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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)


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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:16 pm

    I do not see how this IRBM is just some evolution of existing Soviet designs.   It's a missile system?  That is not a valid argument.   This system has hypersonic MARVed stages
    and is unlike any other missile system in existence.   Here I agree with Postol's assessment. It is somewhat like the Avangard hypersonic glider warhead system, but I am sure
    those are not powered vehicles and use the ICBM kinetic energy to reach their target by very high velocity gliding through altitudes above 50 km.   There is a relation between
    the air density and the speed of gliding you want to achieve.  The higher the speed, the less density needed (*) and there is the bonus of less friction dissipation of the vehicle
    energy.    The Oreshnik hypersonic vehicles are powered and glide through the stratosphere below 50 km.  

    Sure, the technology rests on existing achievements but this is neither here nor there.

    (*) Obviously as the density goes to zero there is no more lift effect and there is no value in trying to glide in space.   The transition point is somewhere around the
    "turbopause" at close to 80 km.  The density is not exactly zero but too low for continuum regime dynamics.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  lyle6 Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:36 pm

    Not everything was a Soviet invention. Hohols wouldn't know - the Soviets uplifted them from the primordial Ukr soup.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:53 pm

    From MoA. I've followed the poster for 10+ years, as you might assume from his name he knows his stuff.

    Re: Ritter's take on Oreshnik config

    This seems to be common view among the missile guys as far as I can tell, but the general thought is that the IPBVs of an Oreshnik are not multiple rocket-powered vehicles with or w/o submunitions (as they are in the YARS-M ICBM), but are true maneuverable atmospheric hypersonic vehicles with or w/o submunitions.

    That's the best guess (of some) based on the overall hypersonic speed, but there's still even no solid confirmation of launch point, trajectory or altitude. US knows from SBIRS data, but is unusually secretive about what they know. Pentagon press briefing statements on Oreshnik sounds more like Reddit experts logic than actual fact. Imagine that! Now for my far superior Twitter expert's logic, lol:

    During a typical ICBM or IRBM mid-course, the earlier booster stages are spent, detached and the reentry bus (RV) continues on by itself still loaded with a warhead or MIRVs. It's traveling outside the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, but is still vulnerable to mid-course interceptors (THAAD, S-500). The loaded RV can't maneuver enough to evade ABM interceptors, although some have deployable decoys for defense (questionable effectiveness). The warhead or warheads/MIRVs are not released to fly independently until just before reentering the atmosphere (end of mid course phase). From that point on, they're vulnerable to any anti-ballistic SAMS and typically don't have evasive maneuvering capability, there's just more of them to hit after release than the single loaded RV bus.

    The Oreshnik IRBM boost phase doesn't look like a traditional ICBM ballistic boost phase. The intent seems to be to get the payload up to 80 - 100 km (edge of atmosphere or just above) a few hundred km downrange above Mach 12 or so, then release the IPBVs, except they're not rockets but hypersonic vehicles capable of gliding another 1500 km or so to their targets. High-atmospheric hypersonic flight allows intense maneuvering for evasion and targeting of widely-disbursed, off-axis targets (vs. MIRVs generally lobbed on-axis of missile path). ICBMs could do this, but you need a massive quantity of propellant to power maneuverable (evasive) hypersonic flight for 1000's of km, there's heat issues and the payload is limited (yet Avangard does this).

    The other twist in Oreshnik's six HVs is that they apparently carry six submunitions that travel at hypersonic terminal *speeds* but (as far as anyone knows) are not truly hypersonic flight vehicles - they were not seen doing energetic maneuvering for evasion after release and may not be capable of guidance/maneuver/fine targeting at all. Or they are capable, but it wasn't used or we couldn't see it.

    Scott's characterization of 'solid metal slug' (tungsten alloy rods or whatever) is reasonable speculation for submunitions, but not necessary (and nobody really knows at this point). The Russians don't need a solid metal slug to survive the heat from 15 seconds or so of submunition flight from the HV to the target after release. They seem to have the metallurgical know-how to use an ablative hypersonic cap/nosecone and body insulation for guidance/explosive payloads that would serve just fine. Solid tungsten or heavy alloys do maximize the kinetic strike effect, but hauling six of them in six HVs would take a ton of booster propellant and is going to kill the maneuverability and glide characteristics of the HV carrying them. Trading off a hundred kg of a monolithic metal slug for a lighter rod and maneuvering/fine terminal guidance might be worth it. Or maybe not.

