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    Russian Names & Words Meaning Thread


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    Russian Names & Words Meaning Thread Empty Russian Names & Words Meaning Thread

    Post  nightcrawler Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:33 pm

    This thread has been started because there are some Russian words that even Bing/Google translator are unable to translate e.g I translated a detailed article about MiG company downfall & it was extremely difficult

    As you can see there occurs some inconsistencies which Russians here can easily resolve for non-Russians like us e.g Pervoprichinu; In pursuit of "Cash" I substituted the word Cash because translated word was Cuhim which I don't know is a English word.

    Having said that I must share with Russians here some likeness as is observed by me in Russian names. The thing is that most Soviet/Russian ames has excessive use of the letter V in their names e.g Vladimir [no-offence administrator Smile]; Mikoyan GureVich; YakoVlov; TupoloeV; AntonoV; GorbachaeV & many more...Kindly Russians explain this observation russia

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:54 am

    Except for Vlad and Gurevich they all also have at least one "O" there too.

    I could pick 20 names in English with a particular letter in it... it would be more impressive to pick Russian names at random and then find a letter in all of them.

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    Post  nightcrawler Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:46 pm

    GarryB wrote:Except for Vlad and Gurevich they all also have at least one "O" there too.

    I could pick 20 names in English with a particular letter in it... it would be more impressive to pick Russian names at random and then find a letter in all of them.

    Garry you missed my point; not just names but influential names.
    See I have written very very influential names..with respect to Soviet Russia

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:35 am

    Boris Yeltsin, Joseph Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Tolstoy, Mil... no V's.

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    Post  nightcrawler Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:57 pm

    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
    Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin

    These are releatively more influential...
    For the rest I would say that evena Chemist know that Periodic table isn't that General or Periodic.
    When compared with Western counterparts you willnt see much resemblance. You can write the names of their Presidents as well as their aviation companies [as I had written about Soviet companies in my parent post]

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    Post  nightcrawler Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:45 pm

    Russian plz help with Bold word can't be translated

    The conclusions of the Russian and foreign experts, one of the most effective means of protection against missiles with infrared homing devices, including advanced, are vysokonapravlennye laser protection system.

    Original: По заключениям российских и зарубежных специалистов, одним из наиболее эффективных средств защиты от ракет с инфракрасными головками самонаведения, в том числе и перспективных, являются высоконаправленные лазерные системы защиты.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:26 am

    "On the conclusions of Russian and foreign specialists, one of the most
    effective means of protection from the rockets with the infrared
    self-homing heads, including of promising, are the strongly directed
    laser protective systems."

    They are talking about DIRCMs or Direct Infra Red Counter Measures that generally use laser beams to dazzle the IR seekers of incoming missiles.
    (translation by Babelfish: )

    If you look at this thread:

    In my post there is a large photo of an Mi-26 with a new pod scabbed on to its side below the big yellow 66 on its side that has optical ports at the front and near the rear... the front port seems to be an IR sensor to detect the IR plume of an incoming missile. The rear white ball will be a laser beam turret used to direct a bright IR beam into the dark centre of the plume... which will be the missile itself... the distances involved mean the beam will be 1m or so across so precise aiming will not be necessary. The intense energy of the laser will blind the sensor and make it miss the target.

    If you look at the belly of the Ka-52 near where its main wheels are when they are deployed you might see small turrets or circular positions for turrets... this is the MANTA DIRCMs system that it will be fitted with to protect it from IR and optically guided missiles.

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    Post  nightcrawler Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:57 pm

    Needed Help with bold parts:

    В оптико-механическом блоке используются малоинерциальные элементы вместо массивных поворотных башен.Это позволяет значительно сократить время реакции системы и обеспечить минимальную дистанцию для отражения атаки, что особенно важно для защиты самолетов среднего и большого размера во время взлета и посадки.
    In the optical-mechanical unit used maloinertsialnye elements instead of massive rotating tower.This significantly reduces response time and provide a minimum distance to reflect the attack, which is especially important to protect the aircraft of medium and large size during takeoff and landing.
    В станции ALJS используется импульсно-периодический электроразрядный HF-DF лазер с замкнутым циклом смены рабочей смеси, который дает прямое мультидиапазонное излучение.
    The station ALJS used repetitively pulsed electric-discharge HF-DF laser with a closed-loop change a working mixture, which gives a direct multidiapazonnoe radiation.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:09 am

    In the optical-mechanical unit used maloinertsialnye
    elements instead of massive rotating tower.This significantly reduces
    response time and provide a minimum distance to reflect the attack,
    which is especially important to protect the aircraft of medium and
    large size during takeoff and landing.

