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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:00 am

    Belarus missile ruins historical building in Chernihiv.

    According to the UNIAN news agency, it was an Iskander ballistic missile system that was fired from Belarus and hit the 1939 building in central Chernihiv, a regional capital 150 kilometers north of Kyiv.

    Oh please... 1939 is not even a historic building in New Zealand... and I am surprised it wasn't a church or hospital or school.

    300 is only 157 less than 457, which was our death toll 2001-2021. Not something to be proud of, and yes i'm aware of the fact that ukr is a different beast to the Taliban.

    But how could you have possibly known... that was only about the 5th time you invaded Afghanistan...

    If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and we lose it quickly.

    Bernard Law Montgomery

    Is that why the US withdrew air support assets 3 months before the ground component pulled out?

    And you talk about stupid ops...


    You'd expect to see Russian Military but instead they are using enlarged version of DPR militia

    Where is airforce?

    Where are cruise missiles?

    Where is artillery?

    This is like watching Saudis fighting a war but at least Saudis are intelligent enough to use the missiles and airforce

    And Russian corpses keep piling up

    Funny... on the one hand 5000 Russian soldiers are dead but from other sources Russian troops are buying fizzy drinks in shops and waiting in line to pay for them.

    Almost as if one side is trying to pretend Russias forces are opposed by everyone united behind Zelensky, and the other side is showing that that is not so and lots are actually cooperating with these Russian forces.

    Wonder which is true.

    Russia does not understand the media war. Russian hackers should bring down western portals

    Rather suspect Putin is beyond caring what the west thinks... cry wolf and all that.

    It can't keep up with the losses and it's slow. Plenty of discussions there with direct sources, it will be filled with destroyed equipment soon

    It will likely have a standard of proof requirement before it starts posting up everything that is said to be lost.

    Russia was never in recent history so quickly isolated on world stage... all in all total miscalculation of risks, there are very difficult paths for Russia out from this mess.

    Cutting the cords from their end was not expected by the west... I wonder if they planned for that in all their bullshit plans to damage Russia and every country they have to damage to do so.

    If Army allows him to....

    It will be their funeral...

    Is it true that gerasimov got dismissed?


    The point is Russia was overconfident. Nuclear threats are not enough, EU is not threat to Russian territory or state for sure, so it is pointless way of thinking from 50 years ago. Hard power can not help Russia now.

    Putin tried everything in terms of talking... you didn't listen and threw everything back in his face and did what you liked.

    This is nothing to do with confidence... relations between Russia and the west are likely over.

    Reputation and prestige that Russia now lost would need years to be rebuild.

    Reputation in the west has changed from Russia evil and Putin weak... to just Russia evil... so who gives a ****... there is only one voice in the west and it comes from Washington and is repeated from Brussels and Paris and Berlin and London and really has nothing to do with what the people think, their media just repeats what comes from Washington.

    There is no future for Russia with the west and there never was... now they know.

    You mean crap like Post 600 above?

    I am afraid some disappearing posts will render references to post number a little inaccurate.

    New photos. No sign of the An-224 in them sadly so no confirmation if still OK.

    Who cares... it is not Russian and never will be...

    Hope they will get nuked instead. That's an attack on Russia and they are fueling the conflict.

    Those assholes have a real problem with Russia. Just leave NATO and go attack them if you are men. Real pussies.

    Hard to believe they still want to keep baiting the bear...

    So in the end, Ukraine will be left an independent, but union state like Belarus. Perhaps without the territories of Donbass, which may become part of Russia. This is my guess about the plans to resolve the current situation.

    I suspect the black sea front might become part of greater independent chunk and that the Lugansk and Donbass regions will remain independent... I rather expect it will be down to the locals.

    A solution to that little region blocked off by Moldova next to Romania would be nice while they are being British and French about it and drawing up new boundaries...

    100 years ago the British and French essentially created the countries and royal families of the middle east... they did a very bad job of course creating conflict ever since... they only cared about known oil reserves at the time for their kingdoms and boundary lines.

    One good possibility why the Russians aren't deploying the new stuff - send out all the green troops and old shitty Soviet surp to burn up all the Javelins and Stingers then push with the new armor once the initial wave of US supplies are exhausted

    There are no green conscripts in the VDV and Spetsnaz and recon forces.

    You are so confident that US weapon supplies are that relevant... honestly the Javelins don't work in smoky conditions and Iglas are better than Stingers ever were... and the Russians have already replaced their Iglas with Igla-S and then Verba... and now they have a new missile further improved.

    What's the weapon of choice for that role? Russia doesn't have anything like the JP233 I presume?

