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    Expected behaviour part 2


    Posts : 41073
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    Expected behaviour part 2 Empty Expected behaviour part 2

    Post  GarryB Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:20 am

    I have had several complaints about racism and abuse on this forum being directed at certain members and when I looked at the posts I am very disappointed at the level of bullying and abuse on this forum.

    Vlad79 posted a thread on behaviour in 2018 and I posted another in 2020... it seems we need regular reminders about what it means to not act like a western politician.

    I have disagreements with members and I am ashamed to admit sometimes I use inappropriate words and even abuse.... I think, to my credit I don't use my powers as admin and a mod to bully people for their views, though sometimes some members seem to panic and become hysterical about what they think will happen making all sorts of unfounded assumptions... Putin has held up all these decades so he can sell Russia out for a life of luxury in the west... as the standard of living in the west deteriorates I don't really believe that one at all and I say as much.

    Anyway, I have looked at posts and there is too much personal abuse... it stops now.

    If you read the rules there are no rules on racism, but the rules on disrespecting other members cover that just fine anyway, but I am posting this warning that personal abuse against other members will not be tolerated.

    To be clear if someone abuses you and you reply in kind and then they respond with something that really offends you and you complain then of course both of you are going to get bans for personal abuse.

    If you don't want to get banned this means you have two choices... don't engage in abuse yourself and report the person perhaps asking they be warned about their behaviour, or you put the person on your ignore list and don't communicate with them at all.

    People with long histories of abusing each other just need to stop communicating if you are not adult enough to control yourself.

    To be clear neither my nor Georges posts can be ignored... nor should they... remember there are bans for ignoring instructions given to you by a mod.

    I am telling everyone on this forum to be more respectful of other members... you don't have to agree with them, but calling them an idiot does not help if you want to convince them they have made a mistake.

    I have made the penalty for posting conversations in a quote in a reply at two weeks off to get people to listen to me, so I can't make the offense of abusing other members less than three weeks off the forum.

    Hope this is clear enough... I understand the word Nigger is the most powerful in the English language because white people feel shame regarding its history. A white westerner will not bat an eyelid if you talk about 27 million Soviets killed fighting nazis during WWII, or all the dead children and women around the world because of the actions of their governments over the centuries, but use the word nigger and not be a black man or woman and they get all offended.

    The purpose of swear words is to offend and nigger is the most offensive, so I know why people are tempted to use it. I have worked on a building site where maori were calling pacific islanders coconuts and the pacific islanders were calling the maori niggers... in my experience in New Zealand maori were never called niggers, they were called maori. Any white guy tried to tell those boys the words they were using were offensive and they would be told to **** off pakeha by both groups.

    The n word has power because white people are ashamed of that part of their history. Not enough to give them back their land or to give them compensation of course... things that would really matter... so of course black people say the word with impunity... and so they should... one of the few things they can do that white people are not allowed to do.

    Anyway, what I am saying is... no abusing other members on this forum and I am going to adapt the censorship function on this forum to overwrite a few more words... freedom just got less free.

    Reminder two weeks for conversations, three weeks for personal abuse... if I don't have to ban anyone because everyone follows the rules and I will be a happy man.

    Break them and pay the price.

    sepheronx, mack8, Airbornewolf, kvs, JohninMK, SeigSoloyvov, starman and like this post

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