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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF)


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Backman Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:02 pm

    lancelot wrote:Sounds reasonable in theory but Iran is in the middle of an economic crisis right now, riots, etc.
    Too many dry seasons and not enough water mean not enough food, need for food imports, and then you have current world food situation.

    Iran's economy is always borderline. They can't afford to skimp on military. Iran is going to heat up once again in the US. Especially if the orange F-wit gets in

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  awmz Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:19 am

    Isos wrote:
    Do we know this? Is there proof Egypt didn't pay anything, is there proof they have rejected delivery, as far as I know they are delaying delivery to soften the blow towards the US, and they are concealing that they paid for them to make that delay mean anything, but that is just supposition on my part.

    They have been sitting at russian airport for almost 2 years now. Egyptians have back up from tge contract.

    Russians have the same problem as you. They come up with dumb ideas when they face reality.

    They need to sue Egypt for not respecting the contract and sell the su-35 to anyone who wants it including Iran.

    They were dumb during soviet times to gift planes and let other "friendly" countries use them like a condom just to end up being US bitch and prote ting US interest. What Egypt did last 50 years. **** them, ask for reparation and sell the sukhois. If they want new ones they will have to order. If they get angry just tell them to **** off and be the next Lybia when Israel feel like they are a danger for them. Don't worry about it

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:57 pm

    What the **** ? How did they lost mig-29s ? Russia need to intervene to not let them fall in US hands.

    War is for sure gonna start. Al-Sisi will answer for sur.


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  George1 Sat Apr 15, 2023 7:54 pm

    Marawi is in Sudan. Egypt has dispatched them some of their MiG-29Ms?

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:42 pm

    I remember they sent some for training but the situation with Ethiopia is getting serious over the years so they probably kept some there as a forward base deployement.

    But this thing is weired. Why would the Sudanese people attack them ?

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:33 am

    They were attacking the air base and shelling and firing bullets , they don't know what kind of aircrafts there and to whom it belongs.

    It was there for training , no need to intervene in a stupid war like this .

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:35 pm

    3 mig-29 were confirmed destroyed or badly damaged.

    That's 120 million $ lose. I guess they will ask for reparation. Maybe they will order another 24 mig-29. Would be nice for them.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  TMA1 Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:34 pm

    I'd watch carefully where the airframes went

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:41 pm

    Egypt will ask for their return togather with its soldiers.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Sun May 07, 2023 5:37 am

    ahmedfire wrote:They were attacking the air base and shelling and firing bullets , they don't know what kind of aircrafts there and to whom it belongs.

    It was there for training , no need to intervene in a stupid war like this .

    Here's the problem I have, and it's a big problem.  I always praise our Egyptian military for the "good" choices they make, especially with purchases like the MiG-29M/M2/35 whatever we're calling it these days.  BUT, the incompetence of their security is the least to be desired.  Egyptian intelligence is asleep or what?  They didn't know the shit was about to hit the fan?  If not then they are worst than we could have imagined ya Ahmad!  Because they had absolutely no security or any preventative measures to protect those 4 precious MiG-29Ms.

    They should have had an ARMY of MPs and SFs and even attack helos and guards up the ass to protect such precious cargo.  They should have had ground to air missiles even TOWs or simple ones on guard 24/7 knowing the crap was close to hitting the fan.  This is a DISGUSTING reminder of 1967 and who of us ever needed to be reminded of that absolute disaster of incompetence?

    Like I said, we praise them when they do good but I will cuss them out every time they embarrass themselves with such pathetic care of their hardware.  Screw that crew and may they get punished badly for such a gargantuan mistake w'lad el kalb.  

    Look at this pathetic donkey dressed in a clown suit and the $40 million aircraft he and his donkeys just took possession of!!!!!!!!  We deserve MUCH better than this bullshit.  Sorry for the cusswords but I'm besides myself.  Just like Judas Priest said - "If the man, with the power, can't keep it under control, SOME HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL!"  And they should.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Proxy.php?

    What's even more or just as disturbing is the veritable Su-35SE ain't ever seeing the light of the brutal sun and heat in Egypt to increase its potent AF! We have sadly capitulated to US pressure and will probably not even end up with F-15s like they predicted lmao. What a sad case of affairs. And let's hope the additional 30 Rafales ordered will be the F4 standard (which just went into testing and the contract was signed almost 2 years ago so not sure the F4 was chosen anyway since it wasn't ready at the time) and with METEOR missiles because if those deadly flying worms don't get finally approved to Egypt with the new batch of Rafales AND integrated in the current 24, then I have 3 pages of MAJOR BITCHING to do on this thread. Sorry in advance, Garry, but the "rear end" is really starting to get sore from all the you know what!

