee these days, but maybe the USA can think about pretty much any idea, except pretty much on how to run either a kilometre or a mile. I guess thats about them in the Brits, I dont see why they can be so Conservative and Democrat at the same time. It's like Mission Impossible : II. The president even looks like Shrek. Somebody needs to let him know.

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