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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Azi Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:27 pm

    Liman is actually in russian hands, but the copium guys here don't understand that this is no plan. It's a real danger! I don't write that Liman will be captured by AFU 100%....but Russia has to react NOW.

    No army, no general in the whole wide world lets his troops get surrounded. The danger that something goes wrong and you lose the whole group is just too big. Also Ukraine would not act so aggressively if large Russian troops were in the vicinity, US reconnaissance is just too good for that.

    There are only two possibilities, either an acute shortage of soldiers or the absolute incompetence of the general staff.
    But many forum members here are not so good with common sense and prefer to live in a dream world.

    Last edited by Azi on Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Podlodka77 Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:28 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Taddei bro, it's not time for the two of us to write because we don't know anything. A little while ago, "General" Azi called from the front and wrote that Russia "has no reserves and that the Russian army is led by complete idiots". Please, let's not waste the generals' precious time.
    I remind you on that bunch of shit you wrote when Liman fell and the Russian soldiers are paraded as a trophy.

    And who are you to remind me of something ?
    Is it possible that a country with a population of 145 million does not have anyone smarter than you in its political and military leadership ?
    Hey Stupid, you're just a FORUM MEMBER just like me and realize that for once. I am irrelevant, you are irrelevant.
    Unlike you and others like you, I know where I belong, while guys like you constantly need to prove something - that they are idiots. You're irrelevant man, get that.

    I don't know what else to write except "stupid" if a person already writes that there are morons in the leadership of the Russian army. They are morons and Azi is smart ? How long will you whine, cunts ?

    Last edited by Podlodka77 on Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:36 pm

    We are here to discuss the SMO and I will make comments about the good and bad from our side, you can keep bitching and moaning at everyone who doesn't follow your blindfold approach, all good.

    We are here to discuss this but would you prefer Shoigu visit regularly and explain to you and every casual visitor to this site what the real plan and why they do each little thing and what their expectations are both from the enemy but also from western propaganda sources you are also clearly listening too as well.

    You criticise their tactics and plan from a position of ignorance because you admit yourself you don't know what is actually happening and what they are doing in very specific terms...

    We have a blindfold approach because we don't have all the facts and you and others pissing their pants and screaming for Putin and Shoigus head every time something changes makes you look like a whiny bitch and quite literally an armchair general... do you not understand criticising them and claiming they don't know what they are doing without actually knowing what they are doing... makes you sound like the internet expert who knows better than those stupid Russians how to fight a war in Europe with Winter approaching.

    I mean obviously it is just sad they don't have experts of the calibre of those criticising what is happening amongst their own ranks.

    You must all be athiests as you betray your beliefs at every opportunity... how could you possibly believe in any sort of god that would allow this...

    Exit poll data: 89% of voters in the Kherson region voted for joining Russia. In the Zaporozhye region, reunification with the Russian Federation was supported by 95% of the residents who took part in the referendum.

    So they don't think Russia is the enemy and they want them to stay... but you and others here know better of course.

    The core issue is of course it is easier to bitch and moan and complain than to wait and see what happens... getting upset because the Orcs formed up an enormous meat pack to throw on Russias grill... worrying that Russia didn't bring enough beer.... this is not their first party.

    So how to break through? Simple enough. Bring in more troops and it will not matter if the enemy is dug in. With equal numbers, a local concentration and superiority for the rupture can be achieved.

    The purpose of the breakthrough is to hit enemy positions from behind and also take out their support and supply as well as artillery and HQ etc etc... Russia has air power and does not need to break through to do that.

    Their goal is to kill Orcs so continued attacks by Orcs on their lines is actually their best scenario... manouver and inflict damage... when they have moved forward as far as they can reach then hit them and their stretched support lines and rear areas with long range artillery and air power and now suicide drones.

    It takes at least 3months to adequately train a soldier in small unit tactics, trench maintenance recon, etc. What Im saying is so far there hasn't been enough time to train all these troops in NATO countries. Also if ukraine is on its 7th wave of mobilization, then how has the number of ukrainiane troops not declined? NATO country volunteers are only so much, around 10000. Ukrainian troops in kharkov mustve been over 100000 in number alone. In donbass who knows how many there are. Probably 400000-500000.

    Could it be that HATO was training Orc soldiers before this conflict started... but then this conflict has been going on for more than 3 months so if your guesses are correct they could easily have sent batches of men west when the war started for training.

    So the danger of hundreds or thousands of Russias best units as POW is a nothingburger?

    You tell me, you seem to be the expert at what is happening and why.

    Your answers that the Russians don't know what they are doing and Putin needs to go seem to mirror enemy propaganda however.

    for real tho anyone who defend this utter cluster fudge of a failure on the russians side is just a boot licking fanboy at this point, there is no defending this.

    If they realised they were sending their forces to be killed would they keep sending them...

    Fanbois for the nazis reveal themselves for all to see, your lack of faith is disturbing...

    I said months ago this type of situation would occur if the Russians did not beef up their troop numbers and treat this like a real war, that's the sad part really. The American saw it coming miles a few but apparently, the russian leadership didn't lol

    Yeah, the Americans knew if they managed to get the Russians to kill 150K nazis with artillery fire and air power that eventually after losing less than 6K troops the Russians might lose some more troops in Liman... that was the plan and it is going beautifully... Gilligan.

    The only explanation is that they don't care losing the territory

    They were not tasked with capturing territory... they were tasked with killing Orcs...

    Lol now I never said the Russians lost but that's the problem with fanboys like you rather than accept valid criticism and see you choose to deny any ounce that exists and let the problem grow and grow and grow and grow until it causes a massive collapse.

    But that is the plan... lots of fuckups and then nuke the cunts.

    A reasonable man would go "Okay okay we made mistakes, lets correct these mistakes as not to repeat them"

    A clueless man goes "There is no problem how dare you, criticize us!"

