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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:12 pm


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri Sep 20, 2024 8:19 pm

    If it is exploited excessively, it is wrong, but I find normal that people in jail work and pay for their expenses. Jails are expensive to maintain, if the people incarcerated can contribute a bit to this, it is better for everyone. I find it normal that the state would take a percentage of the payment. The exploitation, excessive work hours and other things, no, instead. Furthermore it must not be used to dump the wages of free folks working in the same business.

    Of course the people in Jail should be given an opportunity to be able to go back and "function" as a normal member of the society after jail time, but it does not mean that they have to be only a cost to the other taxpayers.

    I am more worried about the condition in jail for other people who are not selected for these work programs. As far as I understand, if they were not criminals before, they are turned into criminals in during their prison time

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Kiko Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:05 pm

    European humanism has been replaced by dehumanization, by Anna Dolgareva, poet, war correspondent, for VZGLYAD. 09.22.2024.

    The front line separated, in the minds of Ukrainian voters, the world of people from the world of the undead. And the Charons at the checkpoints. With this we began a special military operation, if anyone has forgotten.

    Two pieces of news.

    Israel committed a large-scale terrorist act by detonating booby-trapped pagers of Lebanese Hezbollah members.

    And the European Parliament approved a resolution allowing strikes deep into Russia. 425 MEPs voted in favor, 131 voted against, and 63 abstained.

    This tells us that the notorious European humanism is the wrong kind of humanism.

    Not a single word of condemnation was uttered against Israel; the loss of life is no reason to light up the Eiffel Tower.

    And Russia is now finally designated as a target. A country against which everything is possible. The shells that will explode in this country are now blessed by old Europe. Fly, my dears, kill the Russian people.


    What I have been talking about since 2014. Only then it happened locally – Ukrainian propaganda proved that in Donbass there are not people, but grimy orcs.

    It was a very popular paradigm back then.

    There was much talk about the fact that Donbass is inhabited by nothing but cattle. There was even a meme*, as we would say now - "Donetsk cattle". Although "cattle" is actually a Polish word, which they used to call Ukrainian serfs. They wrote about orcs and warriors of light in the same way. In the army of the latter, there were many informals who played live or computer role-playing games, they transferred the model they understood, in which there is only light and dark, to the realities in which they found themselves. The division into black and white went over great. Later, the front-line poet Dmitry Artis played on this in his poem:

    "In an instant the country was divided into two,
    both with smashed faces...
    Light-faced elves with holes in their heads
    swooped down on Mordor like locusts..."

    They then, of course, claimed that they were fighting Russia, but they secretly acknowledged that their enemy was Donetsk. And they painted a black, tarnished image of this enemy, one that they did not feel sorry for.

    That's the thing. It was important to make it so that it wouldn't be a pity to bomb the enemy. To change the usual picture of the world, where humanism comes first. And this is exactly the picture that formed in the minds of Russian and Ukrainian intellectuals on the threshold of 2014. Many people who sympathized with the Maidan considered radical nationalists to be inadequate "fellow travelers", and the trigger for them was the famous "brutal beating of students" - a very strange story, when Maidan students, who were already ready to go home, were beaten by police for some reason, and this was immediately caught on camera by central Ukrainian channels. It was necessary to change the picture of the world, where sympathy for the killed residents of Donbass could arise inside Ukraine. Is it wrong to kill people? They are not people.

    And it worked. It worked beautifully. I remember the casual phrase of some Ukrainian journalist, "our artillery is not cats, so they always hit the target," which easily and casually legitimized the shelling of Donetsk - and, as a rule, on peaceful objects and people, and not at all on the military. By the way, his father lived there.

    By the beginning of 2022, the pity for the Donetsk people in the Ukrainian voter was completely exterminated. Over the course of eight years, dehumanization was successful and crystallized a new picture of the world: killing people is bad, but if this person is separated from you by a front line, then it is very good.

    The front line separated, in the minds of Ukrainian voters, the world of people from the world of the undead.

    And Charons at checkpoints.

    With this we started a special military operation, in case anyone has forgotten.

    Now dehumanization is happening on a global scale, against all those who do not agree with the values ​​of the global West.

    Russians are not people.

    Iranians are not human.

    The Lebanese are not human.

    Should I continue?

    It is ironic that in 2022, the Western voter had the same picture in his head – humanism with the unconditional value of human life.

