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    Kh-95 long range strategic missile


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    Kh-95 long range strategic missile - Page 2 Empty Re: Kh-95 long range strategic missile

    Post  PhSt Tue Nov 12, 2024 11:11 pm

    Looks like theres been no new updates about this new missile Question

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    Kh-95 long range strategic missile - Page 2 Empty Re: Kh-95 long range strategic missile

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:41 am

    I suspect there wont be updates till the Americans need a scare or the EU needs a scare...

    Thinking about it a bit more rather than flying most of the way subsonic and then climbing and accelerating to high speed when it is lighter it would probably be rather more efficient to accelerate and climb to high speed and high altitude as soon as possible.

    A conventional fighter aircraft will often use full AB to get off the ground and to accelerate to speed and to climb because flying slow burns more fuel because you fly for much longer at lower alttitudes that using extra fuel to accelerate to speed and altitude where you can throttle back and coast at high speed in the thinner higher altitudes.

    If you think of it in terms of a car keeping the revs very low and staying in first gear means travelling very slowly. I comparison using the accelerator pedal and the gears and accelerating up to motorway speed and then idling along in top gear on a flat level motorway is vastly more fuel efficient than keeping your revs low and no using your gears.

    In this analogy using your gears would equate to climbing to thinner air where you can fly faster than if you remain at sea level.

    This new missile is air launched and if it is a scramjet powered missile then the scramjet tube can be filled with a small ejectable solid rocket motor to accelerate the missile away from the launch aircraft... the air intake would then pop off and the remains of the solid rocket motor ejected allowing airflow through the ramjet engine which can be started and run up at a high throttle setting to accelerate and climb the missile. As it gets faster its thrust will become more powerful and as it climbs its speed will increase too. I suspect the missile might be a two stage weapon like GZUR II perhaps with the front section being a large fuel tank feeding fuel back to the missile in the rear which uses the fuel from the front fuel tank first. When the fuel tank is empty it can be ejected and the missile can then accelerate and climb faster because of the reduction in weight and increase in power to weight ratio.

    Having the fuel in front will help prevent the missile at the rear from over heating and also help heat up the fuel before it is used in the rear in the missiles engine.

    The easy way to make a missile longer ranged is to make it longer and just fill it with more fuel. Doubling the fuel load should massively increase flight range if used sensibly using the throttle to avoid wasting fuel. The missile will have a top speed possible at any altitude so having full throttle at low altitude would waste fuel. As you climb your top speed increases and your scramjet engine becomes more efficient and the faster the airflow the higher your thrust potential.

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:18 am