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Sun May 07, 2023 7:09 am

    TMA1 wrote:I'd watch carefully where the airframes went

    I know the MiG-23 brings back bad memories.  I for one resent the fact Sadat did that as a major act of butyral, so I don't blame you for feeling that way at all.  BUT, Sisi and Putin are VERY good buddies and Sisi would NEVER allow that as long as he can help it.

    We need to get really aggressive beyond belief and send in some of our F-16s and Rafales and obliterate that tarmac including the MiGs unfortunately and as soon as possible.  Nothing like that can fall into the hands of these malcontent jibijuba luba jeffries.  Put on a pounding like never before using many of the weapons we have from both aircraft and screw the US if it has a problem with that.  It's an initiative that is extremely important, especially if the Sudanese in charge of the airport were half asleep as well as our incompetent intelligence and security apparatus.  Blow it to smithereens unless the malcontent rats destroy them themselves.  But that intact one is gonna get kept and we just can't have that.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Fri Jun 09, 2023 5:26 am

    Need to start seeing the new order of 30 Rafale F4 standard with Meteor missiles as well as the new MICA NG to start arriving soon to compliment the already 24 F3R standard currently in the EAF.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:03 am

    Nice new pic of and EAF Blck 52 on coastal patrol.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  TMA1 Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:09 am

    Good solid variant even today. Any chance of scoring some amraams for these birds finally?

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:21 pm

    TMA1 wrote:Good solid variant even today. Any chance of scoring some amraams for these birds finally?

    sorry i pressed both like and dislike on your post by accident. didntt mean it.

    As far as new weapons, the main one the EAF is looking for is a large batch of R-77 for both the mig-29 ansdsu35 in huge numbers of AIM-20Ds as well as aim-9xs as well a jDAM kits but the US but US is obviously scared of the Jews.  We were attacked by those scum 3 frigging times not the other way around.  So their logic is stupid beyond belief. We think those were the conditions for acquiring the F-15s instead of the awesome Su-35s which in itself had its restriction but nothing like the Eagle.  The nerve on these people.

    Egypt needs to just get the Su-35s and work something out with the yankees to keep their traps shut!  the EGY People will be extremely ecstatic should Sisi diplomatically tell the powerful US to take a walk on the wild side and start receiving the veritable Su35'S

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  lancelot Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:19 pm

    There is next to zero chance the US will sell Egypt the AIM-120D. Maybe the AIM-120C-5 which they already sold to Pakistan or some other C variant. Egypt will always have second fiddle equipment vs Israel. First they had the AMRAAM while you had the Sparrow. Then when they have the 120D maybe you get the 120C.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:16 pm

    lancelot wrote:There is next to zero chance the US will sell Egypt the AIM-120D. Maybe the AIM-120C-5 which they already sold to Pakistan or some other C variant. Egypt will always have second fiddle equipment vs Israel. First they had the AMRAAM while you had the Sparrow. Then when they have the 120D maybe you get the 120C.

    We'll see.  They're offer for the F-15 was absolutely ridiculous to the point where they wanted to dictate which airport they need to be stored & which hangers and among other absolute insane conditions that were completely unacceptable such as restricted flying areas that are non-jew state.  They can kiss out asses and enjoy it, hence the EGY military ordered all the  I mew weapons to counter.  If they supply the C-5 or C-7 my guess is we'll probably accept them with a lot of grief but NONE of the other stupid conditions.  They can take their F-15 and shove them where the sun don't shine and the EAF can concentrate on many more Rafales besides the new 30 F4 which have promised the meteor and MICA NG when fully ready.

    Russians never cared anywhere to those silly conditions and if they provide countless R-77m with the new Su-35S with the pair of KHs and especially the R#&M, it's a no brainer to give the US the highheeveho and move on.  Besides, the AIM-120D will be surpassed by the AIM260 so it will still be an advantage for those *********.  We just need a large amount of Meteors and MICA NG with the Su-35S and forget about anymore US aircraft.  There's also a reason why the Jews don't want the F-15EX and prefer to order older stocks of 15Cs and so on.  Something not so good is cooking with those new 15EX unless they plan on supplying the EAF with models from the '70s hahah.  NEVER!

    The Italians are close to deciding the batch of 24 EFTs for Egypt but that is also a no brainer considering the CPFH is $65 which is not something the EAF is willing to take on.  So Eurofighters will hopefully be out of the question and many more Rafales (besides the 2n order of 30 with Meteors) and keep adding to them until a better option comes along.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:59 pm

    R-77M isn't available yet... and won't be for export for quite a long time.