    No idea what shape the mid-course HVs would have, but the Avangard's manta ray shape doesn't look practical if you need to stuff six of them in the upper stage of an Oreshnik. Avangard's shape is fine for a unitary warhead, but probably not ideal for six long, cylindrical submunitions. Now they may well be using a mini-Avangard shape for the six HVs - it's just that nobody has any idea yet and the Russian MoD isn't likely to post the blueprints on Telegram. (I've asked and they have not responded!)

    Oreshnik may also be the ideal first wave weapon for attacking heavily-defended targets. You don't need a massive 2000 lb. JDAM-class explosion to take out multiple, disbursed components of an AD complex or SAM sites. If the submunitions were precise enough, you could easily wipe them all out, paving the way for successive waves of powerful ballistic or cruise missiles. See what I did there? [cringe]. As Karlof1 pointed out, perfect for airfields (or naval ports too).

    Posted by: PavewayIV | Nov 25 2024 0:41 utc | 133

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 25, 2024 2:05 pm

    The Kinzhal has a range of 2000 km and uses the Mig-31 to give it an initial kinetic boost. Using an IRBM to give hypersonic vehicles a lot of initial energy allows the amount
    of fuel they carry to be greatly reduced. The main issue is how much air friction dissipation there is. So gliding at higher altitudes would make more sense. But it is possible
    that the vehicles lobbed by Oreshnik do not have a 1500+ km range. They may have a 500 km range which is sufficient to achieve the objective. If they are lobbed by
    a missile, the release point may as well be closer to the target to get there faster.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 25, 2024 4:03 pm

    My guess is that this missile originated in Bulava.
    It has a compact design suitable for use on smaller chassis launchers.
    Let's say Yars is almost 23m long, which indicates a heavy, multi axis chassis a must have.
    It is de facto twice the length of Bulava.
    Now the question in being is the throw weight.
    Originally, Bulava was supposed to be limited to 1200 kg only, which can be good enough considering it's size.
    The interesting part is, that most of the western source speculations heavily downgrade these missile parameters to prove the point of the almighty Trident...
    For example, its maximal range is very often cited at 8000km, while it is well known that the longest test was carried at much more than 9kkm. Some speculate, that a "mid-life upgrade" announced in the 2015, brought it's range closer to 15kkm ...
    Now having such a different entry data, one can argue any thesis that is needed at the moment.
    If we consider the missile to travel 15kkm, that would mean doubling the warhead weight would have reduced the range to somewhere near 8kkm. If we are to double it again, reaching 4.8t - the range will downgrae to about 4500km.
    But that is just a rought physical calculation, not taking into account that it can carry a gliding warheads.
    In that case, it needs to be only capable to take the load up off the atmosphere, when the gliders will be released with own propulsion/energy. Sooo ... the warhead weight can be easily increase further ...
    Just as a reminder, Hyunmoo-5 weights about the same while being longer. It carries a monstrous 8t load up to 3kkm.
    Now, do we consider SK to have a better rocket science than the Russkie?

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Mir Mon Nov 25, 2024 6:09 pm

    We probably won't have to wait too long before pictures of our "dear one" the Oreshnik will be released. I still stick with rods as the type of warhead that was used and not glide vehicles as such. For the type of target those multiple rods makes perfect sense.

    That is not to say that it doesn't have any glide vehicle(s) in it's armament config. I'm sure it could be fitted with a single Avangarde (or even smaller versions). This missile system may just have several more aces up it's sleeve. Smile

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Hole Mon Nov 25, 2024 9:11 pm

    IT was all just an optical illusion
    Yes, we all went nuts.

    are not truly hypersonic flight vehicles - they were not seen doing energetic maneuvering for evasion after release and may not be capable of guidance/maneuver/fine targeting at all.
    We only witnessed the last few kilometers of their descent. We don´t know if there were evasive maneuvers.
    Can you see if some bomb hitting a building is guided or not? Nope.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  LMFS Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:00 am

    kvs wrote:The Kinzhal has a range of 2000 km and uses the Mig-31 to give it an initial kinetic boost. Using an IRBM to give hypersonic vehicles a lot of initial energy allows the amount
    of fuel they carry to be greatly reduced. The main issue is how much air friction dissipation there is. So gliding at higher altitudes would make more sense. But it is possible
    that the vehicles lobbed by Oreshnik do not have a 1500+ km range. They may have a 500 km range which is sufficient to achieve the objective. If they are lobbed by
    a missile, the release point may as well be closer to the target to get there faster.