    No... reasonable man would go "Okay, we don't know what is happening.... they haven't fought to hold territory before this so why would they do that now, their job is to kill Orcs and it seems they continue to do that at a fairly good rate... in some places they have been pushed back and are forming pretty shapes on maps but we actually don't know what forces are there and what territory they are actually occupying and what areas are just empty space they passed through to get where they are now... the orcs don't have air control and their artillery is in dribs and drabs... the Russians have air power and artillery support and mobility... and winter is coming.

    The clueless man says "I read on the internet that this and that and the other is happening... some soldiers don't even have their own personal drones... and other troops are not wiping out the enemy approaching outnumbering them 10 to one... instead they retreat and don't die fighting such overwhelming numbers... Putin and Shoigu should hang... it must be their fault obviously.

    No...we don't say that Russia is losing the war. We just say that Russia is not doing enough to minimalize losses!

    Standing and fighting outnumbered 10 to one is not minimising losses... it is making your men into martyrs.

    To hold ground. For what...

    The purpose is to eliminate the Orcs, not to capture ground.

    They could bomb the shit out of the Ukrainians with aviation bombing constantly the rally points near the crossings. Or they could simply destroy the crossing and crush the enemy trapped on the other riverside.

    They could but then the Orcs will stop coming and dig in for the winter and be very difficult to dislodge... getting them out of the towns and cities makes them more vulnerable and stretches their lines of support.

    That works both ways, unless you think that Ukrainians are shooting confetti. Russian forces deployed there are in a semi-encircled positions and i would assume their losses will grow substantially. Also Ukrainians can hit supply lines from Kremennaya now.

    The obvious solution would be to withdraw them, but you want them to stand and fight and die outnumbered for some reason...

    Do you really compare the strength of Ukronazi Forces with the Wehrmacht?

    No, which is why your comments are so amusing.

    If Russia has problems with Ukraine, how could they last a week against the whole NATO without using nukes?

    Always problems in war but Russia somehow losing in the Ukraine is all in your head.

    How did the Donbas militia win the first 2 wars ?

    By not listening to armchair generals on the internet.

    I don't understand why is the problem for some people to accept that maybe some Russian generals are not in their positions by merit.

    Your evidence, for which you are demanding immediate conviction is thin and weak and comes from unreliable third party sources.

    You don't know what their intent is but you know they are wrong... how about using your brain and shutting up and watching to see what happens instead of mouthing off.

    A wise men seeing something he does not understands, sits quiet, observes, and tries to get a point.
    While the stupids are running like madmen shouting about treason, incompetence, and rage.
    It is everyone's own choice who he wants to be.

    I am going to print that on a T shirt...

    Maybe Ukrainian army is making same mistake like in 2014 or maybe it is not. I will not play smart and claim either.

    But you are and you have... putin is an idiot and Shoigu both have to go...

    Many people here claimed that Balakleya-Izyum operation was a genious trap set by Russians and it turned that it wasn't in the end. I don't have a problem admitting that i am wrong. I actually would like that. Also, this doesn't mean that i think Russians will lose the war. For the record.

    Some other people cried because Russia couldn't destroy river crossings... and then they hit the sluice gate of a dam and flooded them to make them unusable...

    Not even an apology or recognition that it didn't happen by accident...

    Basically russian generals' modus operandi is:
    place token forces->retreat->bomb advancing enemy to smithereens>place token forces->repeat

    This keeps on repeating, the ukrainians take heavy losses, but it doesn't matter.

    So you understand yet still bitch and moan.

    And of course losing troops matters... if there were 90 thousand dead Russian soldiers you would be crying and demanding the war end and Putin commit ritual suicide.

    At the end of the day Russia is an empire
    . And empires are very hard to figure out. Russia is jumping into the nuclear blackmail propaganda trap that the US set up for it, with both feet.

    The US is an empire too... that lives well with a money printer and owning the international currency of choice... the latter supporting the former... but the latter is changing which will break the former.

    Your Telegram link didn't work.

    If the US sets off a nuke the Russians will know it was not theirs and assume it is American and act accordingly.

    The US has an opportunity to set off some nuclear propaganda device and it will be able to say Russia did it because it was losing.

    Only the west believes the US these days... are they prepared to fight a nuclear war with Russia... if they were they would have sent in troops at the start.

    All for what? Because Russia had no contingency troops or equipment on the ready ?

    The US and the west in general have been saying the Russians are losing this war since they attacked, putin is on his way out, their economy is crumbling faster than western economies, they are running out of men and weapons and ammo and missiles... the western public believes every word but who cares?

    The west tells us the people of the Crimea are Ukrainians being held against their will by evil Putin and those bad Russian troops to rape and murder and steal light fittings and inside toilets because they have never seen such things before. Rolling Eyes

    Kherson was a big and clear rout we agree on that.

    No. A rout infers heavy loses by a force trying to hold ground but being destroyed and then having to retreat. There was never any intent to hold ground in the first place.

    I believe ALAMO was asking what the roads and trees look like

    That's what it looks like

    VSU is fucking deep into settlements around Liman basically cutting it off

    Yeah, my friend has holiday photos where he and his girlfriend road a bike across Europe... so by your reckoning his photo of him standing next to the Eiffel Tower on his own means he defeated the French, and then a picture in Brussels means he beat the EU, and a picture of him next to a bridge in Germany means he beat the German army too...

    Well that is good to know.

    lets just mention that there was almost 3 years window between Chechen wars. First was was lost and there's no denying it.
    They were better prepared for Second war, but still took pretty heavy losses.

    The Chechen conflict was effectively a civil war... an equal against an equal all using essentially the same weapons and equipment... they are always the most bloody and destructive conflicts.

    Like this one should be...

    But is only for one side really.

