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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  VARGR198 Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:32 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Firebird Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:32 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    Nope, Kiev is hugely important to many Russians.
    The Mother City of the Rus. Its Russia's capital for centuries, a major centre of the orthodox church, Russian speaking and its populn have been traditionally pro Russia. Yes there has been an influx of Bandera-vermin in recent times but they can be flushed out. This wasn't a Donbass operation or a Novorossiya operation, it was about deNazifying/liberating as much of the region as possible.

    Even with 8 yrs of brainwashing, decent people can be brought to their senses.
    Federalisation will likely result in substantial population movements. The vermin will move West. And pro Russians will see safety outside of the Western areas. Russia can use the carrot and the stick.
    Chechnya got fixed and that looked like an utter lost cause.  Same thing in the 20th century.
    Not really true. Of course Kiev was the gem of the orthodox slavic world, but it was not first city of the Rus and nothing like a capital for the Rus. But was a centre for culture and religion. Cities like Novgorod or Susdal are far more important.

    But true...Kiev has a special place in the hearts of the slavic world! And in my view, the rest of Ukraine (if there is any left) should exist without Kiev.

    Well its named the Mother city even if there were other significant cities. My family are from Kiev on one side.
    I know the princedoms/fiefdoms were loosely connected on some occasions, but Kiev was the seat of many rulers over the land that was still the Russia of those eras. The hohol nationalist version of events is basically bullshit. I would still strongly see Kiev of one of the key historic capitals of Russia. Even if Russia was under Mongol occupation for a long time, which had the effect of changing the dynamic.

    Liberating Kiev as a Russian/Kievan Rus/Malorossiyan city would have a big effect on the standing of Russia, positively. To me, its an integral part of the whole operation. And one area where nationalists should be told the days of NATO backed agitation are over.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  VARGR198 Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:33 pm


    This was a really interesting live stream

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:35 pm

    RTN wrote:Now that Russia's most advanced 4th gen aircraft, a Su-35 has been shot down over enemy airspace with a Soviet era BUK-I, I would hope the mandarins at Kremlin realize that they neither have the hi tech weapons nor the skilled operators that are needed to win the war in Ukraine.

    About time Russia calls a cease fire and saves itself from further embarrassment.

    Bold statement from country's representative  where f22 keep falling down without reason, patriots cannot save Saudis from scuds nor hussite primitive drones,  and f35 can use gun only when taxing and when it doesn't rain.  Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

    As for your crumbling  empire. Well US like before 3rd Reich  took from Rome. Reichstag, capitol, eagles. Attitude towards Russia.
    Only best before date is different. Yours is about to expire. What will be good for the rest of the free world. Not really for a bunch of thieves and bandits  US and all-lies.


    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:41 pm

    RTN wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Memo the Pentagon RE: shot down f15 by ground launched r73 clown
    Welcome to your circus. Will mark you down as scared and horny.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Why don't you study up on the Buk before you sat stupid shit like this, Armchair experts who have no dam clue are annoying regardless if so west or pro russia.
    Maybe you can start by studying all the press briefs that Russia gave while trying to sell the Su 35. Being able to evade radar-guided surface-to-air missile like the BUK 1 was one of the selling point.

    And please do try to shoot down a F18 Super Hornet or a F 35 with your BUK. We will have this discussion then.

    Just because it's able to evade them doesn't mean it will succeed 100% of the time

    Su-35s have been flying since the beggining of the conflict. And in an unfriendly EW environment, according to one of the pilots

    So out of hundreds of sorties 1 Su-35 gets shot down and its all doom and gloom for the plane? Doesn't work like that

