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    Russian population and demographics #2


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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Kiko Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:13 pm

    Russia takes everyone, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 08.20.2024.

    Our country has once again taken a step that few expected from it: the head of state signed a decree that speaks of the possibility of coming and settling in Russia without any conditions, without knowledge of the language, a work permit and other bureaucracy for all those who do not agree to live in handcuffs, shackles and the muzzles of political correctness.

    When the norm has to be not so much hidden, but its demonstration can end in a lawsuit, when children have to be protected from the “rainbow agenda” almost from kindergarten, and when feelings and emotions, in accordance with the neoliberal newspeak, were called “relationships.”

    "Tell me, do you love him?" - "No, we just have a relationship."

    The stunning irresponsibility, when normal human communities, large and small, cells of society and the foundations of society, from which the globalists drove all this, and quite, it must be said, briskly and successfully, “beyond Mozha”, somehow suddenly ended.

    Now anyone, absolutely anyone, married, single or single, with or without children, can pack a suitcase, board a plane or a train and come to us.

    This is how the document itself says about it: "In order to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, to support individuals who have made a free choice in favor of spiritual, cultural and legal ties with the Russian Federation <…> I decree <…> to grant the right to apply for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and without submitting a document confirming proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons who have expressed a desire to move to the Russian Federation for residence from foreign countries of their citizenship <…> on the grounds of non-acceptance of the implemented <…> policy, which imposes destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes."

    No standing in lines, no signing up for a consular appointment, just come to the Russian diplomatic mission, say "Please help us!", and Russia will do everything to help.

    I don't even want to imagine how the eyes of professional, high-paid and generously-bonused human rights defenders of no less colorful NGOs, whose names for some reason always begin with the word "open", fell out. Society, country, thought.

    The state, which for the last couple of centuries, and what couple, all the time of its existence was, according to their terminology, either a "prison of nations" or "Ze (or Le) GULAG", as a result, judging by its deeds, turns out to be the freest, that is, the most open country on the planet.

    While the US is building a wall with Mexico , while fences and hedges are being erected in Eastern Europe , while control over what people say, think, and write is being tightened wherever possible, while specially trained experts are combing social networks in search of non-mainstream statements and other dissent, Russia is saying: "Come and come to us without any conditions, simply because you want to hide from all this hell of surveillance and denunciation. Here you will find refuge, shelter, food, and a home. And, what is also very important, you will not be perceived as strangers or enemies. You are the same as us, well, you just don’t speak Russian yet. But never mind, you will start speaking. And you will speak quickly."

    It is in Europe , especially in France , for example, that visitors - any, regardless of their property value - are looked at the way soldiers used to look at lice. The wrong accent, the wrong manners, the smile not too wide.

    And in Russia, a simple "hello", pronounced with a cute lisp, will open all doors. By the way, it is characteristic that despite the Western press's scare tactics against expats - whether from New Zealand , Germany , or Britain - almost none of them have left. They haven't closed their businesses. Everyone is happy, not in "relationships", but in love. They are raising children. Of any skin color, with joy and pleasure, as they say in our film "Circus".

    While neoliberal NGOs and other globalist-funded communities are running around looking for signs of "racism" and "xenophobia" wherever they can, the presidential decree, and it is important to emphasize, does not contain any references or preferences of a religious or ethnic nature. We are glad to see everyone. If people want to live peacefully, work honestly, pay taxes accurately, we will be only glad of this. Because we love everyone, and most importantly, we are free and open in soul. And mind.

    If necessary, we will support you, where needed, we will help you, and we will even help you learn the language.

    The Russian world, beautiful in its diversity, will grow, including other European cultures and traditions. In fact, its foundation has always been like that, from the moment when Russian statehood began to take shape.

    The presidential decree is not only evidence of our generosity, kindness, openness and humanistic values, which have been severely corroded in the West by neoliberal ideologists; it is, first and foremost, a continuation of the traditions of that same great historical Russia, which we are now continuing to build.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:23 am

    Russia becomes an ark of tradition, by Igor Karaulov, poet, publicist, for VZGLYAD. 08.22.2024.

    If Russia is already becoming a haven for outcasts of Western civilization, including those who have little understanding of our country, is it not time to secure the unconditional right to citizenship for those who by birth belong to the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of Russia?

