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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF)


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  GarryB 26/02/12, 12:28 pm

    Perhaps if they are in talks to buy Mig-29s that they might be negotiating production of Migs and perhaps are interested in the Skat Mig UCAV too?

    Would certainly be interesting if they were, though to be fully 4++ they would probably need to be looking at the Mig-35 with AESA radar and 360 degree IRST.

    Does Egypt have any ambitions towards an aircraft carrier?

    A Mig-29K with Mig-35 bits added would be a very potent aircraft, and with new AAMs being developed for the PAK FA the legasy Russian fighters are just going to get more capable.

    EDIT: Just realised that this thread is two years old.

    If it was involving the Mig-35 then its failure in the Indian competition might have killed this deal... if it ever was a deal.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 28/02/12, 11:59 pm

    Now new news Garry ,am not sure but i think revolution Obstructed the project for non known time , SU-35 as i think is the next choice for egypt , no more F-16 .

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    Post  GarryB 29/02/12, 12:08 pm

    The thing is that I think the west believes it has the measure of the Mig-29, while the Su-27/35 are still bogeymen.

    I would suspect the west is more likely to underestimate a fleet of Mig-35s, while at the same time over react to a fleet of Su-35s.

    Guess we will just have to wait and see. Smile

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  George1 29/02/12, 12:15 pm

    The fighter "in cooperation with a foreign side" that the article says is the Chinese JF-17

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 02/03/12, 12:17 pm

    GarryB wrote:The thing is that I think the west believes it has the measure of the Mig-29, while the Su-27/35 are still bogeymen.

    I would suspect the west is more likely to underestimate a fleet of Mig-35s, while at the same time over react to a fleet of Su-35s.

    Guess we will just have to wait and see. Smile

    We here ( amateurs ) in M.E prefer Sukhoi comp more than mig , i think defencetalk and militaryphotos guys also have that opinion . Laughing

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 02/03/12, 12:18 pm

    George1 wrote:The fighter "in cooperation with a foreign side" that the article says is the Chinese JF-17

    No it's not , it wad just an opinion from some articles but nothing official appear

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  GarryB 02/03/12, 02:21 pm

    We here ( amateurs ) in M.E prefer Sukhoi comp more than mig , i think defencetalk and militaryphotos guys also have that opinion .

    We are all amateurs... and it is just my opinion really.

    The Flanker is a good bird, but I think Sukhoi will struggle to produce the numbers needed for demand.

    No disrespect meant, but the new regime in Egypt is largely an unknown quantity and I think Egypt is more likely to be offered Su-30MKK or something similar rather than their brand new Su-35s, and I suspect if you want the best technology that Mig is rather more desperate for a sale than Sukhoi are and that Mig might even make offers like let Egypt produce components, or even joint development of a light 5th gen fighter if you really want to spend money.

    At the end of the day the Mig-35 can carry almost anything the Flanker can carry, it has 10 wing pylons and a centreline pylon for stores, it doesn't have the flight range of the Flanker but inflight refuelling make that null, and of course if you want to expand into carriers a Mig can be modified to take off from smaller carriers than the Flanker.

    The larger apature of the Flankers radar is countered by the fact that the Mig will have a full AESA system and I think the IRST system of the Mig is probably better than the Flankers.

    The Mig will likely be cheaper to own.

    And like I said, the Mig is seriously underrated.

    Of course a mixed fleet of Flankers, Migs, and Yak-130s.... Twisted Evil

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 14/03/12, 03:07 am

    The Flanker is a good bird, but I think Sukhoi will struggle to produce the numbers needed for demand
    As i read , china and libya want SU-35 but after what happened in libya the new council rejected the deal going toward Mirage (sarkozi played it will Exclamation )

    any other su-35 deals with north africa countries ?

    Sukhoi announced it has deals with 5.5 b$ in the next 5 years , 4 b$ for china and the 1.5 for ??

