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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Azi Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:28 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:lol1 Razz Embarassed clown pwnd

    What they also don't realize is the name 'Russia' is derived from the 'Rus' portion of the name 'Kievan Rus.'
    They are so incredible stupid! It's f*cking unbelievable!!!

    Rus was the name of the seafarers who navigated the rivers in Russia/belarus/Ukraine. The first known city was not Kiev it was Ladoga.

    The first Rus were of germanic origin (vikings) but it's not 100 % clear because viking means only "sea warrior" and also some slaws and baltic people were known to be vikings. But what is absolutely clear is that these "vikings" from the baltic sea began to trade from 7th century with Constantinople. The small settlements (the region had always slawic settlements, but not so huge in size!) began to grew and to flourish...especially the cities near to the byzantine empire. The empire (now more or less 100 % slaw) was founded in Novgorod! Kiev was the gem of all cities, but it was not the first city and not the only city and it was not in the middle of the Rus Empire, but the Rurik dynasty later moved to Kiew. Nearly direct south of Kiev was the empire of the Pechenegs (turkic people) "borderland" is absolute correct! hahaha X-D

    But history is rewritten by the Nazis pals in western countries...USA won WW2 no one else, not the Nazis in Germany started WW2 it was the Nazis and Stalin combined, Russia is only a colonial empire, Stalin killed 60 million people just in USSR, the Rus was founded in Kiev and Rus is not Russia it's Ukraine....we are laughing X-D *hahah* but they take this shit f*cking serious! LOL

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:55 pm

    bitcointrader70 wrote:He listens to Igor strelkov who seems to think the situation is dire and the people in the kremlin don’t have a solution.  He makes some good points.

    Well you just pinpointed the problem

    Strelkov is a fucking clown who got chased out of Slavyansk by equivalent of local peasant uprising

    He tried to fashion himself as Russian version of Erik Prince but ended up becoming just another internet shitposter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  VARGR198 Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:16 am

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:20 am

    Azi wrote:

    The most important question now is...

    What are the energy prices in Russia??? Are they coupled or decoupled to world market prices. If they are decoupled they will have a huge competitive advantage. Russian chemical industry can flourish in just a few years, more than it's doing now.

    Maybe I will move to Russia soon!? pirat

    Don't know about Russia but Hungary have just upped the volume on the new fixed price, currently around 20-25% of spot until 2036.

    This will be a huge problem in the Single Market as Hungary can start to seriously undercut gas related products. Brussels must be hopping mad. Who will be next?

    They might even be backflowing into Ukraine with a Russian OK.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Singular_Transform Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:35 am

    Azi wrote:
    Em...yes and no...not 100 % exactly ;D haha!

    Only 48 % of hydrogen is produced from natural gas, other sources are oil and coal....electrolysis only 4 %. Of course hydrogen is needed that's true...but the main factor in Haber-Bosch process is energy, because creating ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen is a highly endothermic process.

    The first factories creating ammonia in Haber-Bosch process used syngas (or called towngas). Syngas is a mix of hydrogen and carbon monoxid. Syngas in the past was created from coal and oil. The chemical plants where syngas was produced were really huge and not so far away from urban areas/city centers...the syngas was used in bigger cities for lanterns because syngas burns very bright (before electricity). By the way...syngas is highly toxic (Carbon monoxide).
    The infrastructure for natural gas was built much later. During the 50ies and 60ies the natural gas pipeline web in USA was built. The piplines in europe were built beginning from 60ies to 80ies.

    Hey ;D don't laugh about NK's maybe huge but it produce for what it was built for...ammonia! North Korea has plenty of coal but natural gas and oil is not so abundant Sad they are forced to do this.

    Fun fact...I'm a chemist and I know from my company that we have in Germany problems with supply chain and with energy costs. It's not critical for us (we produce coatings for automotive industry) but other companies have really problems in Germany/EU. The price for energy is exploding and the main source for energy in chemical industry in Germany is natural gas. In Germany many aluminium smelters closed 2021, because of high energy, the same for ammonium nitrate fertilizer. I'm not sure if they just stopped the production forever or just for a short period.


    The most important question now is...

    What are the energy prices in Russia??? Are they coupled or decoupled to world market prices. If they are decoupled they will have a huge competitive advantage. Russian chemical industry can flourish in just a few years, more than it's doing now.

    Maybe I will move to Russia soon!? pirat

    In the UK the natgas cost 100 times more than in Russia.