    . I just wish that the Russian mod would not make itself look worse than it has to. Propaganda is part of war. Now is not the time to look weak. Even if it's not true

    The west employs bots and trolls in enormous numbers and controls western media... if you continue to watch western media sources... including people pretending to be pro Russian normally but being activated now to spread panic, then that is your problem not ours or Russias.

    This conflict is about the end of relations with Russia... the US funded bio weapons labs and Nazis and made promises about nuclear weapons to Kiev... there is no going back from that...

    Western opinions of Russia or its combat performance are likely not of interest to Putin or Shoigu.

    It is going to take a couple weeks to train 300,000 call ups and you are going to have to deploy them and bring up logistics for them. I do think something big is going to happen soon, something most will like but it's probably about 10 to 14 days away.

    I would expect the middle of winter actually... train them properly and equip them properly and when you send them in cut off gas supplies to European countries with sanctions against Russia or those who send weapons and money and ammo to Kiev.

    Lets see the massive protests demanding more euros and dollars are sent to Kiev and on to the Caman Islands...

    Russia could have arranged leaks on Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 - Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Moraweicki.

    Easier to turn off the taps.

    There seems to be still a glimmer of hope in Liman. The air force and artillery are allegedly helping the boys there and the enemy has been repulsed in drobyshevo and novoselovka. The main danger point is shandrigolovo. Hopefully the line can be stabilized there too.

    Almost like they know what they are doing...

    In Stalingrad the Germans got to the point where the Soviets only held a tiny bit of land a few square kilometres... just before they were encircled by two enormous forces building up on the other side of the river...

    Would the Germans have over extended themselves if they knew that was happening?

    Oh my god, please tell me theres no chance of the russians going full retard and using nukes against ukrainian fortifications.

    Of course... all your sources will be telling you it is true obviosuly because they are so reliable and so in tune with what is happening in the real world. Rolling Eyes

    WHy give radiation meds and NBC suits all of a sudden? Precautions for the ZNPP?

    Assuming they did such a thing.

    P.S. Interesting thing is that Zaluzhny spoke very highly about Gerasimov in recent interview for TIME magazine.

    If he said he was an idiot how could he explain the current state of affairs...

    If you think Zelensky cares about sending 100k soldiers to their deaths, as some of you seem to delude yourselves with, guess what: he doesn't.

    If they don't care why should we?

    Just keep killing them.

    In the last stint of his career he did not became president of 404 as in having any say in anything, he just switched from comedy to drama

    I would say comedy to tragedy...

    Certain questions arise when the Russian MoD announces an advance over one block in Bakhmut and a power substation, meanwhile a city 50,000 (Izyum) falls in a day, or a city of 20,000 (Krasny Liman) is being encircled.

    No questions at all... when the Russians have already left you can move forward. Digging out cockroaches takes time and the right chemicals shall we say...

    Germany can no longer save itself. The pipes are blown. I seriously doubt they can be fixed in less then 6 months if at all.

    Which proves beyond doubt this is either Kiev... which I doubt has the capacity to do this, or the US, who wants to ensure when things get tough this winter the Germans wont relent and open up the NS2 pipes to save their industry and economy.

    The Russians don't need to damage anything... they can just not send any gas.

    In fact this might be the US destroying gas delivery options for Germans so they wont fold for extra gas supplies... this sabotage preventing Russia from sending gas whether it wants to or not.

    I think we should be concerned about propaganda. The number of people in the West who think the Russian military is desperate and on the ropes is STAGGERING. This empowers the politicians to be aggressive and provide money for "final victory". The failure to impact the narrative is directly extending the war, costing Russian lives, money and putting us ALL at risk of nuclear Armageddon. Russia need to do something aggressive and bold to make a statement.

    You make sense and then you don't... the west controls the media most westerners see so there is nothing Russia could possibly do that the western media would reveal to the western public as anything but a sign of Russian desperation or defeat.

    Russia just needs to keep getting the job done and not worry about anyone in the west... stupid joe public or corrupt politician...

    For example, spend 5 days pounding all crossings from from the West into DUST and eviscerating Ukraine's locomotive fleet. Then take out all the power and kill all centers of command other then Zelenskys office. All this should happen in a very short time to utterly stun the nation and before anyone in the west can react. Just go from zero to 1000 and stay there for several days.

    Wouldn't doing that in the middle of winter have more impact?

    I personally believe that these were legit referendums. But I also understand the point he is trying to make.

    The difference between a legitimate referendum and an illegal one is the result... if you agree with the result then it is legitimate... except in Kosovo where there was no actual referendum... just politicians voting.

    any chances that this pipeline will get sabotaged?

    No need... those pipes can't supply a fraction of what Germany needs... it is not adding more gas to the system... it just brings it in from another direction.

    Sorry i am not a subject matter expert in this field but if that was NS2 is NS1 still operable? I feel bad for the Germans.

    Why? Their sanctions disabled the flow with NSI because the turbines that move the gas were no properly maintained by Germany, and they refused to certify NS2, so it is all their own fault anyway.

    And what's wrong with nukes?

    Ukraine is a big place, they can soak up dozen of those without any spillover

    Plus I want to see those babies go

    (people keep forgetting that nukes keep peace)

    It is funny... the public in the west along with their politicians love to escalate this conflict... but they don't understand... this is not Iraq or Iran or North Korea... Russia can hit any part of the west hard if they choose to... but keep poking the bear... it will never get angry and do anything it might regret later... how long will Russia remain the adult in the room while the children surrounding them create chaos...

    I have no clue why Geran 2 is used in Odessa, but not where guys are taking casualties

    Because big slow targets that are that noisy will be shot down pretty quickly by soldiers who know how to shoot.... in backwaters with the dregs of your military who can't hit much of anything they look impressive.

