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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:05 am

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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:01 pm

    Hyping green car solutions and then yanking hydrogen refueling stations, what a joke. California is a blue state toilet where the government manages
    people's lives and protects designated minority criminals. But they can't regulate hydrogen station persistence. Yeah, right. This is just another
    manifestation of system schizophrenia and rampant incompetence. The NATzO west is decomposing.

    EV owners should not be too smug. It is likely that electrical recharge stations are going to also experience downsizing for one reason or anther and
    these owners will be up the same shit creek without a shovel.


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    Post  Kiko Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:00 pm

    Why 'Rules-Based Order' Is Doomed, by Dmitry Orekhov, writer, for VZGLYAD. 08.05.2024.

    Despite the ritual frequency with which the expression "rule-based order" is used and the almost religious rapture with which this formula is pronounced, its meaning is not obvious. What order are we talking about? Where do the rules come from?

    In the West, they talk all the time about a "rules-based order." This formula is used in the media, in official documents, in speeches by Western leaders. At the recent G7 summit, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said: "We must defend the rules-based order. If we cannot defend Ukraine and it is forced to surrender, then there is no point in us gathering here."

    Despite the ritual frequency of its use and the almost religious rapture with which this formula is pronounced, its meaning is not obvious. What order are we talking about? Where do the rules come from?

    In Lord of the Flies, one of the best English novels of the 20th century, a boy named Jack speaks enthusiastically about rules from the very beginning. For him, rules are, first and foremost, an opportunity to punish those who break them. When he is once reminded that he himself does not behave according to the rules, Jack replies that the strong have no rules and promises to establish his own order. Soon, a cult of the Beast will arise on the island, then the boys will kill Simon and Piggy, hunt Ralph and destroy the island in fire.

    In creating his strange apocalyptic novel about children on a desert island, Golding was far from fantasies and far-fetched schemes: the image of the “strong boy” Jack was inspired by the entire tradition of Anglo-Saxon political thought, for which “order” and “rules” are key concepts.

    Hobbes also believed that what is happening in society is in many ways similar to what is happening in the animal world. Man is a wolf to man, there is a war of all against all in the world - and this is the natural state of the human race. People are egoists, overcome by fear and greed, who can only be stopped by force. A new impetus to these ideas was given by Charles Darwin's hypothesis. There is a cruel struggle for existence in the world, it leads to "natural selection" - and any development, any movement forward is connected with this. Herbert Spencer brought this teaching to its logical conclusion: there are weak races and strong ones in the world. By suppressing, pushing aside and killing the weak, the strong lead humanity to order, happiness and prosperity. "The powers that labor to carry out the great scheme of perfect happiness do not consider individual cases of suffering, and destroy that portion of mankind that stands in their way," wrote Spencer. "Whether it be a man or a savage beast, the obstacle must be removed."

    Anglo-Saxon culture is largely filled with admiration for how the strong (the English) remove obstacles on the path to the desired "happy order". This cult of power is closely connected with the cult of submission. This is especially noticeable in Kipling. Thus, in "The Ballad of East and West" the conflict between an Englishman and an Indian ends after the Englishman issues a portion of threats: the English will trample the grain, slaughter the cattle, burn down the huts. It is at this moment that the Indian sees the strong man in the Englishman and humbles himself before him - to the point of giving his son to the English to raise. This is the key to the peaceful coexistence of the East and the West according to Kipling: the East submits to the West and allows itself to be raised.

    Kipling's works express admiration for force, ruthlessness, paralyzing threats, torture. This is how, from his point of view, "order" comes. In the story "Stalky and Company," three teenagers, having received a hint from an adult, torture two high school students - torture them until they break. The high school students behaved badly, but now they have learned a lesson, and order is restored. After some time, the grown-up Stalky begins to apply the skills he learned at boarding school in British India.

    Kipling's world is a world of continuous struggle for existence. Here, the strongest wins and becomes the legislator. This is, in fact, the story of Mowgli. Mowgli is the new Adam, who comes into the world to understand the order based on rules ("the law of the jungle"). The most important rule in the jungle is the word of the leader, and an act of disobedience entails a catastrophe. When Mowgli breaks the rules (for example, comes into contact with the Bandar-logs), trouble comes. Therefore, Mowgli must learn to obey and accept punishment for his misdeeds. At first, he obeys his adoptive wolf parents, teacher Baloo and leader Akela, then, already in adulthood, the white sahibs Gisborne and Miller. And the better he learns the "law of the jungle", the more he demands obedience from others. To force obedience, he has a "red flower" and a knife: order is established by fire and sword.