    The NH3 combustion has around 22MJ/kg ( N2 and H2O result), so the production could cost this much with 100% efficiency.

    CH4 combustion 55MJ/kg, so without kowing too much about the reaction kinematics and the efficiency 1kg CH4 would be anought for 1kg CH4, considering the energy of carbon combustion is appox 40% of the energy of all bond.

    If we replace the CH4 with coal then the required mass increase at least twofold, but most likelly threefold.

    5 years ago I spend lot of time to calculate the parameters of the Anjou plants.

    Anyway, without NH3 the per area yield of the farmland drop by 75%.

    The second best feedstock of the Haber is the liquid CH, prior of coal conversion the NK plant used that.On the last sat pic the dismantled petrol plant visible, dwarfed by the coal gassification plant.

    It is extremly important, without cheap NH3 there would be famine everywhere on the earth.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  George1 Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:39 am

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Krepost Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:26 am

    Belarus TV has shown the Ukrainian UAV that was brought down over Belarus territory.

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:02 am

    Azi wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:lol1 Razz Embarassed clown pwnd

    What they also don't realize is the name 'Russia' is derived from the 'Rus' portion of the name 'Kievan Rus.'
    They are so incredible stupid! It's f*cking unbelievable!!!

    Rus was the name of the seafarers who navigated the rivers in Russia/belarus/Ukraine. The first known city was not Kiev it was Ladoga.

    The first Rus were of germanic origin (vikings) but it's not 100 % clear because viking means only "sea warrior" and also some slaws and baltic people were known to be vikings. But what is absolutely clear is that these "vikings" from the baltic sea began to trade from 7th century with Constantinople. The small settlements (the region had always slawic settlements, but not so huge in size!) began to grew and to flourish...especially the cities near to the byzantine empire. The empire (now more or less 100 % slaw) was founded in Novgorod! Kiev was the gem of all cities, but it was not the first city and not the only city and it was not in the middle of the Rus Empire, but the Rurik dynasty later moved to Kiew. Nearly direct south of Kiev was the empire of the Pechenegs (turkic people) "borderland" is absolute correct! hahaha X-D

    But history is rewritten by the Nazis pals in western countries...USA won WW2 no one else, not the Nazis in Germany started WW2 it was the Nazis and Stalin combined, Russia is only a colonial empire, Stalin killed 60 million people just in USSR, the Rus was founded in Kiev and Rus is not Russia it's Ukraine....we are laughing X-D *hahah* but they take this shit f*cking serious! LOL

    You appear to be a supporter of the Normanist Theory.

    Byzantine sources mention the Hros or Ros as a tribe living on the Sea of Azov already during the 6th century, if not earlier, and they were ruled by a khagan, while ancient Rosomoni and Roxolani are mentioned even earlier.

    Also, Byzantine sources also mention the Rus and the Varangians as separate tribes.

    By comparison the Viking Age did not start until 789 A.D.

    And Stalin did not kill "60 million people." This is an impossibly huge number.


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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:22 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:lol1 Razz Embarassed clown pwnd

    What they also don't realize is the name 'Russia' is derived from the 'Rus' portion of the name 'Kievan Rus.'

    The whole "Ukrainian" history is stolen from Russia. Okraina written as Ukraina (which does not have any other meaning since
    "krai" is land in Slavic and "U" can mean "beside" or "in possession of" [for example: "u nego machina" = "he has a car"]; it is very likely
    that "u" and "o" as prefixes morphed over the last 1000 years) is not any sort of name for a country. Look at all the other ones in Europe
    (England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Deutschland, Hungary, Denmark, etc.) none of them has a similarity to the Okraina name. Malorossiya
    (like Novorossiya and Belorossiya) makes more sense as a historical name for "Ukraine". These are all fragments of Russia which grew out of
    the Kievan Rus.

    The country called Ukraine is not a cohesive construct. Its western part which has seen centuries of occupation by Poland-Lithuania
    and Austro-Hungary has developed an identity. Its south-eastern and even central part has no identity as "Ukraine". It is as flimsy
    as Belorus (Belorossiya) and only exists because of the Bolsheviks. No country can exist if we apply the same partition based on regional
    differences. Different parts of England (not UK) need to be cleaved off because they have distinct dialects (at least in how they speak
    if not the grammar) and have distinctive history (e.g. Wars of the Roses). The US should be partitioned into Appalachia, the South, the
    North and the West. Canada should be partitioned into the Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec, the Prairies, the west coast, and the North.
    So on, ad nauseam.

