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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1


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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Mir Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:24 am

    Isos wrote:
    Find them yourself. All the evidences were provided on various twitter accounts and forums.

    I have seen a mere handful and that includes a nasty accident.

    What I have also seen though is that 404's propaganda shows the same thing multiple times as evidence of yet another "disastrous loss for the occupiers".
    One of the more recent examples is the ATACMS attacks on a S-400 system. It is clear from their own photographic evidence that it was only ONE system and not multiple systems.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty temporary talking bollocks thread

    Post  ALAMO Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:21 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Find them yourself. All the evidences were provided on various twitter accounts and forums.
    But don't look on this one, most are like you and will never post a russian loss but just brag how insignificant it is because "russia stong" if it is posted.

    You see kids, this is what drugs will do with you.
    Don't use drugs!

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:39 pm

    But don't look on this one, most are like you and will never post a russian loss but just brag how insignificant it is because "russia stong" if it is posted.

    The Russians know exactly what they have lost and don't need bs propaganda from Kiev to pretend they are doing better than they are.

    They are in the shit and are desperate but you think they are being totally honest about their losses and Russian war crimes too I guess.

    Kievs claims have been dis-proven so many times they have no credibility any more and need to come up with real hard proof.

    If you want to claim their claims are true then you have to meet a level of credibility far beyond theirs because their credibility does not appear on the charts.

    We look at their claims and can dismiss most very easily because they are obviously fake.

    How many times can Putin get cancer and continue destroying them?

    This conflict has been an excellent learning experience for the Russian military and I think they have performed exceptionally well... quite a few other countries would have folded like bitches if put under the same pressure... some would not have even resisted.

    Countries like Turkey and Hungary and to an extent Austria and Slovakia, but now even Georgia is showing balls that Germany and France and the UK proudly keep in jars on their mantlepieces to show visitors... perhaps not understanding that they are more than ornamental to a real man.

    Maybe the EU will find its own voice when economies collapse and countries talk about leaving the EU too... or maybe they will just be absorbed into the United States... not as full member states... more as protectorates like Puerto Rico... or maybe Haiti.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  ALAMO Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:02 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    The Russians know exactly what they have lost and don't need bs propaganda from Kiev to pretend they are doing better than they are.

    What are we even discussing here?
    You can see he is on high - maybe he took one pile more than usual.

    No western intervention in history faced an opponent with such a close potential.
    Every single one of them was carried against weak countries, destroyed by wars, riots, or economic stress before the war even started.
    Every single conflict was covered by excessive propaganda, deflating losses to the level of absurdity - like "two aircraft lost in Allied Force".
    In the first Gulf War, allied losses were higher than even Ukr provided numbers for Russkie.
    Iraq had no air defense. I was describing it's system a while ago. It was disintegrated, obsolete, low in numbers, could not operate against low flying targets.
    Russkie losses are shocking low, and no dumbass mantra will change that.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:31 am

    What are we even discussing here?
    You can see he is on high - maybe he took one pile more than usual.

    Unfortunately western propaganda is strong and he is not the only one duped by it.

    It is important to spell it out each and every time, because ignoring it is what they want because they will keep telling lies and it appears they are not lying when no one corrects them.

    No western intervention in history faced an opponent with such a close potential.

    Russkie losses are shocking low, and no dumbass mantra will change that.

    You are absolutely right on every count and we should all thank Lsos for getting you to say out loud the truth that you will never hear from a western government or the western media... which is why countries in the third world feel so frustrated... the west has created its own bubble, which it lives in and ignores anything that might pop that bubble... so they protect colonialism and defend their crimes and the crimes they have performed so some rich western industrialist can take over bottle making industries in other countries... either buy them or seize them or break them and buy the pieces. But not just bottled drinks... mines and wells and all sorts of resources the west consumes...

    He is no different from most the people I know who don't care it is not true. They don't care that others are being monsters so they can live a comfortable life... but the problem is that the monsters are greedy and are only interested in making their own lives more comfortable and the average working person is starting to struggle just to get by... they are causing problems for themselves but they don't realise yet.

    More and more Youtube videos of Americans wanting to move to Russia... that sort of thing last happened 100 years ago when Russia had just become a communist country and was asking for skilled workers from around the world... most of the Americans who moved then were black and many did rather well in Russia... sorry the Soviet Union.

    Now it is the new oppressed... poor white people.

    What the woke people don't realise is that there were rich white people that exploited others but the didn't just exploit ethnic minorities... most of their workers were white... it was more about rich abusing poor than whites vs coloureds. There was a black american slave who was a talented farmer... he won his freedom and built a successful farm and he became wealthy... and he got wealthy the way most wealthy people got wealthy in those days... he had slaves to do the work essentially for free... free labour is an easy way to make money. And from what I have read he was a mean slave owner who was very cruel.