    The logic of avoiding interception implies the boost phase needs to be very short and vertical (which is also good in terms of saving energy lost due to friction) and use the maneouvering / gliding capacity of the HV to avoid a predictable ballistic curse as much as possible. On the other hand, we know this thing has range to cover any target in Eurasia, so the booster is certainly giving the vehicles enough speed for that, more than a conventional ballistic calculation based on the apogee altitude would imply. That US is really discussing about delivering THAAD to combat Oreshnik implies they are either totally lost or doing nothing but propaganda 24/7

    BTW, knowing the bucolic names Russians like for their weapons, may it not be that they likened the warheads in Oreshnik to hazel clusters in a branch? Pure poetry Razz

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 26, 2024 2:34 am

    You don't get the whole picture.

    No, you are not getting the whole picture... this is propaganda and the suggestion is that even Russian super missiles can't be made without western parts.

    This missile is Swiss you see.

    Made from washing machine parts and probably a bit of shovel in there too.

    Some of those components might have gone to the Bulava, but clearly have been used in 2024 on a prototype missile using parts lying around too...

    Or maybe they were in something that has hit this factory before and not found before.

    For all we know the parts numbers are fake and the country that sent them to the Ukraine were using counterfeit parts in their western missiles being assembled as Ukrainian missiles in this facility.

    Western special services would never fake numbers of parts or doctor images of items recovered from an area hit by an enemy super weapon.

    Equally in 2011 the Ukrainians were still cooperating with the Russians and this component might have been part of something they were making for Russia at the time that Russia bought the parts for or supplied parts for and the Ukrainians got paid for and decided to keep... which they did a lot of... engines for destroyers and all sorts of things were being made in the Ukraine for Russia that never got delivered and currently in the third year of a conflict with Russia they might be using those parts or equipment for other things and taking parts out of them to repurpose.

    You know, like Russia is doing with washing machines and shovels.

    Very simply, the west are liars and I don't believe them no matter what they say.

    Did it ever occur to you that this photo might be bullshit?

    Sat images of the site are already doctored with copy/paste clouds, you really think this photo is legit?

    Agree... if there is no damage then why the uniform cloud cover the last few days?

    If there was no damage CNN and the BBC and Fox News would be lining up for the tour of the fully operational facility...

    The other twist in Oreshnik's six HVs is that they apparently carry six submunitions that travel at hypersonic terminal *speeds* but (as far as anyone knows) are not truly hypersonic flight vehicles - they were not seen doing energetic maneuvering for evasion after release and may not be capable of guidance/maneuver/fine targeting at all. Or they are capable, but it wasn't used or we couldn't see it.

    I would assume the 6 HVs can manouver and evade interception, but the submunitions just manouver to the shape and size of the target and travel the last portion of the flight in the last few seconds so aiming rather than manouvering or evading manouvers for them... so they hit the targets in the right place to do max damage... any ground based system trying to stop them at this stage is really going to have a difficult time delivering enough energy to stop it or deflect it off target.

    That is not to say that it doesn't have any glide vehicle(s) in it's armament config. I'm sure it could be fitted with a single Avangarde (or even smaller versions). This missile system may just have several more aces up it's sleeve. Smile

    There seemed to be 6 RVs which each carried 6 penetrators... so 6 glide vehicles carrying 36 glide vehicles sounds a bit overkill to me... perhaps 6 HVs carrying a payload of 6 penetrators each released at the final stage of the attack... do both need manouver performance, or one to defeat air defences and precision aim to ensure the target gets hit for the terminal component.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Sujoy Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:11 am

    S-500 should be able to intercept Oreshnik. THAAD might be able to do that too.