    It was also declared by those who have power in the West.

    It didn't take them long to pull the same trick on their voters that Ukraine pulled.

    No, I'm not saying that all the Westerners are against us. At the Bologna-Shakhtar match, for example, they recently hung a banner: "Enough Ukrainian bombs on Donetsk." That's just now. And there are enough sensible people, in general, all over Europe, but in the end, the government that pursues a consistent policy of dehumanizing dissenters is still elected.

    The global West is now triumphant.

    Its time is coming.

    Is it ending?

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  lyle6 Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:03 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    If they called it gulag would that make it ok? Razz

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:45 pm

    An ego trip to oblivion. This is an example of what "private initiative and good old American know-how and gumption" really looks like. An
    incompetent clown and suckers who pay with their lives for his hackery.

    It is clear that no serious effort went into accounting for deformation modulus differences between titanium and composite material. The
    video makes it sound like Oceangate used US navy experience. No they didn't. They imitated it like chimps and did not even bother to
    stress test their design even though such testing was the only way to establish the tolerances. Mixing the epoxy by hand and applying
    it in a warehouse without humidity and dust control takes the cake. The performance of the bond was unpredictable.

    Instead of the game controller, they should have used the CEO's dick as a joystick.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Sep 22, 2024 6:05 pm

    lyle6 wrote:If they called it gulag would that make it ok? Razz
    They condenm the Soviet for having GULAG while they themselves use inmates as cheap labour.

    I don't know, probably hypocrisy is the tradition in the Western government.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  lancelot Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:51 am

    kvs wrote:An ego trip to oblivion.   This is an example of what "private initiative and good old American know-how and gumption" really looks like.   An incompetent clown and suckers who pay with their lives for his hackery.

    This deposition is even better at showing how much of a dick that CEO was.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  flamming_python Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:18 am


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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:06 pm

    Amateur hour freak show.

    From one of the comments:

    I'm retired from 45yrs in aviation. While working at Textron Aviation, I was composite certified for carbon fiber and Kevlar repairs. When working carbon fiber, you never sand thru layers of fiber. If you do, you just compromised the structural strength of the carbon fiber. Just the fact they were sanding out wrinkles in the layers means that whole area was compromised. The peelply is woven teflon fabric used for keeping bagging material from sticking to the epoxy matrix during curing. after cure, the peel ply is just peeled off and discarded.

    The strain gauge data shows that the carbon fiber hull experienced a singular deformation event which was followed by progressive deviation from its
    engineered geometry under load. I think that the "big bang" event was a type of delamination. The subsequent "softness" in the geometry as indicated
    by the curves deviating from the lines in the data, is just progressive weakening of the epoxy holding the layers together. So the catastrophic
    failure could have happened not just at the mating joint between the carbon fiber and the titanium end pieces, but in the carbon fiber hull itself.

    We are long past the 1800s when some amateur could hack around and start a business.   Making a submersible able to go down to 4 km and more
    cannot be handled by some hack and his hack employees.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:46 pm

    Police in Switzerland announced several arrests on Tuesday after the controversial Sarco pod, nicknamed the ‘suicide capsule’, was used to end the life of a US woman in the first documented use of the device.

    The Sarco, short for sarcophagus, is a 3D-printed capsule, designed to be operated by one person who can enter the coffin-like enclosure, lie down and press a button. The device then rapidly decreases the oxygen level and pumps in nitrogen, resulting in the user’s death by hypoxia.

    According to a statement published by the Schaffhausen police department, the capsule was illegally deployed in the woods of the Merishausen municipality on Monday. Prosecutors have launched criminal proceedings against several people suspected of “inducing and aiding and abetting suicide.”  

    A spokesman for the Last Resort group, which is behind the use of the pod, has explained that the device was used on a 64-year-old American woman who had been suffering from a severely compromised immune system. He added that the woman had made an audio recording stating her wish to die, and passed a psychiatric evaluation prior to ending her life.

    The spokesperson also stated that a total of four people have been arrested since the capsule was deployed – the company’s co-president Florian Willet, along with a Dutch journalist and two Swiss nationals. He added that Willet was the only person present when the woman ended her life.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:40 am

    Turdope's Orwellian toilet Kanada.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  PhSt Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:21 am

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:08 pm

    There are lots of degenerate losers who resent normal humans. These losers are attracted to jobs where they can take it out on the normal people. Naturally the companies
    that hire them do not properly filter such trash out. I do not go to fast food joints and restaurants in general. I do go with friends occasionally but that's my choice.
    Unfortunately, I cannot avoid such trash who work as cops and other government employees.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:30 pm

    The West has been given a serious diagnosis. It will have to be treated, by Vladimir Kornilov for RiaNovosti. 10.04.2024.