    Best would be su-35 with r-37 with an option in the contract on r-77M.

    US offer is a joke. They always add some dumb things like that. Even the Pakistani aren't allowed to use their f-16 as they want.

    Geran 2 is also a good option nowadays.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:59 am

    [quote="Isos"]R-77M isn't available yet... and won't be for export for quite a long time.

    Best would be su-35 with r-37 with an option in the contract on r-77M.[quote[quote]

    Neither is the veritable MiG-35. So w'll gave to wait for both. which comes first comes to Egypt although the EAF has no more interest in anything beyond A@SA radars. Doot get mad at me, it is what they said. The MiG-29Ms were supposed to be upgraded to the Zhuk-AE after 2 years of sales to Egypt and Russia never came through That's why the insistence on the ZhukAE in the new models and old ones replaced. Other condition is the R-77m ready as soon as possible. Unfortunately the R-77 doesn't have near the reputation that the AIM-120 dos\es and beside, by in time the AIM-260 (a MUCH better missile along the lines of the Meteor) will be in service. So AIM120 will still be 2nd tear but better than 80 year old missile in Sparrows.

    Old news. I think everyone and their mothers know that fact, especially when it comes to Arab countries and the most adversarial enemy to the Jews. Saudis got F-15s, Quatar got Rafales with Meteor and poor old scum sucking hog Egypt gets watered down F-16 with Vietnam era sparrows, despite upgrades. AND WE WERE attacked twice by those scumbags including the US and France. What does that tell you? We are the aggressors or those 3-bit subpackets. If it wasn't for the s
    Isos wrote:took in 1973, they would have annexed Sinaia by now like the Golan heights and Palestine etc. But they felt the wrath of an army capable of pretend military leadership despite its blasphemous inequities.

    Neither is the veritable MiG-35.  So w'll gave to wait for both.  which comes first comes to Egypt although the EAF has no more interest in anything beyond A@SA radars.  Doot get mad at me, it is what they said.  The MiG-29s were supposed to be upgraded to the Zhuk-AE after 2 years of sales to Egypt and Russia never came through That's why the insistence on the ZhukAE in the new models and old ones replaced.  Other condition is the R-77m ready as soon as possible.  Unfortunately the R-77 doesn't have near the reputation that the AIM-120 dos\es and beside, by in time the AIM-260 (a MUCH better missile along the lines of the Meteor) will be in service.  So AIM120 will still be 2nd tear but better than 80 year old missile in Sparrows.


    Old news.  I think everyone and their mothers know that fact, especially when it comes to Arab countries and the most adversarial enemy to the Jews.  Saudis got F-15s, Quatar got Rafales with Meteor and poor old scum sucking hog Egypt gets watered down F-16 with Vietnam era sparrows, despite upgrades.
      AND WE WERE attacked twice by those scumbags including the US and France.  What does that tell you?  We are the aggressors or those 3-bit subpackets.  If it wasn't for the s[amnking they took in 1973, they would have annexed Sinaia by now like the Golan heights and Palestine etc.   But they felt the wrath of an army capable of pretend military leadership despite

    Old news.  I think everyone and their mothers know that fact, especially when it comes to Arab countries and the most adversarial enemy to the Jews.  Saudis got F-15s, Quatar got Rafales with Meteor and poor old scum sucking hog Egypt gets watered down F-16 with Vietnam era sparrows, despite upgrades because supposed were the biggest treat to that shithole  AND WE WERE attacked twice by those scumbags including the US and France.  What does that tell you?  We are the aggressors or those 3-bit subpackets.  If it wasn't for the s[amnking they took in 1973, they would have annexed Sinaia by now like the Golan heights and Palestine etc.   But they felt the wrath of an army capable of pretend military leadership despite its blasphemous inequities.

    US offer is a joke. They always add some dumb things like that. Even the Pakistani aren't allowed to use their f-16 as they want.

    US offer is a joke. They always add some dumb things like that. Even the Pakistani aren't allowed to use their f-16 as they want.

    Geran 2 is also a good option nowadays.

    Neither is the veritable MiG-35.  So w'll gave to wait for both.  which comes first comes to Egypt although the EAF has no more interest in anything beyond A@SA radars.  Doot get mad at me, it is what they said.  The MiG-29s were supposed to be upgraded to the Zhuk-AE after 2 years of sales to Egypt and Russia never came through That's why the insistence on the ZhukAE in the new models and old ones replaced.  Other condition is the R-77m ready as soon as possible.  Unfortunately the R-77 doesn't have near the reputation that the AIM-120 dos\es and beside, by in time the AIM-260 (a MUCH better missile along the lines of the Meteor) will be in service.  So AIM120 will still be 2nd tear but better than 80 year old missile in Sparrows.