    The recent decree of the Russian president "On providing humanitarian support to persons sharing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" is not one of those documents that immediately changes our lives or makes world stock exchanges worry. But in a conceptual sense, in the world of ideas, it is a real sensation, and the influence of this decree is calculated to last a long time.

    From now on, Russia tells the world: we have not only interests, but also values, and if our interests concern only ourselves, then we offer to share our values ​​with all of humanity and, moreover, we are ready to defend these values ​​not only at home, but also abroad. Including by providing asylum to those people who feel uncomfortable in their own countries. Now such people will be able to settle in Russia even without knowledge of the Russian language, our history and our laws. Just come and live in safety.

    In this way, Russia not only demonstrates humanism, but also asserts its global role, becoming a center of attraction for all who share our values.

    The type of country of refuge has been encountered more than once in history, and it must be said that the policy of global affirmation of values ​​has invariably given such countries advantages, and sometimes served as the main basis for their existence.

    For example, the United States arose as a refuge for people who were persecuted for religious reasons in their homeland, England. And America later willingly gave refuge to French Huguenots, oppressed Irish, Russian and European Jews. And let's not forget the scientists who fled Hitler and helped the United States develop the atomic bomb. All of these people made their new homeland a superpower.

    In the same way, Russia in the 18th century gave refuge to both German Mennonites and French aristocrats fleeing the revolution. And this also benefited the country. Novorossiya was developed by German, Greek, and Serbian settlers, and Duke Richelieu faithfully served the empire by founding Odessa.

    We also have experience from the Soviet era. The USSR was a spiritual homeland for leftists around the world and provided protection to those who were in danger. Let us recall the thousands of children taken out of Spain during the civil war in that country.

    However, external value expansion can also be a subject of abuse. Here, too, the United States is ahead of everyone else. This country has long made concern for democracy and human rights a pretext for interfering in the affairs of other countries. This interference is always hypocritical and selective, depending on the selfish interests of the great power. Some countries can kill children by the thousands, while others cannot ban gay parades. Disobedience is followed not only by reprimands, but sometimes by sanctions and military aggression.

    In essence, the US has become a value monopolist in the world, single-handedly determining what is good and what is bad. And you can never prove to a monopolist that you are not a camel. So something had to be put up against it in this field. And decree No. 702 was a strong step in this direction.

    This decree introduces a new important concept: “destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes.” Let’s pay attention to the word “neoliberal.” This is a hint that classical liberalism is not our enemy, that we offer people protection from the perversions of liberalism, from what liberalism has degenerated into over time. These perversions ultimately lead to the destruction of the foundations of society, to the rejection of humanity. That is why these attitudes are called “destructive.” In addition, it follows from the text that there are now two ideological poles in the world: those who do not accept destructive neoliberal attitudes are automatically considered to share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

    The decree contains another important innovation: now we will have an officially approved list of foreign countries that impose the aforementioned destructive attitudes in their policies. This is not the same as the list of unfriendly countries, although there will clearly be overlaps between the two lists. The principle of compiling the list will be different this time. An unfriendly country is simply a country that has done something nasty to us, imposed sanctions or other restrictions. The new list should include countries that infringe on the rights of their citizens to live according to traditional values. This will require objective evidence, facts of infringement of such rights. For example, if juvenile justice is rampant in a country, children are forced to accept propaganda of non-traditional relationships or gender reassignment, and those who disagree with this are silenced, then such a country is a logical candidate for inclusion in the new black (or, perhaps, rainbow) list. I would, for example, assume that Italy or Japan don't have much of a chance of getting on this list at the moment, but France can be included in it based on the fact of hosting the recent Olympics.

    However, no matter how great the conceptual significance of the decree as an instrument of Russian policy, the main thing is the people. The people who will come to us. Of course, there won't be many of them at first, but it is even more necessary to treat them correctly. On the one hand, not to make a propaganda dance with a tambourine around them, as was the case with Gerard Depardieu's "move" to Saransk. On the other hand, not to abandon these people to their fate, to show them that they can find work for themselves here and become part of our society.