    Just looking at the translation of the text around it an alternative to a single beam laser in a rotating turret able to give good coverage of a field of view, this unit I would guess is an array of laser elements that cover the field of view.
    In many ways this would be comparable to the difference between a standard old dish radar that spins round scanning for targets and an AESA array where each element covers a specific sector simultaneously and can scan the field of view by turning the elements on and off (ie electronic scan) rather than physically moving the antenna, though even an AESA can be designed to physically move to give a wider FOV I think what they mean in this case is that they either have hundreds of laser emitter elements or perhaps they have mirrors that allows the DIRCM to cover targets from any angle by switching them on rather than turning the laser to the threat. Much faster.

    The station ALJS used repetitively pulsed electric-discharge HF-DF laser
    with a closed-loop change a working mixture, which gives a direct multidiapazonnoe radiation.

    A closed loop system means you don't need to recharge or refuel the system and this case I suspect the bold word means multi directional or perhaps multi use. It means the lasers can be fired repeatedly without having to be refuelled or replaced or whatever. They will likely not be able to be fired continuously, but could be pulsed over an unknown (to us) period of time, which would mean they could handle a lot of targets without needing attention, like refuelling. (Note some chemical lasers use up said chemicals and these chemicals need to be replaced when used up... which would obviously be a problem in the middle of an attack.)

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    Post  nightcrawler Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:40 am

    T-95 is built on a new layout and features an uninhabited tower. The crew of three (possibly two) people located in bronekapsule separated from the tower and the autoloader. This arrangement, first, sharply reduces the frontal projection of the tank, especially in its most beaten the top, which makes the car trudnouyazvimoy. Secondly, significantly increases the chances of crew survival in case of effective hitting. Third, the desert tower facilitates large-caliber gun equipped tank.
    Т-95 построен по новой компоновке и оснащен необитаемой башней. Экипаж из трех (возможно, двух) человек размещается в бронекапсуле, отделенной от башни и автомата заряжания. Такая компоновка, во-первых, резко уменьшает лобовую проекцию танка, особенно в ее наиболее поражаемой верхней части, что делает машину трудноуязвимой. Во-вторых, значительно повышает шансы экипажа выжить в случае результативного попадания. В-третьих, необитаемая башня облегчает оснащение танка крупнокалиберным орудием.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:05 am

    This would be better translated in saying:

    The T-95 has a new design layout featuring an unmanned turret.
    The crew of 2-3 people are located in an armoured capsule in the front hull separated from fuel, the ammo, and the autoloader for the main gun.

    The unmanned turret design firstly reduces the vulnerable frontal area of the turret especially in the front areas of the turret which has been shown in combat to be the most likely area hit in combat. This makes the tank very hard to destroy in combat.
    Secondly, significantly increases the chances of crew survival in the case of a direct hit and penetration of the vehicle.
    Thirdly, the uninhabited turret facilitates fitting a large calibre gun.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:24 am

    You might get better support from the Russian speakers here if you renamed the thread something like:

    Assistance required with translating Russian words to English.

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    Post  nightcrawler Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:36 am

    Сборка первых десяти серийных Т-26 так называемой установочной партии с корпусами из неброневой стали завершилась летом 1931 года на ленинградском заводе «Большевик»

    Assembly of the first ten series T-26 so-called initial batch of steel hulls nebronevoy ended the summer of 1931 at the Leningrad plant "Bolshevik"

    В ходе ее ввели подбашенную коробку с наклонными бронелистами, на части танков изъяли кормовой пулемет, а вместо него смонтировали дополнительную боеукладку на 32 снаряда.