    Oreshnik is within the intercept envelope of SM-3 and SM-6, but given how poorly SM-3 fared in Israel it is unlikely to be successful.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 26, 2024 8:31 am

    S-500 probably can intercept Hazelnut, but THAAD is overpriced rubbish that was needed to show the west can intercept ballistic missiles like the Russians clearly can.... except like the F-35 it never really worked and continues to be made and deployed and no one actually cares that it doesn't work.

    Honestly of all the SAMs of the US military I would rate the Navy SAMs as being the best... despite ESSM just being Sparrow missiles, they are upgraded with modern digital electronics and new more precise servos etc etc. The SeaRAM is a mishmash of Hellfire and stinger and other missile designs all mixed together, but it seems to be adequate against some threats.

    Their main problem is that they expect cruise missiles to fly from way point to way point and then hit the target... like their cruise missiles do. They also expect the same from ballistic missiles too... to basically follow a very predictable path and fall onto the target with a few minor course corrections on the way to ensure a hit on the target.

    What they don't anticipate is Soviet and Russian systems that expect the target to be defended so they are fitted with sensors that detect radar and IR of incoming missiles so they dodge and weave and actively evade incoming threats on their complicated way to their target.

    This way an Iskander can be sure to take out a Patriot battery because the Patriot battery can't hit them... jammers and decoys and evasive manouvers are just too much for these western systems.

    This ballistic missile is likely not ballistic either and will carry decoys and jammers and sensors to evade interception on the way to its target.

    The western companies gave them what they asked for, while the Russian companies assumed a peer level enemy that would be trying to stop them so they did the extra readings and worked for extra credit so the situation we find ourselves is that HATO countries can't make enough missiles because they didn't have a lot and they are expensive to make because the companies that make them earn a huge profit on each missile they make so they don't need to make them in enormous numbers and therefore are not ready to make them in enormous numbers.

    In comparison the Russian missiles are much cheaper and are in serial production and production has increased massively. They could save money by creating simple cheap dummy missiles that just fly around distracting the air defence and collecting intel on the enemy systems, while other missiles can be made cheaper and simpler to just hit targets so when the sophisticated first missiles are fired they can kill the air defence systems and then the cheaper simper models can hit all the targets now exposed and hittable.

    Of course drones can also fill several roles of hunting down enemy AD as well...

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Wed Nov 27, 2024 4:51 pm

    'Oreshnik can stop NATO threat to Russia'
    Russia can prevent the threat from NATO, which plans to deploy troops near the borders of Russia and Belarus, if it hits the transport infrastructure and others of the alliance with Oreshnik (, a member of the Scientific Council at the Russian Security Council, Alexander Yakovenko, said.
    "Oreshnik provides an opportunity to do this bloodlessly and without using nuclear weapons. We can send information about our launches to the American side in advance, indicating that these will hit targets east of the prime meridian; that is, they will not threaten the territory of the United States," he wrote in his article.

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    Post  LMFS Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:17 pm

    From Martyanov's blog:

    MOSCOW, November 27 — RIA Novosti. The materials that Russia has that can withstand ultra-high temperatures made it possible to create the Oreshnik system and will make it possible to create other types of hypersonic weapons, said Mikhail Kovalchuk, president of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center. The Oreshnik was demonstrated the other day. Why did we do this, why did we overtake everyone? Because we are one of the five world leaders. <...> We have created hypersonic weapons in a short period of time. And these are materials that used to work at 1,500 degrees, then at 1,800, and these at 2,000, and we did it, while others did not," Kovalchuk told Izvestia on the sidelines of the IV Congress of Young Scientists, which is taking place in the federal territory of Sirius. According to him, the next step should be materials that can withstand 2,500-3,000 degrees. "Other materials that can withstand high temperatures will make it possible to create even more advanced weapons. The next step should be materials that can withstand 2500-3000 degrees,” Kovalchuk said.

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    Post  kvs Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:48 pm

    There is no way that five countries on this planet can produce such high temperature material. Maybe 3 at most. But I think Russia is a clear leader at present so there
    is actually only one such country. Maybe in 10 years there will be three.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  flamming_python Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:14 am

    I think the Chinese have demonstrated some hypersonic glide vehicles a few years ago, in a test launch. Per Mercouris's reports anyway.