    I would say at least 6m in ideal conditions to fix it. I would say 99% chance work of the Poles.

    Russia will just think it is funny and not really care.

    Russia has made itself abundantly clear on this point. If the survival of the Russian state is in imminent danger from invasion by massed enemy conventional forces, they are prepared to use nukes to defend the state and nation.

    Ukraine simply doesn't pass that threshold, no matter how insane or unhinged they become.

    NATO might, if the US were to fully mobilise on the European continent, but the chances of that happening are IMHO (almost) non-existent.

    Exactly... Ukraine on its own attacking Russian territory... including new Russian territory does not warrant the use of nukes... but HATO forces entering the conflict would represent a threat to new Russian territory including but not limited to the Crimea so nukes against HATO forces would be justified and in fact necessary.

    It is interesting on the account of complete madness and Russophobia that is going on in Ukrainian society.
    And Zaluzhny is not as old as you think. Age difference is almost 20 years.

    Maybe he sees an opportunity as a prominent Kiev official that might become useful if Zelensky et al are removed in an attack... he might be able to negotiate peace talks and get a bit of power for himself in what remains of his country.

    Using drones to bomb Odessa instead of the Kharkov region where supposedly the russians are struggling with ukranian forces.

    Such drone attacks are always more effective against rear area motherfuckers (REMFS)... when you are short of soldiers and the enemy is rushing you in overwhelming numbers the last thing you should be doing is getting your soldiers to put down their rifles and pick up play station remotes to drop hand grenades on enemy positions.

    Ukraine News on Twitter says that the US military is concentrating everything on Kaliningrad. What would Russia's plan be if the US tried taking Kaliningrad conventionally ?

    The conventional forces there are quite strong, but tactical nukes would make them a hard nut to crack too.

    I think they'd nuke the baltics, wouldn't they?

    Wouldn't just be random... they would nuke the HATO forces massed to take and occupy the region... self defence.

    So is Russias plan now to allow the Ukrainians to keep attacking, until they are stopped by the mud season? Then attack them relentlessly by air and artillery while they are stuck?

    We don't know. Of course they have a plan and that is enough for me.

    A sacrifice on a secondary front was accepted in order to achieve a decisive victory for the course of the war.

    Sacrificing their own men is not how Putin rolls... mobility and withdrawing when faced with an enemy superior in numbers has been the pattern so far and I don't think there is any reason to change... except when they are ready to counter attack themselves by sending in reinforcements.

    Exactly , there is nothing to refute, because my opinions are based on factual information coming from reliable source, where you just keep bitching at anyone giving an opinion you don't like.

    Reliable sources in war do not exist... everyone lies because the truth can get people killed.

    Making Kiev think this attack of theirs was a big trap they have been expecting since they noticed all those Ukrainian people from HATO countries arriving back in the Ukraine and moving up to the front lines would totally ruin the surprise... and surprise is very important in traps.

    The Orcs think their attacks were amazing and critical and pretty soon they will be taking Crimea and hell... why not Moscow too when Putin gets kicked out of power by internet warriors like yourself.

    Even the Orcs had to mention they are having very very heavy and sustained losses... the orcs on line are not connected with reality and were really getting carried away... these are the people you are listening to.

    Any other real sources are violating OPSEC rules unless they are weaving a trap... trust them if you don't mind egg on your face.

    I would be more than happy to be wrong to be honest, but months of almost no gains, and now weeks of lost territory, you don’t have to be a doomer, general or expert to see something isn’t right in that theatre.

    Yeah.... all these months of combat and never once have they had chocolate pudding for tea... it has always been just cakes and biscuits.

    Except that four regions they occupy have voted to join the Russian Federation and thousands and thousands of orcs have been removed from the gene pool for a very small loss of Russian troops.

    The enemy took a large group of men they have been grooming and training and presumably were equipped while overseas with the best shit they could manage and now they have thrown them into combat to turn the tide... they lost thousands of men and pushed the Russian forces back maybe 50km on average... more in some places and less in others.... much of it empty territory they didn't really fight for but perhaps lost men crossing due to enemy artillery and aircraft.

    They currently at at a stalemate against forces they massively outnumber and are teetering with a few bridge crossings over which they have sent forces they can't recover if those crossings are now hit... and you think Russia is in a bad position?

    When it turns out these soldiers sent to the west to be trained and equipped were wasted in frontal assaults and artillery barrages.... what is the next wave of trained and equipped soldiers going to do... maybe turn on command so they don't end up dead too?

    Who knows... who cares... Russia will just keep shelling them... they can come to their senses or die... honestly I don't care either way.

    I can still form a pretty accurate opinion based on doctors reports and diagnosis though, without being a doctor , or would I be called a doomer if i was told I had cancer and wanted to do something about it

    Assuming you have accurate information which is doubtful.

    what Trump said "Wouldn't it be nice if we had good relations with Russia"..

    He wasn't even saying he wanted to be friends... but that there are a few issues they could work together to sort out a few small things that would make things easier for both countries and the rest of the world too.

    proper support from the leadership and it's natural to be agitated when you see your people under fire while the opponent is seemingly allowed to make terrain or cross rivers relatively easily.

    The only way they can stop the enemy moving around is to massively increase their own presence which makes everything harder and more complex and massively increases potential problems.

    When every soldier on the front line has their own drone which are friendly and which are enemy... most of the time you wont know till they are diving on your vehicle... which is too late.

    The people who need drones have them... special forces, artillery, recon forces etc etc.

    It’ll be interesting to see what the Jews have to counter them….Iran will be most interested of course.

    So attacking their front lines now makes sense so they have the anti drone equipment on the front line so they can capture it like they did with the NLAWs and Javelins and Stingers... I am sure Russia and Iran will be interested...