    This is why Crimea went back to Russia. It has no reason to exist as part of Ukraine or as an independent state.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:48 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:He listens to Igor strelkov who seems to think the situation is dire and the people in the kremlin don’t have a solution.  He makes some good points.

    Well you just pinpointed the problem

    Strelkov is a fucking clown who got chased out of Slavyansk by equivalent of local peasant uprising

    He tried to fashion himself as Russian version of Erik Prince but ended up becoming just another internet shitposter

    To be fair , those dumbasses who tried to raid venezuela pulled the same shtick

    I dont think you could call it bay of pigs 2, more like the expendables

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:19 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Where's a horse to kick this 'nutter' in the nuts again?

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 CreepyWeightyBurro-size_restricted

    ...You've seen everything folks, a 'jackass' riding (and getting kicked off) a horse...welcome to the circus! Check out the HATO clown car next!  clown  clown  clown

    Turdogan at a meeting with Zelensky: Turkey supports Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea

    This pompous bloviating hypocritical cock-sucker is the last person we need to hear talking about sovereignty over disputed territory! Rolling Eyes clown

    He says this every second week. Broken record.

    He is trying to always find some cheap shit source for influence but it eventually backfires. His economy is tanking hard and he is scared.

    After the fiasco in Kazakhstan, the Russians and Chinese are pissed at him and not giving him money. So now he has to crawl back to the West who still hates him.

    So his option is Ukraine. The poorest country in Europe.

    Congrats Erdogan, real Master of foreign affairs.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  ATLASCUB Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:28 am

    No amount of belittling personal attacks on users here, on foreign leaders, no amount of regurgitation of propaganda, false premise talking points can change the fact that NATO still has an open-door policy, despite the Kremlin begging and making idle "coded" threats aka mostly bluff. Options to deal with it are as limited as they were yesterday. A change in attitude is just that, an attitude change.

    ...Doesn't change the fact that Ukraine has been groomed and continues to be groomed as an anti-Russian weapon by practically all of Europe and the U.S. The state has not collapsed, the crystal ball has not provided the expected results, despite best wishes.

    ...Doesn't change the fact that thousand of ethnic Russians have died and continue to die as a result of a frozen conflict, with Russia as an spectator, muzzled by their own leadership ineptness. Or the fact that Russian historical allies are under attack and impoverished, with Russia having little ability to provide not only a solid defense of their interests but also an orbit of prosperity (relative to the competition).

    .....Doesn't change the fact that Russia's geographic and global geopolitical reach has been shrunk to historical lows - a tragedy for Russian ethnic people's.

    ....Doesn't change the fact that the CSTO, Eurasian Economic Union and Union State projects have been successfully contained from spreading West, with no room for expanding South nor East. Thus limiting its potential, on top of the already limiting factor that is Russian/Central Asian stans demographics.

    Doesn't change the fact that Russia's enemies have the initiative on when and where, to their linking, decide how to break off from Russia to cause maximum pain and further containment. The question for them is not whether they should pursue the policy, their debate is on the minor details... on how to accommodate every body to soften any blow back so as to leave everyone as "happy" with the outcome as possible. Since it's a big tent, it becomes a rather slow deliberation and coordination process, with bickering among those who stand to gain the most, and those who stand to lose the most.

    Doesn't change the fact that Putin/Russia has to become a "junior" partner to China, sing the praises to Xi to avoid complete isolation, should a break up occur and merely serve as a resource exporting landmass for the Chinese "miracle" (in effect already is), despite the opposite being the case during Soviet times. The Chinese more than happy to welcome it knowing full well their shtick of "laying low" with the West is up. It's an objective assessment, despite the fervor and emotional responses such language can create - the ulterior motive of which to drive both apart by going after ego and mistrust.

    Very little agency left for the bright Kremlin men. Given the circumstances and the disparity in cards on deck, mistakes are the more so glaring to their position - specially when operating out of fear, and practicing appeasement masked in a thin veil of "strategic patience".

    Ukraine will continue to be a flashpoint, whether the Kremlin and the blind sheep like it or not. There is only one true solution - and that solution comes not only with a costly price tag of military expenditures and human blood but also accelerates the break up with the West massively - that being the biggest deterrent for action. Ignoring Ukraine altogether, admitting complete geopolitical defeat is impossible and doesn't contain itself to a human made border, even if decided upon (you simply can't ignore geopolitical enemies - look where that got you - having to mobilize on your own borders..circa 1991 ver. with no buffer to speak off for good measure - as if 1944 was all for nothing).