    America has this ridiculous cult of superiority about their weapon systems, that none can be shot down or taken out or whatever. To the point where the Saudis always excuse their own aircraft losses of F-16s and Apaches as malfunctions or pilot errors, but under no circumstances due to enemy action. When the US declares war on Iran and invades it, we'll see the truth of the matter.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Sujoy Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:42 pm

    psg wrote: But the way ukr forces kill their own people just for accepting food aid from RF forces, is a genocide and atrocity. Just Horrific.
    Maybe these people are being killed by those western mercenaries embedded with the Ukranian forces. They have a reputation for this.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:47 pm

    mr_hd wrote:
    In short Russia is stuck in huge conflict in which it lost control, I personally believe that Russia will be much weaker state once this is over. For West this is great opportunity to contain Russia for next 20-40 years.

    yup, you can believe in tooth fairies and batman . It does not  mean they do exist though t. Cheers.
    BTW isnt in funny that Zelenski being a Jew works with nazi OUN/UPA scum? isn't  it a spit in the face for Holocaust  survivors? Looks lik efor him nothing personal just moeny in Bahamas.

    Yet  Das Reichs USministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda make him a leader. Though he only is actor reading US scripts.

    flamming_python wrote:
    America has this ridiculous cult of superiority about their weapon systems, that none can be shot down or taken out or whatever. To the point where the Saudis always excuse their own aircraft losses of F-16s and Apaches as malfunctions or pilot errors, but under no circumstances due to enemy action. When the US declares war on Iran and invades it, we'll see the truth of the matter.

    It's not ridiculous but rogue marketing Very Happy If US declares war on Iran I hope Iran will have Buks, Onixes and Mig-35s Very Happy

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:47 pm

    VARGR198 wrote:7

    @ 0:19, well. its not an soldier dropping an AK magazine...
    Just you know...sticking your nations flag upside down..
    Smooth ....very smooth.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Sujoy Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:48 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Just because it's able to evade them doesn't mean it will succeed 100% of the time

    Su-35s have been flying since the beggining of the conflict. And in an unfriendly EW environment, according to one of the pilots

    So out of hundreds of sorties 1 Su-35 gets shot down and its all doom and gloom for the plane? Doesn't work like that
    Precisely. Previously we spoke about how countermeasures on board Russian helicopters and tanks can be overwhelmed by the shear number of missiles fired at them. The same applies for fighter aircraft like the Su 35 as well.

    Maybe countermeasures did allow it to evade a few missiles but eventually a few more missiles were able to hit it. We do not know if a BUK was used, though it is a likely candidate.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:51 pm

    mr_hd wrote:So far Ukraine rose each time to challenge and basically forced Russia to change tactics and drop goals. Exit from Kyiv is huge humiliation for Russian troops.
    Also Mariupol is still able to absorb all Russian forces in the south, thus buying time for rest of Ukraine to regroup and resupply, that place was forecasted that will fell many days ago.
    And Zelenskiy turned out to be huge natural leader and is very successful in making huge damage to Russian prestige and standing on world stage, he is bassically biggest Ukrainian weapon...

    In short Russia is stuck in huge conflict in which it lost control, I personally believe that Russia will be much weaker state once this is over. For West this is great opportunity to contain Russia for next 20-40 years.

    Kiev did manage to maintain cohesion, and the loyalty of almost every part of its territory

    This is what caused the Russian plan to scare the elites/split them/strike deals with seperate cities to fail

    And as a result there is nothing left to do around Kiev

    As for Zelensky, he's just a showman and anyone with half a brain can see it fine, his own people as well. Doesn't matter how much the Western press lionizes him.

    Mariupol is nearly done, I think most Russian forces have been freed up which were engaged there.

    Ukrainians have fought a good defensive battle but there are things they have no control over. Being able to regroup and resupply for one thing - given that supplies have now been taken out across the country, and rail junctions too.
    Russian forces have far more mobility and it's just a question of cutting off Ukrainian forces at this point.

