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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

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    Gun owners


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    Post  solo.13mmfmj Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:38 pm

    Do members of this forum own any guns?

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  NationalRus Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:26 pm

    well if you want to own guns you better not live in germany Neutral

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:32 am

    I have a few... Smile

    Bit of a range really.

    Might take some photos and post some later... Smile

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:12 pm

    NationalRus wrote:well if you want to own guns you better not live in germany Neutral
    Roumania has very strict anti-gun laws to.Stupid peoples on TV always complain when there is a bank robbery with a gun or some other violent crime involving guns but they never said that almost only criminals have guns civilians are not allowed.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:43 am

    Banning guns means only criminals will have guns.

    Here in New Zealand our police don't routinely carry firearms which is something I prefer.

    The problem is that they want something more effective than pepper spray to deal with some people and they are testing tasers, but all the human right loonies are trying to stop them.

    If the choice is getting tasered by mistake or shot with a pistol because they weren't allowed tasers I am pretty sure I know which I prefer.

    I find it a bit hypocritical when politicians have armed bodyguards and police carry firearms but firearm ownership in some countries is restricted.

    We still have strange laws here in NZ regarding guns... mainly in the area of reasonable force and its definition.
    Basically if you wake up at 3am and see a thief climbing over your back fence with your telly and you shoot him dead then that is manslaughter. If you had a gun loaded by your bed in case then that makes it murder.

    I can understand that... I don't really want to kill anyone for a TV plus bullets travel very long distances and shooting at night in a residential area is dangerous.

    But there have been cases here where farmers out in the middle of nowhere miles from police help find groups of men on their property stealing bikes and things and they have fired shots at them and have been prosecuted for misuse of a firearm.

    I remember a joke at the time went something along the lines of:

    A farmer phones 111 (the local emergency number) at 4am in the morning and asks to be put through to the police. He says there are 5 men on his property stealing four wheel motor bikes from his shed. The lady on the police switchboard said she is sorry but there are no units available in his area and the soonest they can get there is about 4 hours time. The farmer then says he has shot two of them and is hunting down the other three and hangs up the phone. 10 minutes later there are 5 police vans with 30 cops, a helicopter with IR equipment, about 5 dog teams and two ambulances. The lead cop walks up to the farmer at his gate and said "we were told there were two people shot and a madman was running around with a firearm". To which the Farmer replied "I though there were no spare cops available for the next 4 hours".

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  Pervius Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:29 pm

    No firearms, they are silly.

    But I do have a lithium ion powered infrared laser that could be used to burn a hole in someone's heart or cook their brains in their skull.

    Firearms are sooooo....20th century. """oh no my country banned firearms from me""".....well make one. It's not hard. If you can't make a firearm you deserve to get shot by someone who can.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:42 am

    For our police they don't really come up against armed offenders that often... and when they do we have an armed offenders squad to deal with them.

    I think a cop that doesn't have a pistol at their hip is rather more approachable, but I think it is only a matter of time before they will need to start carrying pistols because the younger generation don't seem to have the same respect for authority.

    When I was a kid if you did something wrong and the police got involved you'd get a damn good clip around the ear and a cop would take you home to see your parents about it. Your dad would get the belt out after the cop left and your red backside reminded you that you follow the rules or else.
    These days the cops dare not raise a finger to children or the parents will demand some sort of enquiry.

    Not just that... in my day there was no question about guilt... if the cop said you did something you dad might ask why you did it... he wouldn't ask if you did it.

    These days it is police harassment and if they can't prove it you didn't do it without hearing any side of it.


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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  Pervius Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:11 pm

    Police around the world weren't as corrupt in 1950 as they are today.

    Everyone's standard of living dropped over half, brewing crime and corruption by police. Worldwide.

    Atleast in the West a Cop knows he will never have his house paid for before he dies....that effects his psychology and creates the problem we have today.

    Predators with a Badge.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:07 am

    House prices in NZ are steep in some places but we have less that 1/4 the population of London in a country bigger than the entire British Isles so any cop that can't afford to buy his own house and pay it off by the time they retire either has a gambling problem or wants a house in the middle of our largest city (Auckland) and is dreaming.

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  Pervius Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:41 am

    New Zealand doesn't have the taxes of the US. US folk have to pay State Taxes, Federal Taxes, Municipal/city taxes...taxes...taxes...taxes...

    Your Nationalized Healthcare is cheaper than what Americans will be paying in 2014. The US is going to get much, much worse.

    Companies in the US fired employees because the new ObamaCare Nationalized Healthcare Bill/Law says if a company has employees WITHOUT the Nationalized healthcare...those companies will be FINED....

    So they just fired everyone early and will keep a skeleton crew working.


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:45 am

    The way they seem to be putting the healthcare system in place in the US sounds to me like they don't really want it and are simply making it in a way that it has to fail.

    We pay about 33 cents on the dollar earned in income tax, plus another 15% on everything we spend on GST or goods and services tax, but we generally get cheap healthcare out of it.

    Last time I got injured it cost me the equivalent of about $15 US to see the doctor and the prescription for two types of serious pain killers cost me about $1.80 US. (The actual cost was $20 for the visit, and $3 for the prescription in NZ dollars).

    It is not exactly free but as long as it is an accident it is generally covered. If you need time off work then ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) will cover about 3/4ths of income lost while at home or in hospital.

    I would rather pay more tax and be sure I can get medical help when I need it than save a few bucks each week and rely on medical insurance... we had a few earthquakes a short while back in Christchurch and lots of insurance companies have come out and said they can't afford to cover all the policies they had. Companies should be allowed to fail... only governments are too big to fail in my opinion.