    It wasn't a white vs black thing but western history books have gone from ignoring it to talking of nothing else and still they are wrong... the truth is always in the middle but they are not looking for the truth.

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:45 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    Mir wrote:"War Brings out the Best and Worst in People".

    Volyn massacres are probably one of the most brutal events in the whole history of humankind.
    I would put it somehow in the scope of massacres that Romans carried among the "punished" population of Gauls or Dakians.
    I was privileged to get a first-hand experience from the people who survived.
    One of the things that shocked me back then was one of the stories of how Germans are gallant.
    "Germans are good people, they would only shoot you dead."
    But I wonder what was there that shocked me, as my family consisted of survivors.

    Ukro nationalists made "teams" which were competing with who would figure out the cruelest way to kill.
    Polands ex prime minister confessed about a week ago, that Ukrs will never allow exhumations to be carried.
    The issue is, that when they were making some of those back in the 90s, the results were shocking even for pathologists.
    A great majority of bones revealed belonged to children, aged 6 and younger.
    Those carry signs of extreme cruelty. Smashed, chopped, broken.
    The youngest skeleton found belonged to a 4-month-old child and was torn apart to pieces.
    Like they had fun tearing apart the legs and arms of an infant.
    Ukrs didn't have guns back then, so a whole massacre was made by agricultural tools.
    Forks, axes, sickles.
    If properly investigated, exhumed, examined, and cataloged - those would just burn the Ukro nationalism to the ground in front of the eyes of other people on the planet.
    They would have been labeled next to Hutu.
    Germans were shocked by the scale and cruelty of the events to the level, when some German units resisted and took active measures to protect the population.
    Ukraine based on bandera ideology will never allow exhumations.
    Will never regrets it, and will never ask for forgiveness.
    Ukrainian nationalism is a sick version of nationalism, because is based not on love for their own nation and country, but hate towards others.
    They hate every other nation that used to live among them. They hate Jews, Poles, Russians - it was only a matter of opportunity.
    There is no space for jokes here, no matter if someone lives on the reversed side of the planet.

    What you wrote is not entirely true.

    It was ethnic Poles who had almost no guns, not the ethnic Ukrainians. The killing with farming implements part is often exaggerated to hide the fact that Germans provided the Ukrainian nationalists with many firearms, and to also make the Ukrainians look "more heroic."

    Ukrainian nationalists killed a significant portion of the ethnic Poles by shooting them with guns. Yes, many were killed by farming implements, but many were also simply shot.

    Also, the Germans often supported and co-participated in these mass killings. Not only with the Ukrainian SS, but also together with the UPA. More than once that is mentioned by Zbigniew Ziembikiewicz in his book W Partyzantce u "Rysia".

    For example an attack on an ethnic Polish village near Hrubieszow carried-out jointly by an UPA detachment together with the German Gendarmerie (Rural Police) and Gestapo in early 1943 if I remember it correctly.

    Also, later a German anti-partisan operation in the Smoligow area, when the Germans together with the Ukrainian nationalists from the USN (a reserve formation of the UPA) and UPA attacked at least three local ethnic Polish villages.

    You can read the details in the book.

    You can read in Polish books about it, and also here:

    In addition to the UPA collaboration, there was the Ukrainian SS and other collaborationist formations.

    For example at Huta Pieniacka in Galicia up to 1 500 ethnic Polish civilians, together with a few dozen Jews who were sheltered by them, were jointly slaughtered by both Ukrainians and Germans from the SS, and Ukrainians from an UPA company.

    At the town of Podkamien in Galicia the local ethnic Poles were slaughtered jointly by the Germans and Ukrainians from UPA.

    The Ukrainian SS-men slaughtered ethnic Poles in a bunch of other places, you can read about here:

    And with regard to Germans "only shooting" people, there are many testimonies of them literally burning ethnic Poles, beating and torturing them to death, experimenting on ethnic Polish children with lethal consequences, gassing, and etc.

    Are you a Volksdeutsch?

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:12 am

    Talking about a comparative scale of the problems the ethnic Poles faced at the hands of both the Germans and Ukrainians, it looks like currently the Brits are trying to set the U.K. on fire over much less.


    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:13 pm

    ALAMO, I am still waiting for you to answer my question.


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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  billybatts91 Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:09 pm

    While Putin is condemning "islamophobia" and kissing the quran...this happens...