    No disrespect meant, but the new regime in Egypt is largely an unknown quantity and I think Egypt is more likely to be offered Su-30MKK or something similar rather than their brand new Su-35s, and I suspect if you want the best technology that Mig is rather more desperate for a sale than Sukhoi are and that Mig might even make offers like let Egypt produce components, or even joint development of a light 5th gen fighter if you really want to spend money.

    Israel choice is F-35 , agood ( A VS B ) would be Su-35 with advanced tech than SU-30 as i think ,,egypt and russia has agood military and economic relations , Will sukhoi offer adowngraded tech than mig ?

    The larger apature of the Flankers radar is countered by the fact that the Mig will have a full AESA system and I think the IRST system of the Mig is probably better than the Flankers.

    The Mig will likely be cheaper to own.
    So, why india rejected it ?

    Of course a mixed fleet of Flankers, Migs, and Yak-130s.... Twisted Evil
    Would be perfect but Expensive Cool

    Last edited by ahmedfire on 16/03/12, 03:16 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  GarryB 14/03/12, 09:28 am

    So, why india rejected it ?

    The whole MRCA competition started because France refused to upgrade the M2K... they wanted to sell India Rafales at a much higher price rather than just upgrade M2Ks.

    Mig got the contract to upgrade the Mig-29s and if France would upgrade the M2Ks there would be no MRCA.

    The Indians simply created a competition to produce pressure on France to reduce the price of the Rafale, so they said 126 aircraft for $10 billion and France took the bait.

    Imagine of Mig had won, that means they have Mig-29s being upgraded by Mig, Mig-35 from Mig, Su-30s from Sukhoi, and apart from domestic fighter programs they also have the FFGA from Sukhoi.

    All of a sudden their French component disappears and they are all Russian.

    The reason Mig failed was because they were not French...

    Would be perfect but Expensive

    Perfect always is.... afro

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Egypt to be the first buyer of turkish UAV Anka

    Post  Elsarof 22/11/12, 08:05 pm

    ANKA'nın ilk yolculuğu Mısır'a

    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 6421384132

    ürkiye'nin milli insansız hava aracı ANKA'nın ilk talibi Mısır oldu. Mısır, dünyadaki örneklerinden üstün olan ANKA'dan 10 adet satın alacak. Protokol Başbakan Erdoğan'ın Mısır'a yaptığı ziyarette imzalandı
    Türkiye'nin önemli savunma projeleri arasında yer alan milli insansız hava aracı ANKA'nın ilk talibi Mısır oldu. Önümüzdeki yıl TSK envanterine girecek olan ANKA'dan satın almak için Mısır'ın 2.5 aydır girişimler yaptığı öğrenildi. Uçuş testleri tamamlanan ANKA, İsrail yapımı Heron'lara göre çok daha üstün özellikler taşıyor. Heronlar 30 bin feet yükseklikte 185 kilogram faydalı yük taşırken, ANKA, aynı irtifada 200 kilogramın üzerinde yük alabilecek. Kemal Atatürk'ün imzasını taşıyan Anka'nın yer sistemleri de son teknolojiyle donatıldı. NATO standarlarında bir korunağa yerleştirilen Yer Kontrol İstasyonu, altı tekerli bir kamyona yerleştirildiği taktirde mobil hale gelebiliyor. Böylelikle istenilen her yere taşınabiliyor.

    ANKA'yla Türkiye İnsansız Hava Aracı üreten dünyadaki 3'üncü ülke olacak. Dünyada, insansız hava araçlarını yalnızca ABD ve İsrail üretebiliyor. 17 metre kanat açıklığı, 9 metre boyu, 1.70 metre yüksekliği bulunan ANKA, gündüz ve gece keşif, gözetleme ve hedef tespiti yeteneklerine sahip.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Admin 23/11/12, 02:05 pm

    Is there some reason you're not doing it in English? I don't think anyone is going to want to buy it after so many Crashes.
    Anas Ali
    Anas Ali

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Anas Ali 17/02/13, 05:19 pm

    any new yet about that figher

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  TR1 17/02/13, 09:56 pm

    I think they have bigger priorities than a new fighter right now...
    Anas Ali
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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Anas Ali 18/02/13, 04:30 am

    maybe but if you are talking about the economy the Egyptian army has his own resources and his own budget so if the army wants to implement he will even now

