nomadski Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:27 pm
There is a battle going on , the deep state minions , short of being able to debunk the multi- shooter theory , and not being able to put a convincing " mad lone wolf transvestite sharp shooter , " theory , are now concocting the " foreign paid ( Iranian for now ?) super agent , " theory with multiple encrypted bank of phone accounts ! All of course without evidence !
I found this photo , the original photo was supposedly posted on 13 or 14 July ! Showing a hole in the right side of Trump Jacket . At that time there were no questions regarding the nature of the shots or positions of shooter , especially no reference to the water tower . So I think , this photo is genuine and is very close to the event and likely true ! Other photo have since appeared that were doctored to omit this hole and showed the bodyguards of Trump with a smile on their faces !
This photo can be subject to computer digital analyses and if genuine , would indicate that the position of real shooter , the one who fired the first three shots , was either the water Tower of between the Tower and patsy building . I do not have such software , by other countries do , and if they can definitively prove second shooter , then this stops the deep state from turning this attempted assassination , into a false flag , justifying a foreign war !
Last edited by nomadski on Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total