    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Ujvgik10

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  billybatts91 Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:20 pm

    R.I.P. to these Russians...

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  ucmvulcan Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:21 pm

    billybatts91 wrote:

    Terrorists storm a prison? Cool, put another ring of barbed wire and armed men around it, try and convict all who are guilty of the break in absentia and shoot them if they try to leave, this is an easy fix

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  ucmvulcan Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:23 pm

    Also, what the hell does this have to do with the war in Nazi Banderastan other than that both Kiev and ISIS get paid by my tax dollars without my consent

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  lyle6 Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:24 pm

    one enemy at a time. central asia will be free from disgusting subhuman churkas. bismillah

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Regular Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:56 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:Also, what the hell does this have to do with the war in Nazi Banderastan other than that both Kiev and ISIS get paid by my tax dollars without my consent

    Completely unrelated.

    Ukrainians and women prison in Kursk on otherhand are more related.

    But let's not pollute the thread.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  lyle6 Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:37 pm

    cargo ships have open unarmored cabins that house all the controls for the ship. take that out and the ship ia practically destroyed.

    low coat is not their problem, its low IQ

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  mnztr Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:31 am

    lyle6 wrote:cargo ships have open unarmored cabins that house all the controls for the ship. take that out and the ship ia practically destroyed.

    low coat is not their problem, its low IQ

    Ship can still be controlled from the engine rm in most cases.

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    Post  mnztr Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:36 am

    lancelot wrote:
    caveat emptor wrote:I don't see what Serbia has to do with anything. We never claimed to be military superpower, neither we claim "analogov net" super duper weapons. At this point, considering everything, Russian MoD should light a candle every day to creators of Soviet nuclear program.
    They do not owe anything to them. The nuclear deterrent relies on the backs of Yars and Bulava. All developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    You don't think any of the new missiles relies on evolution of tech developed in the USSR? Including the nuclear warheads? The enrichment infrastructure, the mines, the vast volumes of nuclear science? All brand new since the end of the USSR?

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  xeno Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:01 am

    It is a bullshit logic, in that case CCCP’ weapon technology relies on evolution of tech developed in the Russia Empire.

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    Post  lyle6 Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:31 am

    mnztr wrote:
    You don't think any of the new missiles relies on evolution of tech developed in the USSR? Including the nuclear warheads? The enrichment infrastructure, the mines, the vast volumes of nuclear science? All brand new since the end of the USSR?
    Owe the USSR - nigger they are the USSR. Everything was conceptualized, designed by Russian brains, and made into metal by Russian hands.

    Hohols, Baltoids, churkas could never manage to achieve these things, not in a million years.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Kiko Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:48 am

    Freedom Leading the People on Telegram. Pavel Durov Detained in France, by David Narmania for RiaNovosti. 08.25.2024.

    Last night, the Telegram feeds were taken over by a topic that directly affects these very channels — and, alas, not only them. At the Paris Le Bourget airport, French special services detained the creator of the messenger Pavel Durov.
    According to local media reports, he is accused of all conceivable and inconceivable crimes - from terrorism and mass murder to drug trafficking and pedophilia. They explain this by the fact that all these troubles fell on the heads of the French because Durov refused to cooperate with local law enforcement agencies, which means he was an accomplice to all these crimes. Now he faces up to 20 years in prison.

    The details of the arrest are particularly piquant: according to media reports, Durov was put on the wanted list just a few minutes before his personal jet landed in Le Bourget and an arrest warrant was immediately issued. The plane was flying from Azerbaijan , where, according to media reports, the Telegram founder could have met with Putin, but the meeting did not take place.

    Durov is to be tried as a French citizen - he received his passport in 2021. Because of this, his extradition or exchange seems extremely difficult from a legal point of view - if at all possible.

    At the same time, Telegram stated that they were prepared for such a development and had written down an algorithm of actions in case the company's founder was arrested. It has now been put into action. How thoroughly it has been thought out and how long it can operate autonomously is unknown.

    But it is known for certain that now the world has a "Russian Assange". The arrest itself, the way it was carried out, and the charges against Durov leave no stone unturned from the West's favorite mantra about freedom of speech. All other messengers and social networks are almost totally controlled by the US and Europe and are censored just as thoroughly.

    Durov can hardly be called a Russian patriot. But in the eyes of his accusers, this makes him even more guilty. He created, as far as possible, a neutral platform, where persuasiveness depended on arguments and work. And it was on this field that Russian media tore apart their Western opponents. On equal terms. And of course, this is not forgiven to anyone. Especially not to some Russian. Especially after he begins to be active in Western markets.