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  TMA1 Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:19 am

    It is not that simple. More and more I am getting the feeling that Russia preempted this whole thing. Now with erdogan being so open I think it's clear he did have a hand in Kazakhstan with his bizarre dreams of a pan turkish empire. His nuts were shoved into his throat by the ruskies and now Kazakhstan is more clearly within the Russian sphere of influence. I think this was all planned for right before the Olympics as others here alluded to, connecting the dots of events staged during earlier Olympic games.

    I think Russia preempted the plans hatched by the west and put the west on the defense. Forcing them to try and craft their narratives on the fly. The west is more powerful than Russia, but Russias leaders are learning more and more to play their game. Russia is indeed in a tight spot, but not to the extent you claim. They would not have been so public in their demands for Ukraine and preempted the machinations of the west if they were as weak as you think they are.

    Also I think they very well can do what they are doing to Ukraine. It is not ignoring the enemy. It is putting your enemy into positions where they have to imbalance themselves in order to make further moves. Now this is very dangerous, and as I said Russia is in a very dangerous position, but Russians as a rule do better in these circumstances. There is a reason why saints and philosophers, from Sister Lucia to Spengler, saw Russia as the next great pivot of civilization.

    Edit: added extra thought

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Singular_Transform Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:49 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:No amount of belittling personal attacks on users here, on foreign leaders, no amount of regurgitation of propaganda, false premise talking points can change the fact that NATO still has an open-door policy, despite the Kremlin begging and making idle "coded" threats aka mostly bluff. Options to deal with it are as limited as they were yesterday. A change in attitude is just that, an attitude change.


    Ukraine will continue to be a flashpoint, whether the Kremlin and the blind sheep like it or not. There is only one true solution - and that solution comes not only with a costly price tag of military expenditures and human blood but also accelerates the break up with the West massively - that being the biggest deterrent for action. Ignoring Ukraine altogether, admitting complete geopolitical defeat is impossible and doesn't contain itself to a human made border, even if decided upon (you simply can't ignore geopolitical enemies - look where that got you - having to mobilize on your own borders..circa 1991 ver. with no buffer to speak off for good measure - as if 1944 was all for nothing).

    the lowest point of Russia was in 2008, and it started to turn around in 2014.

    In 2013 the USA navy started to plan its base at the black sea.

    Since 2014 Russia successfully replaced Ukraine in nearly every aspect, at the same time the MIC capability increased by magnitude in quantitative and qualitative terms.

    I never imagined that the Kazan will be accepted for service, or they will be capable to make nuclear icebreakers after the shamefull handling of the floating nuclear plant.

    And finally, if they are cornedred - then what they could loose ?

    If they attack Ukraine, then why stop there ?

    If attacking Ukraine means separation from west, then just throw tactical nukes onto every USA base outside france/uk, and agree with them on a new free trade zone.

    Its worked like charm for the USA as well, nothing makes better friend than few nuke onto the biggest cities of your future mate.

    And finally, Russia wants Europe and central asia,, China wants far east and the countries around the chinese sea and pacific, these interest not collide, means there is no junior and senior partner, but rather than a team in common interest, seeking they own cut from the earning.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:04 pm

    ...Doesn't change the fact that Ukraine has been groomed and continues to be groomed as an anti-Russian weapon by practically all of Europe and the U.S. The state has not collapsed, the crystal ball has not provided the expected results, despite best wishes.

    The west has certainly groomed the Ukraine but she is no underage beauty that epstein and his best buddy Bill Clinton would want to take away to an exclusive island... her virtue is lost along with most of her internal organs which have already been harvested...

    There is absolutely no attraction there for Russia, yet the west continues to waive it around like it will blind Russia into attacking it to get it back within the fold.

    Honestly Kazakhstan would be more of a prize and they didn't take that opportunity either.

    Just accept it... Russia isn't the monster the US is... the US would have invaded all of Russias neighbours and set up puppet states if they were in Russias position.