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Viktor 12/11/13, 12:56 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    Viktor wrote:
    ahmedfire wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    Viktor wrote:Egypt intends to buy arms from Russia for $ 4 billion, news media

    There is simply to much talk - something is cooking.
    I dont think that what egypts needs is arms, but stability
    You could be right , but the military deal with Russia is more political deal than a military one ,Egypt could take some weapons that she didn't need urgently but we will take it because of politics .
    US military aid was selective as Egypt could not choose weapons it needed but the ones selected by the US. Now without any Russian restrictions Egypt will be able to fill its magazines 

    with the weapons it wants and needs.
    Not true , Egypt is the one that demand it's own weapons , if US refused to give us a weapon ,it's simple we get it from another country .
    As far as Im aware Egypt F-16 are not equiped with AIM-120. That is only one of the many examples that proves my point that US was arming Egypt army selectively and certainly 

    not to fight Israel.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 12/11/13, 02:55 am

    As far as Im aware Egypt F-16 are not equiped with AIM-120. That is only one of the many examples that proves my point that US was arming Egypt army selectively and certainly

    not to fight Israel.
    Yes they refused to give AIM-120 missiles but that missile is not that importance for Egypt as it's not going to attack any country , but to defend it's lands only ,with Aim-7/Sparrow , Aim-9/Sidewinder ,E-2 AWACS ,strong airdefence ,mirages (with MICA ) and some of F's series you can defend your land all the time ,

    The AIM-7 Sparrow relies on semi-active homing of the launch aircraft radar reflected from targets up to 100 km away. It travels at 4 Mach at all aircrafts altitudes and has a range of 52 nm
    Indeed EAFcan add SLAMRAAM to it's F16 s , on the other hand we took the licence to produce M1A1s.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Viktor 12/11/13, 03:17 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    As far as Im aware Egypt F-16 are not equiped with AIM-120. That is only one of the many examples that proves my point that US was arming Egypt army selectively and certainly

    not to fight Israel.
    Yes they refused to give AIM-120 missiles but that missile is not that importance for Egypt as it's not going to attack any country , but to defend it's lands only ,with Aim-7/Sparrow , Aim-9/Sidewinder ,E-2 AWACS  ,strong airdefence ,mirages (with MICA  ) and some of F's series  you can defend your land all the time ,

    The AIM-7 Sparrow relies on semi-active homing of the launch aircraft radar reflected from targets up to 100 km away. It travels at 4 Mach at all aircrafts altitudes and has a range of 52 nm
    Indeed EAFcan add SLAMRAAM to it's F16 s , on the other hand we took the licence to produce M1A1s.
    Im not disputing that, just saying that US military aid was selective and did not give weapons that Egypt army needs.

    Im wondering how difficult is to integrate RVV-SD to F-16 Very Happy , few thousands of those missile would make a difference as well as some others like S-300 Favorit/ S-300VM/ Iskander/ Amour-950/1650/ etc .

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Viktor 27/11/13, 11:49 pm

    Another interesting moment that has grave effect on the ability of Egypt military to use its F-16 to conduct military operations. 

     Iraqi Air Force stated that a merikanckih fighters F-16 ( scheduled to purchase a total of 36 units) found "spy devices" made ​​in Israel, and at the request of a rule Lockheed Martin with the requirement to explain their presence, according to blog. November 21.

    According to the Iraqi military, such devices ("bugs") locat di fighters were to set out to Egypt, Oman, Turkey and other countries. This kind of "computer viruses" that limit or make it impossible to perform combat missions, if they are undesirable for the U.S. and its allies.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Another interesting moment that has grave effect on the ability of Egypt military to use its F-16 to conduct military operations.

    Post  ahmedfire 28/11/13, 02:09 am

    Viktor wrote:Another interesting moment that has grave effect on the ability of Egypt military to use its F-16 to conduct military operations. 