    During her enter the under-turret box with sloping bronelistami, part of the stern tanks seized a machine gun, and instead mounted an additional boeukladku for 32 rounds.

    Кроме того, машину снабдили унифицированным смотровым прибором, новым погоном башни, ввели бакелитирование топливных баков.

    In addition, the machine supplied with a unified vision devices, new straps tower, entered bakelitirovanie fuel tanks.

    Накануне Второй мировой войны Т-26 состояли на вооружении главным образом отдельных легкотанковых бригад (256–267 бронированных машин в каждой) и отдельных танковых батальонов стрелковых дивизий (одна рота, 10–15 машин).

    On the eve of World War II T-26 in service consisted mainly of individual legkotankovyh teams (256-267 armored vehicles in each) and separate tank battalions of infantry divisions (one company with 10-15 cars).

    Парк Т-26, использовавшийся во время «зимней» кампании, был очень пестрым.В бригадах, имевших на вооружении боевые машины этого типа, встречались и двухбашенные, и однобашенные танки разных лет выпуска (от 1931 до 1939-го).

    Park T-26 used during the "winter" campaign, was very colorful. In the teams that took on armed combat vehicles of this type, there were also two-towered, and odnobashennye tanks of different years of release (from 1931 to 1939)

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:52 am

    Assembling the first ten series T -26 the so-called adjusting party with
    the housings of [nebronevoy] steel was completed in the summer of 1931
    at the Leningrad plant “Bolshevik”

    I would probably translate to:

    Assembling the first ten vehicles of the T-26 type vehicles the manufacturing team with
    the basic structure shell of steel for armoured vehicles was completed in the summer of 1931
    at the Leningrad plant “Bolshevik”.

    Note for early car design you had a chassis made of strong materials like steel that you attach things to like the engine and transmission, plus the shell of the car body etc. With armoured vehicles the armour is like the chassis... it is the structure that the wheels and engine and turret etc are attached to.
    With many modern cars the car shell is the structure and things are attached to it. This makes possible crumple zones to reduce the effect of an impact on the passengers and driver. Light trucks still use a heavy chassis, as do most 4WD and SUV type vehicles as that allows them to handle rough cross country use.

    In its course they introduced undertower box with the inclined armored
    plates, on the part of the tanks they withdrew stern machine gun, and
    instead of it was installed additional ammunition stowage to 32

    A design change was a box under the turret with angled armour plates. They removed a rear mounted machine gun (from the back of the turret) and instead of that machine gun they stored an additional 32 rounds of main gun ammo in the space freed up. The machine gun was likely a DT model, and the extra ammo would be 37mm.

    Furthermore, machine they supplied with the standardized inspection
    instrument, the new pursuit of tower, they introduced Bakelite coating
    fuel tanks.

    They standardised the vision periscopes to see outside of the vehicle, added straps to the turret {presumably to carry more kit}, and introduced Bakelite coating to the fuel tanks.

    Note the purpose of the Bakelite coating is to improve the protection of the fuel tanks in combat. Bakelite will not stop a bullet but a bullet penetrating a fuel tank with Bakelite lining, when the Bakelite is exposed to outside air it hardens and would reseal any hole in the fuel tank. This prevents fuel leaking all over the place, which is a fire risk and it also reduces the chance of an explosion within the tank by preventing air getting in... which is needed for a fire or explosion.

    On the eve of the Second World War T -26 they were in service mainly of
    individual [legkotankovykh] brigades (256-267 armored machines in each)
    and separate tank battalions of rifle divisions (one company, 10-15

    They were used mainly in large (256-267 vehicles) unwieldy formations of light tanks, or in small groups (10-15 machines) attached to rifle divisions as infantry support vehicles.

    Note most did not have radios and responded either to signal flags... or simply followed the vehicle in front of them.

    The park T -26, which was being used during “winter” campaign, was very
    [pestrym].[V] brigades, which was armed with combat vehicles of this
    type, were encountered the two-tower, and [odnobashennye] tanks of the
    different years of release (from 1931 until 1939).