    They have cruise missiles that will fly down the runway at 3m altitude at 800km/h firing cratering munitions down the length of the runway.

    Although personally, I'm still against this criminal war. And I have no love for this clash of empires shit, along with whatever 'values' each one brings to other countries by force, by political technologies, by revolutions, or whatever. It's all nonsense.

    Talking was going in circles all the while civilians in the Donbass and Lugansk were getting shelled and no one gave a shit...

    The fact that they mention the Orcs getting hit and still ignore why this is happening tells me I could care less about their whining.

    Since it's more or less clear that Russia will come out victorious in this conflict (with varying degrees of competence, depending on who you are, but still victory), why is the west bothering to sink any money into this war? Hell, why did they bother delivering the Javelins and NLAWs?

    Time expired junk the military can write off and order new fresh batches for itself.
    From a political perspective... we are helping them even though it is not much help.

    Biden already said there is sanctions and there is nuclear war... likely to calm down those reporters demanding the west does more to help the Orcs.

    On EU jets to Ukraine: "Flying in #Ukraine skies within the hour."

    I am surprised Russia has not been able to establish total air superiority over much of the country.

    You are assuming they haven't?

    Some Poles posting that their AF will give half of their inventory and missiles to UA.

    Good.... how long will such things last in a modern war with 400km range SAMs?

    That a Ukrainian IL76 can fly freely in and out of the airspace is a massive indictment of this entire op

    It was allowed to leave, but it hasn't gotten back in yet.

    This entire operation seems very odd to me. In the way it's being carried out, that is. The main thing is the absence of the airforce. Are the Russians worried that Ukraine has some air defence packed away, guerilla style?

    The Russian Army is rather different from western armies which very much rely on their air power for operational protection.

    Foreign Minister Yair Lapid condemned Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, describing it as a "serious violation of world order".

    On orders of Washington as they occupy the Golan Heights of Syria and various Palestinian regions which they are stealing and building settlements on.

    Amusing a Jew complaining about Nazis being rounded up...

    Ditto. Good to see another aussie on this forum. Its a good place to be.... even if GarryB is a bloody kiwi... Laughing

    No offense intended of course Mr.B Very Happy

    I understand that for even an ex-Pom... part of acclimatising to being an Aussie is the ritual of realising your rugby team sucks and no one cares about cricket unless it is an aussie team losing... I will even support an English team if they can beat the Aussies... Twisted Evil

    Provoking an exodus of the population from western (anti-Russian) Ukraine is not another possibility? Abandon good manners and let the West bear millions of refugees and the costs. That population may be replaced by Russians or Eastern Ukrainians.

    This is not living space in the west... this is about getting rid of the minority that have led the local population up completely the wrong path and can't turn back.

    People are so totally unaware of what is going on

    I disagree, Putin doesn't want to expand Russia, he just wants neutral or friendly neighbours that don't allow HATO missiles or troops on their territory threatening Russia.

    How about explaining why the russian air force and drones aren't being used and why the russians don't use drones for recon, are not using EW, and are in tight columns.

    Can you please post information proving the Russian Air Force and Drones are not already being used?

    Those industries will be rebooted same as how Russian ones were

    Amur Shipyard was decrepit and decayed

    NPO Saturn was built from scratch

    Antonov and Zorya will undergo this process, it will take years but it will happen

    Russians went to Ukraine to reclaim their border , deal with it

    Russia does not owe them anything... they have been hard core anti Russian for quite some time... most parts of the Ukraine deserve to be left as they are... Russia will not remain and fix those freeloaders and losers.

    What is your answer to PD's and regular's observation about the lack of air support, russian light brigades just waltzing in and columns being too densely packed?

    Suggesting they are being escorted by air power and are protected to a degree... what lack of air support?

    It seems strange considering the highly successful campaign in Syria that this one is going very... Differently. I am mostly concerned about the overwhelming lack of drones and general air support. Are the Russian tacticians actually surprised by the resistance from various nationalist battalions, Banderites et al.? Admittedly they've been able to walk through a lot of territory, but I don't consider the losses worth it, if the war can/could be waged cleaner, which I believe it can. I'm not going to pretend like I understand what is going on, but I hope there is some overarching strategy to tie this together/an achievable goal.

    Where does this belief in lack of drones and lack of air support and this amazing Orc resistance come from?

    All we have heard mostly comes from Orc propaganda, and people posting on here complaining who snatch crap from anywhere and post it like it is true.

    Do you confirm or deny that Russian troops have been ambushed several times?