    This isn't the Iran-Iraq war. It's a huge conflict but it will be decided either by successful negotiations, or militarily - and within the next 2 months.
    And I doubt it would be negotiations unless the Russian leadership are true scum (quite possible), given what we're hearing now about repressions, arrests, and killings in the Kiev region by Ukrainian security forces against not just those suspect of co-operating in some way with Russian troops, but in general anyone who has criticized the Ukrainian authorities. There is no stepping back, in my view.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Sujoy Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:54 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Take this weapons and send to Scotland and Northern Ireland. Give to Argentinians iskander and brahmos.
    Maybe Moscow will take some sort of action against the West. A lot of Russian soldiers are dead because of this evil Anglo-Saxon alliance.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:07 pm

    more footage of Chechens hauling ridiculous amounts of Denazification towards Nazi's.

    **nsfw for blurred dead soldier**

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:21 pm

    The surrrenders in mariupol by the hundreds?. seems confirmed!.

    267 marines from the 503rd battalion (assigned to the 36th Marine Corps) chose life and surrendered to the Russians.

    Last edited by Airbornewolf on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  JohninMK Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:29 pm

    They will have some stories to tell.

    GEROMAN -- 👀 -
    The largest one-time surrender since the beginning of the OP.
    In Mariupol, 264 enemy soldiers and officers from the 501st Separate Marine Battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (36th Marine Brigade) surrendered.
    The motto of the 501st battalion_:"God and victory are with us."

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 FPheqhaWUAQMjZw?format=png&name=small

    Last edited by JohninMK on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Podlodka77 Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:29 pm

    mr_hd wrote:So far Ukraine rose each time to challenge and basically forced Russia to change tactics and drop goals. Exit from Kyiv is huge humiliation for Russian troops.
    Also Mariupol is still able to absorb all Russian forces in the south, thus buying time for rest of Ukraine to regroup and resupply, that place was forecasted that will fell many days ago.
    And Zelenskiy turned out to be huge natural leader and is very successful in making huge damage to Russian prestige and standing on world stage, he is bassically biggest Ukrainian weapon...

    In short Russia is stuck in huge conflict in which it lost control, I personally believe that Russia will be much weaker state once this is over. For West this is great opportunity to contain Russia for next 20-40 years.

    It's nice to live in delusion, isn't it?
    * There is no freedom of opinion in the West, but everyone from Portugal to Finland follows the United States.
    * The right to hear the Russian voice DOES NOT EXIST, because Russian state televisions have been abolished and banned on YouTube.
    * You have the example of Jesse Owens, an African-American who won 4 gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. And the Germans did not ban the participation of African-Americans in that Olympics. Today, Russian athletes are being asked to criticize the Russian regime so that they can play at a certain event.

    The West has NEVER learned one thing, and that is that Russia must not be underestimated.
    Look at it this way, bro, Russia is ready to go and will go to the end, so that neither you nor me will be there at that end. It doesn't matter who the opponent is, Ukraine or the NATO pact.

    Last edited by Podlodka77 on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  VARGR198 Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:30 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  VARGR198 Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:35 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Hole Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:52 pm

    Pepe Escobar
    This is a tentative list of US "protectorates" that will be represented only by the US ambassador in Moscow - assuming there will be one:

    _ UK
    _ Canada
    _ Poland
    _ Czech Republic
    _ Lithuania
    _ Latvia
    _ Estonia
    _ France
    _ Germany
    _ Italy
    _ Spain
    _ Romania
    _ Australia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Podlodka77 Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:55 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Pepe Escobar
    This is a tentative list of US "protectorates" that will be represented only by the US ambassador in Moscow - assuming there will be one:

    _ UK
    _ Canada
    _ Poland
    _ Czech Republic
    _ Lithuania
    _ Latvia
    _ Estonia
    _ France
    _ Germany
    _ Italy
    _ Spain
    _ Romania
    _ Australia

    I am sorry that the politics and the state leadership of Italy were brought Italy into this situation and on that list.. I'm not sorry for the others.