    The available in service T-26s used during the winter war in Finland were of a variety of versions within brigades, and included obsolete twin turret early models and other obsolete tanks from 1931 to 1939.

    Note the twin turret models they mention is an early model with two turrets each mounting a machine gun, which by 1939 was obsolete. What they are basically saying is that they took the T-26 into combat in Finland but that the T-26s they took ranged from obsolete to inadequate as even the latest models with 45mm guns were found to be vulnerable to anti tank weapons of the day.

    My translations come from Babel Fish at and a bit of educated guess work.

    If anyone with a better understanding of Russian has any corrections please speak up...

    (I neither speak nor can read Russian so there are likely some mistakes...)

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    Post  nightcrawler Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:34 am

    Т-95 построен по новой компоновке и оснащен необитаемой башней. Экипаж из трех (возможно, двух) человек размещается в бронекапсуле, отделенной от башни и автомата заряжания. Такая компоновка, во-первых, резко уменьшает лобовую проекцию танка, особенно в ее наиболее поражаемой верхней части, что делает машину трудноуязвимой. Во-вторых, значительно повышает шансы экипажа выжить в случае результативного попадания. В-третьих, необитаемая башня облегчает оснащение танка крупнокалиберным орудием.

    T-95 is built on a new layout and features an uninhabited tower. The crew of three (possibly two) people located in bronekapsule separated from the tower and the autoloader. This arrangement, first, sharply reduces the frontal projection of the tank, especially in its most beaten the top, which makes the car trudnouyazvimoy. Secondly, significantly increases the chances of crew survival in case of effective hitting. Third, the desert tower facilitates large-caliber gun equipped tank.

    Несмотря на выдающиеся ТТХ, пойти в серию Т-95, судя по всему, не суждено. Зашкаливающая стоимость машины в сочетании со сворачиванием разработок принципиально новых платформ за рубежом делает переоснащение танковых частей Российской армии на Т-95 разорительным и малоосмысленным проектом. Вместе с тем новая платформа армии необходима – не в последнюю очередь с учетом требования военных о создании унифицированной гусеничной платформы для танка и боевых машин пехоты «тяжелых бригад». Разработка унифицированной платформы в СССР началась еще в конце 80-х годов, в 90-е в связи с недостатком финансирования, как и многие другие программы, она была приостановлена.

    Despite the outstanding performance characteristics to go into a series of T-95, apparently was not destined. Off scale cost of the machine in conjunction with the winding down of development of fundamentally new platform for overseas re-makes of tank units of the Russian army on the T-95 and ruinous maloosmyslennym project. However, the army needed a new platform - not least in view of military requirements on the establishment of a unified platform to track the tank and infantry fighting vehicles "heavy brigade". Develop a unified platform in the Soviet Union began in the late 80's, 90's due to lack of funding, as well as many other programs, she was suspended.


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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:05 am

    The crew of three (possibly two) people located in bronekapsule separated from the tower and the autoloader.

    Every time I have seen this in the west in English it has been translated as armoured capsule in the front hull that is separated from the turret and autoloader and gun. The purpose is to increase the safety of the crew by not storing fuel or ammo in the armoured capsule with them.

    This arrangement, first, sharply reduces the frontal projection of the
    tank, especially in its most beaten the top, which makes the car trudnouyazvimoy.

    This basically translates into something like invincible or invulnerable to enemy fire because the part of the tank normally hit in real combat is the front of the turret and a hit to the front of the turret of the T-95 wont effect the crew because they are not in the turret and such a hit will not ignite fuel or ammo so it will just punch a hole straight through.

    Despite the outstanding performance characteristics to go into a series
    of T-95, apparently was not destined. Off scale cost of the machine in
    conjunction with the winding down of development of fundamentally new
    platform for overseas re-makes of tank units of the Russian army on the
    T-95 and ruinous maloosmyslennym project.

    maloosmyslennym translates to "senseless" in the Babelfish translator.
    So despite being an excellent tank design it was not destined to go into service because it was just too expensive, and their future plans needed a family vehicle (that could be made into tank, artillery vehicle, recovery vehicle, APC, air defence vehicle etc etc.) for the Heavy Brigade.