    I was out hunting the other day and was ambushed by a wild pig.

    I blew its face off.

    Ambushing is more than giving civilians rifles and a rocket launcher and pushing them out into the street with advice like... kill the Russian invaders.

    Putin is careful because he is in the spotlight.

    Putin probably doesn't want a blood bath... these are his neighbours and they are not going anywhere...

    The ones with swastika tats can burn of course.

    I don't care about how they performed, never did I mention US in my post. How does that relate to what I've said?

    It relates to what you said because the west is the benchmark and all this criticism of Russia not doing it fast enough is amusing because I cannot think of any case where anyone did this faster... except possibly the Soviet operations in the Far East... a much larger force...

    Why are you presenting lack of recon, drone strikes, artillery support, and large scale PGM strikes and killing civilians as a dichotomy?

    Lack of recon and drones and artillery is an unproven thesis... you have to prove it before it is worth discussing.

    I do not expect zero losses, and as we know the Russian appraisal of warfare is always very realistic (casualties will be sustained, material losses will occur), but seeing what look to be light infantry columns getting hit by ambushes is doing my head in. Admittedly VDV casualties are being overstated from what I've seen.

    Maybe stop watching propaganda channels?

    And what is happening now won't cause hatred for years to come?

    So no change. That is fine.

    Got no fucking idea how that pilot agreed to fly over Kiev alone. RIP.

    He could have ejected... is it confirmed he was killed?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  JohninMK Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:08 am

    Interesting view from the US

    CNN Ukraine War Correspondent Admits Producers Scour Social Media for Content to Broadcast
    February 27, 2022 | Sundance | 268 Comments

    CNN ‘War Correspondent’ Clarissa Ward accidentally explained why the public is confused about what the corporate media are saying about the Ukraine war with Russia, compared to what is actually visible about the Ukraine war with Russia.

    During a segment with Brian Stelter, Ms Ward explained how CNN war corresponding in Ukraine consists of talking about material provided to her by CNN production crews who sit and scour through YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and social media posts to find the input material for their stories.

    Clarissa Ward didn’t mean to expose how the propaganda of modern warfare is created, but she did.

    Ward was thanking the people in the background of CNN who search social media for their Ukraine content; however, in talking about what they do, she affirmed what we already knew was taking place.

    People wondering why there is no visible ‘fight’ in this war, now find the baseline which Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh was talking about last week. The State Department, intelligence community and political participants in the U.S. government are constructing the “war” against Vladimir Putin through the prism of social likeability as a cultural weapon.

    When the goal is to produce content that tells the “better story,” social media becomes the battlefield. War corresponding is reduced to using the corporate media platform to enhance the social media battlefield. Essentially you might call this “World War Reddit.”

    The CNN war correspondent doesn’t even need to be in Ukraine, except for the fact they need some form of geographical context to create the credibility. The actual content of Ukraine material for the broadcast can just as easily be assembled in New York, California or mom’s basement in Illinois. The social media content extracted by CNN workers, stationed anywhere, is then transmitted to the network producers who assemble the material, and a “war correspondent’ puts on a helmet and appears live on camera in Ukraine to discuss it.

    This is modern journalism, aka propaganda creation, aka narrative engineering, and why there’s a lack of actual evidence for anything being attributed to the narrative surrounding the war between Ukraine and Russia.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:12 am

    But attack drones can.. and this is the point ,that Russia is not providing proper support to their military and attack drones can detect urko troops movements and send them running away ,but also can be used to take those mobile systems hiding inside cities.

    Why do you assume they are not using drones?

    Secondly, if you launch a drone and it flys up high into the air above you... how far can it see?

    5-10km at best... and direct line of sight only.

    It wont see an S-300 battery hiding in a forest or Buk vehicles parked in farm sheds waiting to pop out and take potshots at helicopters and ground attack aircraft nearby... and it certainly wont see thousands of soldiers with Stinger gripstocks...

    Drones are useful but cannot defeat enemy air defence.

    They will have taken down major radars and Comms centres and likely HQs but most air defence units can operate independently... not as effectively as a network but still pretty effective locally.

    Cell phone calls to warn them of enemy air activity can make them more effective but also reveal their general locations.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:16 am

    So one permanent ban.

    Jinty is no more.

    Had a look through, if you find other examples of pleasure at dead VDV please PM me and I will deal with it directly.

    Those with guilty consciences feel free to delete anything you think might be incriminating... of course you can't delete messages other people have posted in their replies and some members have reposted conversations that might contain repeats too.

    Cleaning up conversations in your own posts might get you off a hook too.