    Kipling's ideas still feed the scout movement; many politicians who now talk about order and rules once received scout "obedience lessons" and are now willing to give such lessons to others. They learned from childhood that there is a cruel struggle in the world, and the one who wins is the strongest. Resisting the strong is stupid. After all, the strong win because they are the best. Why become the best in the face of it? It is wrong and unreasonable - we must learn from the best. And if someone does not understand this, he must be punished.

    The cult of strength and the cult of submission are a surprising phenomenon in Anglo-Saxon culture. The same Kipling sings the praises of the English soldier (strength) and the mule (the submissive natural principle). In his poems, the Anglo-Saxon seems to work together with nature, finishing what it has not finished: directing, trimming, sorting, eliminating the incorrect. The Anglo-Saxon has an almost divine function - after all, he comes to matter to give it structure. The world is a workshop, the writer believes, and the English are the workers in it. Thus, the Platonic canon (Good, Truth and Beauty with the highest idea of ​​the Good) is replaced: for the Anglo-Saxons, Good, Truth and Beauty are united not by Good, but by force. Hence, perhaps, their fatal divergence from other peoples. The weak and the losers have no right to their own opinion, the Anglo-Saxons think. If the weak calls for compliance with agreements, he is ridiculous; if the weak appeals to justice, he is stupid; If a weak person insists on his own for a long time, he is just a hooligan and needs a lesson in submission. Strength is the answer to all questions. We have a Maxim machine gun, you don't.

    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov once subtly noted that in Russian the words “law” and “rule” have the same root, and therefore a fair rule is inseparable from a right for us. In English, it’s different: right is law, and rule is rule. Rule is not related to right, it is the privilege of the strong, those who “rule.” Lavrov’s observation is confirmed by our opponents, who every now and then let it slip what this “order” is that they are defending. And at the end of last year, Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin said: “I know that phrase doesn’t make everyone’s pulse quicken. But a rules-based international order is central to our long-term security. It is a structure of international institutions, alliances, laws, and norms created under American leadership… The world is not self-sufficient. Order does not preserve itself. And security does not happen by itself. The world built under American leadership can only be preserved under American leadership."

    So the rules-based order is just “an American-led structure.” In other words, it’s just a clever euphemism, another name for American hegemony and a unipolar world. It’s a good disguise for the real US goals, but it’s a total failure.

    What should ordinary people around the world feel when they are forced into an “order based on (read: American) rules”? Where is the delight, the promise of happiness, the intellectual rapture, the spiritual ecstasy? Where are the tears of joy and emotion that blur the eyes? If the West was previously presented as the servant of “progress,” “civilization,” and “freedom,” that made sense. But why should hearts around the world beat faster at the mention of order, rules, punishments, the law of the strong, discipline? What is the appeal of being forced into obedience within the framework of someone else’s order?

    Kipling admired beatings and wrote with affection that "some people find it very difficult to explain how a boy of seventeen or eighteen can beat another boy only a year younger with an ash stick, and then go for a walk with him after this punishment." A hundred years have passed, but it is still difficult to explain this to most people. "Submit to the one who is stronger, to the one who can beat you." For an Anglo-Saxon who has gone through the school of the scout movement, this sounds convincing, but for others it is unbearable vulgarity. A Russian is even disgusted by the thought that Russia should submit to America, because it defeated (supposedly defeated) it in the Cold War. Only the weak and broken can agree with such theses (see the list of allies of the West), everyone else is disgusted by talk about the beneficial effects of force.

    What other laws of the jungle, gentlemen Anglo-Saxons, what are you talking about?! Power cannot be the source of Good, Truth and Beauty. It is exactly the opposite - your right of the strong will inevitably one day turn into the cult of the Beast.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 10 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:27 am

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 10 French10

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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:13 pm

    Utter clowns. Climate change is being used by elite maggots to engage in social engineering. So before we are f*cked over by global warming we will be f*cked over by
    our parasite class.