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    Post  nightcrawler Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:34 pm

    Большую помощь оказали отечественному флоту штурмовики А-20 «Бостон». Отечественные ВВС и авиация ВМФ получили около 2000 таких самолетов. Морская модификация штурмовика А-20Ж могла принять на борт торпеду или бомбу ФАБ-1000, что позволяло использовать этот самолет в качестве торпедоносца и топмачтовика. Именно эти самолеты 16 июля 1944 года потопили в порту Котка крейсер ПВО «Ниобе».
    Что касается истребителей, то «Харрикейн» английского производства и «Киттихаук» производства США по основным боевым качествам недотягивали до уровня советских самолетов и серьезную поддержку советской авиации оказать не могли. Их значение заключалось прежде всего в том, что в начале 1942-го они дали возможность «заткнуть дыру» до появления советских современных истребителей. Чрезмерная же капризность этих машин приводила к серьезным потерям. Так, по мнению адмирала А. Г. Головко, именно отказ двигателя истребителя «Киттихаук» стал причиной гибели 30 мая 1942 года подполковника Б. Ф. Сафонова, лучшего на тот момент советского аса.

    Substantial aid showed domestic fleet attack aircraft A -20 “Boston”. Domestic VVS and naval aviation obtained about 2000 such aircraft. The sea modification of attack aircraft A -20[zh] could accept onboard torpedo or bomb [FAB]-1000, which made it possible to use this aircraft as the torpedo bomber and [topmachtovika]. Specifically, these aircraft on July 16, 1944 heated in the port Kotka the antiaircraft cruiser “[Niobe]”.
    As far as fighters are concerned, “Hurricane” English production and “[Kittikhauk]” of the production of the USA on the basic military characteristics of [nedotyagivali] to the level of Soviet aircraft and serious support to Soviet aviation show they could not. Their value consisted, first of all, in the fact that at the beginning 1942- GO they made possible “to plug hole” before the appearance of Soviet contemporary fighters. However, the excessive capriciousness of these machines led to the serious losses. So, in the opinion Admiral [A]. [G]. Golovko, precisely, the failure of the engine of fighter “[Kittikhauk]” became the reason for loss on May 30, 1942 Lieutenant Colonel B.F. [Safonova], best at that moment of Soviet ace.
    What is the Kittikhauk plane he is referring to that was delivered to Soviets in LendLease program

    Англия передала Советскому Союзу для флота 329 гидролокаторов типа «Асдик» и другие. «Полученные нами ультраакустические приборы (гидролокаторы) резко отличались в лучшую сторону от подобных наших станций», – так оценивал эту технику заместитель начальника Управления связи ВМФ СССР инженер-капитан 1-го ранга Гусев. Как вспоминал командующий Северным флотом вице-адмирал А. Г. Головко: «Качественно изменилось оснащение кораблей техническими средствами. Если в начале войны Северный флот имел только шумопеленгаторные станции «Посейдон» и «Цефей-2», установленные на двух эсминцах и нескольких катерах МО, то в 1942 году начались поставки гидроакустических аппаратов «Тамир-1» и «Дракон-1230». К концу войны их имели около половины всех надводных кораблей и катеров». На Черноморском флоте ГАС к концу войны были оснащены 37 процентов кораблей и катеров, на Балтике ГАС имели 13 катеров МО.

    England gave the Soviet Union for the fleet 329 sonar type Asdik "and others. "Our ultrasonic devices (sonar) differed sharply to the best of our stations like" - so evaluated this technique deputy chief of communications of the Soviet Navy engineer and captain 1-st rank Gusev. Remembered as the commander of the Northern Fleet Vice-Admiral AG Golovko: "qualitatively changed equipping ships technical means. If at the beginning of the war the Northern Fleet had only shumopelengatornye station "Poseidon" and "Cepheus-2", mounted on two destroyers and a few boats MO, then in 1942 started to supply sonar devices "Tameer-1" and "Dragon 1230". By the end of the war they were about half of all ships and boats. " Black Sea Fleet CEO by the end of the war were equipped with 37 percent of ships and boats in the Baltic CEO had 13 boats MO.

    cannot understand what he is saying [only bold one]

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:29 am

    What is the Kittikhauk plane he is referring to that was delivered to Soviets in LendLease program

    The Kittyhawk is what the British and British commonwealth called the P-40 Tomahawk fighter.