    Werewolf, Regular, d_taddei2, Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, jhelb and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Maximmmm Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:21 am

    So I'm guessing another 2-3 days until total encirclement of all Ukrainian troops in the east. After that's it's cleanup.
    I wonder if we'll make any serious moves into western Ukraine, considering how far the west has raised the stakes, it seems obvious we have to.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:24 am

    here we go:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Captur47

    just an heads up, NordVPN still has an discount at this moment for a few hours left:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Captur48

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:25 am

    GarryB wrote:So one permanent ban.

    Jinty is no more.

    Had a look through, if you find other examples of pleasure at dead VDV please PM me and I will deal with it directly.

    Those with guilty consciences feel free to delete anything you think might be incriminating... of course you can't delete messages other people have posted in their replies and some members have reposted conversations that might contain repeats too.

    Cleaning up conversations in your own posts might get you off a hook too.

    Seriously Garry, Just ban all of them and block new memberships for at least 1 week. They are coming specially for trolling. I don't even look at their post like most serious members here. They are useless and destroy the thread which makes me want to leave the forum myself.

    GarryB, Firebird, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Ispan, miketheterrible, LMFS and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:25 am

    There is also mullvad VPN which doesn't keep logs. Not sure about nordvpn.

    There is also proton vpn which doesn't keep logs either

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Isos Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:32 am

    He is desperate. Propaganda doesn't make your army any better nor does it kill the enemy. He seems to have lost a looot of men.

    Mark Sleboda
    · 29m
    Zelenskiy floods convicted violent criminals into his militant forces ranks (more of them anyway) in an attempt to keep his regime afloat

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:37 am

    Isos wrote:
    GarryB wrote:So one permanent ban.

    Jinty is no more.

    Had a look through, if you find other examples of pleasure at dead VDV please PM me and I will deal with it directly.

    Those with guilty consciences feel free to delete anything you think might be incriminating... of course you can't delete messages other people have posted in their replies and some members have reposted conversations that might contain repeats too.

    Cleaning up conversations in your own posts might get you off a hook too.

    Seriously Garry, Just ban all of them and block new memberships for at least 1 week. They are coming specially for trolling. I don't even look at their post like most serious members here. They are useless and destroy the thread which makes me want to leave the forum myself.

    Please add Walle to the list. He supports the deaths of Russians and spreads fud about economics. Time to add him to the list.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  jhelb Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:38 am

    Sujoy wrote:Indian students apart from other students of colour are being physically assaulted by the Ukranian Army because they were trying to leave Ukraine.

    Instead they are being forced to fight against Russia. This is how low Ukraine can go.
    And why are Indian and other students of colour in Ukraine or Russia or Belarus to begin with? Why this unhealthy obsession of cornering resources from others?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  LMFS Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:43 am

    This is outright scorched earth policy by the buffoon and his Western curators. They know they will lose Ukraine and therefore the strategy is to create as much chaos as possible for the following Russia oriented administration by destroying infrastructure, distributing weapons and releasing criminals to form an insurgency. Once you are going to be executed for crimes against humanity, doing more shit surely does not hurt... or does it?

    Big_Gazza, kvs, miketheterrible, nomadski, Broski and Arkanghelsk like this post


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:45 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Screen10

    Serbian radio amateurs are also getting glimpses of long range comms. Only those Kharkov VDV guys in Tigrs that got captured had military grade encrypted radios, other samples we saw are military shop radios with no encryption, from various producers including Motorola.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:49 am

    Orlan wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Screen10

    Serbian radio amateurs are also getting glimpses of long range comms. Only those Kharkov VDV guys in Tigrs that got captured had military grade encrypted radios, other samples we saw are military shop radios with no encryption, from various producers including Motorola.

    Bullshit. Kharkov is now under Russian control. This has been official. They are patrolling with local police.

    Garry, we have too much fake news being spread by this guy.

    Last edited by miketheterrible on Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:52 am

    miketheterrible wrote:

    Bullshit. Kharkov is now under Russian control. This has been official.

    Garry, we have too much fake news being spread by this guy.

    I think you are confusing Kharkov and Kupyansk.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:53 am

    Orlan wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Screen10

    Serbian radio amateurs are also getting glimpses of long range comms. Only those Kharkov VDV guys in Tigrs that got captured had military grade encrypted radios, other samples we saw are military shop radios with no encryption, from various producers including Motorola.

    Im going to shoot myself one of these days......

    go read up on milllitary radio S.O.P. and first go reason to yourself if the thing you want to post, makes any reasonable sense.

    d_taddei2, kvs, miketheterrible, Hole, Broski and Arkanghelsk like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:54 am

    Orlan wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:

    Bullshit. Kharkov is now under Russian control. This has been official.