    The West is seriously ill. This has long been recorded by Western media. The further the crisis develops, the more often and loudly these worried voices sound. But usually they limit themselves to recording the problem - without attempting an in-depth analysis and determining the diagnosis of the disease.

    A striking example is the recently sensational monumental report by the former head of the European Central Bank and Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi on the socio-economic crisis of Europe. The document really shocked the Western press, as it revealed the hopelessness of the current situation for the EU . But it was more of a medical history, a scrupulous list of symptoms, temperature and pressure readings. Technocrat Draghi did not risk delving into the internal causes of the crisis, limiting himself to mentioning external, seemingly foreign and independent of Europe circumstances - such as the war in Ukraine and the unbridled growth of China . In fact, the European Commission set exactly this task for the authors of the report in order to avoid inconvenient conclusions for itself.

    But another Italian went further. Professor Alessandro Orsini, in the newspaper il Fatto Quotidiano, made a rather precise diagnosis of Europe and the West as a whole. Analyzing the events in Ukraine and Lebanon , he determined that their cause was the "Western superiority complex".

    This term was introduced long ago by the famous psychologist Alfred Adler. The first to describe this reflex, he clearly pointed out the close connection between the superiority complex and the inferiority complex. "Let's take, for example, a difficult child with a superiority complex: impudent, arrogant and pugnacious," Adler wrote in his classic work, The Science of Living. "We will find that he always wants to seem more significant than he really is. Everyone knows how children who are subject to sudden mood swings want to control others by becoming hysterical. Why are they so impatient? Because they are not sure that they have enough strength to achieve their goal. They feel inferior."

    Now let's put these words on top of Draghi's detailed report and the subsequent panic reaction of the Western media - and we get all the same symptoms! Europe increasingly feels its inferiority, but at the same time does not want to lose control and falls into hysterics. Actually, Orsini writes about this in his article, determining that all the recent mistakes in the Ukrainian direction the West and especially Europe have made based on their superiority complexes - economic and moral.

    The professor recalls how Western media, sending new types of weapons to Ukraine, assured the public that now Russia would definitely lose. But in the end, even Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto was forced to admit that the Russian military industry is superior to NATO. "It also turned out that the EU countries have ridiculous armies - compared to Russia - and a fragile economy, since they depend on a country they consider weaker - Russia" (again, how can one not recall Draghi's report, which admitted that the European economy's woes are largely caused by the loss of Russian energy resources).

    There is plenty of evidence to support these conclusions. The most obvious is the insane behavior of former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace . In his article for The Daily Telegraph, he calls for "mercilessly striking the enemy," that is, Russia. Citing the example of Israel , the Briton calls not only for strikes deep into our country, but also for British troops to be brought into Ukraine. And he understands that this will inevitably lead to a direct military clash between Britain and Russia. But a superiority complex dictates a reckless behavior pattern — remember Adler: "impudence, arrogance, pugnacity."

    And literally the next day, in the same newspaper, the same Wallace is wailing at full blast: the British army is in such a deplorable state that it is unable to help Israel in its defense. He whines about the underfunding of the armed forces, their understaffing, the shortage of ammunition and military equipment! Let us repeat: the first article - about the need to drag the British army into the war in Ukraine - was published on October 2, the second - about the deplorable state of the British army - appeared on October 3. With a difference of one day! And all this - from one person on the pages of the same newspaper. Here, in fact, is a direct connection between the superiority complex, resulting from the inferiority complex, which is what Adler wrote about!

    Orsini also points to the second aspect of the superiority complex: the moral one. The public is constantly assured that "Western democracies are morally superior to dictatorships." The professor recalls how the mainstream media "have polluted Italians' minds with the idea of ​​the moral superiority of the West, which, unlike Russia, respects international law."
    Once again, the British provide us with a clear example. Let us recall the recent tirade of British Foreign Secretary David Lammy regarding Russia. First, he declared that Russia was pursuing a policy of "fascist imperialism." And then, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, he even went so far as to somehow tie Russia to colonialism and the slave past of its dark-skinned ancestors. The Russian Embassy in London even had to remind the Briton of his country's role in the global slave trade.