    Finally, if Russia is already becoming an ark for the outcasts of Western civilization, including those who have a weak understanding of our country, isn't it time to secure the unconditional right to citizenship for those who by birth belong to the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of Russia? People are desperately needed in our country, and in principle we can make a Russian out of anyone, as guaranteed not only by the character of our people, but even by our climate. But even more so, we cannot turn our backs on those who are already Russian in their culture and in the makeup of their soul.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  lyle6 Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:57 pm

    Open Russian borders, but for white Christians only.


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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:33 pm

    lyle6 wrote:Open Russian borders, but for white Christians only.

    Even doing this will not save Russia from demographic decline. Russia needs to get rid of progressive feminist "values". Women should spend their late teens
    and early 20s starting families and then getting educations and careers in their late 20s and 30s. This is dictated by biology and procreation necessity of having
    a TFR of at least 2.3. Anything less than 2 implies attenuation of the population. Immigration is not a solution, it is just a hack resulting the substitution of
    the original population. America is a country of immigrants, but Russia is not (at least on short time-scales).

    Society limits people's rights. So it is natural for women to have to put procreation first and careers second. But it is not even a choice of either-or. Just defer
    college and the pursuit of career by 10 years. There is plenty of time. But waiting to have children after the age of 35 is just criminally retarded. Surveys
    indicate that women make a choice between children and career. So this is the central issue. Society should not let them think this way since it is clearly a
    false dichotomy.

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:50 pm

    Russia is one of the few countries that's of the more advanced, that has the most benefits towards families, especially women, who have children.

    That has helped but not exactly to what is needed. And thus KVS is correct, the rabid feminism that exists in Russia (still not as bad as the ones here), needs to be removed.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  Broski Sat Aug 24, 2024 12:25 am

    sepheronx wrote:Russia is one of the few countries that's of the more advanced, that has the most benefits towards families, especially women, who have children.

    That has helped but not exactly to what is needed.  And thus KVS is correct, the rabid feminism that exists in Russia (still not as bad as the ones here), needs to be removed.
    Russia really needs to crack down on immigration from the Central Stans and break apart the enclaves where they currently dwell. There's no reason for them to even exist in Russia in the numbers they do. 

    Also, any benefits the state gives towards married couples with children will almost certainly be abused ruthlessly by them, and no, you can't Russify these people. They have an identity completely separate from Russia. Start revoking the ones that obtained citizenship dubiously, like the 500000 Tajiks (or Turkmen's, can't remember) that couldn't even pass the language proficiency tests.

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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 24, 2024 1:36 am

    People try to make the word "assimilation" into a bad one. No, it is essential, proper and just. If you want to preserve your identity, then don't migrate. Making ethnic
    ghettos is just a long term problem.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Aug 24, 2024 1:48 am

    Central Asians get kicked out of Russia all the time. Russia isn't as lenient as the rest of Europe.

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  PhSt Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:31 pm

    I dont think the problem with Central Asians is Ethnicity, but of Religion. Russia has many ethnicities that are Asiatic BUT non-Islamic, there are the Yakuts, Tuvans, Kalmyks, Buryats, etc, and regions with these populations have remained mostly peaceful and the people have more or less assimilated into Russian customs and way of life.

    Now look at the Regions where there are Islamic population, Chechnya have been pacified, but was the center of Islamic Terrorism and Separatism in the 90s. And up to at least the middle to late 2000s, there are sporadic Islamic terror activities in the north Caucasus.

    Although not All Muslims are Islamic Terrorists/ Supremacists, etc, being a Muslim makes these people susceptible to Islamic Propaganda and Brainwashing, and thus they are easy targets for NATO sponsored terror indoctrination.

    I think kicking out Central Asians from Russia is a Good TEMPORARY solution, but in the long term, Russia will have to Take Back its rightful territories in Central Asia, If not, NATO will move in and attempt to Box in Russia from all sides.

    So the only long term and Effective solution to the Central Asian question is FULL Russification. As I mentioned before, FULL Russification involves the adoption of Russian language, customs, names, and Religion. This policy needs to be Imposed and not as an optional basis.

    Russia needs to take note of the Soviet and Chinese approach to the De-Islamification of their Muslim population, During the Soviet Era, there were no known incidents of radicalization in Central Asia.
    And at present, all elements of radicalization have been stomped out of Chinese Xinjiang.

    But a FULL PROOF program to get rid of the Islamic Threat in these regions is FULL De-Islamification, which means, converting the entire population to a State religion other than Islam. Why did I say this? Because if the population still identifies as Muslim, although the elements of radical Islam have been suppressed,(A good example is Central Asia under the Soviet Union) there will be a point in time when radicalization will surge again.