    Garry, we have too much fake news being spread by this guy.

    I think you are confusing Kharkov and Kupyansk.

    Nope. They are patrolling with police.  Airbornwolf is calling you out too. He has real experience. You have lied all this time and say "my friends gf brother in law in Russian army" which isn't evidence. Actually, you provided none besides Twitter posts. There may still be some battles but Mr. Lira pointed out how they are in the city. He is in Kharkov.

    Now that Western agencies are banning Russian info, I think it's time we start banning western disinformation.

    d_taddei2, Mir, Broski and Arkanghelsk like this post


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:59 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    Orlan wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Screen10

    Serbian radio amateurs are also getting glimpses of long range comms. Only those Kharkov VDV guys in Tigrs that got captured had military grade encrypted radios, other samples we saw are military shop radios with no encryption, from various producers including Motorola.

    Im going to shoot myself one of these days......

    go read up on milllitary radio S.O.P. and first go reason to yourself if the thing you want to post, makes any reasonable sense.

    I don't understand what you mean. I used Sagem encrypted personal radio in army it was 2 per squad but still, it's fairly expencive for our army. Company commander had encrypted Thales which we were *riding* when on drills.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:03 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:

    Nope. They are patrolling with police.  Airbornwolf is calling you out too. He has real experience. You have lied all this time and say "my friends gf brother in law in Russian army" which isn't evidence. Actually, you provided none besides Twitter posts.  There may still be some battles but Mr. Lira pointed out how they are in the city.  He is in Kharkov.

    Now that Western agencies are banning Russian info, I think it's time we start banning western disinformation.

    Actually it's my friend that is in 45th and we have no info regarding his whereabouts, his sister I met once.

    mayor of Kupyansk made deal with Russians to jointly patrol city with Police, it's city in Kharkov region.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:07 pm

    I reiterate and plead to Garry to start clamping down a bit harder on these who spread fakes on this forum. Orlan be  one of them.  Unverified info being posted as facts by him.  Very much in tune to fud spread by Ukraine.

    So hard to actually know what's happening when we are bombarded with fakes from some Serbian group or Ukrainians claiming this or that which not a single one verified.

    Big_Gazza, kvs, VARGR198, Rasisuki Nebia and Arkanghelsk like this post

    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:13 pm

    So many trolls need to be banned, idk how they're still in this forum after spreading countless lies and misinformation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:15 pm

    The talks begin in Belarus.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  billybatts91 Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:17 pm

    Isos wrote:
    GarryB wrote:So one permanent ban.

    Jinty is no more.

    Had a look through, if you find other examples of pleasure at dead VDV please PM me and I will deal with it directly.

    Those with guilty consciences feel free to delete anything you think might be incriminating... of course you can't delete messages other people have posted in their replies and some members have reposted conversations that might contain repeats too.

    Cleaning up conversations in your own posts might get you off a hook too.

    Seriously Garry, Just ban all of them and block new memberships for at least 1 week. They are coming specially for trolling. I don't even look at their post like most serious members here. They are useless and destroy the thread which makes me want to leave the forum myself.

    I second this. These people need to be banned as well - Karl Haushofer, The Ottoman, bitcointrader70, Orlan.

    Firebird, d_taddei2, VARGR198, miketheterrible, LMFS, Hole, Broski and like this post


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:21 pm

    So I am somehow trolling? Are you serious?

    Well sure, I am sorry for posting anything. Enjoy.

    Posts : 7383
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    Join date : 2016-11-06

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #3

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:26 pm

    billybatts91 wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    GarryB wrote:So one permanent ban.

    Jinty is no more.

    Had a look through, if you find other examples of pleasure at dead VDV please PM me and I will deal with it directly.

    Those with guilty consciences feel free to delete anything you think might be incriminating... of course you can't delete messages other people have posted in their replies and some members have reposted conversations that might contain repeats too.

    Cleaning up conversations in your own posts might get you off a hook too.

    Seriously Garry, Just ban all of them and block new memberships for at least 1 week. They are coming specially for trolling. I don't even look at their post like most serious members here. They are useless and destroy the thread which makes me want to leave the forum myself.

    I second this. These people need to be banned as well - Karl Haushofer, The Ottoman, bitcointrader70, Orlan.

    Besides Orlan, also Walle89 or whatever and Vann for his fud too.

    Check his latest post in Russian economic thread.

    Broski, Arkanghelsk and billybatts91 like this post

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