Of course now it is in production new radar antenna and communication antenna and of course internal networks shifting information from sensors to displays and to CPUs for processing and GPUs for display might make things possible that were not practical before.
The idea of a Helicopter with a mast mounted AESA radar scanning 360 degrees for drones and vehicles and air targets transmitting to nearby vehicles and commanders on the ground giving them a real time view of their piece of the battlefield allowing them to pick out enemy positions for targeting with the battle management system looking at the position and type of target and then assessing local fire power based on their weapon type, their current ammo loading and their current status, and allocate the job to the most suitable team. You might send a drone to mark the target and have an old 2S3 rolling around the countryside being tasked with the job.... all the calculations are done and transmitted to the vehicle who loads up the appropriate ammo type... stops the vehicle turns the turret, aims the gun and then on a schedule fires the shell.... the drone over the target is notified the round is on the way and it will have a counter counting down the time to impact... 5 seconds before impact it lases the target and boom... job done... the drone monitors the effect of the attack and the 2S3 loads another shell and starts driving away. If a second attack is required that same vehicle can stop and fire a second round with all the calculations for the new firing position and any movement of the target and perhaps any correction needed because of local wind and atmospheric conditions and boom... off it goes... the drone counts down the time and marks the target again and boom, hopefully job done... meanwhile other targets are being engaged. Targets like individual enemy soldiers where there are just too many targets and attack drones to manage manually can use AI to engage targets in large volumes quickly... which is going to decimate a large enemy force quickly.
High speed avionics that allows information to be shifted around platforms on the battlefield gives the advantage to the side with the most platforms as each will have data collection sensors and weapons and can populate the battle map with target data and provide nodes to engage those targets as they pop up.
If enemy forces get destroyed every time they start moving they will stop moving or be destroyed. Either is good for you.