     Iraqi Air Force stated that a merikanckih fighters F-16 ( scheduled to purchase a total of 36 units) found "spy devices" made ​​in Israel, and at the request of a rule Lockheed Martin with the requirement to explain their presence, according to blog. November 21.

    According to the Iraqi military, such devices ("bugs") locat di fighters were to set out to Egypt, Oman, Turkey and other countries. This kind of "computer viruses" that limit or make it impossible to perform combat missions, if they are undesirable for the U.S. and its allies.
    I read many articles talking about bugs and viruses in US fighters ,China also have found almost 30 surveillance bugs, including one in the headboard of the presidential bed, on a Boeing 767

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  George1 14/02/15, 10:07 am

    France, Egypt to Sign Rafale Fighter Jet Deal Next Week

    Egypt has decided to sign a deal for the sale of 24 French Rafale fighter jets.

    PARIS (Sputnik) – Paris and Cairo will sign a deal for the sale of 24 of France's Rafale fighter aircraft on February 16, Le Monde reported on Thursday.

    The sides reached a final agreement on the deal, which is worth 5 billion euros ($6 million), earlier on Thursday, although the talks on the sale of the aircraft started last fall during Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi's visit to Paris.

    Egypt has decided to boost its air forces with Rafale fighter jets amid the intense conflict raging across neighboring Libya.

    Since the overthrow of long-standing leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, a number of militia groups have been involved in a power struggle in Libya. Two de-facto governments are currently operating in the country.

    Read more:

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire 14/02/15, 10:39 am

    The deal includes FREMM frigate .

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    Post  GarryB 14/02/15, 08:21 pm

    So half a billion for the Frigate and 4.5 billion for 24 fighter aircraft...

    That is about $187.4 million per airframe... which is close to the likely $174 million India will be paying per plane... damn that is expensive considering the Su-35 for export is something like $70 each...

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    Post  ahmedfire 15/02/15, 01:18 am

    GarryB wrote:So half a billion for the Frigate and 4.5 billion for 24 fighter aircraft...

    That is about $187.4 million per airframe... which is close to the likely $174 million India will be paying per plane... damn that is expensive considering the Su-35 for export is something like $70 each...

    The deal includes  Mica missiles + Meteor missiles + AASM bombs + SCALP cruise missiles +Exocet MM40 ,torpedoes.

    The price for FREMM is about 600 to 700m$ (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition) and 1.1 billion for missiles (Mica, Scalp Naval ...) and 3.6 billion $ for 24 Rafale (about 150m$ for every Rafale aircraft ),

    Egypt airforce has a french, Russian and US aircafts in service , some aircrafts need to be retired ,

    Mig-21 will be retired and replaced by MIG-29M2 ( A contract was signed in April 2014 for acquiring 24 Mig-29-M2 ),

    Mirage V could be retired soon( but not all of the 80 Mirage V) and replaced by french Rafale, and 20 f-16 to replace some old blocks.

    Egypt was in talks with Russia to acquire 24 Mig-35 fighter jets .

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    Post  GarryB 15/02/15, 10:01 pm

    and 3.6 billion $ for 24 Rafale (about 150m$ for every Rafale aircraft ),

    The Indians will be pissed off paying 175 million per bird.

    Of course domestic production is expensive, but still... that takes guts from the French and stupidity for the Indians.

    It was supposed to be a stopgap force... If I was India I would cancel the now 22 odd billion dollar deal and just put the original ten billion into their Tegas... fix all its problems and make a few thousand of them.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 4 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  magnumcromagnon 16/02/15, 02:53 am

    GarryB wrote:
    and 3.6 billion $ for 24 Rafale (about 150m$ for every Rafale aircraft ),

    The Indians will be pissed off paying 175 million per bird.

    Of course domestic production is expensive, but still... that takes guts from the French and stupidity for the Indians.

    It was supposed to be a stopgap force... If I was India I would cancel the now 22 odd billion dollar deal and just put the original ten billion into their Tegas... fix all its problems and make a few thousand of them.

    It's not just that, Boeing is now threatening to dramatically increase the price of the units sold in the Apache and Chinook deals with India, and India may end up canceling the helicopter tenders in response...

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