    Old news.  I think everyone and their mothers know that fact, especially when it comes to Arab countries and the most adversarial enemy to the Jews.  Saudis got F-15s, Quatar got Rafales with Meteor and poor old scum sucking hog Egypt gets watered down F-16 with Vietnam era sparrows, despite upgrades.  AND WE WERE attacked twice by those scumbags including the US and France.  What does that tell you?  We are the aggressors or those 3-bit subpackets.  If it wasn't for the s[amnking they took in 1973, they would have annexed Sinaia by now like the Golan heights and Palestine etc.   But they felt the wrath of an army capable of pretend military leadership despite

    Old news.  I think everyone and their mothers know that fact, especially when it comes to Arab countries and the most adversarial enemy to the Jews.  Saudis got F-15s, Quatar got Rafales with Meteor and poor old scum sucking hog Egypt gets watered down F-16 with Vietnam era sparrows, despite upgrades.  AND WE WERE attacked twice by those scumbags including the US and France.  What does that tell you?  We are the aggressors or those 3-bit subpackets.  If it wasn't for the s[amnking they took in 1973, they would have annexed Sinaia by now like the Golan heights and Palestine etc.   But they felt the wrath of an army capable of pretend military leadership despite its blasphemous inequities.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:06 am

    Isos wrote:R-77M isn't available yet... and won't be for export for quite a long time.

    Best would be su-35 with r-37 with an option in the contract on r-77M.

    US offer is a joke. They always add some dumb things like that. Even the Pakistani aren't allowed to use their f-16 as they want.

    Geran 2 is also a good option nowadays.

    True. So instead of complaining and criticizing, you muct offer a better alternative, no? Anyone can bitch about inequality but can almost NEVER offer better sollutions. I'c like to hear what you have to replace accordingly or better.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:53 am

    Openly talk to Sukhoi about the checkmate programme and then you can say to the Americans that Sukhoi don't care where we put our planes... etc etc.

    Or perhaps a Chinese design?

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 30 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  lancelot Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:58 am

    Agreed. You can order the Russian Su-75 or Chinese J-31 once those come out.
    Or the Su-35 or J-10C right now. J-10C has AESA radar and can fire the PL-15 missile. Su-35 can optionally fire R-37M.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:34 am

    J-10C has only 1 engine that wouldn't provide enough power to the electronics in order to make much use of the Radar.  Unless assuming the Radar is not many T/R modules (we barely know the radar and due to lack of sales, it may not be as good as China claims) thus I am unsure how well the P-15 missile can be useful on this platform.  In the regard of using it as a dump truck for launching the P-15, it would be better to go with something else that can carry more and at longer ranges if it will be buddied up with AWACS to help the plane do the targeting.

    Heck, the F-15, Su-35, J-16 or other twin engine design would be a better option.  Rafale significantly better and since Egypt has already gone with many of them, might as well just get more of them. J-10 is good to have if you need a cheap single engine aircraft to do the job.

    I am unsure of Egypts relationship with Pakistan but if they need something like that, they could always go look at JF-17 and further upgrades of it.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:22 am

    Considering the issue is access to a long range decent AAM, perhaps they should start a joint venture to develop their own with Russia.

    The Kh-31 is a 600kg missile but only because of its rather large warhead to deal with large radar antenna in its anti radar role and its anti ship role.

    Giving it an anti aircraft role would mean the warhead could be rather smaller and the combined rocket ramjet propulsion should allow a much higher fuel fraction and with a high flight profile its flight range against air targets could be massively increased very easily without a lot of modification.

    A redesign to a sort of two stage design where the empty fuel tanks can fall away after being used up leaving a more compact aerodynamic but still ramjet powered front section with the seeker and main fuel tank and ramjet motor for better speed and lower drag and agility could make it a rather revolutionary design... that would not be that expensive or complicated.

    Later upgrades to scramjet propulsion could massively further improve performance later on too.

    If they fund the further development then there is no way Russia could refuse their domestic use of the weapon.

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    Post  lancelot Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:23 am

    AFAIK China cannot export the Flanker. So you can pretty much forget about J-16 exports. This was part of their deal with Russia. Unless Russia relaxes this restriction exports of the J-16 likely won't happen.

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