    When the Soviet Union was still a functioning state, its State Atheism policies have put radical Islam in check, but when the state crumbled and the Central Asian regions broke up and formed their own fake countries, Radical Islam has easily taken over because the local population already identified themselves as Muslim.

    So if Central Asians are converted to the Russian Orthodox Church, and are constantly exposed to Pro Russian ideas and narratives, Russia will have a more firm hold in the region and the people will be less susceptible to Islamic extremism and terrorism.

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    Post  PhSt Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:14 am

    I'd like to expand on the recent discussion on the SMO thread about whether Ukrainians (and other minorities in the former Soviet Union and soon-to-be Neo Russian Empire) can be re-educated to become normal citizens of Russia.

    In my educated opinion, the main culprit why Ukrainians gravitated back to Nazism is because of NATO brainwashing, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, NATO wasted no time pouring in their agents to the breakaway republics to start the process of De-russification. A big part of this De-Russification project, to make it effective, is to instill extreme hatred towards the Russians. This brainwashing is not only limited to former Soviet territories since anti Russian sentiments are also promoted in countries like Sweden and Finland, which is why NATO had an easy time taking over these countries without any serious resistance from the population, since the people have already been brainwashed into thinking that Russians are evil and that Prostituting themselves to NATO is the right thing to do.

    NATO is aware of Russia's cultural affinity to Ukraine, since most of Ukraine are traditional parts of Russia, this is why Ukraine got the top priority in their De-Russification campaign. If Belarus didn't have Lukashenko as its leader, there is a big chance that it would have turned into a Ukraine Lite.

    In the 90s, NATO even supported separatist elements Inside Russian borders, in this case, in Chechnya. NATO via its contact with the Saudis has arranged to send Wahabi terrorists to help support separatists in Chechnya.

    BUT, because Chechnya is a Russian territory, NATO has been unable to conduct an extensive/ Uninterrupted Brainwashing of its local population, Unlike in Ukraine, for example.

    So after the SMO in Chechnya, when hostile elements have been mostly extinguished, after law and order have been established, Russia has been able to Re-educate the Chechen population into becoming normal citizens of Russia.

    Look at Armenia, The Relationship between Russia and Armenia was mostly okay until NATO has successfully installed its puppet Pashinyan, then one by one, the entire leadership structure of Armenia has been replaced with Pro NATO prostitutes, and now the country has suddenly become Hostile to Russia.

    So my point is, if Russia can Cut off the constant stream of NATO propaganda and brainwashing to a target population, this population can then be subjected to Russia's own re-education programs to humanize them and turn them into normal Russian citizens. To achieve this in Ukraine, Russia will need to push forward until it reaches NATO's border to the west. Once the border with NATO is secured, then Russia will have a free hand to implement its Russification program to the entire population of Ukraine Oblast.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:12 pm

    Open Russian borders, but for white Christians only.

    So I can't go?

    I have my FSB gold pass given to me by Putin...

    And when you say Christians you are including a lot of different nutters in that group... asking for trouble...

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    Russian population and demographics #2 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian population and demographics #2

    Post  higurashihougi Yesterday at 5:39 pm

    Russia’s birth rate hits historic low – data
    The number of babies born in January-June 2024 was down by 16,600 in annual terms, according to Rosstat

    Russia recorded a historic minimum birth rate in the first six months of this year, with the number of babies born having declined by 16,600 in annual terms, according to data published on Monday by the state statistics agency Rosstat. Such a low was last recorded in the wake of the 1998 financial crisis in the country.

    According to the report, only 599,600 children were born in Russia in the period January to July of this year, down from the 616,200 during the same period in 2023.

    The data showed that in June 2024, the birth rate in the country plunged to a record low of just 98,600 births.

    Natural population decline in the country has also intensified, according to Rosstat. The figure rose by 49,000 in the first half of this year to 321,500 people.

    Overall, only 1.26 million babies were born in Russia in 2023, compared with 1.3 million in 2022, and 1.4 million babies in 2021, according to Rosstat.

    Russia is facing a “terrible” demographic crisis which could result in an acute labor shortage of up to 2.4 million workers by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko warned in June.

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