    For the American military industry, the normal level of production of artillery shells for 155 mm howitzers is about 30,000 shells per year in peacetime. Ukrainian soldiers spend that amount in about two weeks, Dave de Roche, a senior fellow at the US National Defense University (NDU), told CNBC.

    Yeah... they fire 500 a week and lose 14,500 per week in ammo dump explosions...

    Im pissed that the resident "Never criticize MoD, trust the plan, youre not an expert, actually this was a 4D chess feint" types here were assuring us that ukraine cant muster enough troops to defend the donbass fortifications, let alone create successful large bridgheads against an enemy with supposedly excellent recon and artillery capabilities, because kalibr strikes, according to konashenkov were destroying troops behind the frontline by the tens of thousands.

    Bullshit... it has been well known the Orcs had training facilities in the UK and elsewhere where their grunts were getting special super HATO training that will win the war... Walle even mentioned Swedish instructors going to UK to teach them how to fight...

    The whole "positional battle" reporting sounds more and more like an excuse that russia simply sucks at offensives and is a total failure at achieving its own goals of liberating DNR.

    They didn't get the positions they are in by defending and retreating... they even partially surrounded Kiev when that was deemed useful, but right now holding ground is not deemed useful and rolling with enemy attacks and shelling them is what they are doing to whittle down the enemy forces... remember these are super soldiers HATO trained and equipped...

    Bundling them into enormous bundles and rushing Russian positions so they can't fire artillery shells fast enough to deal with them all seems to work in pushing the Russian forces back, but they could always push the Russian forces back... and they usually got wipe out in the process because of artillery.

    Well this time they are not getting wiped out completely because they are taking a lot more men with them on each attack.

    That is the sort of tactic someone who doesn't like you would come up with for you to use...

    Also Im mostly dooming because russia cant oblitarate ukrainian bridgeheads in a spectacular fashion like how the ukrainians did against the russians in belogorovka.

    Well last time they blew a damn to stop them crossing, but hitting a crossing is easy so I suspect they want more enemy heavy equipment to cross the river before they cut off their escape.

    Why not send the existing pre-mobilization russian army and use the mobilized to replace it in nonukrainian theatres?

    Those mobilised were mobilised because they have combat experience and special skills that are required for the conflict in the Ukraine... to send them to peel potatoes in Siberia while some conscript from Siberia is sent to the Ukraine makes no sense at all... especially if that conscript has no combat experience unlike the men being mobilised.

    In the short term that might feel like a failure but if you play the long game and keep weakening the opponent there comes a point where you can (more) easily advance in return. But nobody knows the strategy or specific goals, so everything is guesswork.

    The orcs went to enormous lengths to create and train and equip that force and have stripped forces from all round their territory to send it in to battle... it was their Kursk... it was their Tiger and Panther tanks that were going to march all the way across the Donbass to Lugansk and perhaps even Crimea with one or two stops for a break on the way.

    Instead it has spent the last week or so getting seriously mauled and while it has advanced it wasn't destroying the Russian forces it pushed back... they very much fell back in good order and a fighting retreat inflicting damage on the enemy.

    The sort of thing HATO was hoping to do in WWIII against the overwhelming Warsaw Pact...

    According to unconfimred reports Torske was taken by AFU and they amass troops to take Zarichne soon.

    That is OK... according to unconfirmed reports Zelensky has resigned and the guy taking over has surrendered unconditionally...

    Big_Gazza, kvs, BliTTzZ, Sprut-B, Hole, Broski and Podlodka77 like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Azi Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:40 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Is it possible that a country with a population of 145 million does not have anyone smarter than you in its political and military leadership ?
    Em...if we observe the situation on the ground...NO!

    I'm not the only one critical. ALL Russian military experts shake their heads at many General Staff decisions. After all, their patriotism makes them look ahead.

    Podlodka77 wrote:Hey Stupid, you're just a FORUM MEMBER just like me and realize that for once. I am irrelevant, you are irrelevant.
    Unlike you and others like you, I know where I belong, while guys like you constantly need to prove something - that they are idiots. You're irrelevant man, get that.
    You have no idea about philosophy and natural sciences!

    The most important person in life is yourself and the people who are close to you and who you love! No amount of great speeches by Putin or some beautiful oligarch's palace can compensate for a person's personal loss. A dead son, brother, father is dead! No speech, no matter how nice, will bring him back to life. It is the duty of the politicians in the Kremlin to do EVERYTHING to protect the lives of Russian citizens and people who define themselves as Russians and not some 5D master plan. Sending thousands of soldiers into captivity pointlessly, abandoning territory and having civilians slaughtered by Ukronazis is not one of them.

    Me and the people I love are EVERYTHING and you are NOTHING to me! That is the truth and reality for me.

    If you want to be only a slave...go ahead. Your slavish behavior explains your actual mental condition very well.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:44 pm

    Liman is actually in russian hands, but the copium guys here don't understand that this is no plan. It's a real danger! I don't write that Liman will be captured by AFU 100%....but Russia has to react NOW.

    No army, no general in the whole wide world lets his troops get surrounded. The danger that something goes wrong and you lose the whole group is just too big. Also Ukraine would not act so aggressively if large Russian troops were in the vicinity, US reconnaissance is just too good for that.

    There are only two possibilities, either an acute shortage of soldiers or the absolute incompetence of the general staff.
    But many forum members here are not so good with common sense and prefer to live in a dream world.

    So you are ranting that Russia are fools and their military are idiots... Liman is being surrounded and captured as we speak according to your sources.... I like my sources better of course, but that is not important... apart from creating panic and fear what do you expect to achieve by quoting your made up sources here that contradict what the Russians are telling us?

    Being surrounded is perfectly normal for Airborne forces and special forces and recon forces operating behind enemy lines... US recon is just so amazing... that is why the Ukraine are winning obviously... that is why Russian forces attacking the Ukraine were ambushed and pushed back from their borders... everything else is just made up.