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    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:36 pm

    ^ on that theme too

    Britain has started testing men for pregnancy 👀

    " Radiographers in hospitals have been told they must screen all patients aged 12 to 55 for pregnancy, regardless of their gender, as part of inclusivity guidance," the Telegraph article said.

    The guidelines were developed after a transgender man who was unaware of his pregnancy was allegedly given a CT scan that could be dangerous to the unborn child. Patients are also asked to fill out forms stating their sex at birth, preferred name and pronoun.

    According to the publication, the new requirements are enraging people, with Britons leaving receptions in anger due to humiliating checks.

    Of course it might just be Slavyangrad trolling clown

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:14 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Of course it might just be Slavyangrad trolling clown

    No, it's real.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:50 am

    Planet Rus wrote:I used to think that the Dutch meme about overusing of paracetamol is just a joke, turn out it is real.

    The medical department in my office provide free medicine for the employees for the drugs that are not needed to be prescribed. One day, I suffered an abdominal pain after having a huge lunch. I went to toilet to release but the symptoms did not subsidize and I had to go to medical department.

    Me: I need Loperamide, ma'am.
    Doctor: Abdominal pain ? Here, paracetamol.
    Me: What the f... No, ma'am, my abdominal pain is due to consumption of improper food. Therefore, I need Loperamide.
    Doctor: Is it indigestion ? Well, let's try the stomach acid reduction...
    Me: No... it is the diarrhea type, that needed to be treated with loperamide.
    Doctor: What is loperamide ?
    Me: What the f... It is Belgium who invented loperamide !!!
    Doctor: Ah, wait, I have this one. Try it.

    I looked at the drug the doctor gave me and it was Loperamide HCl 2 mg.
    I had nothing to say.

    Anh Đoàn wrote: The Netherlands is still much better than USA and North America. Because at least, paracetamol still has lowest detrimental by-effect. Meanwhile, in North America, administration of opioid painkillers is uncontrolled. In USA, for 31.5 people was administered with opoid, only one really needs it.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:04 pm

    YouCrap, the essence of the western slide into the Orwellian toilet.

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    Post  PhSt Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:01 pm

    I dont feel sorry about this, NATO deserves a civilizational collapse for its belligerent behavior

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    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:12 am

    In the current economic times there will be plenty of shops that have closed... why not make more homeless shelters and make them drug and alcohol free and try to get some education programmes for some of these people to get out of this trap?

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:35 am

    A Wells Fargo employee was recently found dead at her cubical 4 days after she last swiped in. And nobody even noticed she was gone.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:22 pm

    GarryB wrote:In the current economic times there will be plenty of shops that have closed... why not make more homeless shelters and make them drug and alcohol free and try to get some education programmes for some of these people to get out of this trap?

    Kanadian municipalities are corrupt and have never properly implemented subsidized housing. Toronto was handing out grants (not loans) to condo
    developers for "affordable" units that nobody knew about. Now their "solution" is to force vacant homes onto the rental market. As if that will
    release affordable living space. No, it will either force the owners to sell to people with money or to try to upgrade to rent to the higher end.
    They will not split their houses into a collection of cheap single room apartments conforming to municipal regulations.

    The Kanadian regime is creating the housing crisis by pumping in 1.2 million people per year from abroad who go to Toronto, Vancouver and a distant
    third Montreal. They do not spread out over the country. So the major population centers in Kanada see increased poverty (the irony), traffic congestion
    (air pollution) and crime. Social engineering by retards who do not care about the problems of the proles.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:40 pm

    The other irony is that the co-leader of the AfD is no poor populist of the people, but instead Alice Weidel is a former economist at Goldman Sachs and financial consultant – shades of the UK’s Reform ‘populist’ leader Nigel Farage, who is a stockbroker. These representatives of capital have no connection with their rank and file voters, but attempt to rise to power on prejudice and mendacity.  The phenomena of ‘populist’ right-wing nationalist parties is not confined to Germany.  In France there is the National Rally, in the UK the Reform party and in Italy we have the Brothers of Italy actually in power.  Indeed in nearly all EU states, there are parties of reaction polling around 10-15% of the vote as the recent EU Assembly elections confirmed.