    But people like Lammy don't seem to see any contradiction in their statements. They know a bunch of "swear words" and, without even understanding their meaning, they hurl them at their opponent. After all, they are guided by a moral superiority complex!

    That is, the Italian professor Orsini quite accurately diagnosed the sick Western society. From the examples given above, we see how neglected this disease is. It is these pathological disorders that largely determine the inadequate behavior of many Western leaders. And this is truly a threat! Especially in conditions when the West is steadily losing to the Global South in all respects, which will inevitably aggravate the above-mentioned complexes.

    Having established a diagnosis, it is necessary to proceed to treatment. There are many ways to contain a superiority complex within reasonable limits. Psychotherapists advise patients to first of all engage in self-discipline. It is time for the West, suffering from complexes, to do this before they begin to discipline it from the outside.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Firebird Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:42 pm

    PhSt wrote:

    Typical case of anti-white racism, and the tip of the iceberg.
    This is why any intelligent country would think VERY carefully before importing this sort of garbage that comes with inevitable and major problems.

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    Post  lyle6 Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:58 pm

    Subhuman behavior like that earns you a lynching in my neck of the woods...

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    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:58 am

    He did that walking up to the house... what has he done to the rest of the food...

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  andalusia Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:47 am

    This article sums up the corrupt libertarian market fundamentalism of US culture and worldview on the influence on health care.  It is no surprise that universal health care is called socialist or marxist in the US.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:07 pm

    In the wake of Hurricane Helene, questions about government response emerge

    In western North Carolina, where more than 40 people have died, some residents say the government was unprepared for the storm.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:33 pm

    On October 9, the US State Department published a statement declaring former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, as well as his former vice-president Jorge Glas, as ineligible to enter the country. According to the United States, the measure was taken due to the alleged “involvement in significant corruption during their time in public office”.
    On his X account, Correa hypothesized that the decision may have to do with his historical support to Julian Assange, specifically because on October 2 the former president published a photo with the Australian journalist during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 11 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:04 am


    Should Google be broken up?

    A US federal judge is actively considering breaking up Google after a landmark ruling last week that the tech giant has illegally abused its search monopoly.

    But is that the answer?  Regulation of mega capitalist firms does not work and breaking them up achieves little.  Remember Standard Oil and AT&T.  Big oil and big tech still carried on.

    With Google controlling 90%-plus of all search engine usage, surely the simple answer is public ownership under the control of democratically elected bodies.  Heaven forbid.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 14, 2024 6:01 am

    They condenm the Soviet for having GULAG while they themselves use inmates as cheap labour.

    I don't know, probably hypocrisy is the tradition in the Western government.

    If you define a Gulag as a political prison, then the western equivalent would be CIA rendition sites all over Eastern Europe and the world, and of course Guantanimo Bay and multiple other US military bases around the world where they can pretend civilian laws don't apply.

    Regulation of mega capitalist firms does not work and breaking them up achieves little.

    Hahahaha... yes... too big to fail and too powerful to control... don't hold them to the same rules and regulations other smaller companies have to follow or they go to jail...

    The Russians are breaking up monopolies and companies controlled by foreign agents who don't want to see Russia succeed... and their economy is going great.

    Everything worked fine when Google didn't own everything and it will work fine after they are broken up...

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:04 am

    GarryB wrote:Hahahaha... yes... too big to fail and too powerful to control... don't hold them to the same rules and regulations other smaller companies have to follow or they go to jail...

    The Russians are breaking up monopolies and companies controlled by foreign agents who don't want to see Russia succeed... and their economy is going great.

    Everything worked fine when Google didn't own everything and it will work fine after they are broken up...
    What Michael Roberts wants to say here actually is, since broken up and regulation of big corps in USA achieved limit results, therefore more drastic solutions are needed.

    For example nationalization i.e. a complete confiscation of the assets of the big corps.

    Michael Roberts is a heterodox economist with more or less sympathetic view of Chinese economic model and hence, we can expect he is hostile to the oligarch dominated Western economy.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Oct 17, 2024 1:08 pm


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    Post  higurashihougi Sat Oct 19, 2024 5:30 pm

    @kvs: an old example of USA police state

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