    There are always way more than two possibilities... they don't need more soldiers... they need more artillery support and air power for for fear mongering idiots repeating western propaganda like you to keep your mouth closed.

    I'm not the only one critical. ALL Russian military experts shake their heads at many General Staff decisions. After all, their patriotism makes them look ahead.

    The critical man cries about all the shells of the broken eggs used to make the cake... he only shuts up and apologises when he tastes the cake.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Podlodka77 Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:45 pm

    Me and the people I love are EVERYTHING and you are NOTHING to me! That is the truth and reality for me.

    If you want to be only a slave...go ahead. Your slavish behavior explains your actual mental condition very well.[/quote]

    I'm not your shoulder to cry on, general - go on !
    Go to your crying team...


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  franco Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:49 pm

    Retired contractors were named a priority category for mobilization

    Russians who recently left for the reserve after serving under a contract are considered a priority category for mobilization. This explanation was published on September 28 on the portal on the portal "Explain. rf".

    The portal also indicates that a person can be mobilized immediately after completing urgent service, provided that he left for the reserve.

    On September 26, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation approved a list of 195 specialties, for representatives of which a delay from partial mobilization is recommended. The list includes, in particular, specialties of physical and mathematical and chemical and biological directions, as well as technical specialties and directions related to information technologies and communications.

    Earlier, on September 23, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that IT, communications, media and finance specialists will not be involved in partial mobilization. This decision was made to ensure the operation of certain high-tech industries, as well as the financial system of the Russian Federation.

    Before that, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, explained that employees of the military-industrial complex enterprises, students of military universities and conscripts will receive a deferral from conscription for the period of work in these organizations.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on partial mobilization on September 21. The document states that only certain categories of citizens will be subject to conscription. Mobilization activities in the country began on the day of signing the decree.

    On September 22, the General Staff of the Russian Federation announced that as part of the partial mobilization, categories of citizens who are necessary to perform tasks will be called up. Among them are riflemen, tankers, gunners, drivers and mechanics-drivers. They noted that priority is given to citizens who have suitable military accounting specialties.

    Russia has been conducting a special operation to protect the Donbas since February 24. As Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out, the measure on partial mobilization is necessary to protect the country, its sovereignty, territorial integrity and ensure the security of citizens. The Defense Ministry stressed that in Ukraine, the Russian Federation is actually opposing NATO.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Azi Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:53 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    So you are ranting that Russia are fools and their military are idiots... Liman is being surrounded and captured as we speak according to your sources.... I like my sources better of course, but that is not important... apart from creating panic and fear what do you expect to achieve by quoting your made up sources here that contradict what the Russians are telling us?
    I don't know if you can't or don't want to understand it? Pointing out a problem doesn't make you a doomer!

    By the was breaking NEWS! What else is a forum for? Just for jerking off on concept art of imaginary aircraft carriers and the PAK-DP?

    GarryB wrote: surrounded is perfectly normal for Airborne forces and special forces and recon forces operating behind enemy lines... US recon is just so amazing... that is why the Ukraine are winning obviously... that is why Russian forces attacking the Ukraine were ambushed and pushed back from their borders... everything else is just made up.
    If it's perfectly problem! Let more russian soldiers be surrounded by Ukraine? It's a cool plan according to you!

    I know what a trap looks like. And a trap by Russian Army let Ukronazis slip in would be very nice. But a trap would never endanger the own troops so massive.

    GarryB wrote:There are always way more than two possibilities... they don't need more soldiers... they need more artillery support and air power for for fear mongering idiots repeating western propaganda like you to keep your mouth closed.
    Thank you for the personal insult! Wink So I can call you an idiot too? And for COPIUM IDIOTS like you every loss is a great victory. You would smile if a Ukronazi would cut off your balls and say...hey that's Putins 5D chess masterplan. Hahaha X-D

    GarryB wrote:The critical man cries about all the shells of the broken eggs used to make the cake... he only shuts up and apologises when he tastes the cake.
    The critical man is the smart one! Only idiots never see failures at all and at least their own failures and proceed with the same shit again and again and again...

    By the way...Uncle Sham won big in this war...beside Vann7, RTN and Co we are ALL pro russians and love this great country. But I only see hate, insults and distrust within the forum! If we are so divided without being directly affected by the war, how divided is the Russian world? It is nicer for you to harm a brother in spirit and direct your hatred at him than at the real opponent.

    Last edited by Azi on Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:04 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:55 pm

    Russia forces abandoned Kupyansk

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Img_2199


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Azi Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:13 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:

    I'm not your shoulder to cry on, general - go on !
    Go to your crying team...

    Maybe you'd better leave the forum like you tried before Wink


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Serberus Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:16 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russia forces abandoned Kupyansk

    The Ukrainian army claims control over the village of Kupyansk-Uzlovaya, located on the eastern bank of Oskol. This means that the enemy successfully crossed the river and entrenched himself on the other side. It did not work out to hold the front along Oskol, as previously planned. In addition, there is information about the maneuvers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Petropavlovka area. The situation in this area is still far from stable. @milinfolive

    There is a video and photo confirmation of the above.


    Ukrainian soldiers post footage of the raising of the flag over the Village Council in Novoselovka. Thus, from the north, between Liman and the advanced units of the enemy, there remains only one village of Drobyshevo and only a few kilometers of land. The city is in an extremely dangerous situation. @milinfolive

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Podlodka77 Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:20 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:

    I'm not your shoulder to cry on, general - go on !
    Go to your crying team...

    Maybe you'd better leave the forum like you tried before Wink


    I don't like communists and Lenin ideology, that's why I left, but let me add something...