    So the Chinese probably have such material technology as well

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    Post  LMFS Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:39 am

    Five countries means basically Russia and the countries they decided to give a helping hand, because interestingly it is China, Iran and North Korea who are the only ones that have demonstrated such capacities. Depending on how advanced Russians know that US are, it may be actually five countries as claimed...

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    Post  Arrow Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:17 am

    think the Chinese have demonstrated some hypersonic glide vehicles a few years ago, in a test launch. Per Mercouris's reports anyway. So the Chinese probably have such material technology as well wrote:

    China is far behind Russia in ICBMs, IRBMs, SLBMs. Same with new HGV warheads and hypersonics in general.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:45 am

    China is far behind Russia in ICBMs, IRBMs, SLBMs. Same with new HGV warheads and hypersonics in general.

    The Chinese are working on new heat resistant materials and have had IRBMs designed with conventional warheads to deal with US aircraft carriers and carrier groups for quite a while now... would not surprise me if they had some missiles similar to Hazelnut.

    Russia now has several reasons to help the BRICS countries to step up and be more competitive with the west... now the MTCR agreement is being pissed all over by the US and EU and HATO, everyone fighting the west might find themselves supplied with Kornets and Igla-S missiles... and drones able to take down armour and aircraft too... the west would struggle to fight the conflict Russia has been fighting these last three years and simply could not absorb the losses Russia has already suffered.

    Inflicting pain on the west might lead to a change in leadership and direction, but as long as it is Ukrainian men at the bleeding edge it can continue as long as they want.

    Trump wont complain... he can do nothing and it might work as far as he is concerned so he can say it isn't his fault... but when Russia responds and delivers some more pain to not just Kiev but also HATO then we will see how he deals with it.

    The US had to have entered codes and flight information into the missiles used against Russia so now US targets in Ukraine are fair game.

    I am hoping they delete the US embassy, but there will be other facilities in the Ukraine that have not been hit yet for fear too many westerners might be killed, but as th west escalates the Russian list of targets expands upwards to include things they would not have otherwise attacked.... like completely taking out the electrical and heating and water supply networks... this will likely create a massive flood of Ukrainians to the west... some of which might sneak through various locations to try to get to Russian occupied former Ukrainian regions to evade conscription in Kievs suicide squads.

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    Post  Arrow Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:49 am

    The Chinese are working on new heat resistant materials and have had IRBMs designed with conventional warheads to deal with US aircraft carriers and carrier groups for quite a while now... would not surprise me if they had some missiles similar to Hazelnut. wrote:

    Very doubtful and they are certainly far from the Oreshnik type missile, similarly to HGVs, modern ICBMs and SLBMs. China still has a problem with developing modern aircraft engines, where materials that withstand very high temperatures are very important.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:21 am

    There is a huge difference between high temperature materials for reentry vehicles and high temperature materials for engines.

    Ablative materials can be used for the former but not the latter...

    Why are they far from an IRBM that can manouver and hit point targets... isn't that an exact description of their anti Carrier missiles everyone keeps talking about?

    Anything coming down from space from something launched by liquid or solid propellant rocket can be hypersonic... the trick the Russians have pulled off is they can do it with air breathing cruise missiles without needing 20 ton plus ballistic rockets to achieve and maintain those speeds.

    Note the Chinese have reportedly also developed hypersonic bullets too...

    They are surprising all sorts of people.

    The west used to say their cars were shit. Now they have to restrict importation of those cars to protect their own shit car production because the Chinese cars are better and cheaper and made in numbers so everyone could have them that wanted them. Compare that to western limited edition sports cars... expensive to buy and expensive to own, uncomfortable seats and not all the latest technologies...