    When the west attacks Russia for being Russia, like the German RT company that was blocked in Germany, the previous normal was for Russia to do the same, but every time they did the west gets all indignant... the Russian company was banned for being Russian so it was obviously justified... Russia can't ban our equivalent... the real irony is that often they accuse the Russian party for being naughty when it is the western equivalent in Russia that is actually doing the interfering... so when Russia kicks them out it is actually doing a very good thing for Russia.

    And the west complains that they are the victim all the while losing influence and access to Russia and making their situation worse.

    Recently western officials have commented that Russia can't turn its back on the west because for real progress Russia needs western help.... and that is a reality the west is going to have to learn to face... Russia does not actually need them and would be better off without them.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:28 pm

    I have said this before but....

    Russia is just waiting for Ukraine to go full retard in Eastern Ukraine before they will act. They will act accordingly. While some here think it's weakness, and sometimes I do too, but in reality, it is smart. This was evident in recent UN security council meeting. Doesn't matter how many mercs and weapons are in Ukraine, these types will just get vaporized by Russia without even having to enter Ukraine. They are just waiting. And using these buildup as excuse to do their own buildup and provide weapons to DNR/LNR.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #31 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #31

    Post  Isos Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:55 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:I have said this before but....

    Russia is just waiting for Ukraine to go full retard in Eastern Ukraine before they will act. They will act accordingly. While some here think it's weakness, and sometimes I do too, but in reality, it is smart. This was evident in recent UN security council meeting.  Doesn't matter how many mercs and weapons are in Ukraine, these types will just get vaporized by Russia without even having to enter Ukraine.  They are just waiting. And using these buildup as excuse to do their own buildup and provide weapons to DNR/LNR.

    But they are not as stupid as you think. Thry know if russia attacks them they will loose in 2 days. So they will never attack Donbas.

    Russia can't keep its forces around ukraine indefinitly. They moved to many things weakening the other borders.

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    Post  Isos Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:35 pm

    I see it like a win-win agreement rather than an alliance.

    Tommy Lund

    Tommy Lund

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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:24 pm

    Isos wrote:

    Russia can't keep its forces around ukraine indefinitly. They moved to many things weakening the other borders.

    There are no extra forces deployments on Ukraine's borders on the Russian side.   That is pure propaganda BS.

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    Post  Isos Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:27 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Isos wrote:

    Russia can't keep its forces around ukraine indefinitly. They moved to many things weakening the other borders.

    There are no extra forces deployments on Ukraine's borders on the Russian side.   That is pure propaganda BS.

    That was followed and plenty of pictures and video show their troop mouvement there. That's not really secret. They have moved tons of mterials and now will move soldiers to man them.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:43 pm

    Isos wrote:
    But they are not as stupid as you think. Thry know if russia attacks them they will loose in 2 days. So they will never attack Donbas.

    Russia can't keep its forces around ukraine indefinitly. They moved to many things weakening the other borders.

    Russia can because most of them are where they are normally stationed and in barracks.

    Its the Ukrainians that have the problem, keeping 120,000, many out in the open, warm and fed and motivated in the middle of winter. With a no doubt corrupt logistics system.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:48 pm

    Most of the Russian eastern military district is in Belarus

    The southern combined arms armies are at garrison

    The navy in underway in multiple regions

    Allied resolve 22 is about belarus defense and counter attacking Poland and Baltics

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    Post  owais.usmani Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:45 pm

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:47 pm

    One reason why the stunning story on in 2014/5 will not be repeated if it blows.

    Pepe Escobar
    All information platforms from the Luhansk People's Republic were banned by YouTube.

    Same with the channels by the Ministry of Information and the People's Militia of Donetsk.

    This is called "freedom of the press".

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:37 pm

    Isos wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:I have said this before but....

    Russia is just waiting for Ukraine to go full retard in Eastern Ukraine before they will act. They will act accordingly. While some here think it's weakness, and sometimes I do too, but in reality, it is smart. This was evident in recent UN security council meeting.  Doesn't matter how many mercs and weapons are in Ukraine, these types will just get vaporized by Russia without even having to enter Ukraine.  They are just waiting. And using these buildup as excuse to do their own buildup and provide weapons to DNR/LNR.

    But they are not as stupid as you think. Thry know if russia attacks them they will loose in 2 days. So they will never attack Donbas.

    Russia can't keep its forces around ukraine indefinitly. They moved to many things weakening the other borders.

    Of course they can. The western military district can move plenty of troops around indefinitely.  Always part of the training budget, like Syria.

    They didn't weaken any of their borders. National guards job is to also do border security and they have more manpower.

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