    I see that according to you there are morons in the leadership of Russia, as you have already written, but you "embellish" your entire text with the story of your love for Russia. Thats very interesting..
    I keep writing to you that you are unimportant, but you want to impose your attitude on everyone, as if you are important, and you are as important as a punctured condom.
    And it hurts you to be irrelevant, that's already clear to me...


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:42 pm

    Azi wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    So you are ranting that Russia are fools and their military are idiots... Liman is being surrounded and captured as we speak according to your sources.... I like my sources better of course, but that is not important... apart from creating panic and fear what do you expect to achieve by quoting your made up sources here that contradict what the Russians are telling us?
    I don't know if you can't or don't want to understand it? Pointing out a problem doesn't make you a doomer!

    What problem?

    By the was breaking NEWS! What else is a forum for? Just for jerking off on concept art of imaginary aircraft carriers and the PAK-DP?

    Probably not for operational-tactical decisions and conclusions on the basis of Rybar's maps

    We're not re-enacting that scene from Hitler's bunker here, take it easy.

    And as an aside, situations and narratives can be incredibly misleading. Because during war misinformation and omission is almost the norm, including on Telegram.
    I remember the Azeri-Armenian war in 2020. Both sides were posting their own versions that contradicted one another, but it really did seem that the Armenian forces were beating the offensive and were well-entrenched. Until that is Pashinyan announced he was signing a cease-fire as the Azeris suddenly entered Shushi

    If it's perfectly problem! Let more russian soldiers be surrounded by Ukraine? It's a cool plan according to you!

    I know what a trap looks like. And a trap by Russian Army let Ukronazis slip in would be very nice. But a trap would never endanger the own troops so massive.

    You know what a trap looks like?

    You have the topographical charts and the frontages and locations of all the various formations actual as of today on your desk and have reached this conclusion? Do you even know what such maps look like? Have you studied at a military academy?

    Or are you just taking your red/blue-shaded maps and reports from Telegram?

    I don't myself know what units Russia has around Belgorod. Or here, there, anywhere else. Even locally-based motor-rifles brigades/regiments will all be in places of temporary deployment by now and it's anyone's guess where any of those are. But clearly there's not much of a crisis going on here. The front is fluid, it ebbs and goes according to whichever side accumulates more men at a particular section of it.
    I don't know if there's a trap being prepared or just simply a counter-attack to straighten out the front.
    No-one here knows.

    My feeling about Krasnyj Liman is as I've said before. It will be held most likely. Because even if its strategic significance is now at an end; it would be fun to deny Zelensky the propaganda victory that he hopes for on the backdrop of the announced mobilization, and Krasny Liman of course is DNR and now very soon Russian territory; there is a serious responsibility to the civilians living there.

    Thank you for the personal insult! Wink So I can call you an idiot too? And for COPIUM IDIOTS like you every loss is a great victory. You would smile if a Ukronazi would cut off your balls and say...hey that's Putins 5D chess masterplan. Hahaha X-D

    Clearly there's a bit of a difference between a strategic plan and day-to-day tactical successes. People do die in combat on every side regardless of what the greater operation achieves.

    The critical man is the smart one! Only idiots never see failures at all and at least their own failures and proceed with the same shit again and again and again...

    The problem with you and other doomers is not that you're too critical.
    It's that you are faced with a deficit of information and decide to simply assume that which you don't know, trust unreliable sources, and presume competencies of yourself that you do not possess.

    Being critical is fine.
    After the fact.
    When the true picture emerges and it's possible to judge as to what went wrong, what X or Y achieved, how many men were lost on this side and the other side, what sort of other repercussions or knock-on effects there were, etc..

    By the way...Uncle Sham won big in this war...beside Vann7, RTN and Co we are ALL pro russians and love this great country. But I only see hate, insults and distrust within the forum! If we are so divided without being directly affected by the war, how divided is the Russian world? It is nicer for you to harm a brother in spirit and direct your hatred at him than at the real opponent.

    That's indeed Uncle Sam's doing.
    But the responsibility is all on you
    All it took for him was to sow the seed of doubt, and the seed of presumption.
    As usual. Empire of Chaos and all that.

    My recommendation is for you and other doomers to stop panicking, bickering and arguing in real-time on every random tid-bit of information that comes out. Or going to Telegram to grab up the latest updates and then put your own spin on top of it like Arkhangelsk does. We've had 2 week's worth of prophecies about the fall of Krasny Liman already so far. And what? What was the point of all this commotion?
    It's emotional defeatist porn and I'm tired of it. If you have an indictment against the Russian military leadership over this or that operation to make then by all means - but support it with facts, reasoned arguments, timelines and so on.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  limb Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:47 pm

    A nice clear video of trench cleaning and bunker busting by the DNR


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:48 pm

    There is no plan in terms of Liman IF that was a setup Russia would have launched the trap by now. Trying to say "you don't know the plan, they know more than us don't question them" is fanboy boot licking at its finest. You can insult, pull the "well did you apply for position in Kremlin" shit all you want it just makes you look ignorant is all and I laugh at it.

    Now that clusteruck doesn't mean Russia lost the war, nor is anyone SAYING that.

    What we have here is a case of the fanboys who cannot stand others calling out incompetent decisions and using the idiotic excuse "it's a plan duuuuur"

    The reality is Russia could have avoided this entire situation if it merely moved in the spare troop it already has, that's the problem and THATS what's being called out this is a completely preventable situation well it was.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Wrong Question

    Post  calripson Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:51 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Azi wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Taddei bro, it's not time for the two of us to write because we don't know anything. A little while ago, "General" Azi called from the front and wrote that Russia "has no reserves and that the Russian army is led by complete idiots". Please, let's not waste the generals' precious time.
    I remind you on that bunch of shit you wrote when Liman fell and the Russian soldiers are paraded as a trophy.