    "qualitatively changed equipping ships technical means. If at
    the beginning of the war the Northern Fleet had only shumopelengatornye
    station "Poseidon" and "Cepheus-2", mounted on two destroyers and a few
    boats MO, then in 1942 started to supply sonar devices "Tameer-1" and
    "Dragon 1230". By the end of the war they were about half of all ships
    and boats.

    What they are talking about is ASDIC, which is what they used to call Sonar.
    Basically they are talking about the change from early in the war to late in the war about the improvement in quality and number of sonar systems on Soviet vessels.

    The whole paragraph translates to:

    England sent to the Soviet Union for the (Soviet) fleet 329 sonars of the
    type “[Asdic]” and others. “The ultra-acoustic
    instruments (sonars) obtained by us (from England) sharply differed by being much better compared to our domestic equivelent
    stations”, thus evaluated this technology the Deputy Department Chief of
    the connection the Navy of the USSR the engineer captain of the 1st
    rank Gusev.
    As recalled commanding of northern fleet Vice Admiral [A].
    [G]. Golovko: “Qualitatively changed the equipment of ships with
    technical equipment. At the beginning of war northern fleet had only
    sound locating stations “Poseidon” and “Cepheus -2”, on two
    destroyers and several launches MO* (small anti sub vessels), then by 1942 began the deliveries of
    hydroacoustic apparatuses “[Tamir]-1” and “dragon -1230”. Toward the
    end their wars had about half of all surface ships and launches”. In the
    Black Sea fleet GAS toward the end of war were equipped 37 percent of
    ships and launches, in the Baltic region GAS they had 13 launches MO*.

    So from the start of the war only two destroyers had sonar like devices, by 1942 they started deliveries of Tamir and Dragon Sonar systems. Near the end of the war 50% of surface ships were fitted with sonar (in the Northern Fleet). In the Black Sea fleet 37% of ships and small boats had Sonar and in the Baltic they had 13 small boats with Sonar devices.

    MO is here:

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    Post  nightcrawler Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:17 pm

    Фактически самолет представлял собой дюралюминиевую «коробку», в которой практически отсутствовала шумоизоляция. В отсеках стоял мощнейший гул, источниками которого были двигатели, винты, аппаратура «Лианы», а заодно и резонирующие элементы конструкции, включая ведущую в пилон РЛС железную лестницу. Облицовка металлических элементов отсутствовала полностью. Накопление в полете статического электричества приводило к тому, что уже через три часа после взлета за металл невозможно было взяться рукой. На земле при неработающих двигателях отсеки не отапливались, и зимой экипаж занимал свои рабочие места, садясь в ледяные кресла. Труднее всего приходилось летчикам, которые прислонялись спиной к бронеспинкам, обшитым тонким слоем дерматина. Радикулит и прочие последствия простуды превратились в профессиональные заболевания пилотов-разведчиков.
    Зона отдыха «зашумлялась» не только двигателями, но и клапанами регулирования давления в гермокабине, и это практически обесценивало ее.В результате каждый полет на Ту-126 превращался в испытание на выносливость, особенно если его продолжительность возрастала за счет дозаправки в воздухе.

    Actually aircraft was the duralumin “box”, in which practically there is no noise-isolation. In the sections stood the most powerful rumble, sources of which were engines, screws, equipment “of liana”, and at the same time and resounding elements of construction, including leading into the pylon RLS iron stairs. The revetment of metallic elements was absent completely. The accumulation in flight of static electricity led to the fact that after only three hours after takeoff metal it was not possible to undertake by hand. The sections were not heated on the earth with the shut-down engines, and in winter crew occupied its work sites, sitting down into the icy armchairs. Most difficultly it was necessary for the pilots, who leaned by back on the armored backrests, sheathed by the thin layer of leatherette. Radiculitis and other consequences of a cold became the occupational diseases of pilot- intelligence officers.