    Durov was arrested precisely because he was the last of those who preserved this — already passing — era of the free Internet. He is being tried precisely for success. For the fact that he created something truly necessary. A product that is gaining popularity not thanks to the efforts of governments — like his competitors from Meta* — but in spite of it. A product that really created all the conditions for free competition. And now the West admits its impotence. It cannot withstand this free competition — despite its colossal advantage in resources.

    Now it will be interesting to see how those self-proclaimed guardians of democracy will behave, who so zealously defended Telegram when the application was slowed down in Russia . There is no hope that they will suddenly rush to zealously defend the ideals of freedom that are so valuable to them. This interest is purely anthropological - who and how will change their shoes and talk about all the threats that the messenger conceals in itself. How many times will they now mention the "Ministry of Truth" from the hackneyed Orwellian dystopia?

    And of course, there is one more obvious conclusion from this whole story. Although it is rather a confirmation of the truth that has long been known to everyone. An iron curtain is descending over Europe again. And on the other side of this curtain, Russians are not welcome. No one. Not even neutral ones.

    * The activities of Meta (social networks Facebook and Instagram) are banned in Russia as extremist.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Mir Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:35 am

    Pavel Durov's arrest is a disgrace. This is Assange all over again. People that value freedom of speech should stand up as one against this kind of tyranny. It has to stop right here and right now.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  lancelot Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:04 pm

    Pavel Durov had an hissy fit when Russian courts demanded him to block conversations in VK of people such as Navalny organizing "protests" i.e. riots in Russia. The Russian courts never asked him for the personal details of those people. So he sold VK and moved into the UAE. Then he was the darling of the West appearing in the WEF and the like.

    When he created Telegram he regularly blocked channels discussing things the West did not like. And he failed to the same with channels the Russians wanted to block.

    Getting his just desserts in the "free" West I guess. They probably wanted him to pass user personal contact information and he failed to do it. Remember that Telegram demands you to give them your cell phone number. Which is why I do not use their service.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:03 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    Owe the USSR - nigger they are the USSR. Everything was conceptualized, designed by Russian brains, and made into metal by Russian hands.

    Hohols, Baltoids, churkas could never manage  to achieve these things, not in a million years.

    The Ukrs were a source of disruption in the USSR. They f*cked up the Moon Race and they also messed up tank production by pushing local projects.
    Khruschev was a 5th column maggot like Gorbie. Both are Ukrs.

    As for the rest, they were just welfare leeches. The exception are the Tatars as we see with the amount of tech production in Kazan. Being
    welfare leeches, they have naturally sprouted resentment complexes as the new limitrophe toilets exploited by NATzO.

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    Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1 - Page 3 Empty Re: Offtopic stuff from the Ukriane war thread1

    Post  Mir Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:46 pm

    lancelot wrote:Pavel Durov had an hissy fit when Russian courts demanded him to block conversations in VK of people such as Navalny organizing "protests" i.e. riots in Russia. The Russian courts never asked him for the personal details of those people. So he sold VK and moved into the UAE. Then he was the darling of the West appearing in the WEF and the like.

    When he created Telegram he regularly blocked channels discussing things the West did not like. And he failed to the same with channels the Russians wanted to block.

    Getting his just desserts in the "free" West I guess. They probably wanted him to pass user personal contact information and he failed to do it. Remember that Telegram demands you to give them your cell phone number. Which is why I do not use their service.

    I think you should take a listen to the very interesting conversation he had with Tucker Carlson? He quite clearly spells it out his position towards the Russian Government's demands and why he refused to comply.

    I don't think he ever blocked channels the west did not like? He did leave Russia - looking for greener pastures - but he found nothing but hostility in the west - especially in America! Why? Because they did not like his work ethic! Freedom of expression and all that did not blend in well with the "freedom loving" west. They demanded exactly what the Russians wanted and he refused.

    I don't know what you mean by saying Telegram demands your cell phone number though? Whatsapp does exactly the same - except that everything is encrypted on Telegram? The other very big difference is that - unlike - Zuckerberg - he does not mine and sell your data to third parties and government agencies.


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    Post  lancelot Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:56 pm

    Mir wrote:I don't know what you mean by saying Telegram demands your cell phone number though? Whatsapp does exactly the same - except that everything is encrypted on Telegram? The other very big difference is that - unlike - Zuckerberg - he does not mine and sell your data to third parties and government agencies.
    Well Whatsapp is not any better security wise. In fact worse since it is owned by Meta. But at least it doesn't lull you with as much of a false sense of security that you are anonymous and your communications are secret. When they are not.

    As for him not selling data to government agencies it remains to be seen for how long that will be the case.

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