    For me, all this is a product of the Long Depression in the major capitalist economies since the end of the Great Recession of 2008-9, which has hit the the poorest and least organised of the working class, along with small businesses and self-employed.  They have turned to ‘nationalism’ for an answer, thinking that the causes of their demise are immigrants, handouts to other EU countries and big business – in that order.

    The situation has deteriorated most in Germany because of the after effects of the pandemic slump and the Ukraine war.  The great manufacturing powerhouse of Europe, Germany, has ground to halt since the pandemic.  And the votes for the traditional parties have dived with it.

    The demise of the German economy has exposed the underlying issue of a ‘dual labour’ market with a whole layer of part-time temporary employees for German business on very low wages. About one quarter of the German workforce now receive a “low income” wage, using a common definition of one that is less than two-thirds of the median, which is a higher proportion than all 17 European countries, except Lithuania. This cheap labour, concentrated in the eastern part of Germany, is in direct competition with the huge numbers of refugees arriving in the last two years.  So many voters of eastern German think that the problem is immigration.

    The German government has followed slavishly the policies of the Western NATO alliance and ended its reliance on cheap energy from Russia – indeed it even went along with the blowing up of the vital Nordstream gas pipeline. Energy costs have rocketed for German households.

    But it is also shows that the German coalition government’s slavish following of the interests of US imperialism in the name of ‘Western democracy’ over Ukraine and Israel is destroying the hegemony of German capital and the living standards of its poorest citizens. No wonder the voices of nationalism and reaction are gaining traction.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:40 pm


    In the YouTube video titled "Rejecting cookies now costs money. Is this even legal?", Evan Edinger discusses a new type of cookie privacy pop-up that requires users to pay a fee to reject all cookies and access a website. Edinger argues that this choice may be illegal and explores the background of this issue. He explains that standard cookie pop-ups allow users to accept all cookies, only essential cookies, or manage preferences, but this new pop-up only provides the option to accept all cookies and pay or reject all cookies and pay. Edinger argues that this violates GDPR regulations, which require consent for personal data processing to be freely given, not extorted. He encourages viewers to avoid visiting these websites and provides tips for dealing with bothersome ads and cookie pop-ups, including using reader mode and browser extensions. The video also touches on the topic of fake listicles and the importance of protecting personal data from being sold to data brokers.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 05, 2024 8:54 pm

    Louis Rossman's channel deals with such creeping corporate totalitarianism. They want you to pay rent for everything and own nothing. This is not
    communism. This is a corporate dystopia.

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:02 am

    The totalitarian agenda is apparent. It is coming gradually but make not mistake, it is coming.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:02 pm

    The West has discovered Russia's most dangerous weapon, by Victoria Nikiforova for RiaNovosti. 09.09.2024.

    The well-known joke about Russian tankmen at the Reichstag (or, alternatively, at the Capitol), who look at the Russian flag fluttering over the dome and sigh, "But still, Vasya, we lost the information war!" has recently taken on new colors.

    Another package of sanctions has arrived at our media holding "Russia Today", Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been locked up in France , and then the mouthpiece of Anglo-Saxon propaganda The Wall Street Journal has given birth to a huge article about Sergei Kiriyenko - it turns out that this "hunter for American minds" is going to influence the presidential elections in the USA . Honestly, we have nothing else to do in Russia!

    In fact, we are used to the fact that on the eve of each presidential election, the Washington regime gets into a rage - they start catching Russian spies like a patient with delirium tremens catches devils. They already had Trump as a Russian spy, and Russian hackers did something bad to Hillary. Since 2016, we have heard all kinds of nonsense!

    Now there is a new convulsive attack - The Wall Street Journal believes that Sergei Kiriyenko is the curator of more than thirty American websites, and they are insidiously, under the guise of an innocent news agenda, pouring ideological poison into the virgin ears of ordinary Americans.

    For example, they pay attention to inflation and the crazy rise in prices for food and essential goods in the USA. Or they mention the unheard-of interest rates on loans and mortgages. Or they even take a swing at the sacred - they express doubts about the need for critical race theory (according to which all white Americans are forever indebted to blacks) or the need for sex changes in small children.