    Recreation Area "zashumlyalas" not just engines, but also valve control the pressure in the pressurized cabin, and it is almost depreciating it. As a result, every flight on the Tu-126 turned into a test of endurance, especially if its duration is increased at the expense of in-flight refueling.

    The para basically relates to the sort off unfriendly design of TU-126 with respect to crew. I cannot understand the 2nd para; especially the refuelling part

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:16 am

    I think it is basically saying the rest area on the aircraft was poor, and in addition to vibration from the engines made flights uncomfortable. Inflight refuelling made flights much longer and extended the discomfort over a longer period.

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    Post  nightcrawler Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:45 pm

    Hey Garry which AWAC is this
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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:51 pm

    That is American... not my area of interest.

    Looked up AWACS aircraft in Wiki and it says it is a Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star.

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    Post  nightcrawler Fri May 06, 2011 11:25 pm

    Need help again:

    В этой связи следует отметить российские публикации [22], которые проводили сравнительный анализ эффективности морского боя советского ТАКР пр. 1143.5 с целью уничтожения «авианосца противника» по трем вариантам:

    по авианосцу наносят удар атомные подводные лодки, вооруженные крылатыми ракетами (SSGN) и морская ракетоносная авиация,
    те же силы действуют совместно с авиацией ТАКР, наносящей удар вместе с ними, и
    удар наносят ракетные подводные лодки и морская ракетоносная авиация, а палубная авиация решает задачи прикрытия этих сил от противодействия противолодочной и истребительной авиации противника.

    Таким образом, мы приходим к выводу, что при воссоздании «Варяга» в качестве полноценной боевой единицы, можно говорить и о создании авианосно-ракетно-ударной боевой группы – «Варяг» и четыре эсминца класса «Современный». Существенным недостатком этой авианосной группы будет слабый потенциал противолодочной обороны. Так, эсминцы класса «Современный» изначально задумывались как ударные корабли, с низким потенциалом противолодочной войны. Введение противолодочных вертолетов в состав авиагруппы «Варяга» существенно снизит его и ударный и противовоздушный потенциал, да и не решит задачи «радикально»: подводная лодка «слышит» надводный корабль на дистанции «в разы большие», а для превентивного обнаружения нужен существенный наряд и сил и средств, ограниченная акватория поиска, да «счастливый случай». Так, известно, что советский вертолетоносец «Москва», вступивший встрой в 1967 г., первый уверенный контакт с американской ракетной лодкой (SSBN) получил лишь четыре года спустя, да и то в ограниченной акватории Средиземного моря и при отсутствии активного противодействия со стороны «потенциального противника»… В воспоминаниях советских подводников – ветеранов Холодной войны достаточно часто приводятся примеры прорыва противолодочных рубежей американских АУГ на дизель-электрических подводных лодках (ДЭПЛ), «на поколение отстающих» от американских атомных авианосцев. При этом ДЭПЛ «умудрялись» оставаться незамеченными американцами и успешно проводить учебные торпедные атаки… Нам, например, представляется «весьма сложным» превентивное обнаружение надводным кораблем или группой противолодочных вертолетов атомной подводной лодки, например класса «Акула» (Akula class, поставляемая индийскому флоту) на океанской акватории. Американский опыт использования авианосных ударных групп (АУГ) подсказывает нам включение в их состав многоцелевой атомной подводной лодки, перспективы обретения которой для китайского флота в обозримом будущем пока сомнительны…

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    Post  George1 Sun May 17, 2015 5:57 am

    Borei = North Wind

    Yasen = Ash

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    Post  George1 Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:19 am

    The Origins of Russia's Funny Weapon Names Finally Revealed

    Anyone familiar with Soviet and Russian weapons systems knows that the Russians are known for giving funny and endearing names to everything from small arms to intercontinental ballistic missiles. Now, experts are finally able to pour light on exactly how and why designers choose the names they do.