    If you pay out banks from taxpayers money cause they are too big to fail what you are actually doing is rewarding them for their greed of giving loans to people who could clearly not pay them back if the market changed. What do you say to the small business owners that fail all the time and never get taxpayer bailouts even when it is not their fault they went under. I realise life is not supposed to be fair, but that should be the goal most of the time when you can help it.

    Anyway... here is one of my toys:

    Gun owners Img00010

    It was a Model 1944 Mosin Nagant Carbine. I have two other similar rifles in original condition, three full length model 1891/30 rifles and a single Model 1938 Carbine.

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:09 pm

    It was a Model 1944 Mosin Nagant Carbine
    The barrel dose not appear to be original and is fitted with a suppressor.What is the magnification of the scope .

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:02 am

    The barrel is original.

    To fit the suppressor they removed the pins holding the front iron sight and post and bayonet attachment that is all one piece pinned to the barrel.

    By threading the muzzle they were able to fit the suppressor without shortening the barrel at all.

    The scope is a Redfield Scope and is a 3-9 variable power scope.

    I find that on the shooting range I shoot best with very high magnification, but when actually hunting it is easier with lower magnification.

    For shooting rabbits with one of my .22lr rifles I prefer using an old 2.5 magnification scope over the other scopes I have.

    It makes my movements feel smoother and jumps around less when firing from a standing position.

    Gun owners Img00011

    Here is the rifle with the suppressor removed.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:16 am

    An alternative to the real thing... they look pretty cool.

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:05 pm

    For shooting rabbits with one of my .22lr rifles I prefer using an old 2.5 magnification scope over the other scopes I have.
    What .223lr do you have?

    An alternative to the real thing... they look pretty cool.
    Yea but i would like the real thing.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:25 am

    I don't have any .223s.

    My .22 rifles are rimfire rifles for small game like rabbits and possums.

    I have a TOZ-17 bolt action with a suppressor fitted to it, a Stirling semi auto .22 with a suppressor fitted to it, and a really old Remington bolt action single shot 22 with a suppressor fitted to it. The latter will fire .22 short, .22 long, and .22 long rifle rounds.

    Very cheap ammo, easy to use and keep clean and quite accurate over short ranges.

    The Russian military have the SV-99 sniper rifle that fires .22lr ammo used over short ranges (ie 70m or so) and is based on a biathlon rifle... I want one... Very Happy

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    Gun owners Empty Re: Gun owners

    Post  Pervius Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:15 pm

    Nice rifle. I've got several mosin nagants. I prefer the Czech ammo for them.

    In the United States the Government is going after people who were making solid brass bullets. They are going house to house right now to seize all the bullets that were sold.

    hint hint....get yourself a cheap chinese lathe and some brass to turn down into bullets....

    Very effective when you need to stop a car....or hit something with some force.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:47 am

    Armour piercing ammo is not illegal here... nor is tracer ammo. Smile

    As you might have guessed Suppressors are not regulated either.

    Most work on solid brass bullets is to get consistency and genuine accuracy in the precise shape and balance of the bullet.

    Using harder materials like hardened steel would wear the rifling too fast so a softer metal like brass is used.

    Brass is also used in the case because it can stretch better under firing loads.

    The Russians have tended to use mild steel cases as it is much cheaper for ammo that is not going to be reused.

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    Gun owners Empty why is it that russians like posting AKs on different internet forums

    Post  bmtppk Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:34 pm

    I fear that my time is short on this forum( apparently if you criticize anything russian  related or say the truth ur gone).

    Now dont get me wrong im proud that we made the AK but do you not get literally almost eevry russian adores the AK like its the holy grail or something and they stick it everywhere. Why is it that russians do that? Its even on shirts with that stupid gena and chebyraska...sigh. And the best thing..they cant even own guns.

    So i thought id post a few guns of my own. Then this guy said i wont pull out for my concealed carry. I wont post my concaled carry pistol but ill  post these. Btw those arent really aks but close enough,.

    so i wanted to post a few guns i own

    Gun owners RxnppMH

    Gun owners WRe9j7g

    Gun owners VlB1GEN

    a 1943 my grand grand pa had when fighting the germans,

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:54 am

    Pretty stupid to both ask a question that calls out all Russians about their obsession with AKs and then posting photos of your own AKs and other weapons... and claiming Russians can't own firearms.

    Can you be more stupid?

    How about you tell me why we should waste our time reading your posts when you clearly know nothing about Russia.

    I have never been to Russia but even I know you can get a permit to buy a shotgun there easy enough unless you are a criminal, and then a few years after owning a shotgun you can buy rifles...

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:13 am

    Simply because AK 7,62mm and AK 5,45mm are the best assault rifles in the world. End of story.

    My personal opinion is that we should lock or delete this post.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:16 am

    Why are russians so obsessed with Kalashnikovs... why are americans so obsessed with the US flag? Or American football? Or baseball? Or basketball? Or Cheese burgers?

    Or an even better answer... why would they not be obsessed with the creations of Kalashnikov?

    The PKM in particular is a work of art.

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    Post  victor1985 Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:17 pm

    The ak has become a simbol for lots of paramilitar groups. What do you russians think about that? It has been the ak associated with terorism?

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    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:35 am

    What the What the west calls terrorists invariably means freedom fighters to someone else with a different perspective.

    the west has invaded a lot of coutnries and bombed quite a few more... many of those invaded countries have protected themselves with Kalashnikovs.

    One of the problems the west had in Afghanistan was the effective range of Kalashnikovs to 900m or so which totally outranges the 5.56mm calibre weapons their forces are largely armed with...

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    Post  victor1985 Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:07 pm

    i agree. is a different perspective. and different interests. for example usa with irak. please someone tell me that usa war didnt had nothing to do with oil or in general their wars didnt were in the back motivated by some personal interests cause i dont believe him

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