    But, excuse me, this is the harsh reality of life - both inflation and sex changes in children. And millions of Americans really don't like it. They have never encountered such a set of problems in their lives: on the one hand, impoverishment, the likes of which have not been seen since the oil crisis of the early 70s, on the other - absolutely monstrous propaganda of perversions, which has become, it seems, the main mission of the Washington regional committee. Such a set simply has not existed in their history - it is not surprising that US citizens are in shock.

    And here a paradoxical situation arises: tens of millions of people in the United States are trying to speak out against the policies of their country, but they are all immediately declared Russian spies. By this logic, everyone who did not vote for Biden in 2020 is a Russian spy. And those who do not want to vote for Kamala Harris are Russian spies too. Do you still have any non-spies there? Otherwise, it looks like half the country is digging a tunnel under the Atlantic to urgently report all the sensitive information to the Kremlin - what Biden Sr. ate for dinner and what exactly his son has been on this time.

    At the same time, the White House proclaims itself a bulwark of democracy and a defender of freedom of speech throughout the world. And at the slightest thing, it rushes to defend it with Javelins and Tomahawks so that no stone is left standing.
    The whole world sees this deep schizophrenia that plagues American propaganda today. It is this, and not the insidious machinations of the Russians, that makes it so helpless.

    There is a feeling that at the beginning of the SVO, the West significantly overestimated its capabilities. They sincerely believed that the Anglo-Saxon media could pass off any lie as the truth, convince the rest of the world of anything, and make everyone believe the most vile and vulgar nonsense. The main thing is to lie bravely, so that no one has time to object. That is why all these daring fake-throwing campaigns began - now Bucha, now the theft of toilets by Russian soldiers.

    They lied like crazy, tried to discuss their lies at the UN , spread the most outrageous, shameful nonsense, not caring about the slightest plausibility. Against this background, Russian information policy really looked boring. We explained, proved, pointed out inconsistencies, our president personally lectured on history. All this was difficult, long and somehow lost against the background of dashing cavalry raids of notorious Western liars.

    But a drop wears away a stone. Russian newspapers and TV channels told the truth - and it has an undeniable advantage over the most cunning, most passionate lies. The Western public was so tired of the lies poured into their ears by their native media that they began to turn to Russian sources more and more often. They read Russian Telegram, they translated articles in our RIA with Google Translate. And they found there what they could not find in their media for the day with fire - honest information about what is really happening in the world.

    The naked truth is the most terrible and indecent thing that can exist for Western propagandists. They are literally afraid of it like the devil fears incense - because when confronted with it, all those crazy constructions that they have built up crumble, their entire imaginary world collapses.

    American propaganda, along with its state, has long since passed the peak of its power. Any educated, independent-minded person today sees through all its secrets and deceptions, does not succumb to its flattery, does not fall for its threats. And this is logical - before collapsing, any empire loses its influence on minds, its charm, its soft power, and becomes an object of ridicule and contempt.

    All this is a natural process, and any word of truth spoken in Russia or China , in Cuba or Ukraine , in France or the USA, finishes off the dying leviathan of post-truth. Russian intellectuals are also making their own contribution to this matter - today we have every chance to rewrite the old joke and win our information war.

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    Post  nomadski Yesterday at 7:32 am


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    Post  PhSt Yesterday at 10:23 am

    As much as I dislike Islamic Terrorism, I wish these rats were able to carry out their operation in New York, the time is ripe for Americans to suffer a terrorist attack of a magnitude that is similar to that of the Crocus City Hall incident (Terrorist attack organized by NATO).

    After thousands of Americans have been slaughtered, the resulting backlash toward Muslims will empower the global counter jihad movement.

    This is a WIN WIN situation for all sane people of the world who have had enough of Islamic encroachment in their communities.

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    Post  ALAMO Yesterday at 12:16 pm

    It was only a few years ago, when UAE high ranking official at one of the economic forums predicted as follows :
    Pretty soon, western countries will face Islamic terrorism, not the middle East.
    That is because the west is using it for achieving its short term goals, not bothering the long term effect.

    Last week, ME countries started to restrict visas to citizens of exSoviet Muslim republics, because of ... terrorist threat.

    I close the case.

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