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    Post  Hole Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:04 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:more footage of Chechens hauling ridiculous amounts of Denazification towards Nazi's.

    **nsfw for blurred dead soldier**

    Someone should tell them that Russia is running out of ammunition, according to unnamed sources of the western MSM. Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Hole Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:08 pm

    Firebird wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:
    Firebird wrote:

    Nope, Kiev is hugely important to many Russians.
    The Mother City of the Rus. Its Russia's capital for centuries, a major centre of the orthodox church, Russian speaking and its populn have been traditionally pro Russia. Yes there has been an influx of Bandera-vermin in recent times but they can be flushed out. This wasn't a Donbass operation or a Novorossiya operation, it was about deNazifying/liberating as much of the region as possible.

    Even with 8 yrs of brainwashing, decent people can be brought to their senses.
    Federalisation will likely result in substantial population movements. The vermin will move West. And pro Russians will see safety outside of the Western areas. Russia can use the carrot and the stick.
    Chechnya got fixed and that looked like an utter lost cause.  Same thing in the 20th century.

    You are addressing sentiments, and I agree.
    But hardly see an option to take a 2.8mln city with 200k troops.
    That would be an unprecedented operation, and I find no way to proceed it with success, without turning it into rubbles.
    You can easily hide a 100k defenders there, and even a freshly recruited cannon fodder can operate an RPG.
    That would cost thousands of soldiers' lives, and tens of thousands of civilians along with them.
    What would be a gain to get a field of ruins and a few million mouths to feed?

    Well firstly Kiev is ceasing to function.  For now, Russia can keep striking undesirable areas of it with zero risk to itself.
    Sooner or later than surrounding areas will fall. Liberating more Russian troops to do whatever is required.
    The less extreme nationalist garbage will realise they are better off in Galicia, Poland, the USA or whatever.
    Bandera-land's instruments of oppression will wane.

    People can be paid to inform on Nazis/nationalists. Much like Chechnya.  Remove the civilians, district by district and flush the place with EM warfare. Or just wait til they start to run out of supplies. Modern tech - drones, cameras, robots, drones can certainly aid the process. Large cities have always fallen in times of war.
    Kiev is ultimately 5 Mariupols or so. And that has been largely fixed fairly quickly.Modern times favour the more technologically advanced player ie Russia. And plenty of nationalists of the non Nazi variety will want to cut a deal.

    Why should Kiev be fundamentally different to anywhere else? It can't be.

    Kiev is propably on the list, but first Donbass, then Zaporoshye and Dnepropetrovsk, then Nikolaev and Odessa, maybe cutting of the western border. If the dumbasses in Kiev or Lviv or where ever they are hiding don´t surender then Kiev will be back on the menu.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  par far Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:19 pm

    mr_hd wrote:So far Ukraine rose each time to challenge and basically forced Russia to change tactics and drop goals. Exit from Kyiv is huge humiliation for Russian troops.
    Also Mariupol is still able to absorb all Russian forces in the south, thus buying time for rest of Ukraine to regroup and resupply, that place was forecasted that will fell many days ago.
    And Zelenskiy turned out to be huge natural leader and is very successful in making huge damage to Russian prestige and standing on world stage, he is bassically biggest Ukrainian weapon...

    In short Russia is stuck in huge conflict in which it lost control, I personally believe that Russia will be much weaker state once this is over. For West this is great opportunity to contain Russia for next 20-40 years.

    I don't respond to trolls but here, listen to a expert.

    Make sure to watch the whole video.

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    Post  par far Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:26 pm

    mavaff wrote:Russian reporter wargonzo has found French military stuff (berets, pins, etc) in Mariupol.

    This is why Moron is calling for more sanctions.

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    Post  Broski Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:33 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Ukrainians have fought a good defensive battle
    Using Ukrainian citizens as human shields, just like ISIS does.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10 - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #10

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:54 pm

    Marines of RF and DPR advancing into Azovstal.

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