    And who are you to remind me of something ?
    Is it possible that a country with a population of 145 million does not have anyone smarter than you in its political and military leadership ?
    Hey Stupid, you're just a FORUM MEMBER just like me and realize that for once. I am irrelevant, you are irrelevant.
    Unlike you and others like you, I know where I belong, while guys like you constantly need to prove something - that they are idiots. You're irrelevant man, get that.

    I don't know what else to write except "stupid" if a person already writes that there are morons in the leadership of the Russian army. They are morons and Azi is smart ? How long will you whine, cunts ?

    The question is not the competence of forum members versus the Russian military and political leadership, it is the competence of US/UK military and political strategists vis a vis the Russians. So far the answer to which group is more competent is rather clear.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:51 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:There is no plan in terms of Liman IF that was a setup Russia would have launched the trap by now. Trying to say "you don't know the plan, they know more than us don't question them" is fanboy boot licking at its finest. You can insult, pull the "well did you apply for position in Kremlin" shit all you want it just makes you look ignorant is all and I laugh at it.

    Now that clusteruck doesn't mean Russia lost the war, nor is anyone SAYING that.

    What we have here is a case of the fanboys who cannot stand others calling out incompetent decisions and using the idiotic excuse "it's a plan duuuuur"

    The reality is Russia could have avoided this entire situation if it merely moved in the spare troop it already has, that's the problem and THATS what's being called out this is a completely preventable situation well it was.

    What clusterfuck? It's been publicly known that Krasny Liman is allegedly the Ukrainians' target for 2 weeks now. If Russia wanted to withdraw forces from there it would have.

    As to whether it's a trap or simply serves to pin attacking Ukrainian forces or whatever else - I have no information.
    But it's incredibly premature to start labeling it as a loss or an incompetent decision. The so far successful defense of a location is incompetence?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  flamming_python Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:54 pm

    calripson wrote:The question is not the competence of forum members versus the Russian military and political leadership, it is the competence of US/UK military and political strategists vis a vis the Russians. So far the answer to which group is more competent is rather clear.

    I don't know which group is more competent, that the further development of the war will show - but the US/UK side is certainly more cynical. The General Hague school of strategy.

    The US/UK military and political strategists don't bat an eyelid over sacrificing thousands of Ukrainian militarymen and conscripts just to gain a few more kilometres of ground.

    And sure, if you're ready to do that - you can gain some ground, kill some civilians and claim some propaganda victories.
    Whether that will be worth the severe depletion of reserves and material however is another matter. Seems like quite a short-term strategy, as if the Western powers are betting on Russia being close to collapse and so burning off all their assets out at the rate of jet fuel might pay off by making that happen.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  TMA1 Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:56 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Is it possible that a country with a population of 145 million does not have anyone smarter than you in its political and military leadership ?
    Em...if we observe the situation on the ground...NO!

    I'm not the only one critical. ALL Russian military experts shake their heads at many General Staff decisions. After all, their patriotism makes them look ahead.

    Podlodka77 wrote:Hey Stupid, you're just a FORUM MEMBER just like me and realize that for once. I am irrelevant, you are irrelevant.
    Unlike you and others like you, I know where I belong, while guys like you constantly need to prove something - that they are idiots. You're irrelevant man, get that.
    You have no idea about philosophy and natural sciences!

    The most important person in life is yourself and the people who are close to you and who you love! No amount of great speeches by Putin or some beautiful oligarch's palace can compensate for a person's personal loss. A dead son, brother, father is dead! No speech, no matter how nice, will bring him back to life. It is the duty of the politicians in the Kremlin to do EVERYTHING to protect the lives of Russian citizens and people who define themselves as Russians and not some 5D master plan. Sending thousands of soldiers into captivity pointlessly, abandoning territory and having civilians slaughtered by Ukronazis is not one of them.

    Me and the people I love are EVERYTHING and you are NOTHING to me! That is the truth and reality for me.

    If you want to be only a slave...go ahead. Your slavish behavior explains your actual mental condition very well.

    Dunno bro you sound like a slave to your passions and have a bleak, misanthropic point of view. Like many in our generation. This is why you see so many fleeing from being called to service. They dont care about anyone but themselves and loved ones. Though if you actually dug deeper you would find thry dont truly love their loved ones. They are emotionally attached to their loved ones. Loving loved ones means doing things that might hurt ones self or even family for what is right and good. This is called sacrifice, which is bravery and the cardinal virtue. It is also love.

    For example what if every man ran from war and said "I only care about me and my loved ones!" Well their nation would get regime changed and balkanized and poorer for it all. Many of them might die. See what I mean? Love requires sacrifice and often the tamping down of your own feelings.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  nomadski Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:56 pm

    Russian draft dodgers , who do not turn up to register or leave the country , must face punishment . They should loose social benefits of pay heavy fines on return .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:00 pm

    Close call for DPR soldier vs Ukrainian troops

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Hole Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:11 pm

    Lithuania transported Ukraine 50 armored vehicles M113

    That ammount will last 3 to 4 days max.

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    caveat emptor
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  caveat emptor Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:15 pm

    nomadski wrote:

    Russian draft dodgers , who do not turn up to register or leave the country , must  face punishment . They should loose social benefits of pay heavy fines on return .
    They'll be punished like everywhere else. There's a prison sentence for draft evasion.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  franco Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:21 pm

    caveat emptor wrote:
    nomadski wrote:

    Russian draft dodgers , who do not turn up to register or leave the country , must  face punishment . They should loose social benefits of pay heavy fines on return .
    They'll be punished like everywhere else. There's a prison sentence for draft evasion.

    Only if they don't show up to a recall notice... otherwise nothing!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  thegopnik Wed Sep 28, 2022 5:23 pm

    twitter ruining the fun.

    last 2 places for ukraine war updates unless people have more suggestions. would have to follow her to her tweets. I prefer ghosts telegram because it shows more news than it does on his twitter.

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