    Soviet and Russian military design bureaus have had a long history of kidding around with their potential adversaries, thinking up clever names for deadly weapons systems, from the tank chassis-attached flamethrower system TOS-1, given the moniker 'Buratino' (Pinocchio), to the fire control vehicle 1V152, nicknamed the 'Kapustnik' (roughly 'Cabbage Festival'), to the MiG-15 trainer aircraft, affectionately called the 'Babushka' (Grandmother), and the ICBM RT-23 'Molodets' (Good Sport). A more detailed listing of some of the best remembered names can be found here.

    Now, Russia's Rossiyskaya Gazeta explains exactly how and why weapons designers choose the names that they do.

    Speaking to the newspaper at the Russia Arms Expo 2015, currently under way in Nizhny Tagil, central Russia, Uralvagonzavod Deputy Director of Special Equipment Vladislav Halitov explained that all of these names come from a special database. Formerly administered by the Main Directorate of the Chief of Armaments, the names are now a special responsibility of the Department of Weapons, the Chief Directorate of Rocket Artillery and the Chief Directorate of Armored Vehicles, all under the Ministry of Defense.

    Halitov explained that back in the Soviet period, the Ministry of Defense created a special R&D registery, containing a series of code words. Drafted for five years into the future, the registry was consistently updated. The main task of the department working with the registry was to assign secret code names, checking for duplication and to make sure that the words were abstract and/or absurd enough to ensure that the potential enemy would be left guessing what exactly new systems actually entailed. The expert noted that a similar system exists in the US, except there about two dozen specialized departments are involved in the selection of names.

    Andrei Bassov, the chief editor of the military-focused online journal, explained that "up to a certain moment in time, the new words added to the registry were based on certain principles and traditions." For example, a category of self-propelled artillery systems featured the names of flowers, from the 2S1 'Gvozdika' (Carnation), to the 2S4 'Tyulpan' (Tulip), and the 2S7 'Pion'. Air defense systems featured a series of river names –the 2K22 'Tunguska', the ZSU-23-4 'Shilka', the S-125 'Neva' and the S-75 'Dvina'. The Soviets' famous MLRS rocket artillery systems were code named after natural weather phenomena, from the BM-21 'Grad' (Hail) to the BM-27 'Uragan' (Hurricane) to the BM-30 'Smerch' (Whirlwind) and the 9A52-4 'Tornado'.

    At times, names were chosen based on the weapons systems' association with day-to-day objects, such as the 9K38 man-portable surface-to-air missile 'Igla' (Needle) and the 9K32 'Strela' (Arrow) or the radio jamming complex 'Moshkara' (Mosquito). Others, like the 'Kikimora' (Hobgoblin) and 'Leshiy' (Wood Goblin) sniper suits, were based on Russia fairy tale lore.

    Occasionally, designers would give way to humor, with the 'Azart' (Passion) sapper shovel, the 'Nezhnost' (Tenderness) handcuffs, and the 'Podkidysh' (Abandoned Baby) grenade launcher round.

    Bassov noted that following the collapse of the Soviet Union, a trend toward seriousness become apparent. As the expert explained, designers came "to understand that one could not only gently troll our foreign partners, but that they also needed to consider how to sell their equipment abroad."

    It is with this in mind that the 9K720 Iskander ('Man's Defender' in Greek) mobile short range ballistic missile system got its name. The same is true of the BMPT 'Terminator' AFV and the  Armata Universal Combat Platform, the latter derived from the Latin 'Arm' and the Turkish 'Ata' (Father). According to another version of the origins of Armata's nomenclature, the R&D center made the choice of name by accident, choosing the first name they saw in the registry, with no one exactly sure about how it got there.

    As to what it comes down to as far as naming a new system, Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyev recently asked Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin about it, with Rogozin teasingly replying that it's as simple as "a colonel coming by, looking at the R&D design and saying, depending on the mood 'that's it!'"

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