Now Putins counter is being sent with Fico to Trump
Fico was there to secure gas, oil, and nuke fuel.
Don't add Trump to this equation, he is irrelevant.
GarryB, xeno, PapaDragon, LMFS, Hole and Broski like this post
GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs and Hole like this post
Fico is in Moscow, seems Trumps proposal got delivered and the Kremlin rejected Trumps proposal
Now Putins counter is being sent with Fico to Trump
Fico was there to secure gas, oil, and nuke fuel.
Don't add Trump to this equation, he is irrelevant.
Big_Gazza and kvs like this post
Ever been to Slovakia or Hungary?
Aw whats the matter can't handle past statements you made not being accurate.
We will see if it does end in 2025 and if don't as I said same people will just say 2026
GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, zardof, The-thing-next-door and Belisarius like this post
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GarryB, franco, Firebird, Big_Gazza, kvs, PapaDragon, zardof and like this post
GarryB, psg, Firebird, Big_Gazza, kvs, zardof and Kiko like this post
GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, PapaDragon, zardof, LMFS and Hole like this post
He tried to pull out from Syria and got blocked, again you are lying and misrepresenting the facts because you wanna go "america bad" and thats your MO, you mispresent the facts so you can just take pot shots,
He got blocked on Russia also, you clearly don't know what happened at all or you do and are BSING either way your wrong
Just wait for those great deals with Trump.
The Russian Ship , the one that just sank , because " there was a blast in Engine room . " seems to me that this Ship was taking on water from the forward section , port side . Sinking and heavy in that direction . Engine room for this Ship is forward and port side ?
If NATO attempts regime change in Belarus I would not be entirely surprised to see Putin declare Belarus a constituent republic of the Russian Federation
Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole and jon_deluxe like this post
Big_Gazza and zardof like this post
Russian T-72B3 captured by Ukraine and was turned into recovery vehicle.
But why recovery vehicle in this form ?
Reason: Kiev cannot manufacture spare parts for gun compatible to Russian tanks and failed to maintenance and fix the new FCS system used on newer model of Russian tanks.
There is no evidence showing Kiev can manufacture or maintenance of the Russian 125mm 2A46M.
Therefore, they had to (1) turn Russian captured tanks into recovery vehicles and (2) put their other available turrets on Russian hull, such as the turret of T-72B1 on hull of T-72B3.
Probably this is why Kiev forces had to beg for Western tanks.
For Russia, Moskva is both able to newly manufacture 2A46M-5 and to upgrade older guns to thành 2A46M-5. Most of Russia tanks from reserve stock are now updated into with 2A46M-5, such as older T-90 upgrade to T-90M, or T-80BGV to T-80BVM. That allow "older" Russian tanks to have increased lifespan and to use newer types of ammo.
Other countries like Vietnam opt for upgrading their own guns such as 100mm on T-54B (which is converted into T-54BM), allow the gun's lifespan to be increased without using brand new guns.
flamming_python, Big_Gazza and jon_deluxe like this post
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kvs, PapaDragon, zardof, LMFS, Hole and jon_deluxe like this post
GarryB, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, kvs, JohninMK, zardof, jon_deluxe and Belisarius like this post
Nothing to do with Ukraine ? Maybe you are right . But I think it is all related . It is all the same front . One side is Russia / China / Iran , the other the evil empire .
But if the objection is that such news should not be emphasised now , because Trump needs a Red carpet , then I am not sure at all .
One thing to delay retaliation , another not to retaliate , yet another to deny the possibility for any retaliation .
No danger of General knuts being forced to push the Red button , while Trump shaking Putin hands !
kvs, JohninMK, Rodion_Romanovic, nomadski and Hole like this post
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