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Arrow Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:35 am

    Note the Chinese have reportedly also developed hypersonic bullets too... wrote:

    With all due respect to China. They have made incredible progress, they are a technological powerhouse, they make excellent weapons. Huge impressive shipbuilding production, etc. However, it is doubtful that they will reach the level of development of Russian ballistic and hypersonic missiles such as 3M22, Avangard or currently Oreshnik, which also has some maneuvering units, etc. This is probably not an ordinary IRBM. Russia has been developing a line of hypersonic missiles for 50 years. Now they have achieved a breakthrough. They were already working on the earlier equivalent of Avangard called Albatros, they were working on MaRV warheads such as 15F178, etc. They were working on the hypersonic Kh-22 and its modernizations, Meteor missiles, etc. These are decades of experience. China is also working and making huge progress, but they have not reached the level of development of Russia in this respect.

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    Post  lyle6 Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:52 am

    Actually, the real breakthrough behind Russian hypersonics is not the platforms themselves - its the perfected shock and thermal hardening of nuclear warheads that enable their function despite the rigors of hypersonic impact. Let me explain.

    The improved bunker busting capability is obvious enough, a hypersonic penetrator will pierce many times more than supersonic penetrators.

    But did you know that even just a modest penetration (say 3m) into the earth will tamp enough of the destructive force of a nuclear device to produce a ground shock equivalent to a nuke at least 20 times more powerful detonated on the surface? Twisted Evil

    The implications are insane. For ICBMs, even hardened Soviet nuclear silos can only handle surface detonations - nobody designed against an earth penetrating weapon that will produce most of its damage through a ground shock from below the ground - look how thin the side walls are in this SS-18 silo:

    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Silo-r-36m-image02

    Against submarines the effect is even more pronounced. Underwater explosions will significantly multiply the effect of the shock wave against submarines and of course, hunkering down at the maximum crush depth is no longer a viable option for subs to ride out nuclear strikes when the nuke can dive deeper than they could.

    This is why the Russian hypersonics are very dangerous. Each and every one of them is a very capable counter-force weapon. In an age with unthinkable precision and remote sensing capabilities, its only a matter of will, not capability, for Russia to annihilate anyone on the planet, even nuclear superpowers.

    And no, America doesn't have the technology to replicate this. Nobody else does. The closest they got is the W86 warhead which is roughly impacting at Mach 5, but since then they've transitioned to subsonic bunker busters so the technology was definitely not perfected.

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:55 am

    because interestingly it is China, Iran and North Korea who are the only ones that have demonstrated such capacities.
    Add Yemen to the list and we got five. lol1

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  Arrow Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:47 am

    lyle6 Very Happy

    Putin "Oreshnik can destroy even hardened and deeply buried targets" - via RIA.

    "Decision making centers (ie CPs) in Kiev may become targets for Oreshnik"
    "MoD and GS are working on new target sets for Oreshnik"
    "Massed Oreshnik use will be comparable to nuclear use in effectiveness"
    - TASS

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    Oreshnik missile system (IRBM) - Page 5 Empty Re: Oreshnik missile system (IRBM)

    Post  ALAMO Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:21 pm

    A whole summary :

    🇷🇺 Key statements by Putin at the CSTO Collective Security Council session:
    On "Oreshnik" and other Russian weapons:

    ➡In the event of massive use, the power of "Oreshnik" missiles in a single strike would be comparable to that of nuclear weapons.

    ➡Russia has several "Oreshnik" missile systems ready for deployment.

    ➡Russia will respond to continued strikes by Western long-range weapons, potentially through further combat testing of "Oreshnik."

    ➡Serial production of the "Oreshnik" system has begun.

    ➡The temperature of "Oreshnik's" destructive elements reaches 4,000 degrees Celsius.

    ➡Everything at the epicenter of an "Oreshnik" explosion disintegrates into elementary particles, essentially turning into dust.

    ➡"Oreshnik" can strike even heavily fortified and deeply buried targets.

    ➡Russia may develop additional weaponry in the near future.

    ➡The Russian X-101 missile significantly surpasses European-made systems in range.

    ➡Modifications of the "Iskander" system are Russian equivalents of all three variants of ATACMS.

    Edit : some ukro sources revealed, that the actual impact speed was higher than Mach10, calculated at Mach11.4 max.

    That is 3900m/s.
    If we are to consider a really light weight 50 kg penetrator, it equals the energy equivalent of 90+ kg of TNT ...

    flamming_python, xeno, Big_Gazza, kvs, PapaDragon, Eugenio Argentina, LMFS and like this post

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